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Review This Story || Author: Clara High

A nice vacation day

Part 1

      A nice vacation day

        It was My first day in FdA recreation center on Russia's Black Sea coast in the nice calm village of Devichino.
I was here to pass part of My year's furlough. Devichino was wonderful village with hospitable habitants located in nice
forest offering clear air and good ecological food. The all products used for preparation of the daily ration of the vacationists
were coming from the local farms and were under strict sanitary control. It was one of the place, where soldierins of FdA were sent
to take a good rest in calm quiet environment, to refresh themselves and to prepare themselves for further service. Keeping of silence was compulsory all over the clock with exception of the special, in advance announced events of joint parties and amusements.
        Health recreation procedures and regime were taking place in day time. If the ladies wanted, they could switch on the personal radio speaker head phones and listening light classic music. Each customer was accommodated in separate room, and those which arrived with their families, in nice apartments. Only female family members were allowed in the recreation centers like this. All was arranged in such way, that no one and nothing could disturb the calmness of the vacationists. It was possible for the vacationer ladies to visit disco and other clubs, but for that purpose they had to go to the village, where a few nice such places were available.
        As far as each female ruled country in the World Femdom Union has right to determine own laws, rules and decrees about the society relations between ruling female class and the ruled male class, in Russia those relations were far more free and liberal than for example in Dorme or in the Female Empire. Despite they were degraded into inferior servants' class male were allowed to live together with the Women, to work for them and even to be in closer relations with them in small group similar to old ages' families. Here men were allowed to wear clothes, something absolutely impossible in our country. All of them were obliged to be with shaved heads and with small, but clearly visible table on their ears showing their unique number. Such regime of liberal slavery was combined with strict punishment system. In case the male has made some mistake or crime, he was to be punished in severe manner. The punishment was applied in discreet manner in order not to disturb the harmonic way of life of the Women. The most severe offenders had been taken in the education training centers or in the prisons or in work and education camps in dependence by the extent of their violations.
        I saw many men working hard on the straits and in the gardens in complete silence. I didn't see any gages in their mouths. They were only working in deep silence and were speaking only if some women were asking them something. Whole village was clean and well arranged, sounded by jolly and happy women' laughing and women' speaking. Everyone was seemed to be happy.
        I was on common regime, not prescribing some special way of behavior. I was following general heating procedure with hot mineral water and medical mud until lunch time. The time afternoon was free till the dinner. I could sleep, or I could walk in the nature outside the center's area. I love the nature and the long promenades in the forests on fresh air. Very often I and other My known vacationist, some of them also Ladies Officers or Soldierins, were making tours in the remarkable forests and valleys surrounding Devichino.
        Once I was walking alone in the valley, enjoying the nice calm sunny morning, when I heard impacts in the near forest. It was Sunday that day and there were not procedures scheduled to be carried out and I went out for promenade early, immediately after breakfast. It was nice sun morning; air was fresh and a little cold. I was in fashionable training sport suit, emphasizing My body. I was making jogging. I run towards the noise between the trees and soon a small forest house same like in the children tales appeared in front of Me. Its wide yard was surrounded with nicely carved wooden board fence. A young man in light clothes with mark on his ear was chopping trees. Huge heap of long wooden pieces was on the one of his side and a larger good arranged stack of short wooden planks was made on the other. I approached to the small well decorated door in the fence. It was behind the man's back. I quietly opened the door, but when I was closing it, a squeak appeared. The man stood up and turned to Me with surprise and shock in his eyes. Seeing Me, he fell on his knees and bent to the ground. The axe was on the ground far behind him. I as approaching him and he was not moving at all. I stopped on about one meter from his shaved head. No movement!
        - Hej, tiy! Vstanj na kolenjah! (Hej you! Stand on your knees!) - he got knelt, but continued to look down. - Kto zdesj hozjajka? (Who is Mistress here?) - I know Russian language, so I was asking him directly.
        - Gospoja! Ja jivu zdesj vmeste s mamoj! Ona i hozjajka! (Madam! I live here with my mother! She is Mistress here!)
        - Ona doma? Ja hochu poznakomitsja i poprivetstvovatj ej! (Is She at home? I want to get familiar with Her and to embrace Her!)
