The gasps were not only audible, but they turned into shouts of glee and guffaws as Paul moved through the living room filled with kids from his own high school. Well, the laughter came mostly from the guys, the squeals, giggles and titters came from the girls. Some girls who had been Paul's friend whispered to him that he should be ashamed of himself. Some turned away red faces with embarrassment because they had actually dated him. But most of the guys thought it was hysterically funny. You see, Paul was wearing nothing except a see through black mesh jock strap. His thick dick and heavy balls were on full display through the black mesh material. Imagine being a high school boy and being seen this way by thirty or more kids from your own school. How could he ever hold his head up again? How could he go on after this terrible humiliation? His naked ass globes rose and fell as he walked through the room carrying a tray of mini-wieners.
"What is wrong with you, Paul?" One girl who was a rather good friend of his hissed. "You are destroying your reputation in our school forever." He couldn't tell her that Matt Henshaw was making him do this terrible thing.
"Paul here needed a little extra cash and asked me if he could help out at the party tonight. So just send him for drinks or snacks or whatever you want." matt laughed.
"How about a blow job?" came a male voice from the rear of the gang of kids, and the laughter rolled over the room. A tear ran down Paul's cute face. His pecs rose and fell with labored breathing. His nipples got hard from embarrassment. Sweat trickled down from his pits.
Matt raised one hand to silence the laughter for a moment. "Paul will do whatever any of you guys want. No matter what it is."
"I love his uniform." Said one of the hunky jocks.
A dumb blond girl who was having her tits mauled by her boyfriend pointed and said in a high harsh voice, "Look he hasn't got any hair on his dick!"
Paul didn't know which way to turn. He was crying pretty hard now and that made the kids laugh harder. As he passed through the room, guys began to pinch his ass cheeks. It started as a joke and a little pinch one dude did, but escalated into serious ass flesh pinching, and soon his ass cheeks were spotted with red marks. Then some guy got the idea to pinch his nipples and soon they were swollen and sore too.
Kids at the party after a while forgot mostly about Paul, but every once in a while, someone would pinch him or slap his ass, or trip him and a whole new wave of taunting would break out. Paul prayed the night would pass quickly. Those kids he knew well as friends, either turned away or glared at him, as if his predicament had somehow marked them too. At times his hands shook so much the tray rattled.
After a bit, Matt came up and slapped Paul on the back. "I just want to say you are doing a great job buddy. See, I told you it wouldn't be so bad. I hope you are finding time to enjoy the party. You are sure providing lots of good entertainment." I've got an idea though. I think it's time to change your uniform. Bring something fresh to the celebration. Follow me."
Chewing his lower lip in fear, Paul followed Matt upstairs to his bedroom.
"I picked this up just for you. I saw it and said, 'Matt Henshaw, that is Paul Marshall.' So I bought it. I hope you like it."
There wasn't much to it. It was a strap more like a wide string that went around the waist. No leg or ass straps at all. Attached to the waist strap was a small pouch of some elastic material. The whole thing was a shocking pink in color.
"I don't even know how to put it on." Paul stammered.
"It's easy. Your dick and balls go in the little pouch. Don't worry it stretches kind of like a balloon. It's held on by the waist string and the pouch gripping your nuts.
"Please please Matt. Haven't you had enough fun at my expense. How can I ever face anyone at school. By Monday any kid at school who wasn't at the party will know what I did. Please, haven't you hurt me enough? "
Matt smiled. "No." he said simply and held out the obscene costume.
The pouch fit over Paul's dick and sack like balloon skin. Every single ridge of his dick, every winkle of his balls was clearly visible through the very thin tight elastic material. It was even more obscene than the black mesh because the shape of the boy's dick and balls was right there in the open. It just hung there and wobbled when he moved. And he had nothing at all in back, just his naked ass.
"That looks really nice on you. It shows how nice and big your dick is. Well, actually it makes it look kind of small cause it hugs it so much, but it allows everyone to see your nice shaved look. The chicks are going to be really turned on." Matt laughed and slapped Paul on the ass.
"Oh yeah. While you serve the next round of snacks, I want you to keep this in your mouth and suck on it. " It was a big pink dildo! It was a lifelike representation of a huge male dick, veins and all!"
Matt leaned in smiling. "Open wide, it's kind of thick, just like mine." He shoved the huge rubber dick in Paul's mouth.
"Fuck that looks cute. I may just have to take you to school this way to show the other kids." Matt turned to the door. "Well, come on, what are you waiting for?"
Totally bare assed naked except for the ridiculous pink cock sheath, on large bare feet, his ass globes moving up and down with each step, Paul descended the stairs to be greeted with whoops of laughter and cheers
"What a fucking faggot!" one of the jocks yelled, raising the beer bottle in his hand. The other boys busted a gut laughing.
