Susan Gets a Delivery, Part 6
Susan was in pain and she was totally perplexed. The inside of her pussy was cramping ferociously from the fisting that had been imposed upon it. Her ass cheeks still felt raw from the whipping that the Reverend had bestowed upon it. Plus, the Reverend had completely degraded her with his baptism by cum and the communion of the essence of his dick.
She was also very afraid at the way the word “enema” had been brought into the mix. She was sure this was going to be the bestowing of a completely new depth of degradation. She did not understand what was taking place upon her person during the five minutes that was given as a deadline for the entrance of the other club members.
The eight protagonists were fawning over her as though she was about to enter the finals of a national beauty contest. The women were rubbing down her body with damp, wet cloths. The men were massaging the muscles of her arms and legs. However, she did notice that their hands tended to wander to her ass, her pussy, and her tits.
The banker and Chevette were each sucking one of her nipples to make them perky. The Reverend’s buxom wife was applying lipstick and other makeup to Susan’s face. Saucer was rubbing Susan’s feet although Saucer did seem to be enjoying it more than what one would have anticipated. The banker’s trophy wife was running a comb through Susan’s pussy hair to remove any mats that remained. LardAss was using a dry cloth to soak up the spittle that was still oozing from Susan’s pussy.
All of these ministrations were completed within four minutes. Then, the Reverend told her to stand up straight in the middle of the giant turntable. He instructed her to spread her legs and put her hands once more behind her head. As her breasts jutted outward and upward, the Reverend hoisted each tit with his hands to determine if they were sagging at all. They were not.
Chevette hoisted each of her ass cheeks to determine if they sagged at all. They resisted his efforts to lift them and they were as firm and as perky as her nipples. Susan actually had a hint of a natural blush on her cheeks in anticipation of the unknown that was before her.
Then, the unexpected happened. Each of the four women shucked off their dresses and handed them to their respective partners. LardAss stood completely naked to the right side of Susan. Saucer stood completely naked to the right side of LardAss. The banker’s trophy wife stood completely naked to the left side of Susan. The Reverend’s wife, Mavis Fay stood to the left side of the trophy wife.
They stood there naked. They stood there as a demonstration of the many shapes and sizes that women could present. They stood there, all five, as very sexual, sensual, marvelous examples of what men sought for from the arrival of their puberty. Ten tits, ten ass cheeks, four pussies – all ready to be used as the men determined they were to be used. Susan was truly perplexed.
As the other members of the Club entered the room, they were treated to a beautiful tableau of naked women. First, there was the Reverend’s wife, Mavis Fay. Her skin was creamy white all over. It was apparent that sun had never tanned any part of her body. She was also short but yet she presented quite a sensual presentation in this small package of nakedness. Her tits were huge, jutting straight out in an utter defiance of gravity. They were a tribute to modern surgery. Her waist was quite tiny and she had broad hips. From the back, her ass was big but not saggy – another tribute to today’s miracles of surgery. Above her bush was a tattoo of a halo that capped off her golden brown pussy hair. Just below her pussy, on the inside of each thigh, was a tattoo. On the left thigh were the words “Do onto others,” while on the inner right thigh were the words, “as you would have them do unto you.” Above the crack of her ass was a tattoo of the devil with a pitchfork pointing down into the inner sanctums of her ass.
The trophy wife was next. She had the bearing of a beauty queen which, incidentally, she had been in her earlier years. Her tits were perfect examples of what tits should be – large but not too large, not a hint of sagginess, and nipples and an areola that were perfect in texture and color. Her bush was coiffed and perfect in a color that matched the hair atop her head. Her ass was a true thing of beauty and perfection. Had it not been for the presence of Susan, the trophy wife would surely have had the best ass in the room. The trophy wife realized this and she was not pleased. This rival ass would be brought down before the end of the evening.
Then there was Susan. Despite her humiliation and degradation, she still carried herself in a manner that befitted one so beautiful. There was still a hint of haughtiness and defiance in her eyes. All the members noted this as they gazed upon her. This did not intimidate them at all. They knew what types of activities that would be in store for her.
And of course there was LardAss; the least attractive of all of the women. Hell, she wasn’t in the same league with any woman in the room, or, perhaps in almost any other room. Yet, she oozed sex. She had experienced sex and degradation to a degree that no one could imagine. Her tits were small and saggy. Her waist had a growing roll of fat on either side. Her thighs were too thick and cheesy. Her ass was big, not particular shapely, and it too was pocked with ripples of fat. Her thighs looked like fence posts. Her bush was scraggly and broken up by bare skin where pussy hair had been pulled out by the roots too many times. Finally, her skin was blemished by many scars, burns, brands, and piercings. Yet, something about her made men want to fuck her and women want to eat her and be eaten by her. She was a contradiction. Stories had actually been written and published about her escapades.
Then, there was Saucer – the one with the big pussy. She had no ass. She had hardly any tits at all. Her thighs were skinny. Her pussy hair was a jungle of black, kinky unattractive masses. Her skin was coal black. And yet she, too, exuded sex. She looked as though she was always ready to “go”. And, her eyes glistened with a depth of evil that frightened those who dared to look into them.
