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Review This Story || Author: Marshall

The Performance

Part 1

The Performance

By Marshall

Jamie was looking out her window when they drove up. The appointment had been for 3:00pm, and the car arrived at 3pm sharp.

It was a black BMW SUV that they drove (she could identify neither the year nor the model), and black seemed to be their overall theme; the driver and two passengers were dressed mostly in black or white - no other colors. The three people that came to her door included a broad, muscular (but not particularly tall) man with a crew-cut and well-tailored black suit with a black shirt and tie, and a very sharp looking woman wearing a white blouse and black skirt with black boots, her head featuring a clean and severe raven bob-cut; there was also a tall and strong-looking black woman wearing a black cocktail dress.

The black woman smiled at her as she answered the door, but the other two were all business, peering inside into her apartment before letting themselves in, where they proceeded to do an apparent spot-check of her tiny apartment before reconvening in the entryway.

"I am assuming that you are clear on all the details before we begin?" said the man, more a statement than a question.

Jamie was more than a little overwhelmed, and answered "Yes, I think so- but I am more than a little nervous" she said truthfully "I halfway didn't expect you to come!"

The black lady answered back "Of course you are nervous sweetie- this is a big day for you!" she smiled at Jamie "But we are here to take care of all the little details. We are professionals dearie- leave everything to us. Do you have your pocketbook handy?"

Jamie was taken aback. "Ummm.....ah, yeah I do." the black lady smiled again and held out her band, expectant. Jamie handed it to her sheepishly. The lady pulled out her Driver's License as if to inspect it.

"Happy 18th Birthday!" she said beaming. She didn't give back the pocketbook.

"Brad, Gina- take care of the rest please?  I will look after the Guest." And with that the other two disappeared into the bedroom and bathroom respectively, to do God-knows-what while Jamie and the amazon stood and chatted in the other room.

"You can call me Jacqie" said the black lady "I am here to assist you with your Journey. I assure you that I can teach you a lot of things if you are willing to learn- and listen. Can you do that for me to today, Jamie?"

"Yes" said Jamie, without hesitation.

"Goooood" said Jacqie. "That's what I wanted you to say!" She continued "Now for our trip we have a special outfit, just for you to wear. I know that you will love it."

"Brad!" she called out "Are you done in the bedroom? We need a change here."

"All clear" said Brad, emerging from the bedroom and now looking out the window for some unseen threat, "Quick, if you could. Should get moving soon."

"We will be as fast as is comfortable, won't we Sweetie?" asked Jacqie, not really expecting a response. Her large hand look Jamie's smaller one, leading her into the bedroom. Jacqie was handed a small parcel by the other lady ('Gina'?) before closing the door behind the both of them. Jacqie laid out a black blouse and matching slacks, both of a light material, on the bedspread, along with a black sport-bra and matching panties.

"Egyptian cotton" explained Jacqie "Just perfect for a nice day like today. Now let's get you out of those old clothes and into these new ones!"

Jamie hesitated, but Jacqie didn't, and came to assist her with pulling off her top and undoing her skirt. Jamie raced to catch up as Jacqie undid her bra clasp and pulled her skirt down her thighs. As Jamie was dropping her bra on the floor (thinking briefly "should I put it up? no- I won't be wearing it again") Jacqie had already knelt down and was pulling down her panties. Gingerly, Jamie stepped out of them and was now nude in front of this strange woman.

Jacqie stood up behind her, grabbed Jamie's thin waist and pulled her close "Girl!" she exclaimed "You look good enough to eat! Lil blonde cupcake - I bet you make all the boys mad!" she said, laughing. She released her strong hold on a very nervous Jamie and said "Now, let's get you dressed girl. We got plans to keep."

Jamie started to put on the presented underwear first, very much aware of Jacqie's eyes on her body. To her surprise, the bra and panties not only fit but they fit perfectly. Despite the fact that this certainly wasn't 'sexy' underwear, she started to feel a little sexy with them on. Jacqie seemed to nod in approval. The blouse slacks were also perfectly fit (especially to her ass, she noted), as if they had been tailor made for her.

Jacqie walked up an adjusted her a bit, brushing invisible lint off of her front "Now don't you look nice?" she commented. "Let's head out- time's awastin'!" And with that she grabbed Jamie's hand again and dragged her out to the main area.

"Ready?" asked Brad

"Ready" said Jacqie

"Wait!" said Jamie

"Jamie, there is no 'wait'." said Jacqie "Remember what we said about listening? We will take care of every little hanging detail that you can imagine. We are professionals, remember? This is the day when your fantasies come TRUE, baby. Let us take care of all the gritty reality."

Resigned, Jamie said "Yes Ma'am", as they walked out the door - her door- and Gina locked up using the keys- her keys. Except that they kind of weren't anymore now. Jamie's head began to spin.

