It went on an on. The torture. For that's what it was, meaningless, sadistic torture of a handsome young high school student by boys who should have been his friend. And all controlled by the most powerful boy in town. Isn't it amazing what horrors money can create. It can buy private armies who actions don't conform to any intrnational laws. It can buy paroles for the most ruthless criminals. It can buy votes, judges, juries and so-called justice.
Paul Marshall, totally naked now, his tiny green thong lot somewhere in the crowd, rolled over in agony as yet another obscene object was thrown down next to his trembling body. It was a very long zucchini from the kitchen.
"Pull that candle out of your ass and try shoving this zucchini up it. That should be fun," Matt Henshaw slurred, slogging down more beer and fingering the pussy of the girl he now had with him. He had the bottom of her skirt tucked right up into her waistband so her shaved cunt could be seen by any and everyone. She didn't dare protest.
If you listened closely you could hear the sound of three of Matt's fingers squishing in and out of her bald twat. She made little moaning sounds, half pain, half pleasure, but she never told him to stop. You never told Matt Henshaw to stop. Most of the jocks had girls hanging on them now even as they watched Paul perform for them. Some of the kids at the party had finished their first round of fucking and were out swimming in Matt's gorgeous pool. Others were smoking pot, scarfing munchies, or just resting from their fucking. But poor Paul Marshall had gotten no reprieve from the humiliation and the horror. He had been forming a kind of plan in his head. Nothing much really, just something to keep him sane through his ordeal. He thought that maybe if he took the scandal to the media, informed them of what had been done to him, he might raise enough stink to protect his family from the wrath of Matt and his father. He might be able to bring down the most influential man in the state. Then again, he might only bring huge embarrassment upon himself and his family might still be ruined. He slid the large red candle out of his asshole. He hole gaped open. It had been so stretched that it seemed like it would never close again. The guys found this strangley hot as well as amusing.
"Christ, Matt, look at his hole now!"
Matt smiled. "Yes, it's coming along nicely. See how that zucchini fits, Paul. And Paul, don't forget to clean the candle for us."
Clean the candle meant that Paul had to suck his own ass juces off of it. These boys were that sick, that twisted.
There Paul lay on the living room carpet, sucking on an ass slimed candle and shoving a zucchini up his own asshole while being cheered on by a bunch of high school kids of both sexes.
"Lift you leg higher, buddy, so those girls over there can see." Matt instructed. "What do you think of Paul's dick and balls, girls?"
"Well his cock looks all small and shriveled right now, so it's hard to tell."
"That's cause our boy is in a bit of discomfort right now. But all in all he craves anal stimulation more than dick stimulation. In fact if you ever wanted him to fuck you, you might have to shove something up his ass first."
The kids roared with laughter. One of the more popular jocks came jogging in from the kitchen holding a rolling pin. A big old fashioned wooden rolling pin.
"What about this, Matt? Think this will fit up his cunt?"
"Well, let's see. Paul, good as it must feel, slide that zucchini out of your pussy and see if you can get this rolling pin up there!"
"I can't! I can't, do you hear me? I'll rip myself apart. I just can't do any more. My hole is raw. You've had our fun. You've ruined me, now stop it and let me go home."
"We realize you've had a hard day Paul, and your ride is coming to pick you up."
"My ride?" Paul was panting as he pulled the zucchini from his asshole. It wasn't as think as the candle but twice as long. He felt as if his intestines were torn. His bowels throbbed with pain.
"Yeah, we didn't think it was a good idea for you to go home by yourself in this condition. Just put the end of the rolling pin handle to your asshole and see how far you can get it up your cunt."
Paul blinked the sweat and tears from his eyes and tried to focus on the wooden monster lying beside him.
"It's too fucking big."
Matt pulled his fingers out of his girl's cunt with a slurping sound and wagged them in Paul's direction. "Not if you put some effort in it. Why do you think your family is poor white trash scum and mine is the wealthiest in five states? Because we put effort into everything we do. I never do anything half assed. Even when I fuck a girl, I fuck her so she never ever forgets it, right Bitch?"