On and on it went, Paul the butt of everyone's jokes. He wanted to die. The night moves slowly, and only the lust in the bursting pants of the boys caused them to cease teasing Paul and begin to pay attention to the girls at the party. It is strange the interest straight boys have in the sexual embarrassment and humiliation of other boys. You can see it in the rough housing that goes on in locker rooms and on the playing field. They actually feel a kind of lustful joy in watching another boy totally degraded and abused. You can see this in the army, in the boy scouts, in school around the world. Paul's pink pouch not only drew curious glances from the girls at the party and made their pussies drip for the fat cocks of their boyfriends, it also drew uncommon interest from the boys. They just couldn't get enough of ridiculing the almost naked serving boy.
But soon, girls at the party were jerking the dicks of the boys or sucking on huge jock cock. Thick athletic fingers were fucking in and out of juicy teen cunts and drunken teenaged boys were planning what new sexual perversions and indignities they could foist on their girlfriends. It was a typical teen party. Kids fucked in the upstairs bedrooms, on couches downstairs, outside near the pool, anyplace they could. Girls of thirteen and fourteen were cunt and mouth and ass fucked by horny seventeen and eighteen year old high school seniors. Boys traded partners, giving their steady girlfriends to their buddies to sexually abuse.
But a few of the boys, close friends of Matt Henshaw did not forget about Paul. Just when the poor helpless teen thought he might get dressed and go home, he found himself encircled by a group of muscular drunken teenage boys.
"All this fucking and sucking and our poor Paul isn't having any fun. Paul. You need some fun too, don't you?" Matt slurred drunkenly. Then five jocks unzipped their trousers and took out thick leaking dicks. "Come on, Paul. show your high school buddies how well you learned to suck dick today."
"I bet he won't do it. He may be a total faggot, but he won't do it in front of kids from his own school."
Paul began to tremble. his pink sheath covered dick wobbled and bounced, from fear, not lust. He felt sweat trickle down his ass crack and drip from it.
"Come on, Paul, on your knees. You haven't even had anything to eat at this party..." Matt held his own thick long dick and shook it.
"Don't make me do this. Think of what you are doing, Matt. Think of the repercussions." Paul looked up at the handsome high school senior with pleading eyes.
"The repercussions are going to happen in my big balls and the result will shoot out of my dick head into your mouth. I was saving my jism for that bitch of cunt, but I decided to have fun with you instead. I can have her anytime."
Five big bruising high school brutes stood there in a semi-circle, their fat cocks hanging from their pants, twitching and leaking with drunken lust. One jock lifted a foot and kicked Paul. "Get going..what the fuck are you waiting for?"
Paul leaned in but was stopped by Matt's hand. "Kiss it first. Show it respect. Kiss all of our dicks, first." Low throaty laughs filled the darkened corner of the living room as Paul kissed all five fat wet cockheads. He could smell dick. The smell was overwhelming. Two of the dicks were uncut and the thick foreskins added to the smel land flavor. Paul tried to hurry, giving a quick kiss to the head of each prick without getting any pre-fuck into his mouth. But Matt would have none of that.
"Respect, Paul. Respect for the Dickl! Kiss each dick long and fully with an open mouth. Lick each dickhead fully. Kiss each of my good pals on the balls and swab your tongue over each nut sack. Show them respect!" There was a warning in his voice. Paul was getting used to it. He payed attention to the dicks and balls. They were soon covered with his spit, and the drunken teens swayed and grunted while their cocks throbbed and bounced and leaked.
"Honey come on, spend some time with me," a pretty little fourteen year old girl with large yes, a pouty mouth and long hair said tugging on her boyfriend's arm. She had been a virgin until the senior had fucked her cunt and ass in the same night on their second date. Now she felt she belonged to him.
"Get lost bitch and don't bother me again. When I want you, I'll whistle."
"But Tommy, all the girls are with their boyfriends..." she whined.
"Go into the other corner of the room and start to finger your cunt. If I look over, I want to see you with at least four fingers up your twat. I'll be there when I am fucking ready!" Shit these boys were having too much fun tormenting Paul, to care about normal fucking.
Paul sucked dick. He sucked all five dicks. He went from dick to dick. Three of the boys actually stripped down to get more comfortable. The had Paul lick under their nuts and up into their asses. They made Paul lick their armpits. Matt stood back stroking his huge dick and watching a smile on his face. Then before any of the boys could shoot, he stepped in.
"Just a minute, guys, faggots like to have fun in their cunts as well. We are neglecting poor Paul's hungry cunt!"
Paul felt his ass lips twitch, remember the abuse of the day. His hole was raw and sore. He prayed nothing more would be done to it.
"I ain't fucking him. That's too queer," one naked jock said, his balls bouncing and swinging as he stroked his huge red dick.