        - Net, Gospoja! Ona teperj v gostqh u moej tjoti v Barishnevske, ja uhajivaju za domom i za hozjajstvom. (No, Madam! She is now on visit to my aunt in the Barisnevsk, i am careing for home and for the farm.)
        - OK! Mne hochetsja pitj! Prinesi mne vodjy! Bjistro! (I want drink! Bring Me water! Faster!)
        - Da, Gospoja! Razreshite vjiprjamitsja, pojaluista! (Yes, Madam!Please, permit me to stand up!)
        - Net! Idi s polzaniem! Stupaj! (No! Go with crauling! March! ) - We were alone! I was the only woman around, so I was his immediate Mistress in that moment! He was crawling to the house as fast as he could. I was stepping slowly after him. I was enjoying his quiet obedience to Me. I made him to pass through wide muddy puddle and kicked him to fall in it. In few seconds he become as a pig, whole covered with durt and mud. I stepped beside and was very carefull not to pollute My sport suit and sport shoes. I was looking at him and was thinking what more to make with him. I haven't met a man for months, except My home slave servants, but I was already tired of them. This man here was fresh flesh for Me and I got hot very fast. He was looking in nicely good body shape! He was obviously strong; he could even kill Me easily, but maybe he even wasn't daring to think about it! This big bear was now completely in My hands and under My control! He was trying to escape from the puddle and I wasn't stopping him.
        - Kogda vernetsja tvoja Mama? (When shall your Mama return?) - he was crawling up the stairs of the house polluting them with mud and water. Nice! I started to think how to punish him for that. He didn't anwer immediately. I started to get angry. - Otvechaj! (Answer to Me!)
        - Cherez tri dnja, Gospoja! (After three days, Madam!) - He was continuing to crawl. After few "steps" he entered the house. After few minutes he got back crawling funny on three "legs" and wearing with difficult a plastic cup of water. He stopped and extended his hand with the water to Me.
        - Voda, Gospoja! (The water, Madam!) - Water in plastic cup? For a Lady Guest? I slapped him! I took the cup and flushed the water in her face!
        - Durak! Kak tiy smeesh! Voda v plasticovoj croshke?Mne?Prinesi Mne vodu, idiot! (You, stupid! How you dare! Water in plastic cup? For Me? Bring Me water, idiot!)
        - Da, Gospoja! (Yes, Madam!) - and he marched crawling back.
        After the third attempt, when half of the beautiful house was in mud spots and traces I was satisfied. I took the nice glass cup from his trembling hand and drank the water with great pleasure. The last few drops fell from My lips over the sport shoes. Oh!
        - Idi sjuda! Ochisti moju sportivnuju obuvj! Vjiliji grjazj i vodi ot nih! (Clean My sport shoes! Lick the dust and the water from them!)
        - Da, Gospoja! - he started to lick. I was so happy. Local men were kept in relatively liberal conditions, but the requirements and rules appointed to them were very strict. Each woman arrived at their home was becoming home mistress for him if his actual Mistress was absent. It was great! I was his Mistress now and only limits before Me were the rules pointed by his Mother... After My shoes were cleaned, I stopped him. I ordered him to strip himself completely! He looked at Me surprised and slowed to do what was told to. I slapped him with whole My power. He reeled and fell down. I shouted to him to stand up and he did. I repeated the order to strip him. He started! Mmmm...Nice! In few minutes he was standing completely naked in front of Me!
        - Tij, plohoj mujchina! Zachem zagrjazil vesj dom tvoej Mamij? A? Ili tij, neblagodarnaja scotina ne ljubish ee i hochesh, chto bij ona stradala!!!! A? Chto tij nadelal!!! Vidish? (You are bad boy! Why did you polluted whole home of your Mother? A? Or, you, ungratefull animal don't love Her and wish Her to suffer!!! A? What did you do? Do you see?)
        - Izvinite, Gospoja! Ja bijl doljen prinesti vam vodu! Vij mne prikazali. (Excuse me,  Madam! I had to bring you water! You had ordered me.) - I was laughing in myself. He started to excuse himself... Perfect... He was excusing himself, using My order and My name as reasons for his acts! How was he daring! It was nice opportunity to Me to continue! Ohhh... It was going to be nice very long day for him, too long!
