CH 34
When I quit my job I decided to take some time off before I started my new one. I asked Mom if she wanted to take a trip together. I thought we might drive through the state, especially southwestern Colorado, which is so pretty, and then perhaps out to the Grand Canyon. Unfortunately she couldn’t take time off from her job. The banking inspectors were coming and she was busy preparing for an audit, so I asked Jill, but she couldn’t go, neither could Mary or Denise or MAC. I even asked around to a couple of my regular friends. (Believe it or not, I actually had a few straight friends. When I say straight I mean girls who liked simple ordinary loving romantic sex with a nice man, not violent, masochistic bondage sex with torture, perversions, exhibitions, role playing and multiple partners of both genders the way I do.) None of them could get away on short notice. I didn’t want to travel alone so I gave up and moped around Denver feeling sorry for myself. I was considering going in the garden eating worms when Denise called and invited me to a bondage party.
“How would you like to auctioned off to the highest bidder?” she asked.
“Oh, ok I suppose. What’s the deal?”
“I’ve been asked to arranged a combination bondage and poker night,” she said.
“Run that by me again,” I said.
“A gentleman wants to sell his wife into slavery for a night or so,” she said. “Or to be more accurate, she wants to be sold into slavery.”
“Lady L?”
“Believe it or not, no, its not Lady L,” Denise said.
“That’s one of her favorites,” I said. “Her husband has sold us several times.”
“I know, but this time its someone else. I don’t think you know these people.”
“Ok, go on.”
“The gentleman is going to set up several poker tables and invite a dozen or so men to play. After the poker game he wants to auction his wife.”
“How original,” I said wryly.
“Uh huh,” she agreed. “Anyway, the lady will be displayed naked while the gambling goes on, then when the games are over the bidding starts.”
“She won’t be running around in a maid’s costume serving drinks to the players?” I asked. “That’s what Lady L and I usually do when she acts out that fantasy.”
“No. This woman is really into bondage. She wants to be tied on display while the men are playing cards. She wants to be tied pretty tightly too.”
“Sounds like an X frame will be needed,” I observed.
“Several actually. She doesn’t want to be alone. I’m trying to find a few other women to be sold with her. ”
“Are we to be auctioned off merely for screwing or will there be any torture?” I asked.
“She wants to be tortured,” Denise said. “And I know you do, so I’ll have to recruit some women who are as masochistic as you are.”
“Good luck,” I said. “I’m the kinkiest slave girl in Colorado.”
“No argument,” she laughed. “But I’ll keep looking anyway.”
“So do we simply wait in bondage while a bunch of men sit around smoky card tables?” I asked.
“I suppose so,” Denise said.
“Are you going to participate?” I asked.
“I think the man wants me to preside as a sort of hostess,” she said. “But I’m certainly not letting anyone tie me up.”
“What about Mary?” I asked. “Is she involved?”
“Not so far.”
“Ok, how about a suggestion? So we slaves don’t get bored waiting, why don’t you and Mary invite a few other doms to torture us while the men play cards. Get us warmed up.”
“Hmm, not bad, but I think we should only tease you. Let the men do the real torture.”
“Ooh,” I breathed. “I like that. Keep us on the edge but don’t let us come. That way when the auction starts we’ll be begging to be fucked.”
“Good idea,” she laughed. “I have to hand it to you, your imagination is far more depraved than mine.”
“You want to hear something even more depraved?”
“I’m going to call my mother and ask if she would like to volunteer.”
There was a long silence.
“Wow!” she whispered. “That’s pretty depraved.”
“I’ll even go one better,” I cooed. “While we’ve been talking, I’ve been playing with my pussy. Want to hear me cum over the phone?”
“Oh my God!” She sputtered for a few seconds, then hung up.
I was very proud of myself. Its not every day you can embarrass a professional dominatrix.
Denise, Mary and I got together for lunch and brainstormed the poker auction. Mary agreed to be there and liked the idea of keeping the slaves close to the edge of orgasm. She suggested that we invite Lady L to be a slave.
“I don’t know,” Denise said. “She’s into exhibitionism and bondage, but I don’t think she’s ever been truly tortured. She might not want that.”
“All she can do is say no,” I said.
“True,” Mary agreed. “What about Lord L, does he know the other people?”
“I don’t know,” Denise said. “But I’m sure we can arrange an invitation for him.”
