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Review This Story || Author: Clever Nick

Obnoxious Housemate

Part 13 Holly Would

Part 13 Holly Would

Sarah was away for some time, in the bathroom with Holly. Finally they came in together, both of them barefoot and makeup-free.  With her tight straight-leg jeans and tube top, and short straight dirty-blonde hair, her sharp linear features now clear, Holly looked even taller and thinner than she was.

�Holly, Im glad you agreed to let me stay tonight.  Could you do me a favour?� I thought I could set her at ease by giving her small tasks.

�Sure,� she said, feeling nervous, her long arms swinging a bit awkwardly.

�I think we need more of these,� I indicated the table.  Holly blushed, and her eyes widened at all the toys already there.

�If you have a vibrator and other toys could you bring them out, clean them off, and put some fresh batteries in, please?  And leave them here on the table with the other toys?� I asked.

She walked quickly over to her own desk and brought out a modest chrome vibrator and, I was pleased to see, a small butt plug too.  She left the butt plug, still in its original blister-wrap, on the table, took extra batteries Id left, and ran off to the bathroom to clean the vibrator. 

I grinned at the obvious implications of what shed given me. Good start.  I took the plug out of its wrapping, exchanged wicked looks with Sarah. 

The room was quite large, with the two double beds against opposite walls, the foot of Sarahs bed facing the foot of Hollys, perhaps 5 feet apart.  Sarahs bed had a footboard, but Hollys didnt.

When Holly returned, I had taken off my shirt, and she just gave me the vibrator and went back to stand in front of her own bed.  I tested it, blew across the top like a gunslinger, flipped it once around my thumb and put it down.

�Sarah, hands and knees, on the bed.�  Sarahs pupils dilated a bit as she complied. 

I took Sarahs collar from the nightstand and used it to strap her elbows together, as wed rehearsed before.  Then I clipped the collar to a leash, slipped the leash end through on the headboard of Sarahs bed, bringing her shoulders low and her butt high. 

I was deliberately rough as I pulled her around, and she responded, as usual, with a bit of violence of her own she kicked out at me, hitting me in the upper thigh, just inches from where shed probably aimed.

Sarah wasnt actually fighting me, this was just her way of saying she was enjoying herself -- or maybe of getting a harsher punishment.

�Thats a flogging, brat,� I told her, smiling coolly.  Sarah turned back, on elbows and knees now, and pouted wickedly at me.

I grabbed the leg shed kicked with and yanked it over to one side, spreading her enough to lift her borrowed skirt up to her hips, and since she still had no panties, exposing her pussy and perfect ass directly to Holly.  I liked this position on her, so I handcuffed that leg to the bottom corner of her beds footboard.

Sarah arched her back, explored her limited range of movement, said nothing.

Then I turned to Holly, sitting on her own bed nearby.

�Holly, your roommates arms are tied; she needs your help getting her shirt off.  Come here and unbutton it for her.�  Holly looked at me, wide-eyed, and walked over almost entranced.    I moved away from Sarah a bit to give Holly space.

Holly knelt on the bed with us and unbuttoned Sarahs starched white blouse, gently pulled it out of the skirts waistband, and at my direction, pulled it up over Sarahs head and onto her bound arms, stopping at the collar on her elbows. 

Sarahs large round breasts hung brushing her duvet, gorgeous at any angle. Holly looked up at me shyly.

�Flip her skirt up, too.  She needs a flogging.�  Hesitating, Holly gently pulled up Sarahs skirt over her torso, leaving her more undressed than dressed.

�Good girl, Holly.  Youre overdressed now, though.�  I held her gaze until she lowered her eyes.

She didnt wait for specific directions, she just pulled her own tight jeans off, one leg at a time, and looked up at me.  I nodded at Sarahs hanging breasts, and Holly shyly pulled off her own tube top as well, with a little shiver as her hemispherical breasts came to light. 

I found it inexplicably erotic that they were each exactly the size and shape of half a grapefruit. Her nipples were quite pink as Id guessed, and were everted the spigots were invisible, turned inward.  I wondered if they popped out when aroused. 

Holly was tanned, evenly and beautifully, with little triangular tan lines barely covering her areolae and a couple lines peeking over her panties at the hips.  She must have had one hell of a teeny bikini.

I was distracted momentarily and even more so when Holly innocently turned around on her hands and knees to face Sarah, leaving her panty-clad rump under my nose.

�Need some help with those, do you?�  I gently slid Hollys panties down to her knees as she wiggled for me, then stroked her perfect bubble butt once, then slapped it, not too hard.  She yelped and jumped, but stayed where she was. Her ass and slit were both very small, tightly closed, coloured the same as the rest of her. 