        - Ha ha ha ha! Aaa ha ha ha ha! - I started to laugh loudly. He was in My hands, at least till his mother's return. He was looking at me with a mix of fear, wondering and slight panical desperation. - Nikogda ne opravdivaj sebja za schet jenshtinij! Nikogda! (Don't try never to excuse yourself with a Woman! Never!) - I stepped a little forward and with a cruell terrific kick in his stomach threw him bent on the ground. He was down, breathing noisy and difficultly. His eyes were almost to escape... Huuuh...
        - Stand up! - I ordered in English. I was so excited, that I was so sorry, that the local laws were prohibiting free killing of men as in the West countries. Due to that I wasn't able to satisfy my darkest fantasies. - Take off your dirty stinking tatters and start to clean  your Mother's home! Faster!!!
        - Yes, Madam! - He rushed to undress himself. Obviously My voice was more influent when I was commanding in English than in Russian. Fine! Let's continue! I was staying on shortest distance from him and was closely observing each his movement. I was pushing him on each his step. I was finding wrong things in all. Once it was an omitted spot, twice - a dry place, and three - patch of dust on furniture and so on and so on... Initially he was calm, but after two hours constant pressing he started to get nervous, his face became red, his breathing heavy and broken, he started to make stupid and funny things. I was using a long thin wooden stick to push him in the way desired by Me. With the time I used it more and more. On his buttocks appeared two wide bloody wounds. Suddenly he stopped his work... What? How did he dare? I approached him from front. He was crying. He was crying quietly. Two nice creeks of tears were going down over his cheeks. I got wet. Ooohhhh... such mice pleasure in that wonderful day... I bent Myself and kissed him. I almost started to love him! But, no! He was an inferior man and Me, a Superior Lady.  I licked a little drop of his tears... Hmmmmm... Nice slightly salt taste. I got excited... overexcited!!! I pushed him down on the wet just having been cleaned floor and sat over his face. I was in my sport wearing and I was feeling his hot breathing through My clothing.
        - Start chewing it! - And I felt how his lips, tongue and teeth were working on My divine through the cloths soft material. Mmmmmmmmm. I was moving short but intensively rubbing My cherry onto his face, lips and nose. I was rubbing My intimacy and I was receiving a nice pleasure from that. The man was with strong bone structure, so there was no danger to break his nose, tooth or something else. After some time I started to feel My moisture in My panties. Ooohhh... i succeeded to take control over Myself. I stood up. The work was to be finished, humiliation to be brought to its end.
        - Continue your work! - he continued furbishing the floor. Step by step his clothes, used as rugs were completely torn and become useless. The house cleaning was completed. At least he was thinking so. It was the time for the next operation. I prepared the long wooden stick. He was standing on his knees and was looking down to the floor. He was waiting for My next order. Mmm! Nice! Very well educated man! I swished twice with the stick near his back, but without even touching him. He obviously trimmed himself and prepared for the severe impact, which didnt follow. He was looking so pity, so miserable.
        - Now! It is the disinfection time! Start to lick the floor starting from the garden, passing the stairs and so on... Be careful no traces of spits must to remain after you! Not even the smallest drop!!! Do you hear Me!!! - he was looking at Me with sad widely open eyes. Lack of thrust was seen in them... obviously no one had acted such way with him before! Ah! Pity on him!
        - Do you hear Me!!! - I whipped him once... another red trace appeared on his back.
        - Yes, Madam! - he bent himself and started to lick...
    ... Time to time I corrected his movement, I was ordering him to lick harder and after each My command his answers was getting more and more not understandable and noisy... On the middle of the work I suddenly noticed a drop of blood on the floor in the middle of the main hall... Ahh!
        - Stop! You idiot! Here! Come! - I called him as a dog! He crawled rapidly to Me! I took his head and pull it up! His mouth was red! Small, but visible wounds were visible on his skin around his mouth.