Gina took the steering wheel heading out, and Brad took shotgun, while Jamie sat in back with Jacqie. Jamie liked Jacqie - she seemed nice, and very confident - but also kind of lesbian, which she really wasn't into.

"Ok" said Jacqie "First the boring stuff" she sighed "But it HAS to be done, ya know. You read the consent forms online, right?"


"And I see you have no immediate family to contact, right?"

"No- I'm....I'm an orphan."

"I know, dearie. We do background checks too- did you know that? These are just standard questions"


"Now -once the contract is in effect, your current life is over, you understand? Any personal items will be sold, your apartment will be put on the market. Any proceeds belong to the organization. We have written up a very nice letter of resignation to your job, and will craft nice personal letters to your friends to let them know about your new and wonderful, if fully fictitious life overseas.

Your personal needs will be taken care of by the Contract-Master during the term of the contract, which is five years, unless they choose to extend it. At the end of the contract period you will be issued $100,000 US and allowed to relocate in the country of your choice, unless the contract is extended."

"I read that."

"I understand that you have chatted with the Contract-Master online, but you have not met in person?"

"Yeah- he's Japanese. I guess he's rich too, huh?"

"Yes he is. Very. You will not be meeting the Contract-Master until you have completed training to his specifications. You understand that you are to be trained in a public place today?"

"Yeah, we talked about that."

"Okay. Do you have any questions? Remember - we can't get into specifics about the markings and modifications that may be done, as that's between you and the Contract-Master."

"I know. No questions. I must have read it online like... 50 times!"

"Well, make it fifty-one for my sake before signing, OK?"

She read the document as they drove, and it said the exact same words she had read before so many times online. But here, in the car, already on her way to a place she knew nothing about except for descriptions (and an AMAZING video they had sent her), the words seemed to have more power, more finality. Hidden between the legal jargon and euphemisms were the words that gave her an incredible erotic charge. With shaking hands, she signed the document in triplicate.

Jacqie checked for all three signatures before handing the form to Brad. "Now- as nice as you look, I'm afraid that you still are not ready."

"I'm not?"

" You are performing in the Secret Theater! You know what the operative word is for the Secret Theater?"


"So bright! Yes, that it's SECRET. So you will have to be brought to it's secret location without having a clue where it is. So- we need to make some improvements."


"Remember what I said about learning and listening earlier? There was no hesitation then. Today is the day. Now are we ready to learn?"

"Yes, Ma'am"



"Not Ma'am or 'uh'. You should call me Mistress."

"Yes, Mistress."

"Oh, that's hot. Hold out your hands. No, right in front and together." Jacqie took her hands, not ungently, and tied them together with a thick zip-tie. Not so tight as to hurt, but not so loose as to be escaped from.

"Oh!" said Jamie.

"Oh, Mistress" Jacqie corrected.


"Not 'oh', not 'sorry' - just 'Oh, Mistress'"

"Oh, Mistress!"

"Say it huskier."

"Oh, Mistress!" she half whispered.

"Mmmm. That was good. Makes me want to do things!" she exclaimed "Maybe later" she finished, smiling a little. "Now for the other part" she said, pulling out a standard black 'sleeping blindfold'.

"Oh!"- catching herself - "Oh, Mistress!"

"You catch on quick" said Jackie, putting the blindfold firmly on her head, blacking out her vision.


"You say that a lot. You are a very excitable little girl, aren't you?"

"Sorry, Mistress. I will be wearing this through the whole trip?"

"It is not becoming of a Kajira to ask questions."

"Sorry, Mistress?"

"Inside joke. But seriously, don't ask a lot of dumb questions. You will be punished for it. We are going on a trip to secret place, and you will be wearing a blindfold till we get there.  That's more than you need to know."

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress."

"Well, now aren't you a submissive lil cutie pie! Stay that way and you will do just dandy." she said, giving her a little hug. "OK, one last thing"


"I'm going to give you a little pill to help you sleep. You want some water with your little pill?"

"Yes, thank you Mistress."

Jacqie placed the white pill on Jamie's pink little tongue, and massaged her throat to get the pill down,  then helped her to drink the water. Within 15 minutes, Jamie had begun to doze off into a nearly dreamless sleep.


Jamie vaguely recalled being hauled and dragged up to what was clearly a small jet plane, and then being led off of it again. Then into another car, then the sweet oblivion of sleep again. Finally, a lady's voice, which she finally figured to be Jacqie.

"Wakey, wakey, sweets" she called "We are here."

"Oooohg" said Jamie.

"That's the spirit, baby. Here we go!"

Still blindfolded, she was lifted and half dragged along with Jacqie on one side, and a strong male body on the other (Brad?). They passed through a door and down a corridor, and instantly she could hear and feel people around her. She smelled perfume, sweat, and the odor of various hair and body products. It all sounded very busy.

