Estelle takes her arm and leads her from Campbells.
Nikki walks in a daze. She has never been so aware of her body and clothing, the corset's rigid and brutal embrace dictates her every breath as shallow, she pants even walking. The petticoats of her full skirts rustle and hiss at her every step, the deep collar and the straps on the corset pull her head back and push her breasts upwards. The rod within her cunt, swinging at every step between her legs and transmitting that movement to the walls of her vagina sends shivers through her body.
Her lips are full and engorged. She is totally sexually aware and alert to every stimulus. When they climb the low steps into the High Street she almost faints with sexual arousal. But it is more than the simple act of filling her cunt, she is a submissive woman in a world where there is a place for them, where her clothing is a reminder of her status, where she feels for the first time in her life naturally feminine. THIS is what she had dreamed of all her life, what she had prayed for, prayed for literally when she was a young girl.
Master's home is a huge Victorian mansion only 100 yards up a side street, looking down onto the town. The two women crunch up the short gravelled drive and climb the steps to the front door, Nikki is slower as the rod within her presses hard against her vaginal walls when she ascend she grunts at every step, Estelle smiles at her. The door is opened by a servant girl in a black satin maid's uniform dress and pinafore.
Estelle walks past her into the hallway.
" Good evening ellie, "
" Good evening Miss, may I take your coat?"
Estelle turns to face her and the girl unfastens the buckles at the coat front. Estelle turns to Nikki.
" The servants will dress and undress you sister from now on." She turns and allows the girl to slip the coat from her, folding it over her arm.
Nikki now faces the girl and the process is repeated.
" Master will see you now Miss Estelle. " The girl says and takes Nikki's slithering red PVC mac from her.
" Upstairs or downstairs ellie? "
" Upstairs Miss Estelle, He is giving Miss Selina some instruction."
At this Estelle raises an eyebrow.
Estelle kneels and lifts Nikki's skirts, the watching maid looks confused.
" She has a cuntbar in ellie and you know what Master will probably do to her when she meets Him for the first time."
The girl nods and abandoning the coats helps Estelle lift the petticoats and skirt high as the kneeling woman unclips the cuntbar from the corset front, it slithers out of Nikki's cunt and as she grips the slippery steel with one hand she deflty removes the back clip with the other.
Estelle straightens up to see that Nikki is standing with her hands on her hips, gradually regaining some of her mental equilibrium without the constant vaginal stimulus. Estelle hands the cuntbar and straps to the maid.
" Very cuntwet Miss Estelle isn't she?" the girl smirks.
Estelle is stony faced in reply.
" Get it cleaned ellie and make sure it is upstairs in our rooms soon. She will need it tonight. "
On either side of the front doors are mirrors or Estelle turns to check her appearance, makes some minor adjustments, then turns to Nikki. She smoothes down her skirts, tightens the belt and moves it a little, tugs at her hair and hastily reapplies some lipstick.
Nikki looks into the mirror as Estelle adjusts and pouts at herself.
The hallway is tiled and their heels echo on the ceramic as they walk to the stairs and then are muffled by the thick carpet on the ascent. Nikki remembers to lift her skirts at the front to avoid tripping on them.
It is then they hear a scream. A short yelp and then a single sob of agony. A woman's scream.
Nikki is instantly sexually aroused again and she feels her nipples harden. She shivers.
They walk to a large pair of doors to the right of the landing, an entrance made for a previous age when women also wore long dresses and now totally appropriate again.
Estelle knocks softly on the panelled oak.
" Come! "
Estelle opens the doors and walks in head bowed, Nikki follows.
Inside the room they both execute deep curtseys, staring at the floor, skirts billowing around them and arms outstretched. They wait, calves straining.
" No Selina you silly girl! " Master's deep voice has humour, admonishing but not angry - merely amused.
" Loosen the wrist at the last moment, how many times have I shown you now? Dear Me poppet you are such a silly doll!"
There is a pause. He waves an arm without looking round.