“What about your mother?” Denise asked me. “Have you called her?”
“Not yet,” I said. “I thought I’d wait until the planning was further along.”
“Are you seriously considering inviting your own mother to a slave auction?” Mary demanded.
“Why not?”
“Why not? Well, lets see,” she said. “First, you’d be naked in bondage in front of you own mother, and she would be naked in front of you.”
I shrugged.
“Second,” Mary went on. “She would see you getting screwed by the man who buys you.”
“And you might have to watch her getting fucked the same way,” Denise said.”
I kept silent, trying not to let on that my pussy was suddenly on fire.
“And worst of all, considering how perverted most of those men are likely to be, if they find out you are mother and daughter they are certain to tie you to one another,” Mary said. “You could end up tied with your face in her pussy.”
“Oh, my God!” I said.
“And her face in yours,” Denise added. “Do you want that?”
‘Yes, yes, yes!’ I shrieked silently.
“What were you thinking?” Mary demanded.
“My mom likes bondage,” I told them. “I thought she might enjoy a bondage party.”
“Your mother really is into bondage?” Mary asked. “You aren’t making that up?”
I nodded.
“Does she get tied up by somebody?”
“No, she does it herself,” I said. “She uses the equipment I made in the barn, and sometimes she ties herself outside at night.”
“No kidding?” Mary was impressed.
“Has she ever been tortured?” Denise demanded.
“No, I don’t think so,” I said.
“Then I don’t think she ought to be at that party. What if some man starts hurting her and she doesn’t like it? Did you think about that?”
“Sorry,” I said meekly.
“Its one thing to put on a mother daughter act with Lady L,” Denise scolded. “But your real mom is something completely different.”
“That’s right,” Mary said. “Even we draw the line at that.”
“Ok.” I hung my head.
No one said anything for a few minutes.
“Still,” Mary said thoughtfully, “Think of the possibilities if her Mom was willing to go along with something like that.”
Denise thought for a moment then shrugged. “Yeah, a lot of people would pay a lot of money to have a real mother and daughter pair of slaves.”
“Remember those girls in Salt Lake City, the sisters?” Mary asked her. “Boy, are they in demand.”
“They make a fortune,” Denise agreed. “But the kid here and her mother aren’t hookers.”
“They are really sisters?” I asked.
“Sure are,” Mary said. “They look like twins but they’re actually a couple of years apart.”
“And they are prostitutes?”
“I guess you’d say so,” Mary said. “They started out just being in the bondage scene when they were teenagers. One of them was dating a guy who tied her up. One day her sister walked in a caught him screwing her tied to a bed and decided she wanted to play too. She let him tie her beside her sister.”
“Wow,” I breathed.
“Um hmm,” Denise said. “That went on for a while, several months in fact, then the inevitable happened and he tied them with their faces between each other’s legs.”
“Eeyew,” I pretended to be disgusted.
“By then they were hooked on bondage and put up with it,” Denise said. “Later he introduced them to the local bondage scene.”
“In Salt Lake City?” I asked. “With all those hard core religious types?”
Mary nodded. “In every city,” she said.
“Anyway,” Denise continued. “The boyfriend was young and inexperienced. They began meeting other masters with more experience and imagination. They left him for another master who introduced them to the real world of kinky sex. He had a dungeon and hosted bondage parties. He featured them at his parties as twins. Naturally they were quite a hit and other masters and offered to buy them, a few mistresses wanted them too, so their master began renting them out. At first they enjoyed being sold.”
“What woman doesn’t?” I interjected.
Denise gave me a look, then continued. “Their master actually sold them for money. At first they only cared for the bondage, but eventually they decided that they ought to be the ones profiting. So they struck out on their own.”
“Makes sense, I guess.”
“They still insist that they submit to domination because they like it,” Mary said. “But they drive a hard bargain when negotiating prices.”
“I think they are more into the money now,” Mary said. “I’d classify them as prostitutes.”
“And you and your mother do not want to fall into that trap,” Denise told me sternly.
“What if Mom and I did it for free?” I asked. “Wouldn’t that classify us only as sluts, not whores?” That earned me a very severely pinched nipple.
“I suppose you and Lady L could pretend to be mother and daughter,” Mary said. “You’ve done that often enough.”
