Susan Gets a Delivery, Part 4
As Susan shuddered, she didn’t notice the new configuration that her three oppressors had taken around her.
Ricolaleta was at the end of the table where Susan’s bottom wares were amply displayed. Juices were flowing freely from her gaping pussy. Lots of pink led to a dark tunnel that was overflowing with Horsecock’s spunk.
Ed had moved to the middle of the table. Although Susan’s legs were still bent back over her head, he reached beneath her marvelous thighs and began gently massaging her breasts. Susan’s pussy was still sending messages of pain to her brain and her body still ached from the beating she had taken from the knotted rope.
Meanwhile, Horsecock had moved to her head. He let down the drop leaf so that her head was now once again bent backward and downward at a thirty degree angle. She was now looking directly at his sweaty balls and his impossible tool.
Horsecock lifted his somewhat flaccid cock and ran it around her right cheek, hooked it over her jutting chin, brought it up along her left cheek and draped the huge purple head across her left eye.
It was not a good view for her. The odor of sex completely filled her nostrils. Her skin felt the wetness that was everywhere on his shaft. Her right eye could see a droplet of leftover spunk that was creeping from his huge piss slit.
The droplet of cum seemed to be moving in slow motion as it finally released itself from Horsecock’s dick and fell gently directly onto her eyeball. Somehow her brain seemed to speak to her as it seemed to say, “Why didn’t you close your eyes you dumb shit.”
As it was, the white, creamy substance seemed to burn like lye soap in her eye. Tears immediately began flooding her eyes again.
While all of this was going on, Susan could feel Ricolaleta beginning to rummage around in the gaping hole that had once been Susan’s rather tight pussy. It was tight no longer.
Ricolaleta first inserted two of her pudgy fingers in the waiting cunt. The fingers had room to spare. So, Ricolaleta inserted her remaining two fingers in the sloppy hole. There was still plenty of wiggle room. Ever the adventurer, Ricolaleta immediately inserted her entire hand along with her thumb in Susan’s groaning pussy.
For Susan, it was one more strange intrusion that was not at all pleasant. Ricolaleta then proceeded to see how deeply her hand – and arm – could be plunged into the sex tunnel. Her arm went far down the chute until it finally bottomed out. That was when Susan let out a horrible, blood-curdling scream of intense pain.
Susan was beside herself and gave the impression of going into deep convulsions.
Ed spoke, “O.K. Ricolaleta, you better withdraw. We still have plenty of work to do with this bitch.”
Reluctantly, Ricolaleta complied. She had rather been enjoying herself as she brought additional pain to this bitch who had been so horrible to her.
Horsecock was not impressed by the order for Ricolaleta to stop hurting the cunt. He felt a need to give the bitch no respite from the onslaught that was being bestowed upon her. He picked up his long tool and used it to bitch-slap Susan all over her face. Ordinarily, this would not have been a great imposition of pain. However, Susan had reached a breaking point and any little thing was more than she could bear.
She tried to roll her head around to escape the dick-slapping she was taking. It was to no avail. His huge dickhead was everywhere, hitting her constantly.
Ed and Ricolaleta watched with amusement as this insulting attack continued for almost ten minutes.
But, Horsecock had to finally quit. His tool was becoming aroused and was erecting itself once more into a large hunk of stiff pipe. It was time for more action.
Ricolaleta spoke softly, “Now baby, he’s going to fuck your ass. There is no doubt about that. It is going to hurt horribly. There is no doubt about that. You can have it dry, in which case, there will surely be torn tissues that will result in a lengthy measure of pain.”
Susan’s eyes opened wide with horror as she looked at the huge weapon just above her face.
Ricolaleta continued, “Or, you can have lubricant inserted in your butt hole. Your ass will still be in great pain, but the tender tissues inside of your ass may, just may, survive without damage.”
Susan spoke immediately, “Please, please, use a lubricant in my ass.”
Ed then joined in, “I can certainly allow lubricant. But, there is no free lunch. You must pay a price.”
Susan: “Yes, yes, anything.”
Ed: “I read that some cultures in the Pacific Rim feel that urine has medicinal qualities. Thus, they drink it regularly every day. Here we have a situation where drinking urine will definitely have some medicinal qualities for you.”
There was silence in the room.
At first, Susan didn’t make the connection between his cultural lesson and what was about to happen to her. Then, an imaginary light could be seen to light above her head. It was not a light of happy illumination.
Susan: “Please, please, no, no.”
Ed: “O.K. Horsecock. Fuck her ass.”