" Arise girls! Look watch Me one last time, it is getting very late and I have to see to the new woman."
Nikki watches Estelle from the corner of her eye and times her ascent from the curtsey to be slightly behind that of the older woman, she sees that when standing Estelle has folded her arms behind her, pushing her breasts further forward and is looking straight ahead. She mimics the pose.
The room is large and high, carpeted in burgundy with matching full height curtains at the far end. To one side three red leather sofas surround a low dark wood coffee table, on the other a steel and red wood table with a drawing board set up on it, scattered with artist's pencils and brushes.
In the centre of the room are three figures. In the centre a naked girl, head bowed, her arms pulled above her by thick leather cuffs and secured to a steel cable itself fixed to a pulley in the ceiling. The girl has been crying and even now sobs convulse her body, from her nose a thin dribble of mucous sullies the thick steel nose ring hanging onto her upper lip, she is thin and her prominent ribs are accentuated with every gasp. She is collared of course, her black sweat soaked hair caught up in a pony tail. Nikki cannot help but notice her pronounced overbite but spends more time studying the thick red abrasions and blue welts that cover her body.
To the left is a young girl in her mid teens holding the instrument of chastisement, an ivory leather dressage whip of about 3 foot in length with a pearl handle. The girl is tiny with long platinum blonde hair shaped into a loose chignon on her head, an elfin face, blue eyes and tiny pointed ears. She is wearing a cream silk nightgown edged in black lace beneath a matching negligee, her nipples are hard and obvious beneath the soft silk. She takes a brief look at Nikki and then disregards her..
On the right is Master Archer. A tall man in his late fifties with dark blonde hair, a square face and rimless glasses. He is dressed in a black leather high necked frock coat over a grey silk cossack shirt and tight black leather trousers tucked into jackboots.
Nikki's stomach has butterflies, she is aware again of wetness springing from her cunt and she is shivering. It takes an effort to stop her teeth chattering or grinding in desire..
" Now watch Me Selina!" Master steps forward and takes the whip from the girl.
He turns sideways on to His target who it is obvious is there merely for the girl to learn an effective whipping technique. She closes her eyes and her mouth tightens in expectation of the pain.
Master takes His arm back and then begins to move it forward in slow motion at the last moment he stops His arm and very very slowly moves His wrist forward. The whip gently touches the girl's flesh but she starts as if the blow had been real.
Selina laughs at her reaction, steps forward and takes the long thin whip from her Father. She takes a matching position and starts with the tip of the whip on the slight rise of the girl's buttocks.
She moves until her arm is outstretched and then brings it back.
Her little face showing intense concentration, the tip of her tongue visible at the corner of her mouth she slashes across viciously.
The whip sears into it's target.
The girl screams then twists in her bonds, one leg raised in pain, face contorted in pain she hisses.
" Thank ......you...... Miss."
" It went wrong again!"
Selina throws the dressage whip to the floor and stamps one satin muled foot, she sullenly crosses her arms the very picture of an angry little madam.
" It is different for you Father, you are a Man! You are stronger and bigger, I can't do this!"
Master Archer walks to her and takes her gently into His arms, her cheek resting on the middle of His chest, He strokes her hair..
" It is not a question of being small Selina."
" When you are married you will have to run a household and punishment is very important for discipline. You know that." He kisses her forehead lighlty.
" Estelle is small too but she is an excellent whiphand. Let her show you, I have to see to the new girl."
" If you will Estelle."
Estelle courtseys again.
" As you please Sir."
" Are you going to fuck the new girl Father?" Selina asks as He disengages Himself from her embrace.
She looks at Nikki now.
" It is just that Mummy has been prepared and is waiting for you."
Master Archer turns.
" I will see your mother later young lady and what I do with this girl is none of your business."
He walks to Nikki and stands facing her hands on hips, Nikki bows her head, she can see her own bosom rising and falling in short pants, the red silk over her breasts crinkling and shimmering.
Estelle walks to Selina and takes the dressage whip from her.