�Holly, you may stand.  You are perfect in every way,� I said sincerely and handed her back her chrome dildo, with a gallant kiss on the back of her hand.   I sent her back to sit on the edge of her bed.

She slid her legs off Sarahs bed and then pulled her panties off her legs quickly, and I took them, put them in a drawer with her other clothes.  I told her shed need permission to put on clothes after this, and her eyes widened. She walked back to her own bed, a little awkward and shy.

She was much cuter than she appeared to give herself credit for, with the tiny round models ass Id noticed before, and healthy muscled thin thighs, like a teenagers. 

Holly pulled the corner of the duvet over her legs and I growled, �Nope.  Just the vibrator.  Youll need it.�

Blushing, she tossed the duvet back and brought the chrome dildo between her legs, which were still modestly close together.

�Legs apart,� I corrected.  She looked uncomfortable but Sarah had apparently convinced her to follow orders.  She obediently spread her legs a bit. 

Her little pussy was a near-invisible slit between her thin legs, with a thin covering of blonde fuzz, matching her hair.  I wondered briefly how old she was, remembered shed told me 19 before dinner.

Sarah reached over and bit my ear impatiently, said �Okay, perv, remember who youre with tonight.�

�Silence, dirty girl,� I snapped. I grabbed her hanging nipples and tugged her down hard.  She gasped and snapped her teeth at my arm, but I pulled out of reach, slapped her face gently.

I took Sarahs chosen calfskin flogger off the bedside table and stood beside the bed, using the extra freedom to swing my body into each blow. I carefully lashed her behind in a slow rhythm, picking up speed and strength very gradually, while occasionally pausing to squeeze and gently slap her bouncing tits and pull and tease her nipples with my other hand. 

Sarah bit her lip and muffled her own cries of pain as the flogger started to redden and then leave light stripes on her behind, and occasionally on her labia.

I glanced over at Holly between blows and saw that she was fascinated. Shed started to put the dildo to good use already, and was rubbing it over her clit and then sliding it slightly inside herself, then back to her clit again.  I could see her nipples now, pink and showing their heads at last.

After a while of the flogging and the rough nipple treatment, Sarahs breathing became thick, and I slipped a finger or two inside her swelling pussy, found her wet and squirming happily.

I continued flogging, fairly hard, and then rubbing Sarahs swelling nubbin fast after every six strokes. She groaned in helpless response each time I took my hand away.

  I was rampant myself now, my erection pressing hard against my pants, and I had no hands free to take my pants off with.  Bad planning.  I thought quickly.

�Sarah, youre still being punished.   You will have to ask permission to come, and dont even ask for some time yet.�

Sarah nodded and groaned as her stinging behind must have progressed to a steady burn, punctuated by impacts from the flogger.  My other hand remained occupied on her clit and her hanging tits.

But I hadnt forgotten Holly, who was diddling herself enthusiastically now, obviously enjoying the show just a few feet away, and I could hear her gasping rhythmically, in a higher voice.  Too bad I needed her help. 

I looked over and caught Hollys eye, held her gaze. �Holly, come here and take my pants off, now.� 

She reluctantly put the vibrator down and stood up, still breathing thickly.

�Put the vibrator back in your pussy, all the way, and hold it there,� I added, before she could come over.  She blushed and hesitated.

I slapped Sarah extra hard with the flogger, looked sternly at Holly, and she got the idea.  She did as she was told, shoving the full vibrating 6 inches inside her and holding it there with one cupped hand as she came over.  It was a tight squeeze for her but I was pretty sure shed managed it before.

Sarahs behind was quite red and striped, and I backed off a bit with the flogging.  Her breathing was fast and high, her pussy soaked as I stroked her clit shaft.

Meanwhile, Holly tried unbuckling my belt with one hand, couldnt, and clamped her legs together instead, gasping and trembling, holding the dildo in. She somehow pulled my belt off, unzipped my fly, and yanked my pants down to my knees without dropping the vibrator.  She looked up at me.

�All of it, all the way.  My hands are busy,� I explained, stroking and flogging Sarah.

Holly nearly lost the vibrator as she bent over to pull my pants off.  She yelped, grabbed her sex, shoved it back in, then pulled my pants down and off my legs, as I cooperated the best I could with my hands very occupied.

Then without further instructions she yanked off my black briefs, my erection springing free happily.   She sighed with pleasure and pressed her dildo back inside, but didnt straighten up all the way.  Her nipples were erect and reddish, and I had a feeling I knew what she wanted.