Horsecock: “With pleasure.”
Horsecock immediately withdrew from Susan’s head and began walking around the table, his huge erect prick leading him to the new target.
Susan: “Oh god, oh god. I’ll do it, god help me I’ll do it. Bring me a glass of piss.”
The three onlookers laughed in unison. Ed spoke, “Oh no bitch. No glass. You’ll get it straight from the tap – warm, fresh and frothy.”
Susan’s eyes became the size of saucers as she saw Ed pick up his dick and walk around to her head. She began weeping openly.
Ricolaleta and Horsecock were watching Susan’s face with amusement as the terror and disgust completely took over her countenance. She absolutely did not want to do this but she also didn’t want a fleshy fencepost stuck up her ass without lubrication. She was torn as she realized what she had to do to keep from being torn.
As Ed stood above Susan’s backward, upside-down face, she opened her mouth in resignation. She was repulsed but she was resigned to the fate that was going to be bestowed upon her. She closed her eyes.
Ed warned her, “Open your eyes. I want you to see my nuts and the base of my dick as I piss in your mouth.”
Her eyes opened slowly and he immediately moved forward. He said to her, “Bitch, you have complained about every delivery anyone has ever made to you. This is going to be one delivery you will not complain about.”
She signed.
He continued, “I have a remarkable ability to control my stream of piss and to shut it down and begin it without any problem whatsoever. I assure you that I will portion out my piss in measures that you can accommodate. However, if you spill any of my golden fluid, you will be punished. Ricolaleta will beat you and Horsecock will fuck your ass with no lube whatsoever. Do NOT spill any.”
Susan immediately closed her lips tightly around his dick, just below the base of his purple dickhead. She shuddered. He began pissing.
The thought of having piss in her mouth was atrocious. The actual event of having piss in her mouth was even worse than her worst thoughts. Her stomach rolled as it anticipated the delivery that was soon to be made to it.
Susan’s cheeks immediately ballooned out and it was obvious that she was having trouble maintaining her lip-seal around his flaccid prick. True to his word, he stopped his flow.
Now, Susan was in a quandary. She didn’t want to swallow but swallow she must. However, due to the physics of her situation – with her head bent backwards and upside down, she found it quite difficult to get her “swallowing” muscles to do what she wanted.
Her three protagonists watched with amusement as they realized her problem. They waited with anticipation. Their anticipation was rewarded as they literally saw the gulp go along her throat and, obviously, into her stomach.
Her stomach was not at all happy. Her taste buds reviled her. Piss was not their cup of tea.
Before Susan could gather her senses, another full load of yellow gold was delivered to her mouth. Again, a repeat of the previous process. Except this time, Ed, Ricolaleta, and Horsecock applauded her effort and Ed said appraisingly, “That’s a good little girl.”
Susan was not amused nor did she particularly like being praised for her efforts to swallow piss. Her super human swallowing efforts were a result of her wanting to protect her asshole tissues, not to give pleasure to any of these bastards.
In any case, Susan was approaching a near-panic mode. She had now downed at least four, perhaps five, mouthfuls of Ed’s piss. The horrible thought of swallowing piss, plus the actual taste of swallowing the vile liquid, along with the notion that she was about to be fucked in the ass by a dick of tree trunk proportions was becoming too much for her mind to contemplate. And yet, things worsened.
Ricolaleta had moved around to Susan’s side and was slapping the shit out of Susan’s tits. This wasn’t part of the pre-prepared agenda but, for some reason, Ricolaleta just felt like doing it.
Ed really didn’t give a shit one way or the other about Susan getting her tits slapped. He was concentrating totally on proportioning out his piss into Susan’s mouth and he really couldn’t be distracted. Susan wasn’t complaining, she was too busy concentrating on keeping a tight seal around Ed’s dick, focusing on keeping her stomach from upchucking everything, and trying to manipulate her throat muscles to swallow each delivery of piss that was made to her mouth. So, with no words to the contrary, Ricolaleta was beating the shit out of tits that she knew were so much better than her own.
Horsecock was using this “down” time for himself to heap verbal taunts at this once-haughty bitch.
“How’s the piss taste bitch?”
“Are we having fun yet? I am.”
“Hey bitch, your tits are loosing their white purity. They’re red as the head of the dick of a dog.”
“Speaking of dogs and bitches, you fucking bitch, you’re about to feel once massive prick slam into your ass hole. Are you ready?”