"Oh she looks good" said a catty, fey male voice.

"She's still a little druggy from the journey" explained Jacqie "We need hair and makeup, now."

"Yeah you do!" said the man.

She was walked over to chair, and sat down. Her hands were left bound, but her blindfold was removed, blinding her with the bright lights of what she eventually saw to be a theater make-up room. Viewing herself in the mirror, she looked horrid; black eye-liner ran from around her sky-blue eyes, and her light blond hair, normally worn in a bob, stuck up like a rooster's crest. Her eyes also looked a little puffy to her, and for the first time today she didn't see her light freckles as her main weakness.

A man came up behind her, looking very much like a (very) gay Frank Zappa

"Wash" he announced, standing her up and then stuffing her head in the sink. He washed and then wiped off her hair and most of her ruined makeup with a towel, and then proceeded to trim and style her hair. When done, she had to admit that he did a great job; she had never gotten it to look so...right.. in the past. Frank Zappa looked at her in the mirror, shrugged, and was soon replaced by a makeup lady with pursed lips and fully uninterested in anything that Jamie might like to say. She also did a fine job, and Jamie's face looked clean and natural when she was done, as if she was wearing no makeup at all.

Coming up behind her, Jacqie fed her a new pill and another glass of water as Jamie viewed herself in the mirror. "That should help" offered Jacqie.

Jacqie and Brad stood her up and led her out.

The area she was in looked decently well illuminated, and very much like the 'backstage' area of a theater, which it certainly was. There were nude- usually quite fit- bodies of men and women to be seen about her, along with some folks in leather and vinyl gear, as well as other women and some men(!) dressed as she was, which she presumed made them 'initiates' as well.

They took her to an area just off-stage. She couldn't see the action on-stage from where she was standing, but she could look out into the auditorium. Due to the lighting and construction of the theater, she could not see anyone sitting in the audience, but the size of the place suggested that there could be hundreds of viewers. From the direction of the stage she could hear the sound of a whip or lash, and a female voice crying out.

"Oh God" said Jamie "Oh God. So nervous!"

"Little stage-fright?" asked Jacqie "That's normal. Brad?"

Brad pulled a little flask from his pocket, and had Jamie drink it. "I feel like Alice in Wonderland!" said Jamie "Drink me, eat me!"

Brad laughed "There will definitely be more of that this evening, 'Alice'!" Brad and Jacqie laughed together at this, and Jamie too- a bit nervously.

"Where is Gina?" asked Jamie, looking around.

"That sounded like a question" noted Jacqie "She will join us soon enough."

She heard voices on stage, though she made out none of the words, followed by the sound of applause. "That's it!" said Jacqie "We are up."

Flanking her on either side, Brad and Jacqie walked her to the main backstage area, where they were passed by two large bare-chested men leading a petite Asian girl, wrapped in a blanket. Had Jamie been hearing her cry out, she wondered? No time to pursue this thought as they all walked out to the darkened main stage.

"Posture and poise, girl" whispered Jacqie "This is your moment. Own it."

The off-white floor of the stage was completely bare of props, but even in the dim light she could see that there were cameras everywhere. TV monitors faced inwards towards the stage, likely so the participants could see what the action looked like in the giant main screens above and behind them.

A spotlight hit the main stage over where Jacqui stood. "Good Evening ladies and gentlemen!" her voice thundered in the auditorium, having been given a headset microphone at some point. "It is our privilege tonite to present a new initiate to contractual life, Jamie! Her new Master wishes that she be brought to him trained, so it is our honor to break in his new thrall, which you fine people may now view for your pleasure."

Another spotlight illuminated the spot where Jamie stood. She could see her own image in the monitors in front of her, and she knew that these images also appeared in the giant screens behind her, giving a close-up view of her from all angles. She looked pale, slender and scared.

"Jamie got in contact with one of our members through one of our message boards, and she signed her slave contract just this afternoon." -some clapping- "Jamie is just 18 today, and has never had a real bondage or discipline experience before, so she is a bondage virgin."

Jacqie paused for second before saying "But not only that! She is the Real-Deal, ladies and gentlemen; the mythical 18 year-old virgin girl!"

Gasps and laughter from the audience, and Jacqie continued "She has never even stuck anything in her pussy before, if you can believe that; and we do, as a doctor confirmed that she is still intact."

Jamie had turned beet-red due to all this personal information being given about her sexually, but she had wondered why the required doctor's visit she made this week was so comprehensive.

Jacqie continued on "It gets better! Although Jamie hasn't tried putting anything in her front-side, she has been playing with her backside since age 10."

(Oh God, thought Jamie, she's really telling all that?)

"She has said that she can get herself off just through ass-play alone on occasion. In short- she has all the makings of a perfect anal-slut. Which is where we intend to take her this evening" Jacqi concluded.

