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Review This Story || Author: Prey4Me

Rape of an All-American Princess

Part 2

Warning!    You must be 18 or over to read these stories of rape and nonconsexual sex. If you do not like such stories, please turn back. I don't promote rape or non-consent sex. This is only a story, fiction, if you do not understand the difference between reality and fantasy, read no more. Rape is a heinous crime and the penalty is many years in prison. Anyone who commits rape are despised everywhere. But fantasies are all right so long as no one is hurt.


       My Rape of a All-American Princess

By “Prey4Me”

Part 2 of 3

Mf, rape, 1st, Teen, Mdom, oral, anal

The following is a work of erotic fiction, involving the rape of a perfectly innocent eighteen-year-old girl. It is intended only for persons over eighteen. Any similarity between the characters and real persons is coincidental and utterly improbable.  The author does not condone or encourage non-consensual sex.  If your reading this goes beyond the mere enjoyment of fantasy to the attempt of forced sex, then either get competent help or a castration or both.

*                                                           **************                                                   *

Karens Ordeal Continues

Karen got up, slowly, standing on the filthy mattress upon which she had just lost her virginity.  She was wobbly and pressed a hand to the graffiti-scarred wall to steady herself.  Her rape seemed to have hit her harder than I had first thought.   She was still beautiful, but definitely the worse for wear.  Her hair was quite a mess, with locks and curls falling every which way. One generous honey-blonde wave fell over left eye and templevery sexy.   She was pale, a little sweaty, and a bit of mascara was smeared around her eyes, from her crying.

       And, nicest of all, there was a smearing of transparent creamy film and red at the top of her thighs, and around her pussy and the bottom of her belly.

       Karens appeal and persona had been so very pristine and virginal.   Now, she looked devastated, used.  Or, to use an old-fashioned term, ruined.

I had taken that priceless virtue, in a rough and merciless way, if I say so myself.

Rape.  I had raped sweet young Karen. And it was very, very gratifying.

       Youve probably noticed that I use the word rape a lot.  Bear with me.  Its something that fascinates, intrigues, and excites me.  I love the concept, the fantasy, the image, and now--finallythe experience of rape.

       My victim was rather dazed, looking at me.  I guess she was wondering what would happen next.  Maybe she was afraid Id hurt her or snuff her.  Well, no, but I wasnt going to let her know that.  Not yet, anyway.  I needed to keep control over her.  Maybe I was through fucking her, but I wasnt through raping her!

       As I see it, rape is more than just the forced insertion of a penis into a vagina.  It is the application of force and power, depriving the victim of her autonomy, dignity, modesty, and all sense of control over her body.  Its the subjugation of her femininity.  Its exploitation, deprivation, violation, defilement, and the absolutely selfish enjoyment of a girl.

       But enough on philosophizing about rape.

       I had malice and mischief in mind!

       “Come with me,” I ordered.  I took her by the hand.    Naked and barefoot, the two of us tiptoed back through the crap that was all over the place.  “Do you feel dirty, Karen?  Like youre not clean any more?  Well, you arent. Not now!”  I chuckled.   “Think youll want to wear a white gown when you get married?”  The sadist in me loved to taunt this classy cunt. “If you ever do!  Watch out for the dried puke there!”  I pointed out, helpfully, but sardonically. “Maybe some girl puked there after she got drunk and was gang-raped, huh?”   I lead her downstairs, a sick parody of two lovers stealing out of their bower.   We reached the porch, where our clothes were scattered about.  I stepped into my shoes, then ordered her, “Pick up the clothes.  All of them.”

       Karen picked up a shoe, her blonde mane falling forward, and started to put it on.  I grabbed her by her hair, and pulled her back, and slapped a tit. “Did I tell you to put your shoes on, whore?”

       “N-no.  Sir.”

       “Just pick them up, you stupid little slut!”

       She whimpered something (“Im not a s-s-slut…”) and bent over, gathering up our clothes. I kicked her, right on her trim little ass, sending her sprawling, but she caught herself on her palms.   “If I say youre a slut, youre a slut!  Now pick up the clothes, and stay barefoot!” 

I had reasons. If she were to make a break for it, I wanted her barefoot, but me with footwear, so I could catch her.

       Still leading her hand-in-hand, I led her outside to the porch, and had her pick up our clothes.   Then to the car.  I had her drop the clothes on the grass, and I pushed my beautiful Karen back against the warm black enamel of the car, and pressed myself in against her, pushing her ass hard against the curve of the fender.  I pressed hard against her, running my fingers through her hair, kissing her, grinding my crotch against hers.  Her pussy felt wet and warm and so very well fucked.