"Shit, by Monday, everyone in the fucking school will know what a fucking queer he is. I ain't fucking him and getting my name linked up with a fucking faggot!"
"I'm not...."Paul sobbed, pre-fuck hanging in strings from his lips and dripping onto his naked chest.
"No no guys, we don't have to fuck him. But we need to give him some cuntal pleasure. Paul where is your dildo? The one you were sucking on?"
"Huh?" Paul looked up, bleary eyed. Fuck drool coated his slack mouth.
"I think Rick took it. He's shoving it in his girl's cunt while he fucks her in the ass."
Matt laughed. "God I am going to miss high school. We have the greatest bunch of guys as friends, do you realize that?" His dick leak was stringing down to the floor. "Oh well, we can improvise. We need to give Paul his fun."
"Let him fuck himself on my empty beer bottle!"
Matt shook his head. "Paul's got a really loose cunt. He won't even feel that."
" I don't...honest, until today, I never..." Matt slapped him hard. "Don't correct me, Shitface." Some dickspray splashed on Paul's face. Let's see. Oh look here a fucking water bottle. Who at this fucking party is drinking bottled water? Throw them out on their ass!" The guys all laughed. Sounds of grunting and the squishy sounds of fucking filled the room. Six girls at the party, all eighth graders were getting fucked for the very first time. Before the party was over, one of the, a really cute one would be fucked twelve times.
Matt hefted the plastic water bottle in his hand. "it's nice and thick, it should give Paul's cunt some pleasure.' Then he threw it at Paul's feet. "Here Faggot, set it up on the floor, squat and sit on it!"
Paul in anguish turned to another jock. "Please make him stop. Please help me..." Tears poured down the boy's face and dripped from his chin mixed with pre-fuck.
The jock grabbed Paul by his hair and then hauled off and spit a huge gob right into Paul's eyes.
"You do what Matt tells you to, you fucking homo shitface!" He used the word 'shitface' because Matt had, and he wanted to impress the richest and most powerful boy in town.
Matt bounced on the balls of his feet and his throbbing thckly veined dick swung and waved, the large pisshole opening and closing. "Paul you have got fifteen seconds to sit on that bottle or I make a phone call. NOW FUCK YOUR SLOPPY TWAT WITH THAT GOD DAMNED WATER BOTTLE!"
Paul rose up and sobbing so hard he could hardly breath, he lowered his asslips over the head of the waterbottle. It was a thick as a thick wrist, thicker. He squeezed his eyes closed against the pain and pushed. At first the wider part of the bottle would not go into his rectum. He pushed and pushed. He grunted.
"I can't do it. I'm trying. I am trying, honest to God. I can't it won't go in!"
Paul screamed so loudly that all over the room heads turned, for a brief second before kids went back to their own fucking. Kids of high school age just have to fuck and nothing is going to stop them. Parents just don't know. Kids from thirteen on fuck two, sometimes three times a day. Fucking is not just important. IT IS ALL THEY CARE ABOUT. IT IS ALL THEY THINK ABOUT. IT IS ALL THEY LIVE FOR. FUCKING!
And poor Paul Marshall was being forced to fuck a water bottle. Isn't that taking teenage horsing around a bit far? Wouldn't that be classified as assault, as abuse?
Paul swallowed another scream as he forced the plastic up into his stretched out asshole. He was sure his ass was tearing. He was sure he was ruining his hole forever.
"MORE, GET THE WHOLE FUCKING BOTTLE UP THERE, CUNT. SIT ON THAT FUCKING BOTTLE." Matt and his four friends stood there beating their meat like crazed monkeys, the sound of their hands slapping their dicks filling this corner of the room. Across the room one poor little girl sat on the couch sticking fingers up her cunt, looking longingly at her meat beating boyfriend. What had she done wrong to get ignored like this. What would her girlfriends think? Here they were all fucking and she was siting there with her fingers up her pussy. Where were the girlfriends of the other jocks who were playing with the faggot? She noticed that guys around the room who were fucking or getting sucked off by their girlfriends were looking at the poor little eighth grader fingering her pussy. She didn't even have any hair on her cunt yet.
She was bald down there, just like Paul was.
Pauls head shook and his body was covered with sweat. He was sitting on the plastic water bottle. He sat there, the bottom of the bottle sticking just a bit out of his stretched rectum, his ass lips looking just like cunt lips.
"See I knew you could take it. You don't have enough confidence in yourself. But guys, I don't think we're giving the faggot whore enough pleasure. Tell you what, I want you guys to look around. I got a hundred bucks for the dude who comes up with the most unique and interesting object we can have the faggot stick up his cunt."
"GOD, NOOOOOOOOO!" Paul rolled over on his back, and the sight of the bottle sticking out of his raped raw ass looked really hot!
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