Jacqie walked over to where Jamie stood, Brad standing nearby and handing Jacqie a plain, ringed metal collar from a wheeled tray. Standing in front of her, Jacqie fitted the collar to Jamie's neck and locked it in place via some internal locking mechanism. "Is that too tight for you?" she asked "No, it's perfect" said Jamie.

She repeated the process on her ankles by adding ringed leg-cuffs (removing her sandals in the process) ; finally removing her zip-tie handcuffs with some mean looking shears and placing identical ringed arm-cuffs on each wrist, locking these also into place.

Men suddenly appeared from the left and right side-stage trailing rigging cables apparently anchored somewhere out of sight, and brought them to Jamie and Jacqie center-stage.  The first set of cables were connected to the rings of her locked wrist cuffs, and then a second set to her leg-cuffs. Then the cables were stretched somewhat tight, forcing Jamie into a spread-eagle position.

Jacqie pulled on Jamie's arms and legs a bit, then tested the cables for tautness. "You look so helpless" she laughed, and then came up close to Jamie's frontside, playing with her small-ish tits a little before slowly unbuttoning her blouse.

"Oh God" said Jamie.

"I told you dearie, just 'Mistress' is fine."

Jacqie's large hands strayed over and into Jamie's bra, teasing her nipples. Jacqie then kissed her, first on the neck and then her mouth, teasing and forcing Jamie to taste her long tongue. Jacqie hands ran over Jamie's flat, taut stomach and waist before reaching down to cup her well-formed ass with both hands. All of this was captured by the cameras and displayed on the many screens on stage.

Jacqie looked down and unbuttoned Jamie's pants, then slipped her hand into her plain black panties. "What do you got here?" she asked "Something you don't use? Hmm? Something you don't use, sweetie?" her fingers brushed against Jamie's light bush, Jacqie's long and hard middle finger finally locating Jamie's clit and rubbing it. "You use that, don't you though? You tease that little clit of yours. Mmm-hmm. Nobody else has ever touched it before."

"I'm your first" Jacqie said breathlessly.

Although Jamie was sure that she still didn't prefer girls, Jacqie's touch was electric. She truly WAS her first, and it felt good to be touched and teased by another set of hands and lips. Somehow the bondage and the embarrassment of being on display only made the experience more intense.

Jacqie then took her hand out of the front of Jamie's panties, then reached around her waist to slip her hand in the back, her middle finger feeling up and down Jamie's ass-crack. "Oh" said Jamie, finding even this semi-intimate touching intense, until Jacqie finally settled upon her real target - Jamie's tight little rosebud. Almost involuntarily, Jamie arched her back and opened up as far as she could for this welcome violation. Jacqie finger teased the outside of Jamie's asshole before probing in just a little- then she wiggled it a bit inside.

"Ah...hah" said Jamie, straining and trying to open up further - she wanted more.

Jacqie withdrew her hand. "Oh yes. You are a natural. 100%."

She then took up the shears again, and she and Brad worked in tandem to shear off her blouse (up the back, down the sleeves), slacks (two cuts by Brad, one up each leg) and with little ceremony her bra and panties (the panties were easier, but saved for last). Jamie was now fully nude, exposed in public, every angle of her now naked body lewdly displayed from many video screens.

"You remember Gina, of course" said Jacqie, as Gina took the stage. Gina had clearly had a 'wardrobe change', and was clad only in a pair of red silk panties. The nipples of her high, perfect breasts were pierced with some particularly wicked looking barbed spikes. Jamie was somehow glad that she wasn't the only naked girl on stage anymore, until she saw some of the gear on the tray being pushed behind Gina. What all were they planning on doing to her?

"Gina is going to clean you up a little for us" explained Jacqie. The cables that held in place were suddenly lifted, taking Jamie up in the air about a foot.

"Woo!" said Jamie.

"She's very verbal, isn't she?" commented Gina, speaking for the first time.

"Very" replied Jacqie.

Gina began oiling up her hands, and then spreading the oil all over Jamie's body. The whole experience was very sensual, but Gina went about the whole operation in a very businesslike manner, stopping only to insert an oily digit in and out of Jamie's ass, seemingly for the purpose of lubing and loosening the muscle.

Gina then begun to shave her completely, slowly and methodically removing every hair below the neck, denuding her pubis, ass-crack and anus of even the finest hairs. A camera person stood behind and under Jamie, capturing the fine details of the transformation of her undercarriage. Soon, she was as smooth and clean as the day she was born, and Gina went back her tray for new equipment.

"You are going to love this next step, honey. I just know it" said Jacqie, licking her full lips. Gina was working on something behind her, and suddenly she saw a full-screen image of what she knew to be her asshole in front of her. "It's called an endoscope. Ours is very much modified, however. You'll see."