All of the members circled the presentation of cunts and rejoiced in the evening ahead. They chatted amongst themselves. Sometimes, their chatting included an assessment of the bitches before them. Always, contemplating aloud what might be in store for Susan. None of the four naked women seemed the least bit put off by this strange way of being looked upon. This astounded Susan. Why weren’t they somewhat put off by being displayed thusly?
Susan was simply not aware of what every woman in the room – other than herself – had experienced. Every woman in the room had been fucked in every aperture by every man in the room – many times over. Each woman, in turn, had also experienced many variations of woman on woman – eating, sucking, masturbating, punishing – anything that was a turn-on for each of them. The only one new to all of this was Susan. This would soon change.
After about eight minutes of ogling, assessing, and commenting; the members became rather bored with the entire scenario. They were of an ilk that thought there was little to be gained by obsessing over looking at naked women. Except for Susan, they had seen the four cunts many times and in many positions. So, the members began breaking up into small groups as is common at cocktail parties.
LardAss sensed this quickly and gave an instruction to the other four women, “Start masturbating bitches and make it good!”
Mavis Fay, the trophy wife, and Saucer immediately complied. Susan was somewhat aghast as she saw them spread their legs, spread their pussy lips with one hand and watched as they began stroking their clits furiously with the free hand.
LardAss spoke immediately, “Hey cunt! Begin now or I will kick your ass all over this room.”
Susan knew that she could and would. So, she joined the others in this presentation of what she would have previously called self-abuse. Not surprisingly, LardAss had already experienced two orgasms before Susan could even get her right index finger on her clit. Saucer had buried her entire fist in her own pussy and was churning her arm as though she was making real butter.
Mavis Fay was crying out to the Supreme Being of Orgasms as she screamed, “I’m coming, praise the lord, I’m coming. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus.”
The trophy wife was sweating and cunt juice was flowing freely down the insides of both of her thighs. Susan was trying to look somewhat in control but her neck and upper chest had turned bright red. Her nipples were hard. And her clit had become engorged and was betraying its feelings.
The members began drifting back and cheering on the five aroused bitches. They sounded as though they were cheering on an athletic team.
“Way to go LardAss. Stroke it harder.”
“Good job Saucer. Bury your arm deeper in your cunt.”
“Hey Mavis Fay. See if you can find Jesus in there. Dig deeper.”
To Susan’s surprise, she discovered she was not off the mark in her assessment of the trophy wife. Her nickname was actually Trophy.
From the crowd: “Hey Trophy. You don’t need to use both hands on that beautiful pussy. Stick the fingers of one hand in your ass.”
Trophy complied immediately. She bent over slightly and her ass parted of its own volition. Her perfect rosebud of an ass hole was readily visible. Then, with a tribute to her youth and flexibility, she put two fingers of her left hand deep within her ass hole.
The group of onlookers would have been deeply aroused if they had known how the fingers of each hand were bumping into one another through the thin membranes that separated her pussy and ass hole. Suddenly she came in an eruption of pure sexual gratification.
Trophy screamed unintelligible sounds as the multiple orgasms swept throughout her being.
The Reverend was led to shout, “Praise Jesus. She’s speaking in tongues. The holy spirit has come upon her.”
The crowd chuckled at this but since they were used to such outbursts from the holy man, they didn’t laugh out loud lest he be offended at their knowledge of his insincerity.
Because of her precarious stance, Trophy fell over but she didn’t miss a beat with her self-stroking. Unfortunately she fell directly into Mavis Fay who was on the verge of another orgasm. Mavis Fay reacted in a non-pious way by pushing Trophy away from her.
Mavis Fay could be heard to shout, “You fucking, stupid cunt. You broke my concentration. You ruined what was going to be a fantastic orgasm.”
Because Trophy’s hands were otherwise busy, she couldn’t stop her fall from the push and she fell directly into Susan who in turn crashed into LardAss who in turn fell into Saucer.
Immediately there was a pile of five cunts, mixed together, all gratifying themselves and screaming. Arms and legs were mixed up and it was impossible to tell where one naked body left off and the other began.
LardAss reacted by tangling herself further by diving her face into Saucer’s pussy. Saucer reacted by throwing her face into Susan’s ass hole. At the same time, Trophy had buried her face into Susan’s pussy and Mavis Fay had worked her nose and tongue into Trophy’s ass crack. All five of them were coming at the same time in a myriad of orgasms, gaspings, and shouts.
Susan, from the waist up was perpendicular to the floor as she looked like a creature from a sci-fi movie that was emerging from stricken, naked pussies. Susan was crying aloud from her orgasm and spittle was flying from her mouth upwards until it arched down and fell on naked flesh.
Saucer’s man, Chevette, was never one to miss an opportunity. He had shucked off his britches, strode forward and stepped over and on the naked female bodies. Immediately, his dick was buried in Susan’s open, screaming mouth. She stopped screaming.
Susan had lost all control and was caught up in the orgy of naked flesh, and screaming, orgasmic bodies. Instinctively, Susan clamped her lips over the black tool and began working it. Her tongue first stroked his piss slit, slurping in pre-cum and some piss droplets that lingered from a previous piss he had taken. Her tongue worked around the rim of his circumcised dick. She then began running her tongue back and forth over the bottom side of his dick, sucking with all of her might at the same time.