“Youre a slut, Karen, a slut! Im going to turn you into a slut!” 

My lust, at least for now, was sated, but it was exhilarating to feel her body all the same.  She was soft and pliant, and still smelled of sex.

       She offered no resistance or complaint as I fondled and pawed her body.

       I shoved her roughly to the ground.  I tossed her purse to her.   “You keep a brush or something in this?  Fix your hair.  Youre a fucking mess!”  Sitting Indian-style on the dirt, she started brushing and straightening her hair.  She was kind of pale.

       “Do you have some make-up or lipstick?  Do something to your face.  You look like youve been fucked half to death!” 

       Karen pulled her things together, and knelt by the car door.  She pulled the side view mirror out, and fixed herself.   Then she stood up, and I turned her around, bending her over the hood.  I pushed up against her, and rubbed my flaccid prick against her ass crack.  “Ever been fucked in the ass?” 

Karen froze. I pushed her legs apart, and wiggled my prick into her crotch, and tapped her on her hips, signaling I wanted her to close them, and my dick was squeezed between her upper thighs.    I wasnt about to fuck her again, not just yet, but it did feel nice.   “So I guess thats a no, huh”

“No.  Sir.”

“Now finish fixing your hair and your face, I want you looking pretty, like you havent been raped, actually.”  It took a few minutes, but my bruised beauty actually made herself quite presentable.  She pulled out damp-wipe, and cleaned her face; then she put on a bit of powder, and some lipstick. 

       And she looked a lot nicer.

       I got some things out of the trunk.  I usually keep my digi-camera aroundits a top-grade one, tooand, even better, happened to have my laptop with me.

       “Now put your clothes back on, nice and neat.”  The blonde looked at me quizzically, but immediately complied.  As she slid her white satin-striped panties up her thighs, she probably thought her ordeal was over.

       And she would be wrong.  Didnt she notice that I was not getting dressed?

       Having just gotten my rocks off, I found myself simply enjoying the poetic beauty of this lovely teenage girl putting her clothes on.  She put her bra about her waist, clipped it together, then rotated it around and pulled it up her torso, enclosing those sweet 34-B breasts, and positioned the silvery straps on her shoulders.

       She put on her crisp white blouse, glancing at me while she buttoned it.  I leaned against the car, checking the camera settings, in all my nude glory.   It was a moment of beauty and grace as she flipped her hair out of the collar, over her shoulders and back, and pushed it down her back.

       Then she stepped into her demure satin half-slip.

       And then her skirt.  I like watching girls fix their clothes, the femininity of it all.    She fastened the waistband, zipper, and pulled it straight, and she pulled it down on her uniform blouse.  Her adolescent breasts pushed outwards proudly. 

       Lastly, she pulled on her knee-highs, except for her shoes.  The pleats of her skirt fanned out on the grass in a semicircle.  I motioned for her to get up, and, except that her hair was loose, she looked like the virignal schoolgirl I had kidnapped an hour or so before.

       Except that she was no longer an innocent virgin! I liked the thought, that everybody would think shes still the sweet pristine Karen, but that Karen would be maintaining the ugly secret that she was “damaged goods,” as they used to say.

       How satisfying!

       “Now come with me, and bring your shoes,” I ordered.  I stayed nakedexcept for my footwear.  Did it occur to her that that was strange?  An attractive brook was nearby; the bank was lined with well-worn rocks and boulders and nice foliage. It would be an artistic photographic backdrop, and looked like a thousand other rivers and brooks around the world.

       We got there, and I had her sit down on a smooth, spherical rock, about a meter tall.   “Youre going to model for me.  Sit down, and make sure your skirt fans out to your sides.”  She adjusted herself, and looked, well, very pretty, posing on the thing.  Her hair fluttered in a bit of breeze, her young tits pushed out against the white blouse, and the blue plaid skirt was draped over the off-white rock in a neat, even manner.

       “Now smile for the camera.”

       She did, and I took some shots from a few angles.  She was so naturally pretty.

       “Now Karen, listen up.  Im going to be taking lots of pictures of you.  And youre going to pose, look very pretty and neat and sweet, and then were going to take your clothes off, strip, a little at a time, got it?  When Im done, Im going to have a nice portfolio of you.”  She looked down,  resigned to her plight.   She had just been rapedwhy not a bit more indignity?  “Now pull your skirt up, halfway to your thigh…yeah, let a bit of the slip show…good…. Now pull them both up a big higher, mid-thigh, right, look straight ahead, give me a bit of a smile…hmmm…. push your hair back…now face me…. smile…. now smile, lips closed, no teeth…. push your tits out….”   I was impressed with her compliance, like there was a natural model in her.  Nice, but strange.  “Lean back, spread your skirt out…now pull your skirt up, good, Pull it all up, your slip, too,…turn your head right…smile…Show your pearly-whites!  Turn and face me, skirt up, show your panties, nice, more panty-crotch…..good, good,…head back, look at the sky, nice….Hmmmm…open your legs, just a little.   Now a little more.”