But Holly was signed on as an observer, not a participant, so I resisted the urge to enter her mouth as it came close to me, and just hoarsely told her, �Good girl.   Back to your bed.� 

From Sarahs whimpering and the way she felt, I thought she was nearly there.  I moved up to the head of the bed, near Sarahs bound elbows and head.  I dropped the flogger and pulled her toward me by the back of the neck.  There was just enough slack on her bonds and the cuffs that I could bring her head over to me if I leaned over the bed.

I pulled Sarahs mouth down over my erection.  I sternly said, �You can come after youve swallowed every drop.  And I know you love it, slut.�  She shivered happily, nodded.

I put my fingers back into Sarahs now spread pussy, rubbing her clit fast with my thumb, my other hand occupied with her fantastic tits. 

Sarah expertly deep-throated me, bobbing with her neck and back muscles, her neck stretched over to one side as her elbows were still latched to the headboard.  She stopped occasionally to twirl her tongue quickly over the bottom of my cock as I groaned.

I looked up at Holly and added, my voice cracking, �And YOU may not come until Sarah does, understand?�  

Holly nodded, open mouthed, wide-eyed, impressed with Sarahs expanding throat as she took my cock nearly the way down.  Holly sat at the edge of her bed, her legs spread wide. The chrome dildo was again almost all the way inside her as she rubbed her clit hard with her other hand and whimpered, a flush creeping up between her round little breasts, her nipples poking out happily.

I wanted to come, but my balls were tired Id lost count of the number of times today Id already done so.  Sarah was working hard on me with her mouth but it wasnt happening.

And Holly had, in my opinion, paid for a better show.

I had an idea.

I pulled out of Sarahs mouth with regret, shoved my tongue in her mouth for a minute as praise.  She sucked my mouth hungrily as I disengaged gently.

Now free to move, I unclipped the collar from Sarahs forearms, reached over behind her and undid the cuff on her left leg too, leaving her free on her hands and knees on the bed. I put the collar and cuffs back on the table, grabbed the tube of lubricant.

Squirting a generous amount of lube into her ass, I worked my left thumb in there.  I worked more of it over my still-hard cock. My left hand automatically cupped her sopping cunt, and she pressed her clit against my fingers needily.  I pushed my thumb into her a bit further, worked her sphincter open more. 

�Sarah, were going onto the floor.  Stay as you are and go with it,� I said.

She nodded, still too preoccupied to speak.

With my left hand I grabbed her between the legs, thumb still inside her.  My right hand went round her chest, and I lifted Sarah bodily off the bed and down onto the floor.

Then while she moaned and wondered what I was doing, I shifted my right hand frm her chest to her neck, and walked her on her hands and knees to kneel before Hollys bed.

I laid Sarahs head and shoulders down on the bed, between Hollys spread legs, just a few inches away.  

�Hands behind your back, dirty girl,� I commanded.  Sarah quickly complied, resting her shoulders on the bed.

I replaced the thumb in Sarahs ass with my hungry cock.  She was so aroused and full of lube that it worked.  Her ass pulsed around me but allowed me in an inch, as Sarah exhaled tightly.

Sarah was beyond her time, and holding herself back as instructed, whining, clenching her hands together behind her.   I held her wrists together in the small of her back with the dirty hand, and my other hand went beneath her body and played with her pussy, keeping her clit occupied.

�Do you like your ass filled?� I asked.

�Y-yes, Sir,� Sarah forced out between gasps.

�Ask for my cum then.�

�Please, sir, fill my ass with your cum�, she gasped out.

�Good. Sarah, you may come when I fill your ass,� I instructed.

Hollys eyes were wide as she watched me, up close, work my way slowly into Sarahs tight rectum. Meanwhile I and especially Sarah had a front-row view of Hollys dildo, slipping in and out of her along with one extra finger, her hand tugging and rubbing her pearl, her chest flushing red, little gasps coming more frequently, her tongue licking an imaginary cock. 

That last tongue gesture did it for me and I finally sunk my fingers into Sarahs right breast and released into her tight ass.  Sarah bucked and arched, then inhaled loudly with that unforgettable sound, grabbing Hollys duvet.

Holly gasped and squealed, seemed to pull herself up by the dildo, tipping over on her back, long thin legs in the air.

* * *

Alone in her room, Jordan rated her own orgasm at 8.1 as she came in sympathy, watching the three of us through her several hidden audio/visual bugs, with her monitor split into four screens.  Yep, I had been wrong, I later found out.  It was Perv-TV after all. One screen showed just the table with all the sex toys.

* * *

At about this time, Liz got up, stripped off her sweatsuit, put on just a large shirt, went into my room and found it empty.  She then walked into Chuck and Richards open doorway and wordlessly crawled into bed with Richard.

The rest of this story is available at as �From Zealot to Harlot�.


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