Susan’s nose was buried in his mass of rank, pubic hair. She could feel his sack swinging back and forth beneath her chin. She took her right hand and began fondling his nuts while she began jacking him off with her mouth. Her lips were closed fiercely about his tool. Using her left hand, she reached between his legs and sought out his ass hole. Quickly, her index finger was buried in his shit chute as she now sought out the more important spot – his prostate. She found it.
Chevette grasped both hands around the back of Susan’s head and encouraged her head to more furious action in its back and forth motion over his tool. Susan could feel tongues in her pussy and ass hole. Susan felt sweating flesh from the other bitches as they used her body as a brace to make it possible for stronger actions on the sexual organs they were manipulating.
Chevette was screaming with gleeful abandon. The on-looking crowd was applauding in awe. This was the type of thing they had come for. And, the five bitches were cuming together along with Chevette in a fleshy pile of sexual beings. It was monumental.
Suddenly the Reverend boomed out: “Enough of this unholy pleasuring, it is enema time.”
Fear ran through Susan’s entire being as she speculated on what she was going to be forced to do before this group of onlookers. Truth be told, it was beyond her ability to imagine the extent of the forthcoming degradation to which she would soon be subjected.
As Susan continued to gather her thoughts while she sprawled on the floor, the four naked members hopped to their feet, assumed their previous formation to either side of Susan, and then fell to all fours on the floor. Then, they reached back with their hands and spread their ass cheeks wide apart. This latter action caused their upper body to fall to the floor with their head and shoulders on the floor and their spread asses high in the air.
Susan was totally and completely flummoxed. She rose to a sitting position and her head pivoted from side to side as she saw these women in this strange position. They were the protagonists and yet here they were each in a position of total submission.
The banker spoke for the first time, “Stand up cunt. Stand slightly behind them so you can see their ass holes.”
The banker was an old hand at giving commands with great authority. Susan complied immediately.
For some reason, Susan was drawn to examine each of the winking ass holes. The first one she looked at with great interest was Trophy’s flower-like hole from which she probably exuded shit that did not stink. It truly was a marvelous hole. The skin puckered around it to form the perfect replica of a rose.
The next one that Susan saw was that of Mavis Fay. It surely was a holy hole. Another tattoo of a halo circled it perfectly. Around the halo was a garland of spring daisies. Susan could only speculate at the pain this must have caused when it was imposed upon this tender stretch of skin.
Next, Susan looked at the ass hole of Saucer. It was a good match to her pussy. It was huge. She could have been called Saucer-times-two. For some strange reason, Susan pondered upon the miracle of how Saucer even managed to keep shit from constantly flowing freely from this huge gaping hole.
Actually, the members of the Club were watching Susan as she eyeballed the ass hole of Saucer. They were all smiling because they knew a secret that Susan didn’t know. Saucer had a miraculous ass hole. She could actually control the amount of its dilation with no stimulus whatsoever. At will, she could make it the size of a pin prick. Then, she could suddenly will it to open up to a cavernous expanse. She often did this as a parlor trick after dinner. Those watching would take turns trying to throw various objects into her huge hole. With a stupendous amount of timing, she could shut down her ass hole just before the projectile reached its intended target. She was a freak.
Finally, Susan was drawn involuntarily to the ass hole of LardAss. It was like watching a train wreck or a pile of vomit. The brain said, “don’t look”, but for some reason her eyes could not avoid looking. The hole was obviously well used for many purposes beyond its intended use. It flopped open. It was scarred many times over. It was red and puffy. It was the perfect center piece for the two surrounding cheeks that were large and quite unattractive.
Then, Chevette spoke, “You are white trash Miss Susan. Remember how you made me call you Miss Susan? You are simply white trash that likes to look at women’s ass holes. Shame on you.”
Susan snapped back to reality as she heard the words cut through her soul. She heard the crowd of Club members laugh at her obvious voyeurism. She averted her eyes and looked at Chevette.
He spoke, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet honey. Keep watching.”
Chevette then commanded: “Since you seemed so enamored with their ass holes, get down and crawl over to them and plant a big French kiss on each one. If you don’t comply immediately, we can always have Caleb ‘encourage’ you.”
The name “Caleb” was enough to motivate Susan. She immediately fell to her hands and knees, crawled over to Mavis Fay and planted a deep, soulful kiss directly into the waiting hole. The religious one quickly waggled her ass in appreciation and sang out, “Amen Sister!”
Susan was both sickened and mortified. She was repulsed at the very notion of what she was doing. She was mortified that she was doing this in front of a crowd of her peers. She was horrified at the wonderful Christian soprano singing a response to this horrible interaction between them.
Susan’s tongue was also not too happy as it tasted the inside of the holy one’s shit chute. Her nose curled up at the smell that came from this tunnel of brown waste. Finally, Chevette told her to move on.
Susan shuttled over to Trophy – the one with the second-best ass in the room. Somehow, Trophy pulsated her ass hole in and out in invitation. Just as Susan pushed her face forward to intercept the moving hole, Trophy passed a loud, wet fart. It caught Susan directly in her wide-open mouth. The crowd laughed in appreciation of the timing of the fart. Susan almost vomited but somehow managed to keep control of the rising bile within her. Susan, using her tongue, swished out the ass hole that was now wet from the moist gas that had just been exuded.
