Susan Gets A Delivery, Part 3
Sailor “Horsecock” Thompson was a piece of work as everyone was soon to find out. Once again, Ed went to the door naked. This time he looked through the peep hole in the door to be assured that the visitor was the one for whom he had been waiting. It was.
Sailor’s name was a result of a brief union between his mother and an unknown sailor. His mother, Mary by name, had been a Mennonite missionary in New Orleans. While on a walkway near one of the ports, Mary was preaching the gospel to any passersby who would listen. It was her misfortune that a horny sailor stopped to listen to her.
She confronted him directly and asked, “Have you found Jesus?”
He replied, “I didn’t know he was lost. Why don’t we look for him in this alley?”
Before she could respond, his strong hand had her by the arm and forced her into a nearby alley. New Orleans, while a happy city, was in reality an adult theme park. No one really thought anything of what they were seeing.
Before Mary knew what was happening he had hit her in the stomach with a hard-driven punch. As she bent over, he heisted up her long, plain cotton dress and pulled her drawers down. As she tried to straighten in protest he held a knife to her throat and said, “Stay bent over sweety, see if you can find Jesus on the ground because I am going to help you find a good, hard dick.”
Then, without further adieu, he fucked her. It was to be her first and last time for intercourse. After coming inside of her, he withdrew, wiped his dick on her butt, and left. She never knew his name and never saw him again. Thus, her only son was conceived.
As she carried the baby, her church considered her a failure. They simply knew that she had done something to entice a man and that she had fallen prey to the sins of the flesh. When she was eight months pregnant, they made her stand in front of the church to confess, to apologize and to ask forgiveness.
She stood there, young and defenseless and looked at her accusers. She knew she would be judged by the depth, sincerity and intensity of her confession. She looked for a full minute without saying anything.
Then she spoke, “Fuck all of you goddamn do-gooders.”
As she finished the last word of this declaration she ripped off all of her plain outer clothes to reveal that she had on nothing beneath. Her breasts were full, her stomach was huge, and her bush was a golden brown.
She turned and left to shown them a really good ass, as asses go.
It is not reported, but it is suspected that there were more than a few church men who experienced an erection. Some things are best left unsaid.
When the child was born he created quite a stir. Immediately after coming into the world, all of the hospital staff came to look at him. He was ugly – no question about that. But, he had the hugest dick anyone had ever seen on a newborn. It was a sign – a sign of things to come.
One of the nurses looked at Mary and said, “Honey, this child is going to provide a lot of pain and a lot of pleasure to many a woman.” She was at least half right as a prophetess. He would offer pleasure to few, if any, women.
To mark the origin of his conception, Mary named him “Sailor”.
And, oddly enough, he became a sailor. He served ten years in the navy. He was finally kicked out for raping too many female colleagues and fucking too many civilian wives all across the world. He then joined the merchant marines and continued his adventures. Finally, his exploits made him undesirable even in this arena. Along the way, he acquired the nickname “Horsecock”. It was quite accurate as nicknames go.
Horsecock had a standard modus operandi. First he would fuck a bitch in her pussy, causing a great deal of trauma to genitals that had never experienced such an engine. Then, he would fuck their ass, completely destroying their shit chute. Finally, he would fuck their mouth, causing a severe deprivation of oxygen for the moment, almost dislocating jaws, and – in general – bring a sense of total vileness and depravity to his victims. He was, in short, a mean son-of-a-bitch.
Ed knew all of this background as he led Horsecock to the room where Susan and Ricolaleta waited to see the new arrival. When Horsecock entered the room, Susan was dismayed. It was the bastard who delivered her bottled water. She hated him. She had complained about him many times. He was ugly and ill-mannered.
In contrast to Susan’s reaction, Horsecock was elated. This was, without a doubt, the finest piece of ass he had ever had access to. She was primo. Horsecock had force-fucked all kinds of bitches. None had looked like this. He circled her, taking in every aspect of her body. He even sent up a “thank you” prayer to the god in whom he didn’t believe.
As Susan watched the bastard circling her and ogling her, she was right in her initial assessment of the bastard. He was ugly. He wore a dirty sailor’s cap that had ceased being white many years ago. His sailor blouse was too short and revealed a well-muscled midriff. In fact, despite his lean physique, muscles rippled everywhere on his body – especially his arms. In addition, he was one of those men whose veins seemed to want to pop out of his skin. However, Susan had never seen his primary feature although she had seen hints when she viewed the obvious bulge in his crotch. She would have been shocked to learn that this bulge was simply the scrunching up of a huge flaccid prick.