       She kept posing for me as I proceeded.  “Im going to create a website, and store all these pictures of you.  Ill keep it secure, password-protected.  And youre going to be a porno star!  Now slide your hand inside the waistband of your panties, good!  Youre going to look greatyou know it, but dont like to admit it, but most men really lust after beautiful schoolgirls like you.  Now turn over, and push your ass up a bit….good…They look at you in your sweet little uniforms, watch your skirt swish and sway as you walk, and wish to hell that they could get you naked and fuck you like theres no tomorrowlike I just did!”

       She was quiet, on her knees and elbows.  I pushed her skirt and slip up, exposing her panties.   I leaned over, directing her face to me, and kissed her.  “They want to kiss you, Karen.” 

       I kissed her again. She was still as I groped her crotch. Then I stroked her ass.  “They want to touch you, to feel your body, to enjoy you intimately, like Im doing now, Karen.”

       She closed her eyes, and kind of nodded acknowledgement. “Get off the rock.”  She slid down.   I leaned over her, extracting more kisses, and my free hand moved to her knees, and slid under her skirt and slip, up her thigh. I adjusted her legs, and had the pleats fan and trail behind her over the rock. “All the men and boys who look at you, Karen, want to feel you up and put their hands under your skirt”I stroked her thighs, they were cool and smooth“because youre such a beautiful, desirable, fuckable little cunt!”

       And with that, I pushed her legs apart.  I slid my hand up the top of her thigh, sliding my fingers inside her pussy, digging in.

       “And there are millions and millions of horny guys who would love to have a huge website with hundreds of pictures of a beautiful blonde Catholic schoolgirl like you, taking off her uniform, showing all the delights of her perfect teenage body, you know that?”

       She sat there, immobile, eyes closed.

       “Well?”  I demanded.  “Do you know that?  Do you know that pictures of you taking your uniform off will turn on all these millions of guys and that theyll go from webpage to webpage looking at you, unzipping their pants, pulling on their cocks and fantasizing about fucking you, like I fucked you, huh, you know that, Karen?”

       She nodded. 

“Think of your naked butt on millions of hard drives all over the world!”

But that still wasnt enough. I wanted her to absolutely understand and appreciate and emotionally digest this sordid possibility.

       “I want you to say it, Karen.  Say, I know that I turn on millions of guys and theyll jerk off while they look at pictures of me naked.  Now say it!”

       She finally opened her eyes, and looked at me, pain and grief on her face.  “I knowI knowmillions of men will, will…masturbate…looking at me…with my clothes…off…naked….”  Her voice trailed off.  Not perfect, but it would do.

       “Now heres the deal, Candy-Crotch!” I cheerfully said.  “Im going to take more pictures of you, and load them onto my hard drive.”  And when Im done, I bet my hard drive will be hard again, baby!  I thought.  “Then Ill select the ones I like for the on-line portfolio.  And Im going to load it into a few hundred addresses. But thats just for starters.  Theyll be linked to other porno sites, which will link to other sites, andsince theyre freetheyll be shared with thousands and thousands and thousands of porno sites.  Youll be known everywhere!  You dont know how many smut pages are out there that promise teenage girls’—but you get slutty-looking twenty-five-olds. Cant tell you what a bummer it is to look at grown women with droopy boobs in cheap plaid miniskirts!   But youre the real thing, baby, a real schoolgirl!  With the hit of the send key, I can send pictures of you to everybody who knows you, and thousand and millions of men besides!

       “And Ill hack into your school computer and get everybodys email address!  Just think.  Every time you go down the hall, every boy, every teacher, every fucking priest will think, I know what she looks like under her uniform!  And all around the world, from Turkmeninistan to South Africa to South Chicago, men will be turning on their computers, turning to pictures of you--you, Karen!   And pulling their cocks and rubbing them and whacking on them and fantasizing about sticking their penises into you!  Do you want me to do that?”

       She shook her head.