Susan was actually grateful when Chevette told her to move on. It was a contradiction to her sensibilities that she was actually looking forward to Frenching a different ass hole. But, as she set herself directly behind Saucer’s gaping ass, Susan realized her anticipation was misplaced. The goddamn hole looked like a cavern to hell. Susan could actually see little balls of shit clinging to the lips of the giant hole. There was also a huge amount of kinky hair that seemed to have spread like weeds from Saucer’s pubic area.
Then Chevette commanded, “While you are there, work hard to clean out that fucking ass hole. I really get tired of fucking a shitty ass. Sometimes I have to call her ‘Swamp-Ass’.”
Susan almost feinted at the visual image he presented along with the actual image she was seeing. However, visions of Caleb also filled her brain and she hastened to comply. As her mouth buried itself in the giant ass, her nose also disappeared inside the tunnel to Saucer’s shit-center. Kinky hairs tinkled and actually irritated the whole of Susan’s face. Even the fishy smell of pussy somehow came forth from the pussy and made Susan’s eyes water.
Susan began working her tongue inside the huge hole. Susan began flicking her tongue in and out, bringing balls of shit from the ass to her mouth. Despite how tiny they were, they tasted like a huge pile that had been shit by an elephant. Susan had to hold her breath, work her tongue, and then back up to get a new batch of somewhat fresh oxygen.
Now the crowd was applauding. They had all experienced a close-up look at this human sewer and they truly did not envy Susan at all.
Finally, the task was complete. It was time to move on to LardAss. If Saucer had been ‘Swamp-Ass’, LardAss was truly toxic. Not that Susan had seen that many ass holes, but this surely was the most repulsive ass hole known to the entire human race. There were scars and burns. There were stretch marks actually coming out of the hole. The two sides of ass cheeks looked like a world record for a pile of cottage cheese. It was horrendous.
Susan managed to get her face within a couple of inches of the waiting hole and her brain refused to propel her any further. Caleb finally became exasperated and jumped up beside Susan. He put one arm around LardAss’ pudgy tummy as a brace and his free hand at the back of Susan’s head. Shit hole and face met in a head-on collision. The slap of skin against skin reverberated throughout the room. Susan’s sorrowful tongue began its work. Susan now realized that Saucer’s hole was not the worst place her tongue had ever been. Tears were now streaming down Susan’s face.
When Caleb finally pulled the once-proud face away from the huge ass, Susan was openly crying and she actually began hiccupping.
The crowd both laughed and applauded at the spectacle they had just witnessed.
Susan was once again told to assume the position behind the four swaying asses. Susan complied. Then, once again, she was subjected to a bizarre sight.
Four dwarfs, dressed as naked clowns, came into the room, each pulling an IV stand such as that typically used in hospitals. Hanging from the stands were enormous enema bags that were obviously filled to the max. Each dwarf had on a typical clown’s hat, red rubber nose, and hideous clown make up on his face. Beyond that, they had nothing else on. In addition, except for eyelashes, they were completely devoid of hair. Their skin was pasty white. They were a repulsive spectacle set off by ridiculous clown outfits.
For some reason, Susan’s eyes were drawn to their tiny dicks. She speculated that they might be erect although they were so small that it was difficult to determine. She finally decided they were, indeed, erect since the tiny tools were standing straight out, although not for a lot of length.
The clown dwarfs wheeled their stands up to the platform and tried to lift them up to the platform. However, they simply weren’t tall enough or muscular enough to get the IV stands up to the platform. Caleb very graciously helped the little men lift their burdens to the platform.
When this was completed the four little men spoke in unison with high-pitched voices, “Get the fuck away from us you ugly hick farmer.”
Caleb was not offended as he complied to their demand. He figured the diminutive fellows had enough problems without his responding in kind to their rudeness. Susan thought she truly had slipped through the Looking Glass and she was surely the main character who was taking the place of Alice.
The dwarfs immediately lined up behind a waiting ass hole. Without further adieu they took the hose that was hanging from the enema bags and slipped the nozzles into each woman’s ass hole. None of the women, Mavis Fay, Trophy, Saucer, or LardAss even twitched as the nozzles entered their rectums. The valve handle was turned on each hose and it was obvious to all that the water was flowing freely into each woman’s bowels.
Poor Susan. When she had heard the words that it was ‘enema time’, she had assumed that she was to be the object of the enema. Instead she was simply a witness. She simply could not figure out what the hell was going on or what the game was to be. She was certain, however, that she was not going to get off as easily as being a mere spectator.
The belly of each woman was growing in direct proportion to the amount that each bag was diminishing in size. Yet, none of them seemed to be under stress. The truth be told, each of them had been an objective of many enemas, most much worse than this. These enemas were simply pumping water into their lower bodies. They had experienced much worse types of liquid in previous times.
However, the four cunts were beginning to moan and grunt softly as the liquid finally was transferred in its entirety from the bags to their innards. As the last drop of liquid flowed into the bitches, the dwarfs were handed butt plugs from someone near the front of the on-looking group. Each dwarf, with a very precise motion, yanked the nozzle from the offended ass and inserted a butt plug.
Almost no liquid or substance escaped from each ass hole. All four asses were swaying in the air. Then, a song came through a marvelous set of overhead speakers. It was, appropriately, “Please Release Me.” While this was going on, the banker had come up behind Susan. He came up to her and wrapped his groping hands around her body. Each hand had a firm grip on one of her tits.