Gina lubed her fingers, then began moving one then two fingers in and out of Jamie's ass, opening her up and driving her crazy. Jamie tried to open up and relax as much as she could, but feeling the fingers in her ass and pressing against the wall of her vagina was all she could focus on. The strain on her arms and legs from being lifted in the air disappeared in a haze of pleasure.

Gina then pulled her fingers out, and slowly pressed in the endoscope. While Jamie felt it slip inside of her, she could also simultaneously see the camera in the device penetrate her pink ring, and travel up her colon.

"Oh, it's so weird! So weird" she said,  prompting some chuckles from the crowd and a smile from Jacqie. Suddenly, there was a jet of warm water from the device, and straight up into her innards! "Oh! Oooo-whoa! Oh!" cried Jamie, the odd sensation mounting.

Gina pushed the device up and in further and further into her, the warm and sudsy water filling her more and more, until she thought that she might burst. Gina stopped the water and massaged her stomach, before turning it back on again to fill her a little bit more. She repeated this process several times until Gina thought that Jamie had taken enough water.

She was then ordered to expel into a bucket. On the first emptying, the bucket was held right against her ass so as to hide any offensive outflow from the cameras. For the second and third enemas, however, the bucket was held away from her ass so that the cameras could capture the vision of the clear water gushing from her little pink asshole. After the last expulsion, they moved on to the next phase.

"Your Master has ordered that you be fitted similar to Gina here" informed Jacqie "Just not as spiky" she winked.

"This" she said, holding an open ring in her hand "is a self locking ring. It can be cut open, or opened magnetically, but it is otherwise permanent once closed. These first two will go on your nipples." Gina held an odd device in her hand "This is a laser-piercing gun. Very high-tech. It both opens a new hole, and cauterizes the opening in a few seconds. Gina?"

Gina went over to Jamie and carefully but quickly pierced both nipples, checking the holes after. She then picked up the first ring, threaded an open end through one nipple, and then with some effort squeezed it closed with a pair of pliers, the ends sealing with a loud "CLA-CHIK!" sound.

It made Jamie want to jump a little- there was something of a finality to the sound, like she had crossed a bridge that could not be uncrossed. Somehow Jamie had an ominous feeling about her ringing as Gina repeated the operation with the second nipple.

"We aren't done quite yet now, sweetie" promised Jacqie "I told you that you were to be outfitted like Gina, right? Show her your little front ring, won't you Gina?"

Gina pulled down the front of her tiny red silk panties, displaying her nicely shaved, ringed clit to Jamie and the camera. "If you aren't looking forward to that, then you should be girl. That's a lady's best friend, right there" Jacqie commented.

Jamie was not in any position to protest at this point anyhow, so she stood as still as she could as Gina probed and teased her clit out, carefully piercing it with the laser gun. She then inserted the ring - "CLA-CHIK!"- and it was final.

Jacqie continued "Ok, time for some last few bits Jamie." For some reason, the ominous feeling came back to Jamie again, like a cold pit in her stomach.

"It has been said that a man who values a girl's virginity seeks to deprive her of that which gives her value, but I am happy to say that your new Master is wiser than that" noted Jacqie. "Gina, could you display the full set for her to see?"

Gina gingerly removed her panties, stepping out of them and standing fully nude in her bare feet. Jamie could see a little round tag swinging under Gina's pussy, but not how it might be attached. Gina turned around with her ass facing Jamie, then spread her legs and bent over, smoothly as a dancer.

Jamie gasped.

Gina's pussy was very clearly locked by the same style piercings that Jamie now wore on her nipples and clit. One connected the twin labium near Gina's anus, with a second piercing it a little further down, where the little tag hung. It was clear that penetrative sex, at least of the vaginal kind, would be fully impossible.

"The tag denotes her owner" said Jacqie, answering Jamie's unspoken question "You don't get a tag today, I'm sorry to say; you have to earn that."

"But you will wear the rings."

With these words, Jamie felt her limbs turn to jello. She felt like a locking ring had been clicked closed around her heart, sealing her to her destiny. For the first time today, Jamie was shocked into complete silence.

Jacqie continued "This is your opportunity to embrace your destiny, Jamie; your true nature. Society may still call you a virgin, but you will be made to experience pleasures beyond those that other women would dare not even fantasize about."

But no option was given for refusal within this little pep-talk, as Gina moved into position behind Jamie.

Despite herself, Jamie began to cry tears, although she still said nothing. This was so SUDDEN, so FINAL. Her body felt weak and she struggled to catch her breath. Was she really going through with this? Did she even have a choice at this point? No- she had signed the contract. Her body could be modified as her Master saw fit, and he preferred that she remain a virgin, so a virgin she would remain. She had wondered about having a man in her there, or even a dildo, but the promise of pain always seemed too great. And now that path was being literally closed off for her. She simultaneously wanted them to stop and to finish quickly at the same time.