“No,” Denise said. “I think that would attract too much interest away form the woman whose husband is arranging this. She’s supposed to be the star of the show.” She turned to me.
“Sorry kid. You’ll just have to be an ordinary slave girl that night. No mother-daughter act, real or pretend.”
I called Mom to tell her I’d changed jobs. I didn’t go into the reason, at least not over the phone.
“I suppose that means I won’t get to ride around in an armored car,” she said. “I was so looking forward to doing that,” she joked.
“Sorry,” I said. “Neither will I. And I won’t be able to show up at your bank in one either.”
“Thank God,” she said. “I could imagine signing a receipt for my own daughter.”
“I was looking forward to it. Just imagine how proud you’d be when I arrived in chains.”
“And what would I do with you after I accepted delivery?” she asked.
“Well, you could make me kneel beside your desk until quitting time,” I suggested.
“No thanks. People would think I’m your dominatrix,” Mom said.
My pussy flashed hot when she said that. ‘God, how I wish you were!’ I thought.
“What do we care what people think?” I said lightly while my fingers rubbed my clitoris furiously.
“I think I’d just lock you in the trunk of my car,” Mom laughed.
“Or, maybe you could lock me in the vault on my knees,” I offered. “And send your co-workers in one at a time.”
“Possibly. My boss would enjoy it. You might get me a pay raise.”
“Is your boss kinky?” I asked.
“Possibly,” she said. “He’s made some remarks that make me wonder.”
“Like what?” I asked.
“He’s joked about putting me over his knee if I make a mistake.”
“So have you made any mistakes?” I asked.
“I’ve thought about it.”
“What’s keeping you?”
“Professional demeanor in the workplace,” she said primly.
“What you do,” I said. “Is wait until you and he are alone after hours, then you go to his desk, spill coffee in his lap, then yank your skirt up and throw yourself across his knees.”
“Gee, why didn’t I think of that?” she laughed.
“Maybe he’s just all talk and no play,” I said.
“Oh, I think there’s more to it than just joking,” she said. “He’s a gentleman, courteous and professional, but he’s also a very strong male. I think if he were to decide to spank a woman, she would get spanked.”
“What about tying you up?” I asked. “Has he joked about that?”
“Yes, one day I joked about being chained to my work and he said that I might prefer being chained to a bed.”
“Did you accept?”
“No comment.”
I sensed that there was something in what she said.
“Has he tied you up?” I asked.
“No comment,” she repeated.
“Have you let him tie you up?”
“Now Mary,” she said primly. “I can’t discuss bank business over the phone. You know that.”
I was astounded. Was she kidding, or was there something to this?
“Mother, I have to know. Have you been tied up by some man?”
“What would it only have to be a man?” she asked innocently. “You get tied up by both men and women. Why can’t I?”
I sat with my mouth open in pure amazement.
“Mom, I have to know, I won’t get a wink of sleep until you tell me the truth.”
“Looks like you are in for a sleepless night,” she laughed. “But if you get bored, call one of your friends to come over and tie you up.”
“Well, at least tell me, do you get tortured when you are tied up?” I asked.
“Of course I do,” she said reasonably. “What’s the point of letting someone tie you up if not?”
“Ok, ok, ok,” I pleaded. “Just tell me!”
“Sorry dear,” she said airily. “I’m baking bread and the oven timer just went off. I’m going to have to get off the phone.”
“Mom, don’t. . .”
“Good-bye, dear. Love you.” The phone went dead.
I dropped my phone and masturbated until I came. Then did it again, and again half an hour later.
CH 35
I was absolutely flabbergasted. I couldn’t decide if Mom had been teasing me or not. The idea that she might be seeing someone was wonderful, and if she was being tied up it was fantastic! But I couldn’t stand not knowing. I was so curious that I packed a bag and drove home.
I didn’t tell Mom I was coming. She burst into laughter when I walked in the bank.
“Did you drive from Denver?” she asked. “I thought you’d ride in an armored car.”
“Very funny,” I said. “Now introduce me to your boss.”
Grinning from ear to ear she led me into the bank manager’s office. It was worse than I had expected. The manager was very large and very male. He was handsome in a craggy faced way, with big hands and dangerous blue eyes. He was entirely self confident and reminded me of the police lieutenant who kept me in the station over night, just exactly the kind of man that women love to submit to. He was a few years older than Mom, and was very charming. He stopped what he was doing and chatted with us for a while. He was polite and seemed genuinely interested in me, and told me that if I ever decided to move back home he could probably find a position for me at the bank.