This felt strange to her since she was naked and he was still fully clothed. Then she felt an unmistakable touch on her ass crack. The banker had unzipped his fly and his engorged prick was seeking the treasure of her marvelous ass crack. His dick was obviously wet on the end as she felt a liquid running down her ass. He had gripped each nipple and was stroking them gently.
Then, surprisingly, Susan’s last spark of ego began to prod her brain. She had no choice over the state of affairs that had taken captive of her very being. Yet, she still had weapons. Her mouth, her tits, her pussy, and most of all – her ass, were still weapons that could possibly be used to take some crumb of control over her present situation.
Thus, she reached back with her right hand and lightly grasped the tool that was stroking her ass crack. She rubbed his moist dick head up and down her crack and side to side across her two glorious ass cheeks. His dick responded with an involuntary hardening and twitching. His mind also responded as his fingers began sensually stroking her nipples.
Susan slowly turned to face him. His hands had willingly loosened their grip on her nipples and were now resting on her shoulders. He didn’t have to urge or prod her as she slowly sank to her knees in front of his aroused dick. She slowly loosened his belt and his trousers fell to his ankles. He was wearing no underwear.
The first thought that went through Susan’s mind was that there was nothing more ridiculous-looking than a man wearing socks and shoes with his trousers around his ankles and his dick waving eagerly in the breeze.
She did, however, marvel at his package. His dick was actually not unattractive. There were no ugly veins that could be seen running down the length of his shaft. Although he was circumcised, his dick head was only slightly larger than his shaft. Furthermore, his dick head did not have that ugly purple color that many often had. His shaft was a nice bronze color that flowed into the slightly darker head. And, his pubic hair was trimmed nicely and did not have that scraggly look that men often seemed to relish. Finally, his balls were large but not too large. And, they almost hung down that same distance for each nut.
The crowd leaned forward as her lips reached forward and planted a long, soulful kiss on his wet piss slip. After what seemed an eternity, Susan leaned back so that all could see that, for the moment, his slit was free of all evidence of pre-cum.
The four water-laden cunts were now looking back over their shoulders to see what was going on. They were not amused. LardAss spoke, “Come on. Get on with things. Can’t you see that we need relief?”
From the side, the Reverend commanded, “Shut up cunts. Your time will come.”
The four cunts looked terribly offended but they dared not reply. They knew if they offended the men too much they would have to remain in this condition for the rest of the evening.
Meanwhile, Susan was plying her wares. She had leaned forward once more and was slowly taking in the shaft of the banker. Now, it was not a terribly oversized dick but it was, nonetheless, a good size. Yet, she took it into her mouth with ease and with a loud, slurping action.
This was not missed by the onlookers and they were becoming aroused. They could be seen stroking themselves and, in many cases, stroking the person next to them.
The banker’s eyes were closed and his lips were quivering as he felt Susan’s left hand lovingly caressing his balls while running her eager tongue over his piss slit. His piss slit was once again flowing freely as his hormones hastened to supply more lubricant to the end of his tool.
Susan’s right hand was running up and down his chest and flicking at his nipples. She then used her fingers as a comb to stroke through his chest hair. Meanwhile, her tongue was doing its thing on his quivering tool. Her tongue stroked the underside of his dick while her mouth provided a mammoth amount of suction to his engorged dick-head.
The banker was now moaning and the words, “thank you, thank you.”
The onlookers were smiling as they realized that their ‘victim’ had momentarily taken control of the situation.
Trophy, however, was not amused. She was cramping ferociously and she was thoroughly pissed. She had to remain on her hands and knees in terrible pain while this bitch took control of her man. She knew that her position in his life could be changed in the twinkling of an eye. She was, after all, a trophy. Trophies could be replaced for god’s sake. Trophy vowed to herself to exact her revenge.
Susan’s brain was working during her entire administrations of sexuality to the smitten banker. She knew the rest of the evening had horrible things in store for her. Yet, she thought that perhaps she could postpone the inevitable for some length of time. Also, she hoped that if they saw how much pleasure she could give willingly, they might consider letting her set the pace and the extremeness of the evening’s events. She would eventually find that her thinking was logical but it was incorrect.
The banker was in another world. As though from a distance he felt her hand release his balls. This would have been quite dismaying were it not for what her mouth and throat were doing to his dick. Then, again as though from afar, he felt her hand reach between his legs and begin to stroke that special, sensitive area between his balls and his ass hole.
Susan was stroking gently and slowly as her mouth also slowed down to make the overall effect more anticipatory. The banker stepped his left foot out of the restrictions of his lowered trousers and he spread his legs further apart to give her access to his most private area.
Susan acknowledged his unspoken invitation and quickly put the first joint of her index finger into his waiting shit hole. The banker shuddered. As he shuddered, her finger buried itself in his back hole. At the same time, her lips formed an even tighter seal around his tool.
The onlookers were now breathing hard and stroking each other quite vigorously. The four cunts whose bowels were filled to the max were also breathing hard. However, their intensity of breathing was not from arousal but rather from pain that was rolling through their innards. They were now pissed.
For a brief moment of time, the banker had withdrawn into a self-absorbed world of his own. With the exception of Susan, he was completely oblivious to anyone else’s presence. He was alone in his revelry. He lifted his head and began howling a long drawn-out sound as though he were a wolf saying ‘hello’ to the moon. He came.