"Right, Matt," the young girl next to him said, "You dick is so awesome."
"Now you may not think you can get that rolling pin up your hole, but I know you can. Look at all the things you've taken up your cunt today. And when you arrived this morning, you didn't think you could handle any of them. You have alot more talent and ability than you realize, Paul. It just takes someone like me to encourage you. Now shove the fucking rolling pin up your useless hole!"
And so Paul started.
"Ahhhhhhh, oh, oh oh...Oh Godl Oh God! JESUES, IT HURTS. I CAN'T. I'M TRYING BUT I CAN'T."
"Sure you can. Just ignore the pain. Do this for me, Paul. Do this for your good buddy Matt. Ignore the pain and shove it up there. We want to see at least half that rolling pin up your slutty cunthole."
It took Paul ten painful minutes, but eventually he lay there on the floor, teenage legs raised in the air, toes curled with agony, withe half a wooden rolling pin hanging out of his tortured asshole and the other half embedded somewhere in his guts. His ass ring was stretched large enough to deliver a small child. Spit ran from his mouth and snot from his nose. His eyes rolled wildly. His breathing was labored, but he had done it.
"How about a round of applause for Paul. I knew he could do it. See, my friend, isn't it amazing what a kid can accomplish with the right motivation?" Matt tapped the end of the rolling pin with the tip of his shoe, sending waves of pain through Paul's tortured young body.
One of the guys came up to Matt and whispered, "His ride's here."
"Oh Paul, guess what? Your ride is here, and I'll bet you want to go home, right?"
"Puh-lease....please.....please...please..." Paul whimpered like a demented child.
"Tell you what. Go take a nice hot shower to clean up and relax. I'll entertain your ride, meantime. Then come down to my father's study, you know where that is, and I'll give you your clothes."
Paul groaned and tried to lift his leg higher so he could slide the rolling pin out of his asshole.
"Ah, no, Paul. I want you to go upstairs to shower with the rolling pin in your ass, so all the kids at the party can see the fine work you have done here tonight."
"Ahhhhhh, I can't. I can't walk this way. It hurts too much, Matt."
"Well then, CRAWL."
Paul crawled on his hands and knees naked through the houseful of kids. He crawled with a huge wooden rolling pin sticking out of his ass. He knew inside he would never recover from this night. Things would never be the same again. He would never be able to hold his head up at school. His future was ruined. He crawled painfully up the stairs while twenty laughing kids cheered him on.
He sat in the tub, unable to stand and slowly withdrew the wooden implement from his tortured asshole, while hot water sprayed down upon him. The shower felt so good, he didn't ever want to leave. But as his mind cleared, he began to wonder who had come to take him home. Surly they hadn't called his mother or father. Some other friend from school perhaps who hadn't been invited to the party? Josh Callan, maybe. Josh was a geek and never got invited anywhere.
Every bone in his body screamed as he stood up and soaped his body and hair. It felt so good. Like he was washing away the dirt and horror of the day. Even his dick filled out and hung at it's nice full usual flaccid length. Hs breathing calmed. Once, he was interrupted by four girls who came into the bathroom to watch him shower. They wanted a closer look at his shaved pubes and balls. They made him turn and show them his dick and nuts. One of the girls hefted his sack.
"Too bad he's a faggot," she said. "He would make a damned good fuck." they all laughed. Then each girl took a turn holding his prick and sack for a bit. They made him turn around and spread his cheeks to show them his wide open raped hold. But eventually, they grew tired of their game and retired to the party. Paul breathed a sigh of relief and once again hid behind the veil of the spray of hot water. He used the heat and the wet to escape from his pain. He stepped from the shower and dried himself off. Then he gargled to get the taste of cock out of his mouth. How could they have done that to him. Why did they all think he was a faggot?