" I have an idea Miss."
Master studies His new acquisition, He reaches out a hand and tugs the collar of her blouse up a little on one side.
Estelle meanwhile embraces Selina from behind and makes the girl grip her right wrist to follow her arm as she uses the dressage whip. She goes through the motion of whipping, the girl is obviously enjoying herself, smiling now and whispering to Estelle.
" New girl. Name?"
" Maid Dorne Master, Nikki Dorne."
" Nikki will have to change, far too masculine for a pretty woman like this one. The girl was named Nicola?"
" Yes Master. I thank you Sir."
" Then Nicola it is from now on, excited at being in New Victoria Nicola?
" UNNNHH.......................Thank you Miss" The words are hardly audible the suspended girl is losing strength and is close to losing consciousness.
The pair have landed a cut across the naked victim's shoulder blades. Selina is rubbing her silk covered back against Estelle's breasts and body as she is embraced in her arms in kittenish sexual play.
Nicola is having difficulty concentrating, the sounds of the whipping and the immediate proximity of her Master, the corsetting, the sexual arousal have made her weak.
She sways a little.
" Aaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnn" The scream is louder.
" I did it Father! Estelle helped me but I did it!" Selina turns to kiss Estelle on the lips.
" Thank you Estelle you are SO clever!"
" Kneel Nicola. " Master is smiling. He turns to His daughter.
" Well done poppet. Now Estelle will help you remember. Only a few more minutes My dear, it is very late and there is school tomorrow"
Nicola obeys, lifting her skirts to prevent them being caught beneath her and slowly sinking to the carpet at His feet, the corset shifts as she kneels and her neck is further compressed in the collar.
" Thank ..........you..........Miss " The girl whose pain exults Selina so much is close to fainting in pain. Her body writhes glossy with painsweat, Nicola can smell her.
Master Archer stand closer to her, His groin at her face. and now the aromatic smell of his leather clothing fills her nostrils. She can hear the subtle creak of the material as it stretches over His body, her mouth dry with desire.
" Excited Maid Dorne? " He is grinning at her, drops a hand to her chin and lifts it.
" Yes MM..Master." Nicola blushes as she looks up at Him but allows some of her head's weight to be supported by Master's hand.
He strokes her cheek with one thumb.
" Wet cunt." It is a statement but still Nicola replies.
" Yes Master. Very wet Master."
Selina is now brutally whipping the girl who hangs limp and unmoving. She moves around the body whilst holding Estelle's hand, pressing it now against the silk above her pubis, rubbing it against her. Her eyes are wide and her mouth is open, her nipples are rigidly erect. Estelle is smiling, studying every cut and the flecks of blood now being drawn, sometimes whispering a comment into Selina's tiny ear.
" Enough Selina! It is time, the girl is unconscious. They should always be aware when they are given pain remember. As it is the bitch will take days to get over this."
Selina pouts and turns to her Father. The dressage whip droops to the floor in her hand.
" Please Father may I continue with this in my rooms? May Estelle stay with me?"
" No!" His voice has taken on a harder edge. Selina recognises it and bows her own head in acquiescence
" Very well Father."
" Come here girl and say goodnight. "
Selina obeys, she embraces her Father, her arse in Nicola's face deliberately emphasising the kneeling girl's lack of status and her annoyance at her for taking her Father's attention.
He kisses her forehead and as she walks away slaps her behind, she turns her head and smiles at Him.
" Mummy is waiting Father. Can I watch when you have her?"
Master Archer shakes his head.
" For the hundredth time no Selina."
" Then can I watch you have this one? Please Father"
" Selina! No, you may watch other Masters use their maids but not Me. Seeing My punishment of your mother or My other women is perfectly acceptable, in fact laudable, but not this. If you really wish I will arrange a few visits to friend’s houses and you can study their fucking methods with their maids. Just NO involvement, your little cherry is far too valuable and the first Man who takes it will keep you the rest of your life." Then in exasperation.