Mom was smiling sweetly at me the entire time, and when we sat down she allowed her skirt to ride up above her knees. Her boss spent as much time glancing at her legs as he did talking to me. When he made the job offer she giggled.
“Are you sure you handle two of us?” she asked him. “After all, us Moore women are more women than most men can handle.”
Her boss chuckled at the pun, but I could have killed her. I excused myself and went home. Mom stayed at her desk until quitting time.
I spent my visit pestering Mom to tell me if she was having an affair or not. She wouldn’t tell me and delighted in keeping me guessing. After two days I gave up and began sulking. I went out to the barn and tied myself to my rack. I was lying contentedly when Mom came, looked at me, then retied my wrists so tight that I couldn’t get loose.
“Ooh, thanks,” I said. “But why did you do that?”
“You’ve been a little bear,” she said. “Pestering me about my boss. So I’m going to let you stay here for a while.”
“That’s hardly a punishment for me,” I said wriggling.
“Glad to hear it,” she said. “Because you might just be here all night.”
“I’ve got a date this evening,” she told me. “And I’m not sure when I’ll be getting home, in fact, I might be out all night.”
“Sure Mom.”
She smiled at me and left.
I thought she was kidding, just more of her teasing, but a couple of hours later she came back wearing a nice dress and heels.
“How do I look?” she asked pirouetting.
“You look terrific,” I said. “New dress?”
“Yes, and I’m hoping it doesn’t get too badly damaged.”
“Damaged? How?”
“My date likes to play rough,” she said. “Usually the first thing he does is tear my clothes off and throw me to the floor.”
“In that case, my advice would be not to wear panties,” I told her. “It saves time.”
“Oh, I’m not. See?”
She lifted her skirt. She was wearing a sexy red garter belt and black stockings, but no panties. She spun around again, kissed me on the cheek and left.
I couldn’t be sure if Mom really went out or was just playing an elaborate joke on me. It would be just like her to go to the trouble to get dressed up, show off for me, then go back to the house and spend the evening watching television.
I lay in my bonds and remembered how sexy she looked and how turned on I was when she raised her skirt. I had seen her naked many times before, but this time I almost lost control of myself. I was inches from begging her to let me eat her pussy.
It got dark and Mom didn’t come back. It cooled off and I got hungry. I yelled for mom but she didn’t answer. That was the beginning of a long night for me.
I lay on the rack and tried to imagine what she was doing. Eventually I dropped into that semi awake state where I was almost asleep and almost in a dream.
I saw Mom drive to a big mansion. (I imagined that the bank manager was wealthy). She drove up a curved driveway and parked in front of a palatial house with huge pillars. She got out of her car and walked up a long flight of stairs. The door opened and a light shone through it. Her boss stood in the doorway. She lifted her skirt and curtseyed. He had her hold that pose for a while, then motioned her to him. When she reached him he grabbed the front of her dress and tore it off. Mom gasped in ecstasy as he scooped her up and carried her to a torture chamber.
In my dream Mom was tied to dozens of devices. She was whipped and spanked and fucked by her boss in many different positions. I was an observer, then I became Mom and was the victim, then it shifted and we were side by side. The dream changed and we were in Denise’s dungeon in Denver. Mom and I were led on stage to be auctioned off. The building was crowded with men and women who watched as Mom was strapped to an X frame. The bidding was intense and the onlookers pushed and jostled to shout their bids. No one bid for me! I was shunted aside. I found myself locked in a cell watching but unable to participate. I cried with frustration and loneliness as I watched Mother shriek with delight under the whip. At some point Dale’s torture pillory appeared and Mom was locked in it. My frustration grew. The pillory was for me! I cried. It was for mine! I should be in it, no one else.
The dream ended with Mom sucking every cock and eating every pussy in the crowd. Afterwards she and I were taken outside still naked. An armored car waited and I was given the keys. There was no crew and I had to drive us all the way home in it.
Mom woke me the next morning. She was in her bath robe, bleary eyed and tired looking.
“Morning sleepy head,” she said. “Are you ready to get up?”
I was cold, hungry, and needed to go to the bathroom.