Susan certainly knew more than anyone that he was coming. His spunk was filling her mouth. Yet, she managed not to swallow it as her cheeks swelled like a chipmunk. She waited until he was completely through before she lovingly let his dick head fall from her lips.
She turned then to the audience, tilted her head back, and opened her mouth. The club members could see that her mouth was filled to the brim with his cum. She actually gargled slightly so they could see bubbles frothing at the top of the liquid in her mouth. Then, she closed her mouth and looked directly at the audience. The corners of her mouth turned upwards in a sensual grin. They could see from the slight lump going down her throat that she was swallowing.
Susan slowly opened her mouth for them and her mouth contained nothing but a tongue and white teeth. A single, black pubic hair could be seen stuck between her two front teeth. Meanwhile, the banker still had his eyes shut and was obviously far away in some other rapture-filled world. For the moment, he was smitten.
The banker did not see Susan turn back to him and creep on her knees toward him. He actually jumped a bit as she knelt and twisted so that her face was beneath his limp, but happy, dick. She reached upward and planted a huge kiss on his piss slit that was still leaking his fluids.
Susan turned back to the audience and bowed her head. Her nipples had responded to all of this with their own mini-erection. The group of on-looking members felt as though they were at a three ring circus and they didn’t know where to direct their own eyes. The group couldn’t decide now whether to continue looking at Susan or look at the four very distressed cunts who were also before them on their hands and knees with very swollen tummies. Although the group had seen Mavis Fay, Trophy, Saucer, and LardAss in many erotic situations, they still enjoyed seeing one of their own in distress.
But, they knew what was being set up for Susan and they did want to see the look on her face as the event unfolded to her. They watched as the banker gently bent down and lifted Susan to her feet. Susan was then completely surprised as the banker turned her and began applying severe punishment to her nipples.
Susan was squirming. Pleasure had turned to pain.
The banker inquired, “Has the pleasure turned to pain?”
Susan nodded her head in affirmation.
The banker continued, “Well, it’s going to get much worse. In fact, it’s going to get so bad that it will finally turn back to pleasure. Trust me.”
From the time that Susan had gone through puberty she had heard males say “Trust me.” She had especially heard them say those empty words both before and after sex.
She knew that their definition of ‘trust’ was self-serving and pure bullshit. This ass hole didn’t give a shit about her pleasure. He was going to hurt her and diminish her. She screamed.
Saucer turned her head to look at what was going on behind her, “Shut the fucking bitch up. She needs to know that this is a walk in the park compared to what she’s about to undergo.”
The Reverend came up to her and put one hand over her mouth as he used the other hand to pinch shut her nostrils. She tried to squirm but the banker had too hard of a grip on her. Furthermore, it was obvious that the banker intended to destroy her nipples. He surely was succeeding.
The banker spoke, “I’m going to release your nipples but you must agree to spread your legs further apart.”
She quickly nodded her head as vigorously as possible while her face was still in the grip of the holy man.
Mercifully, she felt the torturing fingers release her nipples while the Reverend released his grips on her mouth and nose. Quickly, however, the Reverend had put his mouth on hers and began rummaging around her mouth with his probing tongue. As this went on, she felt the banker rummaging around her ass hole.
He found it. Then, Susan felt a familiar touch. He had put an ass torpedo deep inside of her. The Reverend let a huge ball of spit push into Susan’s mouth as he withdrew from her lips. The banker stepped back and pushed a button on a remote.
The torpedo in her ass was set to a high charge and Susan felt the surge of electricity flow through her bowels. The banker kept his finger depressed and the surge quickly took over Susan’s entire being. She fell to the floor with a thud. Her fingers were grabbing at her ass hole to no avail. She lost control and pissed herself. The group members applauded in appreciation of what they were seeing. They had never seen such a device used and they loved it.
Even though the shocking pain had passed, Susan continued to roll on the floor. Then, the Reverend’s voice thundered over everyone. As is typical with phony preachers, he put the syllable “uh” at the end of many of his words.
“In the name-uh of all-uh that is sexual-uh and good-uh, I command-uh you to stand-uh up and face-uh your-uh future-uh!”
Susan complied immediately. She now realized that when she bestowed her favors upon the banker and the onlookers, she had only bought a moment of time. Now a price would be paid.
As Susan looked at the four swaying, plugged asses before her, she heard a rustling sound off to the side. She and everyone else turned to look. The four dwarf clown-men were accompanied by four dwarf women. They, too, were naked and hairless. They had halos setting above their heads, held in space by a wire that went down to a collar around their neck. From their backs were strapped a set of miniature angel wings. All in all, the eight little folks produced a weird-ass spectacle.
The eight of them were carrying a plastic, children’s wading pool. It was, of course, empty. The sides, about eighteen inches in height, were decorated with well-known children’s cartoon characters. Overall, the pool had a diameter of eight feet.
The eight little people were squeaking to each other in a strange language. They were moving as fast as their puny, misshapen legs could carry them and their load. They came to the platform and it was all they could do to get the wading pool up to the platform. But, they did. Then they scooted it to the center of the platform, between Susan and the four kneeling cunts.
The Reverend commanded in a more normal voice, “Susan, lie down in the wading pool with your head toward our four filled bitches.”
Susan began to get a glimmer of what was going to take place. It was simply more than her mind could conceive. Surely it wasn’t going to happen?