        - Open your mouth! You, pig! - I ordered and he did! Houuuuuh! His tongue was covered with deep bloody wounds. Large blood drops were coming out of them. He obviously was succeeding to swallow them, but had omitted one! Plenty wooden miniature flinders were grinded deep into the tongue flesh. Ooohhh. It was looking nasty! I picked up My stick and touched the tongue with its tip and press it strongly! A hysterical moaning and feverish trembling came as reaction. I was glad, but it was not enough for Me. I started to rub and press continuously. I was looking in his eyes. I was seeing his tears to collect and to start to leak down... Oooo... He tried to pull himself away and to close his mouth in order to avoid the pain, but I slapped him strongly and caught stronger his chin. He tried to struggle. His hands were not handcuffed till now! What stupid mistake have I done! He stood up and caught My throat... Finally his patience has got to its end! I saw his hand moving up preparing to hit Me. Whit a fast short movement, I took out a syringe - ampoule with fast acting tranquilizer, plunged the needle in his neck and press the small vessel. He got soft almost immediately. I saw the fear and surprise in his eyes. The medicament was sparing his sensitivity, but was blocking the normal movement abilities, making such way the victim to act as helpless zombie. I took him naked to the yard and made him to lie with his face down over a huge horizontal fallen wood. I tied up him. It was necessary only for My comfort. He was not able to run away, due to the medicament's acting. I started methodically to whip him. I was not looking where I hit! The strikes were falling on him one after another... like a rain. Initially I was seeing his trembling, but after almost ten minutes he got weak. I stopped My work and went to see his face. He had fainted. OK, it was time for Me to get some refreshment. I left him tied on the tree and went in the house to search the bath room. I was sweat and I was feeling My own smell. I don't like to smell. I found the bathroom. It was separated in two parts - one empty, fitted only with a shower and as far as I saw only with one bleeder, obviously for cold water only. That was the man part. When I came into the other part I saw a nicely equipped Russian bath, for which I had only red till that moment... Oohh...There was a normal type bath tub in a separate compartment. Obviously that was the bath for the guests, who couldn't take much from the traditional Russian bath. Persons like Me! Nice!
        I opened the bleeders and started to fill the tube with nice hot water. I took out My shoes, then all My clothes. The tube was full. I put different odors in the water and stepped with one leg inside, but suddenly stopped Myself. My clothes! Someone had to take care of them, to wash them, to clean My shoes and to dry them all. I covered Myself with a huge towel and went to the tied up man. He has become conscious again.
        - How do you feel, dear? - I asked.
        - Thank you, Madam! I am fine. - he was lisping strongly. I looked at his tongue and saw that it had started to swell. The infection has obviously started.
        - Shall you be a nice calm and obedient boy, haa? Shall you? May I release now from here and put you to do some work for Me, a?
        - Yes, Madam, I will do whatever you tell Me to!
        - Promise?
        -Yes Madam, I swear!
        - OK, then! Take Me on your hands and bring Me to the bath tub, I want to relax after hard time you had given to Me. After you put Me in there, go to the laundry room and wash My clothes and after that dry them properly. Having done it, clean My shoes! After that come to Me! OK? Be a good boy! Proceed! - I was staying in front of him and waiting him to take Me in his bears hands.
        - Madam! - I was surprised to hear his voice. He was speaking with lisp.  - Please! It is so painful! Please have mercy and help Me! My tongue...Ooohh.. - It made Me jolly. I kissed his cheek and smiled at him...
        - OK, but you must be punished for your stubbornness not to follow what I am saying to you, right? Right! So, now do what I ordered and after that I will take care for your tongue. Come on! -  He took Me in his hands and in a minute I was lying in the tube having whole possible pleasure of the nice hot bath. Ohhh... I put few huge drops of shampoo over My body and rubbed to spread them. In few seconds lavish nicely smelling foam covered Me and water surface. In the next compartment the man was washing and cleaning My staff... It was just perfect...        

... I felt something to touch My hand. I was surprised. I opened My eyes and saw him to kiss My hand. Obviously that was the way in which he was trained to wake up gently a woman... Good... more or less... Despite in Dorme the man - "husband", or just servant would be killed for such bold immediately... Whatever... I looked at him with asking...
        - Ma..a..m!! - ooohhh... his tongue...
        - All right! Go bring to Me the first aid kit. I hope for your good that you have one. Yes?