Mom untied me and we went in the house. She started breakfast while I ran up to my room. I took a hot shower to warm up and put on some pajamas. I looked in her room. Her bed was made up but her dress and garter belt lay crumpled on the floor. Her stockings lay in shreds in a waste basket. I went down to the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee.
“Did you have a nice time?” I asked.
“Um hmm. Very nice,” she said.
“Were you stripped and slapped around?”
“I certainly was.”
“Tied and tortured?”
“Oh yes.”
“Chained to a bed and raped?”
“You bet I was.”
“Gee Mom, sounds like a great date.”
“It was wonderful,” she purred.
I rolled my eyes.
“Don’t you believe me?” she said innocently. “Would you like to see the whip marks on my boobs?”
I wasn’t going to take the bait on that.
“No thanks,” I said insincerely. “I’ll take your word for it.”
She smiled and sat down. A moment later she stretched contentedly and I almost spilled my coffee.
There were rope marks on her wrists.
I went back to Denver still in a quandary. I just didn’t know if Mom had gone to a lot of trouble to mess with me, or if she truly had gone out. I stewed over it for days. I was tempted to call her boss and ask if his job offer was still open. I was ready to take the job just to be able to see if they really were having an affair.
Finally I called Mom and asked if she would like to participate in our slave auction.
“You want me to sell myself as a slave?” she asked.
“Why not?” I asked.
“I’m not a prostitute,” she replied firmly.
“It’s not prostitution,” I replied. “We won’t get paid. We’re doing it because we like kinky sex.”
“What about the money the men are paying?” she said.
“Monopoly money,” I said. “Each man is issued the same amount at the beginning. The winners use their winnings to bid for the woman they want, but nobody is going to get paid for having sex.”
“Hmm.” She sounded unconvinced.
“Come on, Mom, just think. You’d be paraded naked on stage, then tied up in full view while the men play poker.”
“Yes, but what if no one wanted to buy me? That would be embarrassing.”
“Mom, believe me, that is not going to happen, besides, I know a sure fire way to attract the men’s interest.”
“What’s that?”
“We could be sold as a mother-daughter set.”
She was very quiet. I was afraid I might have gone to far.
Finally she spoke.
“Yes, that would probably get a lot of interest,” she said. “But have you thought about what might happen after we were purchased?”
Of course I had!
“What do you mean?” I asked innocently.
“Why, we would be forced to do things together,” she said. “Terrible things. You can count on it.”
“Oh, I guess I hadn’t thought about that,” I lied.
The night of the auction I showed up early and helped set up. Denise had something at her kid’s school and couldn’t be there until later, so it was left to Mary and me to get everything ready. Mary was in jeans and a tee shirt but insisted that I be naked. She was in an odd mood and kept touching me. Every time I walked by her he pinched a nipple of patted me on my bottom. I liked it and just assumed that it part of the plan to keep the slaves excited until the auction. Actually she was horny as hell.
We were in the kitchen getting the last of the refreshments ready when she startled me by suddenly grabbing a handful of my hair and marching me into the bedroom. She shoved me onto my knees, tore off her clothes and sat on the bed. She opened her legs and commanded me to eat her pussy. I was delighted to obey.
After I made Mary come, which didn’t take very long, I hoped she’d return the favor, but she decided to get into character. She tied me spread open on the bed and teased my pussy until I was ready to explode, then she stopped. She left me and took a long hot shower. I could have wept.
Denise arrived and came into the bed room carrying a small suitcase. She saw me on the bed and knew instantly.
“What, you couldn’t wait till I got here?” she joked to Mary.
“Nope, the little slut insisted on walking around naked,” she said.
“I insisted?” I interrupted.
“Quiet slave,” she said. “And she kept shaking her boobs and ass in front of me, so I couldn’t resist.”
“Oh, what a lie,” I said. “You ordered me to be naked.”
“Any more insolence out of you and I’ll gag you,” Mary said.
“If you gag me I won’t be able to eat Denise’s pussy,” I said sweetly sarcastic. “And its her turn.”
Denise was unpacking her things. She’d bought a new dominatrix outfit. She paused, looked at me and shrugged.
“What the hell, its been a lousy day. I could use some relaxation.”
She undressed and climbed on the bed. I purred happily as she lowered her pussy onto my mouth.
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