       “I didnt think so.  So lets get back to our photo-shoot, little Miss Porno-Star!  I want you to be schoolgirl pretty from start to finish.   As long as I dont hear from the cops, these pictures will stay locked on cyberspace behind my password.  But if I ever get asked about what happened here, about raping you, then Im going to release those pictures to your school, to the entire town, and the rest of the world.  Its up to you.  You pose, and I keep the pictures to myself, and this stays just between us.  Or your sexy ass becomes the public property of men all over the world.  Understand?”

       She nodded, and turned to me.  Karen lowered her head, her hair falling forward, framing her porcelain-delicate face. “Yes,” she whispered.

       “And that means your family.  When Im done with you, Im going to phone your mother and tell her that if she calls the police, theres hell to pay.  And youll make the payments.  Everybody will feel sorry for youbut theyll look at you, gossip about you, the girls will analyze your figure, the boys will pull on their pricks, and your husbandif you ever get one--will know everything when and if you get married.  But this way, you can at least pretend to everybody that youre still the sweet little virgin everybody thinks you are.”

       “Now, turn to your left, and sit up straight.  Put your hands in your hair, at your nape, and pull your hair back.”  She did.  I took a few shots.

       “Now stand up and face me.  Spread your skirt out, fan it to the sides…. nice…now lift it up a few inches…. yeah, thats a pretty little slip, sexy, now lift up the slip too, halfway up your thighs….good….turn around, bend over….hmmm…”  I lifted her skirt and slip up, framing her panty-clad butt….I rubbed her ass cheeks through the nylon….took some more pictures at different angles.  It was nice, nice!

       And so it went.  It was fun undressing my schoolgirl captive all over again.  I had her unbutton, re-button, and unbutton her blouse several times, exposing her chest with and without her bra.  I not only posed her, but I physically positioned her, moving her arms, legs, the angle of her body. I couldnt keep my hands off her for very long.  “Smile!”   I had her sitting, standing, leaning against rocks, her skirt down, her skirt up, her panties pulled down, pulled back up, every which way. “Put your hair so it falls over your left eye, look into the camera.”  A few sultry shots.  “Throw your hair back, look at the sky, and push your tits out!”   “Lie back on the rock, pull your blouse apart.”  A few more shots.  “Cup your tits, get your nipples excited!”   I put my fingers in her hair, kissed her, fondled her tits whenever I wanted to, and stroked her smooth creamy thighs. I pushed her skirt up, displaying a bit of slip, then pushed them up high, and got her panties.    She was my plaything, my exotic model, my nymphet, and my fucktoy!  She was fully pose-able  fuck-action Barbie doll, and I could and did anything I wanted to.  I had her push her panties down to her thighs, and took a few lewd images of her schoolgirl cunt.

After a while, I had my beautiful little Karen, in her bra, panties, and silky half-slip.  It was a rather dramatic effect, if I say so, the fragile girl in her dainty lingerie sitting or reclining on the hard rocks of the riverbed.  Then Id take a photo break, and have her hug me, kssing me while she undulated her hips, and her slip would brush back and forth against my prick. 

It was then that I found that my libido was sufficiently rested, and I could feel arousal seep back into my loins. 

“Drop the slip, girl.”  She slid it down slowlyI told her to do everything slowly so I could get shotsand I took a few images. I had a special, 25-gig card in the camera, and I was getting quite a portfolio!   Down to her matching bra and panties, I draped her backwards over a large, rounded rock.  She spread her long blonde mane over the stone, so I could capture it.  Then I moved onto her, and lay across Karen.

“Im not through fucking you, girl.”

“I know.”  Her tone was matter-of-fact. I could hardly believe my good fortunenot only successfully kidnapping this perfectly beautiful virgin, but also her absolute compliance.   I rubbed my prick up and down over her silky panties, and back and forth.  It felt nice, but Ol Peter was still kind of pooped.    I knew that it always take me a lot longer to get hard and then to reach climax on my second effort.  I doubt she had ever learned much about  mens sexuality.  She was in for quite a surprise, and, I daresay, a nasty one! 

“Youre a sexy little bitch, you know that, Karen?”  I kept rubbing the bottom side of my prick all over her trim, panty-covered derriere, letting it nestle a bit in her crack.  She didnt answer.  “Well?”  I demanded.

“Yes, …yes…I guess I do…know it…”

“Know what, what?”

“That Im, Im…attractive, and men want to, well, fuck me.”

“Youre more than that, Karen baby.   Youre a sexy fucking bitch, now say it!”

“Ohhh…Im a s-s-sexy fucking…b-bitch,” she whimpered.