Susan had hesitated a moment until she felt a one-second jolt in her ass. She began to comply with the command before the second had ended. As she reclined in the plastic pool, the first thing that struck her was that the plastic was quite cold. Her body became covered with goose bumps from head to toe.
With no further words, Saucer backed up to the wading pool and hung her ass over the edge, directly above Susan’s face. Susan saw the hanging ass with a slight brown, liquid trickle flowing from the edge of the butt plug. Susan retched. Then, Susan saw that the part of the plug that was protruding was, in fact, in the shape of a ball. It was slightly larger than a golf ball. Susan was terrified.
The Reverend commanded, “You MUST not use your hands. Since your mouth is so talented, use it to remove the plug.”
Susan begged, “Please – no – no – no.”
The reply was in the form of a surge from the torpedo in her ass. It lasted for five seconds. She almost went into convulsions as the surge ended. Sadly, she lifted her head toward the waiting ball that was set between the brown ass cheeks.
Susan actually got her mouth around the round handle of the ass plug. Then, with a miraculous display of control, she actually held her head up and managed to keep it from falling downward. Finally, she complied.
As Susan used her mouth to jerk the butt plug from the black woman’s skinny ass, Susan tried to jerk her head to one side. It was too late. A gigantic fountain of shit and brown liquid spewed forth and caught Susan full in the face. It was unbelievable to everyone that such a skinny cunt could shit so much substance. And, along with the substance, was the horrible stink that also came forth.
Susan’s face was covered with the horrible offal. Saucer was still sprouting little rivulets of shitty liquid from her ass hole on to Susan’s face. The club members were applauding. They always loved these “enema nights”. Susan heard none of it. She was busy vomiting. As the butt plug flew from her mouth, a green stream of bile followed it straight upward in the manner of a public fountain. It was a marvelous sight.
Saucer shook her ass and was replaced by Mavis Fay. Mavis Fay’s plump, white ass hung over Susan’s face. The ball-handle of the butt plug was waiting for her. Unfortunately, Susan was shaking too much to even think about her next assigned task. Fortunately – or – not so fortunately, the banker had regained control as well as his trousers. He pressed the remote and held it down. Surges of electricity surged through Susan’s body. The hair over her pussy actually began to wave in the air.
Susan complied in one fell swoop. Her head flew upward, her mouth grasped the ball-handle and her head fell back to the floor of the wading pool. Mavis Fay did what she had to do. She shit like an elephant. And, to dispel any myths, her sanctimonious shit did stink. It stank mightily. But, to her credit, her turds were perfect. They were shaped in a quite symmetrical log. They were not too hard and, yet, not too soft. They rested easily across Susan’s forehead, her neck, and – somehow, one fell between her breasts. It was really kind of pretty. Well, actually, perhaps it was pretty to the club members but Susan apparently failed to grasp the beauty of it. She was weeping openly.
Mavis Fay stood with an amazing display of dignity and walked away with a smile on her face. She joined Saucer off to one side where the midgets were assigned to clean the asses. They actually seemed to enjoy the task, and, they were of perfect height to accommodate the filthy asses.
Susan continued to cry as LardAss waddled over to the wading pool, hung her big ass over the edge and said, “Get ready for business bitch.”
Susan looked upward at the billboard size expanse of cottage cheese ass that was above her. It was as though the sun had been blocked out completely. The round plug handle was buried between the mighty cheeks.
This time, Susan needed no motivation. She jerked her head upward to grasp the ball and succeeded in getting it in her mouth. But, the plug wouldn’t move. It was immersed in the huge ass cheeks. As Susan hung there by her mouth, the turd between her tits rolled down to her pussy. The turd on her neck rolled down and rested on her right nipple. The turd on her forehead fell to rest upon the plug that was in Susan’s mouth. Saucer’s previously deposited wet shit was flowing anywhere where a tributary could be formed. Susan’s eyes widened as she realized her predicament
Meanwhile, LardAss was thoroughly pissed. Her guts were full of liquid that wanted to get out. In addition, in anticipation of tonight’s festivities, LardAss had eaten two huge plates of pasta at a time she judged to be best for having a full load of shit inside of her. LardAss had, indeed, timed it just right and she did have a load of shit begging to get out. Why didn’t this stupid cunt use her hands to brace herself and pull out the fucking plug?
Well, Susan was having problems of her own. She was, at the moment, losing her sanity. Her face and body had become cesspools. Her ass hole hurt from the surges of electricity that had hit it. Her face was pressed against a horrible ass and her mouth was full of a plug that made it hard for her to breathe. She knew she was a shitty spectacle and this was simply too much for her ego to bear. She was going crazy.
Then, in exasperation, LardAss began shaking her ass which in turn was shaking Susan’s face like a rag doll. Now the club members were howling and hooting and applauding in appreciation for the spectacle they were seeing. This was great!
Then, suddenly and without warning, the plug was dislodged from LardAss’ butt. The results were unbelievable. A broad pattern of shit and shitty liquid flew out of the well-used ass and Susan was coated as though she had been tarred and feathered in a barnyard. It was noticed that in addition to pasta, LardAss had also consumed a huge amount of corn. This had her desired effect as the shit that covered Susan was also strewn with kernels of corn that had gone through LardAss’ system unscathed. It approached art.