Not really wanting to look, she nonetheless wound up watching the action behind her in the monitor before her. Gina carefully marked off the positions for the first and second piercings, then made them with the gun. As Gina picked up the first ring, Jamie tightly closed her watery eyes, as if to wish her inevitable destiny away.


She heard and felt the first ring close, causing her to open her eyes and gasp for air. Jamie felt herself trembling as the second ring was inserted, and shortly...


It was done.

"There we go" consoled Jacqie, wiping away some of Jamie's tears "That part is over. Now on to the fun stuff."

The rigging began to move again, and like a little marionette Jamie's limbs followed. Soon she floated roughly 1.5 feet in the air, and at roughly a 70 degree angle. Jacqie was behind her now, having undone the straps of her dress, revealing her large and clearly fake tits. She began lubing up her fingers; there was only once place to put them now, so Jamie knew what the next step would be.

Jacqie started by slowly inserting the index finger in Jamie's ass, then slowly, ever so slowly loosening her up until inserting a second large digit. She then began finger-fucking her ass, moving the two fingers in and out together at once.

"Mistress!" Jamie hissed huskily, prompting Jacqie to fuck her even harder, while slapping each ass cheek with a satisfying 'smack' until both were a little shiny and red. She then withdrew from the now widened asshole, the retreating fingers making a quiet little *slup* sound as they left.

Her ass wide and panting heavily, Jamie suddenly felt a little empty. This feeling didn't last long, as the absent fingers were replaced by a rather large butt-plug that Jacqie inserted in a single push. *pop* it went in. Jamie heard a pumping sound, as the plug was inflated more and more, making Jamie feel very....stuffed. Then the pump was removed, and a switch activated,  causing the entire huge artifact to began vibrating in a throbbing, slightly varying pattern.

"Ah" said Jamie, a little cry escaping her lips. She could feel the beginnings of an orgasm starting to build within her.

Suddenly she felt and heard the hard 'THWACK' of leather striking skin- her skin- as the bulb in her ass continued to do it's magic. It was soft flogger, designed not to break the skin, but it still stung like hell.

"Ahh-ah!" she cried, and not entirely from pain. Jacqie continued to flog her, picking one body part then another in rapid succession; first her back, then her ass, then the legs, another part of her back, etc. All the while Jamie's oncoming orgasm built up steam, like a freight train building power.

"I'm gonna whip you until you come" said Jacqie, her voice now sounding aggressive and a little breathless "You ready to come for me baby? You ready? Hmmm? How's that ass feel?"

"My ass feels great" *gasp* "Mistress" said Jamie "I think I'm about to come for you Mistress" *gasp*

Jacqie grabbed one of Jamie's tits from behind and began squeezing it, pinching her nipple, while her other hand took turns spanking each ass cheek in turn. "C'mon. Give it to me. Let it out. I want to hear it. I will whip it right out of you if I have to." Jacqie reached under her, playing with her new permanent clit-ring a little.

That did it. "I'm coming!" she announced to everyone, her body shaking and bucking in her bondage. "Oh" *gasp* "Oh"

Jacqie slapped her ass again- hard. "That's it, Bitch. You come when I tell you." She reached down and turned off the vibrating plug, firmly grabbing the stopper end, and quickly pulled out the fully inflated plug.


Instantly Jamie came again with a little yelp.

Jacqie held the plug directly before her face, now swelled up to the size of a large pear. "That came out of your ASS, baby. I think that you are fully ready for Phase 4."

The rigging changed position, and now her head was sitting about 3 feet from the ground, with her ass ever so slightly higher. Suddenly Brad was in front of her. He had removed his suit- in fact, he had removed everything, and was now standing in front of her displaying his glistening hard cock, which he was stroking in apparent anticipation right at her face level.

Jacqie stood alongside him and said "Now we are going to teach you how to suck cock. The secret is relaxation, and enthusiasm. Don't be nervous! We know it's your first time. But you need to bring the enthusiasm. Can you do that for us, baby?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good. Now let's see you work that cock."

Brad knelled down to her face to speak directly to her "I have thought about fucking your face since the second that you opened the door today. I saw my cock in your mouth in my minds eye as I looked at you in the rear-view mirror in the car." He put his thumb in her mouth, and taking his cue, Jamie sucked on it. "You ready? Ready to take me in your mouth?"

Now, 'I have thought about fucking your face since I first saw you' is likely a rarely effective pick-up line. But looking at his cut body and his intense blue eyes, Jamie wasn't offended at all by his crude confession- but instead very much turned on. "Yeah" she whispered.