Finally, there was a break. Ed was now simply milking his prick to get the last few drops into Susan’s mouth. Ricolaleta was tired and sweaty and smelly and too tired to slap tits anymore. Horsecock was stroking himself to get his already-firm dick into even more of a hard situation.
Susan was simply trying to quell her distraught emotions and her protesting stomach. She had not even noticed that somewhere along the way, all of her bindings had been released and she was actually lying on the table with no restraints. It made no difference. She was too depleted and defeated to even try to get off of the horrible table.
Then, Ed gave her new directions. “All right bitch. It’s time. Get up on your hands and knees. Stick your head to the table and your ass in the air. Reach back with your hands and spread your ass. Trust me; it’s to your advantage to spread them very wide.”
Oddly enough, Susan was so far gone that she did not even speculate about when her bindings had been released. Instead, she instantly complied lest there be even more punishment.
She was a beautiful sight. Her ass – her very best feature – looked good as it poked upward with its ass cheeks spread wide by her hands. She had instinctively spread her knees far apart on the table and her pussy hair peeked out between her marvelous thighs and beneath that wonderful butt.
At this moment, in contemplation of what he was about to do, Horsecock considered himself the luckiest son-of-a-bitch in the world. This ass was going to be the capstone to his lifelong devotion to fucking unwilling assholes. He felt driven to do his very best lest he not be worthy of this wonderful hole and its surrounding territory of ass.
Ed spoke to Ricolaleta, “Go get some lubricant.”
Ricolaleta immediately left the room and returned but a few moments later. When she returned she was carrying a blue can with red lettering. It was a can of vegetable shortening that she had obtained from Susan’s well-stocked kitchen.
She went over to Susan’s head that was flat on the table and turned sideways. Ricolaleta removed the plastic lid, tilted the can in front of Susan’s terrified eyes and showed Susan the white slick-looking contents.
Ricolaleta then spoke in reassuring words to Susan, “Don’t worry honey. Mama here’s going to put a huge glob of this all inside your teeny little butthole. It will feel good.”
For some reason, Susan was horrified even more. When she had heard the word “lubricant”, she had assumed it would be a lubricant of a type such as a common sexual jelly. This stuff looked awful.
Horsecock was becoming impatient. “Come on nig – I mean – lady. Get her ready. My dick is more than ready.”
Ricolaleta smiled – first at Susan, then at Ed, and finally at Horsecock. “Yassuh – Masser – right away – Masser,” she said in mock deference.
Then, Ricolaleta shuffled to the end of the table where Susan’s beautiful ass was being displayed in all of its majesty. The asshole was tiny – very, very tiny. Ricolaleta grimaced when she thought of what was about to happen to it. Oh well, the bitch deserved a delivery such as this.
Ricolaleta scooped out a huge glob of shortening and began trying to force it into the tiny hole that was completely not accustomed to having things pushed in it instead of out of it. Susan had instinctively tightened up her rear hole in response to this strange invasion.
Ricolaleta warned her, “Honey, you better relax and let me put this in you. You’re going to experience a lot of pain as it is. You don’t want to make it any more difficult.”
Somehow, amazingly, Susan summoned up a surge of will power and managed to relax her ass hole. Ricolaleta then proceeded to thrust large amounts of vegetable shortening into the aperture.
Horsecock was not pleased. First of all, he didn’t want that white crap all over his dick and balls. And, more importantly, he wanted her to feel as much pain as he could possibly deliver. This would certainly reduce the amount of pain he was about to inflict.
Ricolaleta had put in copious amounts of the white substance. Then, she inserted her pudgy, index finger inside of Susan and began spreading the grease around – at least as far as her short finger would permit.
Ricolaleta informed, “O.K. Horsecock, she’s ready.”
Susan thought to herself, “Bullshit! I am definitely NOT ready.”
Through all of this, Susan had done a remarkable job of spreading her ass cheeks. Her body temperature had begun melting the shortening and a creamy white fluid was leaking from her ass and down her matching creamy thighs.
Ed commanded, “Horsecock, get up on the table and fuck her ass.”
Horsecock scampered easily up on to the table between Susan’s legs. Actually, both Ed and Ricolaleta were a bit astounded at Horsecock’s nimbleness and agility. They didn’t know his background
Horsecock had worked a couple of seasons in the Caribbean as a deckhand on a tourist sailing vessel. It was large, 295’ long. It was a three-masted barque that docked in Barbados. Simply put, the ship was used for booze cruises. It took wealthy tourists out every evening and filled them with cheap rum punches. Quickly under the influence, the tourists felt they were having a marvelous time.