He wrapped the towel around his waist and once again went out into the world of the party. A couple were fucking on the floor of the upstairs landing. They never even looked up at him. He glanced into the master bedroom and saw two naked high school boys double fucking what looked to be a very young girl. He felt sick to his stomach. He now realized that these girls were more victims of boys' lust than sluts on their own. Just as he was a victim. He had been abused and fucked just like a girl. He had been used like a girl. On weak legs he made his way down the staircase. The party had broken off into segments. Most of the kids were not outside, playing sex games at the pool. They were making the girls at the party parade like a beauty contest, but totally naked. The guys were acting as judges, voting on which girl had the nicest cunt. Some other kids were watching some porno film in the den. As Paul passed, he saw it was some kind of kiddie porn, young children having sex with each other. The teens watching laughed wildly and commented on the innocent fumbling of the children.
"You know you were sucking your dad's dick at that age..." One jock said to his girl, feeling her naked tits.
"Don't be so dirty, Marty," she giggled back.
"Yeah, she didn't start sucking him until she was ten..." another boy quipped.
Paul moved on.
He reached the door to Mr. Henshaw's study unmolested which was a relief. But just as he was about to open it, one of the big muscular bruiser jocks from his school put a hand on his shoulder.
"I don't think Matt would be too happy if you went in wearing a towel, do you? He didn't say nothing about a towel."
Paul sighed and dropped the towel to the floor. The jock slapped the boy's naked ass, and Paul entered the study. The plush room was lit mostly by lamps, and at first Paul had trouble identifying anyone. Matt was seated in a plush leather armchair near the big polished desk. Three other of Matt's best friends hovered nearby, almost like body guards. And in the middle of the room stood...!
Paul screamed inside, but what came out was a pathetic little wheeze of air. His hands flew down to cover his privates. For there standing in the middle of the room was Maria, the new bride of Paul's brother. Her hands went to her mouth as she stared wide eyed at the naked boy for a moment, and then she turned her head away.
"Jeez Paul, it's one thing to trot around the party buck ass naked while you are giving blow jobs to the jocks, but you should have put on some duds before seeing your brand new sister-in-law." The guys in the room laughed heartily.
Paul stood there, trying to cover his fat balls and thick dick with his hands.
"How could you do this? How could you?"
Matt made a pout. " I was just explaining to your lovely sister-in-law here that you were a cocksucking faggot queer and often entertained us guys by sucking our dicks. I thought she might want to tell your brother and your parents."
"Paul, how could you..." Maria sobbed, still turned away, averting her eyes.
"It's a lie, Maria. I swear to God. Matt blackmailed me into doing this stuff. He said he would ruin our family, he would cause Dad and Steve to lose their jobs. He would take back our house and destroy us, if I didn't do all this stuff. I swear to God I am not a queer!"
She turned to glance into his eyes. She saw truth there amid the pain and agony. Then her eyes drifted down his naked body to where she could see part of his fat dick and full scrotum hanging out from behind his hands.
She quickly turned away again.
"Okay, Paul, we'll see if you are a faggot or not. We'll give you a chance to redeem yourself. It's true, Maria, that I could destroy your brand new marriage and your future and the future of Paul's family with one telephone call. You would all lose everything. And I could probably even arrange it so your new hubby Steve would go to prison for stealing company funds."
Maria shot an icy glance at the boy seated in the leather chair.
"He would never do something like that."
"Ha, of course he wouldn't. He's as noble as Paul here. Brothers in every way. But I could fix it so it looked like he did. I could alter a few things, and your new husband would be off to prison and you would be without his big beautiful dick for several years at least. By the time that gorgeous hunk got out, he would be on the wrong end of an ass bandit."
Maria got tears in her eyes. "You monster!" she screamed.
"Thank you," he responded. but our purpose at the moment is to try to let Paul prove that he is not a cocksucking faggot. My recently well sucked dick says he is. He swears he is not. Very well, Paul, I will call it quits. I will end this game and let you and your family alone, if you prove to me that you are not a fucking queer."
Paul's eyes grew wide. This was his chance. "How do I prove that to you?" he asked.
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