Naked high school student Paul Marshall stood in the large sink in the laundry room. The two eighth grade girls, Sandy and Jenny stood on the cement floor putting them just about the height of the teenager's fat dick and balls. Both Sandy and Jenny although quite young were already full dick sluts. Both had been fucked often and hard and sucked cock almost every single day, usually several times a day. Sandy had been a virgin when she met Matt, but he soon rectified that situation, and speaking of rectifying, he has also fucked her in the ass. He had taught her how to properly worship a boy's cock and what her thirteen year old cunt was for. Now she was a devoted dick slave to her boyfriend and would virtually anything he wanted. His big fat cock was like a drug to her that she needed on a daily basis.
"Oh, he's got a cute one," Jenny said, leaning in to get a closer look at Paul's prick. Paul had never been so mortified in his entire life. It was one thing to be humilited and degraded by the guys, but to be treated this way by two young girls was beyond horrible. He wanted to melt into the sink. He wanted to die. He stood there chewing his lower lip, fighting back the tears. Jesus, all they needed was to see him cry.
"Look how cute the dick looks. It's all shriveled, and the foreskin hangs over the pee hole so cute." Jenny said, poking at the cock with one finger to set it wobbling.
"Matt's is so much bigger. Of course I almost never see it except when it's hard, cause Matt is hard all the time. Even after we fuck or I suck it, it still stays humongous." Sandy bragged. "We sure are lucky to be in eighth grade and to get to date the two most popular high school Senior jocks."
Jenny shot here friend a scowl. "That's why you better not fuck it up. Chet said that Matt wants to see us do a lezzie sex show for him and Chet, and that you didn't want to."
Sandy frowned, and with a finger tip poked the wobbling dick back toward her friend. "Well, your my best friend, and I just don't want it to change our relationship or anything."
"If they guys want to see us lick and suck each others pussies, we have to do it for them. Do you want to risk losing them as boyfriends?"
"No, I guess not. But Matt said something about wanting me to lick Chet's cum out of your pussy after he fucks you. And that grossed me out."
"Oh you know guys love to get off on watching chicks do stupid sexual things. Just like they like to watch us piss and poop. It's weird but guys are like that. Jessica Wilshire's boyfriend makes her squat and poop in front of about ten of his male friends. Then she has to suck them all off. We are pretty lucky."
"Well, Matt makes me suck off all of his friends too..it's kind of embarrassing."
"Guys like to do that. They want to show off in front of the other jocks. They want to show what good dicksuckers their girlfriends are."
"I guess. But I'd rather be making love to only Matt. He can be so sweet when he wants to be."
"You better not let him hear you call it making love. You know the guys told us to only call it fucking."
"But fucking doesn't sound romantic, and I really love Matt."
"It's just another guy thing. They love to hear young girls talk dirty. And if you want to hold on to your boyfriend, you have to please him!"
"I want to marry him some day. And we'll have a nice house and two children. It will be so wonderful."
"Then you'd better keep his dick happy! And speaking of dicks, look, I think our boy Paul here is starting to get a little hard on."
It was true. All the sex talk from these girls was causing Paul's dick to thicken and grow a bit longer. He'd never heard girls talk like this.
"Isn't that cute. Look how his foreskin is pulling back to show the pink dickhead. He has such nice thick foreskin. And oh, look Jenny, how cute his balls are. He has a really nice looking ball sack."
"It will look nicer once we get all that ugly hair off of it. I really hate it when a guy's balls are too hairy. I always get ball hair stuck in my teeth when I am licking the fucksack. They should teach in Sex Ed class how to avoid getting nut hair in our teeth."
Jenny reached out and lifted Paul's scrotum. It was heavy and large in her hand. Paul's teenage dick gave a lurch.
"Oh, I think he likes that. Too bad he's a faggot."
"I'm not a faggot. It's all a big mistake." Paul looked down at the two girls playing with his genitals.
"Yeah, right. Matt knows faggots. They are all after his big dick. He is the handsomest boy in town. Every faggot in town is after him. He says so himself. And if Matt says you are a faggot, then you are a faggot. End of discussion."
"Sandy, did you like the taste of cum the first times you sucked dick?"
"Well, not at first, but I got to love it because I love Matt so much. He helped me get used to it by putting it on my toast and using it for salad dressing and stuff. He was real patient that way. Now I love the taste. Sometimes I even suck it from his dirty jockstrap."