“With nice tits!”   And with that, I unhooked her bra and roughly pivoted her around, so she was facing me, pushed rudely, backwards over the rock.  I dropped the flimsy thing on the rocks, and pushed her legs apart, positioning myself in between her thighs, with my cock pressed against her silken panty-crotch.  I moved my erection around a bit, and the rich sensation of thin nylon stretched over young cunt was tonic to my lust.

I leaned forward against her, my fists gripping her sweet young tits, and I gave them a good painful squeezebut kept my fingernails out.  “Karen, Karen, baby, I just want to fuck you, and fuck you, and fuck you some more!”  She screamed, and instinctively tried to push me away, then hit me with weak, ineffective fists, and then pushed and tried to twist out from under me.  “Keep fighting, and youll get hurt more!” I said, and I pushed my hips in harder against her, and gave her little titties a hard squeeze. 

Karen was helpless.  She twisted, rocked, and bucked, and struck at me with an ineffective little fist, and was rewarded with a vicious squeeze on her right boob, and a hard punch to her left kidney.  She twisted and thrashed.  Her hair flew about her face, and her hipsher satin-clad hips and crotchwere grinding against my loins. 

The combination of pain, fight, and, well, sensuous lingerie, was getting me very excited.

“You dont get it, do you, whore?” I bellowed.  “You cant do anythingjust take it, just take it!  Its going to hurt, and you fight and Ill hurt you worse, got it?”  And with that, I grabbed her hair, and pulled her backwards, so her head struck against the rock.

I leaned against her, my hard-on squeezed between our bellies.

“See, Karen?  Youre between a rock, and a hard cockyeah, between the rock, and a rock-hard cock, which is going to fuck you again, but soon!  Yeah, my little whore, Im not through raping you, understand?”

I leaned down upon her.

“Youre going to take it, Karen,” I growled.  “Youre going to take it right up your cunt, all over again!”

I pushed her back over the large, round rock, and her head hit hard on the granite.  I grabbed her hair, and kissed her.

It was a psychologically sadistic kiss, in its own way.  I steadied her face, and pressed my lips softly to her.  I looked her, right in her bright blue Irish eyes.  Then I kissed her softly, sweetly. 

It was such a contrast to the brutal beating she had just received.  I felt such power and privilege over my sexual prey.

And pure lust.

Karen broke out in fresh tears.  I stroked her temple, combing my fingers through her soft, blonde hair, and planted sweet gentle kisses on her lips, her cheeks, her nose.

As though I were a lover.

And Karen cried.

I brushed her tears off her cheeks, as she softly sobbed.   Maybe she was relieved that the beating was over, that she was still alive, or what, I dont know, but she was calming down.  I pulled her forward, off the waist-high boulder, so she was standing.

I pushed her white satin panties down her hips. 

It joined her lingerie and uniform on the rocks, scattered about. 

The brook gurgled and sighed nearby.  This was such a lovely, peaceful spotromantic, even!

I positioned her on a rock, and took some more images of her. They turned out to be really excellent, dripping with sexualitywe both knew I would be raping her again, soon, too!   There was something really exciting about putting this soft body on hard granite of different shapes and sizes, visually enjoying her, anticipating another fuck.  A lot of what I was taking was kind of artistic, but I also had her sprawl backwards, spread her legs, pull her pussy lips open, and then I got some good juicy shots. I interrupted taking pictures to just touch this dreamboat I had raped, to kiss her, hold her, stroke her, run my finger through her hair, as I got hotter and hotter.  There was a large ledge, and I had her lean off it, somewhat upside-down.  Her tits fell downwards, and I sucked and played with her nipples.  Then I had her hold and pull on my prick as I shoved my fingers deep into her pussy, wriggling them around, stroking and jabbing her clit.  At one point I had her lean back against a rock, its edge even with her butt.  It thrust her hips out, pushing her pussy out enticingly.

I finger-fucked her some more.  Her soft pussy hair was smooth against my knuckles.  She leaned back against the cold granite, looking off the side in a passive, distant way while I crudely enjoyed her.  Her golden hair fell across her face, and the naked cheerleader was so very lovely and vulnerable and available to me.

What a fuck position!  I got images of her from a few positions, then stepped over and lay atop her.  My prick snuggled against her smooth, blonde bush.

My lust for her raged.

There seemed to be a kind of resignation or compliance or at least passive compliance on her face.  I pulled Karen, my beautiful, eighteen-year-old Catholic schoolgirl Karen, into my arms, holding her tightly and absorbing the contours of her lovely body into my evil lust.  Her hair cascaded down her back, the fringes on her shoulder fluttering lightly in a bit of breeze, and I caressed her back, sliding my hands up her torso underneath that extravagant blonde mane.

My knuckles were gently tickled by Karens hair.