"How many times have I told you this girl? Now scoot!"
The girl leaves, swaying her behind, leaving the door open behind her.
" Estelle close the door."
He looks down at Nicola now and very slowly His hands move to a triangular flap of leather over His genitals that Nicola can see hides a mouthwatering erection. He undoes the silver buckles holding it in place and lowers it.
His prick is rigid, straight, circumcised, thick. His scrotum is large, the puckered flesh twisting as Nicola looks at it as the colder air circulates around it. On the black silk lining of the crotch flap now hanging between His legs she can see snail trails of lovejuice.
The smell of His arousal is overpowering to Nicola, she is aware that since His daughter left the room His mood has changed.
" Estelle, on knees next to the new slut!"
Estelle joins Nicola and obeys, her skirts softly clicking as they fold around her. He turns slightly towards the older woman.
" Show the bitch how obeisance is displayed properly."
The politeness and manners have vanished with the sadistic young girl. His voice is lower and far more intimidating for that, the laughter has disappeared.
Estelle leans forward and slowly, lovingly, adoringly kisses the tip of His prick, her eyes closed in joy, the large ring through her nose falling onto His belly.. She closes her lips over it sucking gently before lowering her mouth and kissing the length of his rod to the base. She nuzzles into the scrotum, inhaling and licking.
He waits a minute or to as she remains still, filling her lungs with His smell.
He turns.
Nicola has to stretch and the collar hinders her as she tries to get her mouth to the glans. She leans slowly forward and kisses the warm, slick, aromatic flesh her eyes closed. If her eyes were open she would notice a dribble of precum ooze gently from the prickhead. She closes her lipstick waxed lips over it and sucks, tasting the salty, musk skin but also Estelle's mouth.
The kisses she gives to His prick are genuinely adoring, life changing, as she moves down until her nose rests in the hair and puckered flesh of His balls.
" Now together girls!"
They both feel His hand twist in their hair, yanking their heads into his control, He turns them to face each other and presses them to His member.
He watches, hands on his hips as they work together, Estelle is practised and by nudging Nicola's nose with her own she communicates that they should both open their mouths and kiss and lick into each other holding the prickflesh between them rising and falling on the shaft.
" Ennh" Master's grunt of pleasure sends an ecstatic thrill through Nicola. She feels one of Estelle's hands grip her wrist and raise it from her lap to His balls, she senses the woman's fingers lightly running over the ridged surface and she does the same.
Their focus is total and it is long minutes before He grunts again. Nicola's face now smells of lipstick, powder, foundation, precum, piss, male musk, and the saliva and lovejuice is crusting her lip edges.
" Faster "
Again His hands are in their hair, setting an increased rhythm then gripping at the napes of their necks.
" Unnhgh "
Now He holds them both still.
" Open wide sluts................ feeding time!"
Nicola opens her eyes in time to see a spurt of thick creamy white sperm shoot from his rod into her face, then another huge eruption which blinds her, Master rubs His prick over her skin, smearing the spunk over her and pushing it into Nicola's nose.
" Lick it all up slut!"
Hungrily Nicola obeys, running the tip of her tongue around her mouth, sucking it in viscous streams.
He chuckles.
" Help the bitch Estelle."
Estelle obeys and her mouth is now upon Nicola, sucking far more efficiently, far more practised. Nicola is terribly aroused every nerve sensitive and grinding her teeth in cunt need.
" A very pretty performance for a beginner Nicola slut, Estelle will no doubt teach you how to perform better in the future, she is a good teacher." Nicola nods, eyes downcast again, feeling the drying sperm solidifying and pulling the skin of her face taut.
" I think she deserves some thanks don't you? I feel a cuntlicking would be an excellent way to show appreciation whilst I take some refreshment. "
He turns and Nicola is surprised to see that His erection has only slightly softened, His prick now at the horizontal but still thick and straight.
Estelle lowers herself to lay on her back and lifts her hissing, whispering skirts to expose herself, staring at the ceiling, giving no clues to the younger woman as to how to proceed.