When Sandy said that, Paul had horrible memories of what he had been forced to do that day.
Jenny gently frigged Paul's swollen dick , still frowning and thinking almost to herself.
"You know, sometimes it's almost like guys only like girls for one thing, to fuck them or to get sucked. Otherwise they would rather hang out with their buddies. I mean, in the movies, guys are really romantic and try to please girls and take them to fancy places and stuff, but in real life, a guy gets a girl in his car and the first thing he does is push her face down onto his dick. If they do go to a movie, she has to masturbate him through the whole film, or even suck him. And you know that after the movie, he will want to fuck her. He has the most fun when he thinks up some stupid new perverted way to fuck."
"That's just how guys are, Jen. You said so yourself. Matt's latest kick is to make me strip naked when we go through a fast food drive through. he makes me spread my legs and finger my pussy so the boy in the window serving us can see everything.He gets off on the look on the kid's face. He says it makes him proud to be my boyfriend. I don't enjoy it, but he does. Speaking of Matt. we'd better shave Paul's prick and ball hair. Matt will wonder what is taking so long. Now you be a good boy, Paul and stand still. Raise one foot and put it on the edge of the sink. It will open you up more. We have to get all your ass hole hair too."
The shaving cream felt really cold on Paul's scrotum and pubic area.
"That's a good little faggot boy. I can't wait to tell all the kids in eighth grade what we did to Paul Marshall!" Jenny held he now swollen dick out of the way, while Sandy took the razor and scraped away Paul's pubic bush.
"He's starting look about eleven years old!" Jenny laughed, tickling Paul's heavy wrinkled scrotum with her other hand.
"Stand still, Paul, or we'll tell Matt you were a bad little faggot." There was no longer any hair above Paul's dick. He felt so horrible. He did indeed look like a little boy. "Now the big fat balls." Sandy giggled as she scraped the razor over Paul's nut sack. A few times a ball hair caught the blade awkwardly and the hair was tugged from the sack rather painfully. Paul winced.
"Don't be such a baby, Paul Marshall. By the way, I heard your older brother got married last week or whenever. He is such a doll. I always had a crush on him. Tell me Paul, does your older brother have a big dick?"
"Jesus, is that all you girls care about, the size of a guy's dick?"
Jenny giggled. "Well, it helps. It feels a whole lot better with a big dick, once you get used to it!"
"Don't faggot prefer large cocks too?"
Paul scowled and shifted weight. His balls swung. "I told you, I am not a faggot!"
"Whatever. Stand still or we'll cut your scrotum skin. So does your bro have a huge hunk of fuckmeat?"
Imagine eighth grade girls talking like this. How the world has changed.
"I don't know. Just finish, will you."
"Well you must have seen it. I just want to know if it's big is all."
"Yes, It's huge. Very big. Okay? all right?"
"Have you ever sucked it, Paul?"
"Why for fucks sake would I suck my own brother's dick? You are really perverted."
"Well, you are a faggot and all, and straight studs like your bro will shove their dicks in just about anything to get off. I just thought maybe..."
"I'm not a faggot and I never sucked his dick! all Right?"
"You don't need to be mean about it. Look how cute your balls and dick look with no hair. We'd better hurry and do your asshole before Matt calls us. Can you turn around please and put your foot back up on the rim of the sink? And Please then reach back with your hands and spread your ass cheeks."
Paul really didn't know if he could comply. It was just too humiliating. Only the potential of Matt's wrath if he did not obey got him to follow through with the command. He turned and reached back and with his hands spread his ass globes apart so the girls could see his inner crack and asshole.
"Oh look, Sandy, he's got a really cute asshole. It looks all red though and a bit swollen. Have you been getting fucked today, Paul?"
Paul could no longer hold back the tears. They rolled down his face. " Matt shoved a .....a toilet brush and a...broom handle up my ass." He managed at last.
The girls laughed. Sandy slapped the one tight round ass globe. " Well that must have felt real good to you. Faggots liek things up their asses. How nice of Matt. Look Jenny, he's crying. isn't that the cutest thing you ever saw?"
"He's so sweet. Look he hasn't even got much hair around his asshole at all. But..none will be better. Let's shave it bald as a baby girl's cunt."
"Bald as our cunts your mean. Matt makes me keep mine bald and smooth and I know Chet makes you shave yours too. This shaving cream might be a little cold on your asshole, Paul."