Although the ship was powered by a diesel engine, the deckhands would scamper up the lines and set one group of sails. The drunken tourists below would crane their necks to see the sailors hop from line to line like monkeys in a zoo. It was a sight.
Horsecock was especially good at this but he didn’t take the job for the privilege of displaying his talents aloft. No, he did it because there was always a drunk bitch that he could take below and rape the shit out of her. They were always too drunk to remember what happened. However, afterward, all of them wondered why their ass, pussy, and jaws were so sore. They could only guess but never prove.
Then, one evening as always, Horsecock’s luck ran out. He had taken an ugly, young bitch down below to inflict his tool upon her. Unfortunately, she was not as drunk as she appeared. True, he was able to fuck her. But, she remembered everything, including his skin-canvas of tattoos. She testified. He was convicted. However, the Barbados police were a bit on the lackadaisical side and Horsecock managed to escape and find a ship going to the Pacific Rim.
Now, he was between the legs of a first-class cunt and he was looking at an ass he had only seen before in his dreams. There was no fanfare. He lined up his massive dickhead and immediately plunged to the hilt into the tiny hole. If Ed and Ricolaleta had not seen it with their own eyes, they would not have believed it possible. Susan believed it instantly.
Susan screamed at a pitch and a volume that no human would have believed possible. She instinctively removed her hands from her ass cheeks and grabbed the edges of the table. Her head went up and it was as though a coyote was howling at the moon. Her face was contorted in the fashion of an astronaut during liftoff. She knew her guts were being straightened to an unnatural position for surely his huge tool had gone beyond the point where her colon made a bend.
Meanwhile, Horsecock had grabbed hold of her luscious hips so as to use her body for leverage. He had already begun an in-and-out rotation that looked as though he was trying to split her in half. Indeed, Susan felt as though she was being split in half.
Susan was screaming, sobbing, and trying to buck him off, all at the same time. Ed’s eyes and Ricolaleta’s eyes were wide with astonishment. Ed’s dick had instantly become hard. Ricolaleta had cream running copiously from her pussy, down her huge black thighs.
Horsecock fucked Susan’s beautiful ass thusly for a solid twenty minutes. It was an amazing feat. If anything, his dick was becoming harder and larger throughout the exercise. He, himself, was amazed. This was, without a doubt, the finest performance he had ever delivered. And, he was happy that Susan now had something to really complain about. Life was good.
During this twenty minute ass-fucking, Susan had gone from screaming to whimpering. This was not to suggest that she was becoming accustomed to the fact that her ass tunnel was being fucked by a tree trunk-like dick. It simply indicated that her energy level was being exhausted.
Ed had to actually put his ear down next to her mouth to determine if she was merely uttering animalistic sounds or if she was, in fact, mouthing discernable words. As she whimpered, her sounds became softer and softer.
“No more. Please no more. No more. Please no more. No more. Please no more.”
Ed directed the sailor, “Horsecock, go ahead and finish off in her ass. She’s about to pass out and that will serve no purpose whatsoever. We have a busy evening ahead of us.”
Then, like a seasoned porn star, Horsecock immediately began preparing for the money shot. As though from afar, Susan could feel his dick head swelling. She could feel his huge shaft begin to pulsate with a quicker and quicker rhythm. And then, his dick finished its crescendo of arousal with a massive load of spunk – spunk delivered to the innermost recesses of her bowels.
Now Susan had never had an enema but with a strange quirk of the way the brain works, she speculated that this must be what an enema felt like. Horsecock was spewing streams of jism into her. (Little did she know that this was a mere droplet compared to the enemas she would eventually receive.)
Now Ed was concerned about the size of Horsecock’s dick. Oh sure, he knew it was big. That tool was a legend amongst all who had heard of it. However, few men had seen it. Now that Ed had seen it, he was truly astounded. It was inhuman.
According to plan, Horsecock’s next course of action was to fuck Susan’s mouth. However, Ed knew that this would, in all likelihood, cause severe damage to Susan’s throat and probably leave her injured to the point that she would not be able to fulfill the rest of Ed’s planned activities. Ed was in a quandary.
Horsecock finally withdrew from Susan’s ass. His dick was coated with jism, shit, and vegetable shortening. It was not a pretty sight. However, an even worse sight was the gaping hole that had once been Susan’s tiny mite of an ass hole. It had been enlarged beyond what anyone would have thought possible. As it gaped open, strange-looking fluids were dripping out of it.