LardAss smiled in acknowledgement of appreciation for her work. She was nothing if not a good dispenser of real shit. She walked toward the waiting dwarfs with her head held high. In return, the dwarfs liked having a big canvas to work with and they were about to get a mighty one.
Susan was no longer recognizable. She was coated from the waist up with shit. The whites of her eyes were the only thing on her face that could be seen. Her hair was matted with liquidy shit. Her tits were completely covered although the pink of her left nipple was poking out through the mess. It looked sad.
Susan was beyond sad. She was diminished to nothingness. And then, Trophy came up to her. Trophy actually bent her head down towards Susan’s face. She spoke in a voice that only Susan could hear.
“So you think you had the right to pleasure my man did you. How dare you. I am going to destroy you before the evening is over. For now, I’m going to shit on your face and in your mouth. I am then going to sit on your face and mash my shit into the pores of your skin. I promise you, before the evening is over, you will not have the best-looking ass in this room.”
Then, in an impossible display of courage, Susan replied. She replied in a manner that could only be attributed to the majestic ego of someone who knows how beautiful and special she is. Susan replied though the stench of shit, the coating of shit, and – yes – even the taste of shit.
“Bring it on bitch. Do your best. But remember this, when it’s all said and done, my ass will still be better than yours.”
And then, somehow, Susan smiled. True, some shit crept into her mouth but she seemed not to care.
Trophy was furious. She vowed to give Susan an appropriate retribution for her failure to accept her lowered state. Trophy hung her wonderful ass over the edge and just a matter of inches above Susan’s shit-covered face. Susan looked up and noted that close up, it was a good ass. However, she knew that her ass was better.
Trophy had deliberately scheduled herself to be the last to shit. She had endured the cramps and the horrible feelings in her gut. She had waited for her revenge. She wanted her shit to be the last shit tonight that Susan would feel, smell, and taste.
Susan forced her face upward toward the butt plug. Then, at the last possible second, Susan’s face veered to the right and she sunk her perfect teeth into the flesh of Trophy’s ass cheek. It was a good bite. She had a good hold.
Trophy wailed in anguish. The teeth were burrowing into her skin and muscles. She shook her ass to dislodge the predator. It was to no avail. Susan held on with the strength of a woman scorned. Despite the cramps in her stomach, Trophy managed to stand, pulling the weight and pain of Susan’s face upward.
The crowd laughed in glee. This angered Trophy more. Then, Trophy looked to her man for help and she saw that he was laughing, too. This drove her berserk. Trophy shook her ass even harder. Then, she lost her footing and fell backward into the wading pool of shit. Now, she too was becoming coated in shit. Yet, that goddamn Susan would not relinquish her hold. She was truly driven.
Her teeth finally met as they cut their way through skin and muscle. This made her lose her grip. But it also made Trophy lose a huge chunk of her once-beautiful ass. It was now missing a part of that which had made her so sensual.
In disdain, Susan spit out the chuck of ass into the pile of shit around her. It was a chunk of very good ass though she was telling Trophy that her ass was simply shit.
In exasperation, Trophy reached behind her ass, grabbed the round handle of the butt plug, and jerked it free. Shit flew out of her ass tunnel and mixed with the blood that was now flowing freely from her wounded cheek. It was a sight. To make matters worse, Susan was laughing and the onlookers were not offended at her laughter. Trophy was doomed. She knew that she would soon no longer be a trophy wife.
The dwarfs also were laughing and pointing. They came forward and pulled Trophy out of the bloody, shitty mess. Somehow, Trophy was taken to the emergency room. It was hard to explain how such a large chunk of her ass had been bitten off. However, the emergency room technicians did enjoy the view of that which remained.
Trophy was never heard from again although there were rumors that she was last seen giving ten dollar blow jobs in Memphis. It was also said that she never again showed her bare ass to anyone else.
Meanwhile, Susan was lying exhausted in the pool of shit. The club members were becoming a bit bored by the entire scene. Just at the right time, they were told it was dinner time.
When dinner was announced, the Reverend told everyone that they should relieve themselves before retiring to the dining room. There was still a full evening of festivities ahead and they surely would not want to leave to go to the restroom.
Susan watched in disbelief as sixteen men lined around the pool, shoulder to shoulder. They unzipped their fly and rolled out their dicks. She watched mournfully as they began pissing. They seemed to make it a game as each tried to hit a specific part of her body – her eyes, her nostrils, her mouth, her nipples, her belly button, her pussy, and even the bottoms of her feet.
It was proven to her once again that men were not too specific with aim when they pissed. Piss was flying everywhere. Some of it she swallowed and promptly vomited. Some of it went into her nostrils and invaded her sinuses to give her huge coughing fits. These coughing fits made her open her mouth and provide a worthy target for the pissing men.
As they put their dicks back in place, the women hiked up their dresses and squatted over the edge of the pool. They contributed in mighty streams that flooded everything. Susan was drenched and shit laden. She was diminished to the lowest point she had ever been in her life. She watched as the women stood regally, and let down their dresses as though nothing unusual had taken place.
At that, the club members, minus Trophy, retired to the dining room.
Susan lay there in a stupor. She barely heard the dwarfs coming to her. One spoke in a high-pitched voice, “All right missy. It’s time to get you cleaned up so you can perform for the dinner portion of the evening. Your troubles have only just begun.”
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