        - Yeshh, Ma...a...m. - two minutes later I was with him at men' compartment of the bath. I tied up him to ne pillar, just to ensure that the following manipulation will be safe both for him and for Me. He was immobilized. He didn't rend any resistance. He was like a dog, understanding that his Mistress is doing painful things to him only for his own good.
        I ordered him to protrude his tongue as much as it was possible... He did. I took a clean rag and too k out the dirty emulsion out of his mouth cavity, after that I started to remove the fine wooden pieces grinded into the flesh. He was jumping due to the severe pain. His nasty spit was moistening My hands. Hooouhh ... disgusting...When all small pieces were removed, I took a knife and made three prolonged incisions in the tongue itself. He fainted. Heavy stink of pus came out from the incision. Heavy yellow - red matter started to drop over his breast. It smelled awfully. I put a mouth fixator in his mouth just to keep it open and treated the injured tongue with aseptic antibiotic paste. His mother obviously was a careful Woman. Her home was supplied with all things necessary for a noble home. I made him an injection and put all tools back in the kit. I put it on position and returned to him. He was still unconscious. I used it for washing him. I open the hydrant with cold water and started to flush him over, taking care not to moisturize his grotesquely open mouth. At the end of that procedure he started to give signs of life. When the last traces of the nasty pus were removed, I stopped the water and got back to the bath tube... The clever constructed system was keeping only the water with temperature required by user in the tube, so I could now to enjoy the hot nice bath again...
        The things I had just past threw, had their strong effect over Me and I started to caress Myself in the hot water... I was seeing him suffering... It was so nice, funny and exciting... My hands and hot water were cosseting My divine. I was feeling My labia and My clit already full with blood pulsing between My thin fingers. With one My hand I started to pet My still young well formed breast... I was feeling the waves of the water in the tube. After some time I started to feel them higher and higher, huge, caressing My body waves full with warm strength and nice calmness... Their waterfall took Me higher and higher and flush Me out far and far and away...

        I made some coffee for Myself, took a small dish with biscuits and went out on the open veranda.  I put the cup and the dish on the small table and sat in the rocking chair beside. I was wearing a soft wrapper. Ahhh... It was just nice... It was the about four after noon and I was enjoying the wonderful nature around. Hmmmm... Such calmness... My nasty games with My "host" have taken whole My time from the morning till now... It was time to go back to the sanatorium. I went to the main hall, where he had put My cleaned, dried and ironed clothes and changed Myself. Wooouhhh... What softener do they use... Huuuhh... Remarkable... Ahh.
        In few minutes I was ready. Oh! I almost forget to release him! Oh, Dear! I went to the pillar in the bath room and looked at him. He was conscious and calm. When he saw Me, he started to moan. I smiled. His tongue's swell has decreased a little. Good! I touched it.
        - Do you feel pain? - I asked. Negative nodding! Ok. - You know that it is a honor to suffer for My pleasure, don't you?
        -  - I smiled at him.
        - Now listen! I will release you from the pillar, but I will leave the mouth fixator on its place, in your mouth. Do you understand Me? You will not touch it and will not eat or drink nothing till tomorrow afternoon! OK? - A protesting moaning told Me that this stupid male is not going to obey! - Or I will leave you tied up here till tomorrow? Do you want it? - Again negative moaning. - OK, this is for your good. If you close your mouth or eat or drink your wounds will not get healthy soon and the infection could kill you, OK? - the affirmative sign. - OK, I release you now! Remember what I order to you!!!
        After I took out his handcuffs I was surprised by him again. He rushed towards Me, fell on the ground and started to embrace Me legs and to cry... Hoooh... Good... I slightly pushed him back and took his head in My hands.
        - Listen! Tomorrow I will come about two o'clock after noon. Prepare a nice lunch for Me and be ready to serve Me properly! And keep the house in good order! Don't gorget to keep your head and mouth clean and do not remove the fixator till I come! OK? I was instructing him what to do same way like a good Mother instructs a naughty child… Ha ha ha! How funny!
        -  - I heard his thankful calm moaning.
        I kissed his nice clean cheeks and went out from the house and came in the forest. Birds were chirping and the whole nature symphony was sounding My soul... I was happy... One hour later I saw the resorts buildings...

Review This Story || Author: Clara High
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