The size of the hole was in direct proportion to Susan’s agony. She was truly defeated. In addition to the loss of her ass’ virginity, she had also lost her voice. Her thigh muscles were trembling with involuntary motions. Her stomach was rolling and pitching like the deck of a ship in the midst of a storm. Her brain was swirling. It was even more overloaded than it had been up to this point.
Horsecock was, on the other hand, happier than he had ever been in his life. He had just fucked the ass of a goddess. He had just fucked a woman who had belittled him every single time they had met previously. Her pussy was dripping. Her ass hole was dripping. Soon her mouth would be overflowing.
Horsecock was looking forward to this next phase with great relish. This was always the perfect finishing touch when ravishing a bitch. Her mouth was obviously too small to accommodate his engine – just as her pussy and ass had been too small to accommodate it. Yet, he had made it work both times and now he was about to make it work a final time.
As he began to walk around the table to Susan’s face, Ed spoke: “Horsecock, change in plans. You cannot fuck her mouth and throat. It will upset the rest of my plans for the evening.”
Horsecock stopped dead in his tracks, his dick wobbling in great swaths in the air as it, too, had to stop so quickly. He retorted, “Fuck you. We had a deal. I get to use all three holes. It’s what I do for god’s sake.”
“I know Horsecock and I feel badly about it. However, her mouth, jaw and throat must not be injured. They are to be used in even more vicious ways. I promise you, when you see her participation in the events of the rest of the evening; you will say it’s worth it.”
“What about my dick? It’s filthy. She hasn’t even tasted the shit. This must be reconciled.”
Ed pondered the dilemma for a moment and offered a solution, “She can clean your dick with her lips and tongue. She will swallow everything. I know it’s not the same as fucking her mouth and throat, but it will still be oral action from the most beautiful bitch who’s ever gone down on you.”
Horsecock screwed up his face in contemplation and he knew that this was true. He had only raped women who were average at best – and – many who were well below average. It would be fun to see her lick his dick and kiss the expanse of his skin.
“All right. But, she has to clean my nuts, too.”
Ed agreed, “Of course. That goes without saying.”
Susan had recovered enough to listen to this negotiation of her mouth. She felt as though they were talking about an inanimate object instead of her lips, her tongue, and her taste buds. As she looked at the length and girth of his dick, the filth that was clinging to it, and his hairy, wretched balls, she wished she could die. But, she knew she wouldn’t.
Without further adieu, Horsecock walked up to her face, pulled it to the edge of the table and told her to get working, or else there was no deal.
With horror and disgust, she began. Her tongue was tentative at first, barely reaching out from her mouth. Horsecock warned, “Bitch – do it now – do it big – do it well!”
Susan complied. Her tongue, itself, became a cleaning engine. She went up and down his dick, treating it like a long ear of corn, except that she used her lips to remove the crud instead of her teeth. Her tongue was scooping up shit, cum, and the other white stuff as though she were mining for gold.
The taste was horrible. The stench even worse. The texture of the skin on his tool was completely disgusting. Yet, she was soon to find that the texture of his sack was even worse. As she moved up to the bulbous, taut head of his dick, she worked harder. She even planted a huge smooch on his piss slit, actually even plunging the tip of her tongue into its inner reaches. She was driven. She did not want his dick down her throat. She knew she would choke to death if this were to happen.
This went on for a solid forty-five minutes. Although she had never done anything such as this – after all she had never seen a tool like this – her work was admirable. She could even hear Ed and commenting that she was handling the whole thing like a pro – a professional dick diver.
Finally, Susan had completed her tasks. Tastes were intermingling in her mouth, throat and stomach to create a concoction that was completely and thoroughly disgusting. Susan felt as though these tastes would be with her forever, regardless of any future oral hygiene. She was ruined. And, besides, her ass hole was still gaping wide open as the inner tissues of her shit chute felt a flow of air that it had never felt before.
Horsecock asked, “So what’s the rest of the evening consist of?”
Ed answered, “Tonight is the monthly meeting of a very special group – the Citizens of Cum Kingdom.”
There were three simultaneous gasps in the room – one each from Horsecock, Ricolaleta, and Susan. The Citizens of Cum Kingdom was a legendary club in the area. It was seldom referred to by its full name. It was more commonly referred to by its initials – the COCK Club.
No one outside of its limited membership really knew much about. However, rumor had it that it was the scene of total debauchery and sins of the flesh.
Susan realized that everything thus far had simply been a warm-up. She was doomed.
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