I kissed her.  Karen gave me kisses back, soft ones.  She knew what I wanted, and gave it to me.  Her hands lightly on my shoulders, she undulated her hips, pressing and rubbing her soft pussy hair against my prick.

Damn, it felt nice.

I pushed my face into her hair, nuzzling her ear.  “Im going to give it to you different this time.” 

I pivoted the gorgeous cheerleader around, and pulled her back to me.  My prick nestled at the top of her ass crack, and I reached around her, pulling her by the waist tightly against me.  She must have sensed something was not going to be different; I felt her stiffen up.

No matter.  Karen was under my completely control, mine to enjoy anyway I wanted!

My hands moved up her torso, to her breasts.  I cupped her nice, firm tits, massaging them, pulling them left and right, up and down.  Karen was really rigid, and I wondered if she might try to bolt.  “Dont move, baby, dont move, just stand here, let me enjoy you.  Be a good girl, Karen baby, youll be home tonight, sleeping in your comfy little bed.  Do something stupid, and youll be dead and buried out here, got it?”

“Nooo…pleeeease…no more….”  My lovely little captive whined softly.  “J-j-just let me gooooo,…please?”  I shoved her hard against the rock, and my cock found itself surrounded by her trim ass cheeks, just above her asshole.

“Im not finished with you, my little fuck-toy!”  Still pushing her legs and hips against the boulder with my crotch, I pulled her head and shoulders back sharply, and growled into her ear, “Get it, you spoiled little brat?”    Her hair tickled my nose.  “Got it?”

It took a moment, but I got her to acknowledge me.

“Y-yes,…. mister.”  The only thing nicer than the complete sexual enjoyment of a beautiful girl is to have her, and have her terrorized while you…have her!

I kept her this way for maybe a few minutes, feeling her up, running my hands all over her body, from her shoulders and her breasts down to her trim tummy and then down to her cunt and thighs.  Every inch of her skin was smooth and nice and young.  Really, I couldnt get enough of beautiful blonde Karen.  Years and years of lusting after pretty princesses were being visited upon poor little Karen.

Damn, I was horny and ready to go.  I kept Karen pressed over the cold round boulder.   The stream babbled away.  I pushed her right leg outwards, and then the same with the left.  I rubbed my prick up and down her fanny crack.  I was rigid and ready.

The bulbous tip of my prick found her pussy.  “Here it comes, you cheerleader whore!”  I grunted, and I plunged into her cunt.  She gasped, pushing back off the slopes of the boulder, weakly, but I shoved her shoulder blades, pushing her down against the rock, good and hard.  I grabbed her hair, and pointing her face to the side, brushing away her long yellow mane so I could keep her noble face in view while I fucked her doggie-style.

I immediately started in, fucking her good and hard, administering solid thrusts with an even pace. She was a much more comfortable fit this time around.  A little tight, but nice, smooth, and wet!   I spread her arms wide out over the curve of the rock, so every possible inch of her skin was on stone.  That rock must have felt damn cold and hard!

“Yeah, nothing like getting a girl between a rock and a rock-hard cock, huh?” I taunted.  I couldnt help it.  She was such a classy girl, obviously protected and sheltered, and here she was, out in the middle of nowhere, getting banged by some callous bastard on a rough-edged boulder.  I lowered my hips a bit, bent my knees, and corrected the angle, shoving myself in even deeper, right to the hilt.

My thighs pressed against her ass and thighs, and I pushed hard, shoving her even harder against the boulder.  I held firm for a moment, and just enjoyed the feeling of prime teenage pussy enclosing my meat.  Karen was crying again, and I pulled out, and shoved in again, then again, and again.  Again and again and again.  In, out, in, out, in, out, with fast, staccato jabs.  Karen was turning into a good fuck, Class-A rape-meat.  She was looser and nicely wet now, and she was a good fitsnug, not tight! --making her a fantastic fuck, as I pushed in and out of her, in and out, in and out, in and out. 

Damn, it was nirvana, just fucking this girl. Her wet young cunt fit me perfectly, and I slid in and out with ease.  I felt my blood-lust pulled upwards and concentrating in the top-half of my girl-raper.  I knew that a second climax would take a lot of fucking, and I adjusted my posture for the long haul. I leaned in, covering her with my body, and kept fucking her with short, piston-like strokes, in-out-in-out-in-out.  There was a particularly nice squeeze on the top third of my prick, just around the ring next the cocks head.  I concentrated on that little friction point.  It was drawing the blood upwards in my manhood with a slow but progressive vacuum.  I was hardly at an ecstasy levelfucking Karen was just giving me even, continuous pleasure all around my girl-fucker, and the tingling warmth emanated out from my loins to my crotch, belly and thighs.