He stood, and taking her face in his hands guided the tip of his rod to her mouth. Instantly she had conflicting feelings of wanting to gag on the object invading her mouth, or suck on it like a human lollipop. She tried to push the instinct for the former from her mind while focusing on the latter. Enthusiasm!- she reminded herself. Brad began a rhythm of halfway putting his length into her mouth, slowly fucking her face, while Jamie focused on working him a little with her tongue and closing tightly and wetly on his girth with her lips. Inevitably, he would push in too deep into her throat, causing her to gag and him to pause.

Jacqie piped up "Brad, I hate to criticize, but this is supposed to be a teaching opportunity. Plus, we have an audience here" she said, waving to the invisible crowd behind her "Let me take over for a sec."

"Sure thing Jac" said Brad, appearing unphased by the apparent slight.

Jacqie pushed down the remainder of her dress and stepped out of it. Jamie stared in shock.

There, at eye level, she was looking at the most well-endowed cock and matching balls she had ever seen or imagined, and they belonged to Jacqie. From the waist up Jacqie looked very much like a fit, average featured girl (albeit with fake tits), but from the waist down it all was porn-star package and Grace Jones legs.

Jacqie walked over to her, holding her sizable cock inches away from Jamie's face "You didn't know that I had this, did ya? You didn't know that I could do this for ya" she taunted. Jamie shook her head 'no'. "No baby, you didn't know. You did not know."

"Now I want you to start just by licking the head. Just the head baby, and we will take it slow with the rest. Crane your neck a little- work for that cock." Jamie stretched out her body to Jacqie's cock-head, and began licking the large mushroom-like tip. Something felt....right about it. She was lubricating again, in her sealed pussy. The revelation of Jacqie's big black dick making was her body react in a way that it hadn't to Jacqie before.

"That's nice, sweetie. You got the enthusiasm that I was talking about, yes you do. Now I'm gonna start fucking your mouth. We're gonna see how much of Jacqie you can swallow tonite." Jacqie thrust her cock as far as she could into Jamie's mouth, until Jamie started making choking sounds. Jacqie pulled out with a 'pa' sound, and Jamie began coughing. "Let's try that again. You gotta relax back there - don't fight it- just accept me."

Jacqie put it back in her mouth, and once again Jamie had to open her jaw all the way just to accommodate it. Suddenly, she felt herself go into some sort of zen-like state, as if she was somehow detached for her own body. She was going to take all of it- she would take all of Jacqie's length, because she was Jacqie. She wanted to swallow Jacqie's big cock, and make her proud and happy. She wasn't going to listen to her body at all - she would be it's master, she thought.

Jacqie was in fact pleased when she was able to fit most of her length into Jamie's throat- in fact, she was rather amazed. Thinking this might be a fluke, she pulled out halfway and then thrust herself back in again, but once again Jamie was able to gobble up about three-fourths of it. Exuberant, Jacqie pulled out completely as Jamie gasped for breath. She slapped Jamie's face lightly with the broad side of her wet and stiffing rod, and went right back to fucking Jamie's face with abandon.

"I'm proud of you, baby" said Jacqie "You are just amazing."

Jamie actually started to blush at hearing this, although still focused on deep-throating her Mistress.

"Do you feel how hard you are making me girl?"

"Mmmmhmm" replied Jamie

"You know what I am going to do for you, don't you baby? What I'm going to do for you tonite?"


"That's right" she said, running her fingers through Jamie's fine blonde hair "That's exactly right - I'm gonna fuck that ass. I'm gonna be your first. Jacqie's gonna own that ass, fill you right up."

Jamie was disappointed when Jacqie finally pulled out. She was actually hoping that she would make Jacqie cum, but she had just gotten her a little hard. "You got a greedy mouth girl" said Jacqie, as if reading her thoughts. "Brad, get over here and let Jamie show you what I taught her tonite" Brad put his unit in her face, and Jamie began licking him hard again.

At the same time as she was working Brad, Gina had apparently grabbed the flogger as she began lightly flogging Jamie's back. Soon Brad was fully erect and was finding that Jamie could magically take his full-length now, no problem. His afternoon fantasy having become reality, he soon got into the rythym of throat-fucking the little blonde.

Getting into the 'whip-suck-whip-suck' pattern that Gina and Brad has established, Jamie began to idly wonder where Jacqie might have gone. She didn't have to wonder long, as she felt the cool sensation of anal lube being poured into her ass-crack. Jacqie took her time behind her, spreading the lube up and down the crack with her fingers, and then idly toying with her sphincter before using her fingers to lube and widen her ring as much as she could. Moving slowly; not finger-banging her like before but methodically working to lubricate and relax her outer and inner ring. Jamie moaned past Brad's cock in her mouth, both from the sensation and the anticipation of what was coming next.

Jacqie admired Jamie's fair and slender back, laid out before her in the rigging. She playfully smacked Jamie's ass, one cheek and than the other. She then asked that Brad and Gina both break for a few seconds, to which they immediately complied. Brad idly stroked his cock while waiting to go back in.