"Paul, you can do a better job spreading your ass cheeks than that. I don't want to give a bad report to Matt. Really spread those ass globes."
The boy stood there spreading his ass cheeks for the two eighth grade girls. They giggled again as Sandy spread shaving cream all around Paul's swollen pink pucker.
"I'll have to as Matt if he'll let me watch him stick a toilet brush up your asshole. That would be so much fun to see. Look Jenny how he winces when I even touch his pretty pink ass lips."
"Tell me me Sandy, did it really hurt badly the first time Matt fucked you in the asshole? When Chet first ass fucked me, I could hardly walk for days."
"Oh, same with me, girl. I thought my hole would never close. And Matt loves to do what he calls punch fucking. He fucks really hard into my pussy and then pulls and and rams it into my asshole on the next stroke and back and forth. Sometimes It hurts so bad I chew right through my bottom lip."
"I know, when Chet had me suck off Matt, I was amazed at the size of your boyfriend's dick. I don't know how you can take it in your mouth or ass!"
"You just have to learn to take it, that's what Matt says. He told me on the very first date that if I didn't learn how to deep throat him quickly, he would dump me for another girl."
On the girls chatted as Sandy went about shaving Paul's asshole and a few stray hairs that went up his crack a bit. paul looked down at his totally bare pubic area and balls. He looked and felt eleven, but his dick actually looked larger now that there was no hair around it.
Finally Paul was shaved. They towel dried him, causing his pecker to throb and bounce. After all two eighth grade girls were playing with his dick. He should have been happy, but he was feeling quite sick to his stomach.
Then the door opened and Matt sauntered in, looking extremely sexy and at ease with life.
"How'd it go, Bitches? Oh isn't that lovely. Look at that hairless dick and balls. Turn around Paul and spread. I want to see your pretty little baby pussy all hairless."
Sandy piped up. " Matt, he kept telling us that he wasn't a faggot. He was really difficult to shave because he kept making such a fuss."
"Really?" Matt said, slapping Paul hard on the ass cheek. Well, we'll have to punish him for that. He doesn't like to be punished, but when he causes trouble, it's the only way to control him."
"He causes us lots of trouble...' added Jenny, a twinkle in her eye.
Matt reached around and grabbed one of Paul's nipples and pulled hard. Paul turned, pulled by his tit. It hurt terribly. Matt grabbed the other nipple and raised Paul up onto naked tip toes by his tits.
"Is that right, Faggot? You giving these cunts a hard time?"
"No, Sir. I co-operated. They are just saying that so you hurt me."
"Prove it. Tell these nice eighth grade cunts that you are a cocksucking faggot."
Paul winced form the pain in his nipples. "I...I'm a cocksucking faggot." He repeated.
"Tell these bitches how much you love to eat out Jock asses!" Matt reached down with one hand and cupped Paul's hairless scrotum and squeezed.
"I love to eat out jock asses."
"Tell the girls how good jock asshole tastes."
"Jock asshole tastes really really good. I just love it." Paul managed, tears running down his cheeks and dripping from his chin.
"Tell these teen twats how much you love to eat out your older brother's hairy asshole."
The pain was unbearable. Paul felt he would pass out. "I just love to eat out my older brother's hairy asshole."
Finally Matt released the younger boy's nuts and nipple. He smiled and patted Paul on the head.
Time to get into your serving outfit. Sandy handed Paul the thin black mesh jockstrap. His entire dick and balls could be seen through the mesh pouch, and of course his young ass globes hung over the ass straps.
Paul turned to Matt. There was terror in the young teen's eyes. "Please, please Matt I am begging you. I am fucking begging you. Don't make me go out into a party of kids I know from my own school dressed like this. For the love of God, please don't make me do this."
Matt's smile just grew bigger. His full toothed killer smile. He winked. "You look damn cute in that prick pouch Paul, but one more word of protest out of you, and I swear to God, I will take it away and make you go out there totally bare assed!"
"Do it..oh do it, Matt" Sandy almost screamed. She clapped her hands and bounced. Her tits bounced too.
"Shut the fuck up, Bitch. You annoy me. Bitch's mouths should be full of dick or closed. All right Paul. Let's go meet our friends. And don't forget to offer them snacks. This party is going to swing!"
Paul wearing only the tiny black jock strap moved toward the door, his eyes clouded with tears and his lower lip trembling from fear.
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