  Just nice, pleasant sensations, going on and on.  Karens blonde mane streamed down her back, the edge drifting onto the gray stone, blowing gently in the early Autumn breeze.  I just leaned forward and back, forward and back, a nice, leisurely fuck as my cock slid so delightfully in and out of her well-raped pussy.

She was much quieter this time.  She let out an occasional “Ooooo…”  Some of my harder thrusts made her go, “uh-ugh!  UGH!”  But for the most part, she lay over the curve of the rock, breathing heavily and sighing, while I banged away at her cunt.  I figured the roughness and hardness of it must have been pretty painful to her soft, young skin.   A few times she tried to cradle her face in her arms, but I would have none of that.  I yanked her arms out to the edge of the rock, so her head could only lie on the rock. 

Just to be sure things were thoroughly uncomfortable.

I held her in place, holding her hips, and groping her ass cheeks, banging away into her pussy,

And I had other things in mindways to violate this girl, ways she wasnt expecting.    I pulled out, and nestled my cock in her ass-crack, sliding it up and down, enjoying the feel of her smooth butt-skin, slightly lubricated by the wet from inside her cunt.  Karen started to get up, but I shoved her back down, and her hair spread over the gray rock.  “Youre not done!  Ive got other things in store for you, my little slut!”   I pushed her knees out to the side, which lowered her torso a few inches.  Her asshole was now even with my cockand, with her legs spread wide, her ass cheeks were pulled wide apart!

Very enticing!

Karen was almost in the right position.  I grabbed her wrists, and pulled them to the small of her back, and clamped my large hands over them.  Then I gathered her hair back down her neck, and pulled it all together, wrapping her mane around my knuckles, so I had it gripped, at her shoulder blades.  I pulled her head back, and held her wrists really tightly, pressing them down right at the small of her back.

I wanted complete control over her for what was coming next.

I pulled out of her cunt, and positioned the tip of my hard prick right on the little rosette of her asshole.

I pushed. 

“NOOO!”  Karen screamed, pulling away from the rock, and twisting a bit.  I had figured shed resist this, even if it were involuntary, and, with her hair still wrapped all entwined in my knuckles I pushed her back down.  “Noo…NO!  Please-please-please-not that-NOT THAAAATNOOOOO!!” 

Her scream went everywhere, yet nowhere.

The little brook continued to gurgle peacefully away.

“Shut the fuck up you little cunt and stay put, youre getting cock up your shitter whether you like it or not!”  I roared back.  I pushed in again, but frankly it was tough. She was moving back and forth, and she had one tight little asshole!  I made a quick decision, and let go of her hair, and jammed her criss-crossed wrists up her back, to force some pain compliance and also to keep her down on the rock.  I took my hard cock in hand, and positioned it again right at the tiny, pink pucker of her arse, and managed to spread her ass crack wide a bit with my knuckles, and I pushed in.

In, in, IN!  Frankly, it was kind of hard, but I got the bulbous tip of my prick firmly implanted in her ass.  I pushed a bit, and slid in a little further, and the tight rim of her anus enclosed me, and it felt good, warm, and such a nice tight fit.  I gave her a few thrusts, and Karen stopped screaming, but kept crying, “No, no, please, onmygod, not this, no, Ive never…oh, it hurts, it HURTS!  Ow-OW!”  It was thrilling to rape this cute cheerleaders tight little ass and hear her scream in pain and beg so much.  Although she rocked around a bit, she didnt really try to push me away or twist herself out of the way.

I pulled out a bit, leaving just the cock head in, and pushed in, hard, and got really deep this time.  Most of my prick was now implanted in Karens pretty little derriere.  Out, and all the way back in.   Out and in.  Out and in.  In and out.  I started raping her asshole in earnest now, and Karen, immobilized with her arms behind her back, just cried and whimpered as I mercilessly sodomized her.

As I said, I know my libido, and I know that I can usually get a couple of pretty sturdy erections over the course of a couple of hours, but the second one usually calls for a  good bit more fucking.  I felt Karen relax a bit.  I eased off on her wrists a little, and kind of settled in for an extended fuck, as I continued to rape her butt, enjoying the feel of the elastic ring of her asshole as my cock slid in and out of it.  It stretched a bit, and there was enough, er, lubrication to make things more comfortable.  Karen whimpered away, “Ooo, oh-oh-uh!-ow, oh!” and so on, but I didnt know how much was pain and how much was shame.