Horsecock quickly shucked his clothes – except for the hat. When he stood naked, however, three gasps in unison indicated that none of the three noticed his cap. First of all, he had tattoos that seemed to cover every inch of his torso. They were, quite frankly, pornographic. They showed him fucking women in every position imaginable. Each one represented a bitch he had raped.
However, none of the three even noticed this human canvas of degradation. It was his dick that drew their attention and their gasps. It really was a horse cock. It was intensely erect and long and thick. None even dared to guess its length and girth. It was simply too long for any human body to carry or to ingest. Yet, Susan knew she would surely ingest it in one of her holes – none of which would surely be able to accommodate it. She would have passed out if she had known he had plans for all of her apertures.
Susan immediately began bawling, “Please, please, no, no – don’t let him put that in me.”
She repeated this same sentence over and over. Finally Horsecock had enough and said to Ed, “Shut the bitch up. She’s getting on my nerves.”
Ed: “Walk over and hit the cunt. You’re closer.”
Horsecock replied, “I don’t hit women. I only fuck them.”
The irony of this was not lost on the six ears that heard these contradictory words.
At that, Ed walked over and slapped her openhanded on the sides of her tits. After he had hit her about a dozen times, she clamped her mouths shut.
At this, Horsecock reached down and pulled a large length of thick rope from the back pocked of his pants that lay in a heap on the floor. The evil-looking rope had gigantic knots on each end. Horsecock easily grasped one of the knots in his huge right hand. He swung it menacingly through the air.
He then walked over to Susan’s form. He expressed admiration over her configuration. Her legs were still pulled back over her body, almost horizontal to her torso. Her pussy and ass hole were readily available. Her head was in an upraised position as the drop leaf had been raised to a thirty degree angle above horizontal.
Horsecock straightened his arm and swung his arm in a huge arc, bringing the knotted rope directly down on to her pussy. The knot buried itself in her pussy. He watched gleefully as she cried at the top of her lungs.
Ricolaleta was curious as she asked, “I thought you said you didn’t hit women.”
“I lied, nigger.”
She replied, “Fuck you ass hole.”
He said nothing as Ed intervened, “All right cool it. We’re here to do Susan – not each other.”
Everyone shut up although Susan was weeping openly. More was to come as Horsecock began swinging the rope with a vengeance. The rope brought havoc to Susan’s pussy, ass hole, nipples, thighs, and stomach – every part of her body that could be reached. It was delivery payback time.
When Horsecock finally quick the beating, Ed and Ricolaleta were astounded. Horsecock was not breathing hard and had not even broken a sweat.
The same, however, could not be said for Susan. She was breathing quite hard – in short and quick gasps as fluids ran from her mouth and nose. She certainly was sweating as her skin glistened around the marks that Horsecock had inflicted. Her body looked as though it had been thrown from a skidding motorcycle and road rash had obliterated her skin. Her skin actually had indentations that matched the pattern of the fibers of the rope knot. She was a mess.
Horsecock finally spoke in a deep raspy voice, “I’m ready to fuck her cunt. Do you want me to fuck it as is or do you want it prepared? I actually prefer dry pussy but it looks as though hers is beyond dry at this time.”
Ed: “Ricolaleta, eat her.”
Susan heard the words but none of them registered with her brain. Her brain was still trying to sort out the messages of terror that her body parts were sending to it. The most traumatic messages seemed to be coming from her pussy, ass hole, tits and nipples. Her body and brain were on overload.
Meanwhile, Ricolaleta stepped forward and scooched down to perform her assignment. Once again, her mouth surrounded the once-attractive pussy and her tongue burrowed inward. Susan looked down and realized her pussy was being eaten once more by this fat creature. She didn’t care anymore. She just didn’t want the rope again and she certainly didn’t want Horsecock’s dick in her. However, she didn’t have a vote in the decision.
Soon, Susan’s snatch was sopping wet. It was certainly wet from all of Ricolaleta’s saliva. And, no doubt it was wet from the pussy’s uncontrollable reaction to the stimulus that had been applied to it. Ricolaleta withdrew her probing tongue, stood, and pointed to the wet snatch.
Ricolaleta suggested, “Ready for your inspection.”
To Susan’s dismay, each man came forward and spread her pussy wide open while they bent down with their eyes just inches from her cunt. She felt like an animal. Ed’s finger went inside the tunnel, withdrew it and showed it to Horsecock.