Nicola thinks that to stimulate her cunt she will either have to straddle the woman in a 69 or lay flat on her front herself. It is the latter she adopts, feeling instinctively that the other position is inappropriate for her position, with its association of superiority and mutuality.
It is intensely uncomfortable as she lowers herself forward her tits are terribly compressed within their semi rigid cones of a brassiere, her belly is further pressed and her full bladder makes her squeal. Nicola has miscalculated her position she has to shuffle forward to get her face to Estelle's cunt.
" Arse in the air Nicola! You stupid slut. Face down."
Nicola obeys.
The woman pulls away the last taffeta covering and Nicola stops for a second, raising herself on her arms she looks down and studies her task, heart pounding.
The woman has silver grommets running the length of both labia minora and majora, the inner lips are linked with small silver rings to the outer and those are themselves attached to thicker steel chains running to her suspender tabs. As a consequence when she languidly opens her legs wider, they are pulled open like a flower, There is a deep well of wetness in between her labia minora as her vagina pumps lubricant making her ready for use
Nicola realises that every step the woman takes will tug at her cuntlips and that when Master wants her He need only force her legs wide to have the cunt ready itself for His entry. As a consequence of course the lips are stretched but by nowhere near the amount Nicola would have expected in a woman this age, unless they are recent.
" I have her recut every year." Says Master, reading her mind and getting closer, standing behind her now. She shivers.
" Labia trimmed and repierced, quite an annual event now eh Estelle?"
" Indeed Master." whispers Estelle and something in her tone tells Nicola it is not a thing she looks forward to.
In the clitoris hood is a huge steel ring which the girl knows she will have to negotiate when sucking at the long nub, now peeping out and oozing wetness.
Nicola lowers her face to her work.
Estelle is dribbling wetness, Nicola begins by running her erect tongue the length of the labia, over the clitoris and then nudging the ringed hood. Above her Estelle moans, she lowers her face and now rubs the tip of her nose onto the clitoris, judging from the jerks and sounds how well she is succeeding.
She sucks at the labia majora, the steel grommets feeling strange in her mouth, then she bites on one and drags at it with her front teeth. Obviously Estelle enjoys this, Nicola nips at the flesh and is rewarded by her head being pressed down by one PVC gloved hand.
She runs along one cuntlip nipping and pressing her tongue into the vagina, Estelle tastes delicious, gloriously salty, she bites up the other side.
She continues for ten minutes alternating licking with teeth nipping.
Nicola senses rather than hears that Master has approached.
She nips at the clitoris gently pressing her gloved hands down on the woman's belly, her arms encircling her stockinged thighs, the silk of her blouse sliding over the nylons smoothly,
She starts as she feels something touch her back, then moans herself as she feels Master lift her own skirts and drape them over her back. She hears them hiss and sussurate as they are moved. It becomes dark and her thighs and cunt are suddenly cold, exposed.
" Legs together girl!" She hears Him faintly but obeys immediately.
Above her He is studying her exposed cunt, buttocks and hidden anus, in His hand a plaited crop. He taps the thick end onto her labia, presses it into the cleft and revolves it. When He withdraws it the end is sticky with cuntcream.
He looks again, considering having the labia outlined by tattooing. Considerable pain of course if carried out the traditional way, the work of hours and the wounds would scab. Might be interesting to see what a fucking would feel like in those circumstances...............
Estelle is staring at Him intently, at His eventual nod she begins to writhe and buck, rubbing her own breasts with the heels of her hands for with that nod He has given her permission to cum.
She squeals, closes her legs tight pinning Nicola's head between her thighs, forcing her face into her. Master lays three rapid but very hard cuts with the crop on the pinned woman's buttocks.
and it is this which makes Estelle cum, she grins and throws her head back in a rictus of pleasure as Nicola yelps in pain into the wet warmth of her cunt,
Master watches the welts define themselves and then rise slowly, a pure and pleasing red. The girl will whip well.