Jacqie draped herself over Jamie's back, and Jamie could feel her hard silicon breasts on her back, and her long cock nestled neatly in the fold of her ass. Jacqie tested her tits one at a time, and sensually moving her hand past Jamie's flat and toned stomach down to her bare pubis, where she briefly toyed with her clit ring.

"You ready baby?" asked Jacqie, her head and therefore her headset near Jamie, so that the entire auditorium would hear their conversation.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

"I want you to beg for it. Beg for the cock."

"Please Mistress"

"Please what?"

"Please fuck me"

"Fuck you where? We sealed you up, as I recall..."

"Please fuck me in my ass Mistress Jacqie"

"OK, but only since you asked so nice."

Jacqie pulled herself up and stroked Jamie's back again, savoring the moment. Jamie bucked in the rigging, like a wild mare wanting her stud. Jacqie took a gob of anal lube, and used it to coat the entire length of her cock. She grabbed Jamie's little waist and inserted the head into Jamie's ring.

"Ah!" cried out Jamie.

"Relax baby. We gonna take it nice and slow. Feel my head in there?"


"Well, I don't care what anybody says, you ain't no virgin no more, baby."

"Thank you Mistress"

Jacqie slowly worked her cock into Jamie, taking her time and stroking Jamie's back and ass as she eased her way in. Jamie made cute little moaning sounds the whole time, which Jacqie loved. Incredibly, she was finally able to fit her entire length up Jamie's chute before pulling out most of the way and back in again. This got progressively easier, and soon she was ass-fucking Jamie with a slow but steady rhythm, her balls slapping lightly against Jamie's closed pussy when she thrust in.

"Brad, why don't you give Jamie something to suck on. Gina, please resume" asked Jacqie. Brad put his cock up to Jamie's mouth, which she then swallowed with abandon. Gina began lightly flogging Jamie, while taking time to stimulate her own clit.

Jamie was fully overwhelmed by the whipping, and the hard cock in her mouth- and the one in her ass! Oh, her ass! She had been stimulating it herself first manually and then with various objects throughout her youth (a hairbrush handle, a superball from the market, a tiny 'portable massager' picked up at the Airport), but she had NEVER experienced anything close to this. She could feel the sensation of Jacqie's cock striking home in her entire body. She didn't know if an orgasm was building, or if she was simply going to explode.

Suddenly Brad came in her mouth- crying out "Oomph". Jamie felt the odd taste of his juice in her mouth- she wasn't sure if she liked it. Brad patted her head like she was a good kid and leaned down to kiss her cheek after. Jamie gazed up at him and smiled. "Well, he did want to be in my mouth all day. I hope I was what he expected" she thought to herself.

"Finally!" said Jacqie aloud. She had apparently been waiting for Brad to finish, as she suddenly put her hands on Jamie's waist and the small of her back and starting fucking her fast and hard, causing Jamie to cry out every time Jacqie hit home. Gina took the cue to up her game as well, even taking Jamie's head in her hand and slapping her face a few times.

Jamie had gone post-verbal. There were no words anymore, no pain, and no mere 'pleasure' either; just a mighty force which had taken over her body and mind. She cried out when Jacqie's cock and balls hit her ass like a jackhammer because crying out was all there was for it- that's how the force that ruled her chose to express itself. Then the orgasms came, tumbling one after another, going off like big and little fireworks. 

"Aahhh! - Aaaaugh! - *huff* - Oohwoo-oo! - Aiaiai!" she cried; her own language, her own idioglossia of pleasure.

Jacqie herself finally came, her hot seed filling Jamie's rear entryway. No great expression from her, just a loud "Wooooo!" as she finished. She withdrew her wet cock, and slapped it a few times on Jamie's ass, making a Pollack painting of white and clear fluids on her backside.

The rigging then lifted Jamie aloft again, and back on her feet. Her legs were left spread eagle, but the arms cables loosened enough so that she could move them. Brad came up to her to give her a little kiss, as - to her surprise- did Gina! Then came Jacqie; Jamie looked up at her adoringly and they kissed passionately, Jacqie tasting her little tongue again and mussing her little blonde head (to be fair, the hair styling from earlier was already ruined).

The unseen audience began clapping, then stomping, there was some whistling - and then even more clapping to follow. Gina, Brad and Jacqie all smiled and bowed, as did Jamie;  flushed and emotional still, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Jamie was freed from the rigging, but not the cuffs and collar (those were to be part of her life now), wrapped in a blanket and led backstage by her naked 'handlers'.

Jamie realized to her amazement that she had become the girl she had seen and heard earlier in the day; she was now the drained and naked girl wrapped in blanket, flanked by her lovers and tormentors.

The three then led her further backstage, and into the rest of her life.

The End

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