Horsecock, ever careful, said, “I’ll inspect for myself, thank you.”
And, he did. He put his right index finger in the pussy and swabbed it around carefully. He withdrew his finger and inspected the moisture carefully. Then, he brought it to his nostrils and sniffed it thoroughly. He looked upward as though he were contemplating what he had just inhaled. Finally, he put the wet finger in his mouth and sucked his finger clean.
He could be seen rolling it around his mouth as though it were a wine-tasting exercise. Finally, not wanting to contaminate his taste buds, he spit a mouth full of spit and pussy juice directly into Susan’s navel.
For Susan, it was an entirely revolting ordeal and, perhaps, in the top three of worst experiences she had undergone during this whole ordeal.
Horsecock broke the silence, “She’s as wet as can be expected. Her pussy is quite small. She’s about to have an experience that will last a lifetime. My dick is going to expand her horizons in a manner she would not have thought possible.”
Now Ed was surprised. He knew that Horsecock was basically a sea-going laborer. He knew that Horsecock was completely immoral and really not very educated. The structure of these sentences spoken by Horsecock and his vocabulary was completely out of character to his personage.
“Go figure,” Ed thought to himself.
Without any warning, Horsecock crawled up to the table and plunged his gigantic dick directly into Susan’s snatch, burying it completely
Susan screamed such as she had never screamed before. She just knew she was being split in twain. It truly was a pain such as she had never experienced. It became worse.
Horsecock began swirling his hips in a clockwise motion as though he was using his dick to ream out this tiny, tiny hole. At the same time, he placed his strong arms around her legs that were back over her body. Then, he pushed down with all of his strength to bring her legs down beside her head. She would not have believed she was capable of this configuration and, certainly, up to now she could never have done it on her own.
As her legs were pushed down to the table, her crotch was thrust upward as though she were trying to make stronger contact with his horse cock. She certainly had no desire to do so but, in this instance, she had no choice.
His face was now inches in front of her face and his mouth was open as he began grunting. His breathe was the breathe of the dead. His cheeks were pulled back to cause him to look as though he was smiling.
His two front, upper teeth were gold teeth. Etched on each of them was a dick, each pointing to the other. Saliva was dripping from his mouth. Some was coating these gold teeth and, as it dripped on to Susan, it gave the impression that the two gold dicks were cuming on to her face. In any case, neither the actual feeling, smell, nor appearance was anything at all pleasant.
But, Susan had bigger problems. Her pussy was in agony. The tendons along the backs of her thighs were screaming as they refused to adjust to this inhuman contortion to which they were being subjected.
Horsecock had increased the tempo and the force with which he was fucking the protesting cunt. He truly gave meaning to the word “engine” that was sometimes used to describe a man’ dick.
Susan was in agony that kept increasing in intensity. Her pussy was crying out. She didn’t think any tissues had been torn in her personal area but the tissues were definitely being stretched far beyond their design.
Many an erotic story would have had Susan beginning to experience involuntary pleasure at this assault. In reality, Susan was not experiencing any pleasure. Her fuck chute was not getting wet from this invasion. Her pussy simply hurt beyond anyone’s imagination.
Horsecock was picking up the pace. Whilst all of this was going on, the jaws of the two onlookers had dropped in amazement. Ed and Ricolaleta could not believe what they were seeing.
His huge tool was disappearing and re-appearing in an impossible cycle of humping. They were in awe. This was truly one of the numbered wonders of the world. They felt as though they were seeing an event so extraordinary that they would never be able to describe it accurately to anyone who would even deign to listen to them.
They watched as Horsecock’s ass began clenching in time to the remarkable rhythm he had established. He was about to give Susan the money shot.
And, give it to her he did. The truth be told, most women did not feel a man’s spunk when it exited his dick into the receiving pussy. It was just something that made the story more erotic. In this case, Susan truly did feel his fire hose of flesh as it sent cascades of his spewing cream into her body. She felt as though it was an assault within an assault. It was not pleasant.
Finally, Horsecock collapsed onto her body as they both came together in a pool of each other’s sweat. The stench in the room was the stench of an historic fucking.
Then, Horsecock slowly withdrew his long, flaccid dick from her cunt. It was coated in her juices and, thankfully for her, there was no blood mixed in. Somehow, someway, her pussy had held up to the terrible pounding that had just been imposed upon it.
Horsecock spoke, “Don’t worry little lady. This dick will only take about five minutes to recover. Then, we can moved down to your ass hole.”
Susan shuddered.
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