Now totally rigid again He kneels behind Nicola, He grips her hips and moves forward to run the tip of His prick onto her clitoris, nudging it. Then with one hand gripping His rod He guides it into her cunt, the glans slowly parting the cuntlips, penetrating her.
Nicola mews in pleasure, Estelle opens her thighs to release her but the girls face is still pressed into her own slit, her tongue moving weakly over the labia.
Master rams His prick full length into Nicola and twists His body to make her squeal. Then withdraws...................and begins a slow and very deep fucking. The girl is in a state of joyful delirium, there is only Master's prick.........and the corset..............and the collar.............and His prick............and the pain in her arse now becoming a glow of hot pleasure ..............and His hands on her waist pulling her onto Him................Master's prick.
Happy woman.
He reaches forward and she feels the warm leather of His thighs on the back of her own, sticky against her sweat, Leaning forward He grasps her shoulders in His hands, His weight is now on her back and again she feels the leather of His clothing slither over her upended skirts as He pulls her head up from Estelle and pumps harder into her.
" Thank you Master................................ thank you Master.............................thank you Master.............................thank you Master." At every thrust she pants her submission.
His rhythm is increasing and now He eases the girl back onto Himself until she is kneeling her body vertical, her legs forced wide by His body,
His hands now on one breast and her belly, her head falls back upon His shoulder and she stares at the ceiling through half closed eyes, panting between fat, blood filled lips. She automatically tries to help the thrusts by using her legs to lower and raise herself on Him but Master stops that by suddenly raising Himself and lifting her bodily from the floor.
He stands.
She is now impaled on Him by her own body weight. Her legs dangle uselessly as He lifts her and walks, each step grinds her clitoris harder onto the base of His shaft. she tries to reach behind her to hold Him but her arms are restricted in any movement by the corset, she flushes red hot.
She cums.
A cold shiver engulfs her body and she screams.
" Maaaaster!!"
He continues, and His hand now snakes to her clitoris and begins to pinch it, rolling the hood over the nub.
She cums again.
He is grinning.
" Responsive Nicolacunt, pleasing."
She cums again at His words.
Feeling her muscles tense in orgasm He walks to the desk and deposits her face forward onto it, Her hands move over the table surface weakly, He positions her with one hand pinning her in the middle of her back and now begins to fuck her brutally, fast. hard and in full animal lust.
As His belly hits her buttocks, her body held immobile against the desk there is a slap of leather against flesh.
The girl cums again.
Estelle meanwhile has crawled to kneel behind Him. She watches his ballsac swing at every cunt entry and reaches forward to cradle the scrotum in her PVC gloved hands. A minor service but one which she knows her Master adores.
He looks down at the girl beneath Him as another orgasm wracks her body, her face is turned to the right and from her slack mouth He sees a little dribble of saliva fall, her red silk blouse is dark with sweat and sticking to her flesh above the corset. Again He grips her shoulders and now twists within her, moving His prickhead against her vaginal walls until He is rewarded with a jerk of pleasure from her. He positions Himself to work on that area alone and she squeals at every thrust until she cums again grunting and closing her eyes.
Abruptly He withdraws, turns to Estelle who reaches up and rebuckles the leather crotchflap over His rigid prick.
Slowly Nicola, eyes glazed, brain pounding but emptied, open mouthed regains her senses. She lifts herself, turns and then falls to her knees beneath Him. She leans forward and places her lips to the toecap of his boot embracing it adoringly in her hands and lovingly kisses the polished leather surface.
At this moment her adoration is absolutely total, there is NOTHING in her world but Master.
He turns on His heel and leaves the three women. Two kneeling, now embracing, Estelle smiling and stroking the girl's hair.
" Well done Nicola you pleased Him!"
" Thank you sister, thank you." She is still dazed and blonde.
She looks up and sees the whipped girl is looking at her with obvious envy. Is it for freedom? Or is it for the chance to submit, to be used by Master?
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