I just fucked her and raped her and kept thrusting into her and shoving my meat deep up her ass; it went on and on, and it felt so good.  I finally let go of her wrists, and she just let them fall to the side of the rock.  Karen was in perfect submission.  “Oh, oh, oh-oh-uh!-uh!-Owwww…!!”  She lay there, draped passively over the cold hard rock, offering no resistance as I banged away at her butt.

But she did moan, groan, cry, and occasionally offer up a weak plaintiff, “Oh, please,…..just finish,…it hurts…oh….no more….ohhhhh….ooooo….”

I had raped the cheerleaders cherry cunt.

I was now raping her virgin ass.

And it was was hurting her.

I was thoroughly defiling her.

Karen was in pain.

I beheld at her beautiful face, her lovely blonde hair falling over the rock, spilling across her noble cheeks and blue eyes. I memorized the lines of her exquisite teen body as I pushed in and out, so I would always have the mental pictures of what I was doing to my kidnapped schoolgirl.

Her firm ass cheeks were smooth and cool against my hips when I shoved my meat deep into her.

I was getting hotter and hotter.  Its a different feel, fucking a girls asshole, and I slid it out, adjusted her angle up the rock a bit higher, and shoved my meat back into her pussy, and fucked that for a few more minutesand that was really getting my, well, cocked!

But I had it in my mind to finish up sodomizing the girl.  I had already shot my seed into her pussy.  This fuck-job felt good, but it was calling for more time, and, well, work, as I used the more natural fit of her cunt to build me up higher and hotter.  When I felt those inklings of climax getting more intense, I pulled Karen down the rock a little, and pressed her thighs outwards again.    She was really quite compliant, just going on with a rhythmic moaning and I fucked her and fucked her.  Then I slid out of her pussy, and shoved myself back into her butt, hardly missing a stroke! 

Karen moaned. “Ooooooo.”  She sure wasnt enjoying any of this!  I held her by her hips, and resumed buggering her trim little backside.   She was so passive now, almost limp.  She could only endure until I was done, and as I drove my prick in and out of her cute little rosette, I happened to check my watch, and I figured Id been doing her backside for over 20 minutes.  I reamed her on and on and on, her beautiful body was so very limp as I steadily rose towards my climax.

“Youre getting quite a fuck, huh, Karen?”  I was breathing heavily and I pushed my meat back into her cunt.  “Youre going to be a very popular girl when Im done with you, youll know just how to make every boy on the football team very, very happy!” I grabbed her ass, plunging in good and deep, so my belly was right up against those smooth, cool cheeks of her ass.

And then it happened.  It kind of snuck up on me, that orgasm, but I was just pounding away in her ass, and in an abrupt instant of white heat, I my semen shot up the center of my shaft and burst into her.  I pulled myself tight against her, plunging deep into her bowls, “Yeah, Karenthis is ityoure getting my cum in your ass!” And another load of semen shot into her.

Then a third.

I pulled back, and drove into her ass againand then a fourth.  It spewed into her bowels!  It was kind of astonishing, how much I had, as yet another gush flowed up- prick and into her firm little butt.   Then it was beginning to dissipate, and a couple more small, but intensely pleasant,  emissions just let loose into the poor girls backside.  I shoved my meat in as hard and deep as I could, hitting the turn of her anal canal inside her rectum, and was rewarded with a few small, last spurts and dribbles of cum issuing into my beautiful little cheerleader.  I fell forward, collapsing atop Karen.

We were both breathing heavily. I was really sweating! Her back felt nice under me, soft and cool, and I found myself stroking her shoulders and upper arms, savoring this last moment of rape, her young skin so soft and creamy.  Neither of us said anything.  She lay beneath me, kind of inert except for her catching her breath.  So I just lay upon her, fondling her hair and stroking her arms and shoulders a bit.

I kept my penis deep inside her rectum. It was a little odd, but felt good, knowing that I had profoundly violated my captive, in a way she surely deemed loathsome.

Karen was a very thoroughly raped teenage girl.  So pristine and innocent girl a couple of hours ago, I know had her squeezed against a cold boulder, with my vicious penis implanted deep in her butt.  I kind of meditated on her defilement while I studied the side of her face and casually twisted bits of silken blonde hair in my fingers.  All the while, I was kind of thinking to myself, I did it. 

I did it!

I kidnapped this perfectly lovely, utterly virginal schoolgirl, and Ive raped her.

Ive shoved my cock into her cunt, and then her ass, and Ive raped her.


Shes defiled, and I did it.

I violated her.

I did it!

Hot damn, I fucking did it!

End of Part 2  (Of 3)

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