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Review This Story || Author: Clever Nick

Obnoxious Housemate

Part 12 Arrangements

Part 12 Arrangements

As the number 7 bus rumbled toward Sarahs place, I realized that the purring of the bus motor should keep the vibrator working inside her without any need for electricity, so I left the vibrator off.  Sure enough, Sarahs hips were rocking gently on the seat during the whole trip. 

I looked at her rocking hips and grinned. She licked her lips at me.  I reached over and played with her nipple through her blouse, squeezed it hard.  Its a good thing that people in Ottawa dont look around much on buses.

Her house was a bit further off the beaten track than mine, but we got there in just 40 minutes. 

She introduced me to her two housemates, Holly and Jordan, who I remembered vaguely as Sarahs friends at the pub Friday.  Holly was tall and willowy, with short dirty blond hair, big eyes and sharp features, softened with girly-pink makeup. Jordan was a short, freckled, geeky-looking brunette with clothes that hid her thin figure, no makeup at all. 

Jordan asked sweetly if she could have Sarah alone for a minute, I smiled, and Jordan took Sarah out to the living room, leaving me with Holly in the kitchen as she prepared salad and pork chops. 

Holly said hello, that she remembered me and my collar from the bar, and hoped Id stay for dinner.  I told her Id be happy to if Sarah was okay with it, and she threw another pork chop into the pan without further comment. 

I noted her thin thighs and small, high bubble butt.  In an anime-girl kind of way, Holly was very attractive.

I offered to help with the salad, and Holly set me to cutting onions and tomatoes.  While I cut them, she introduced herself, asked me casual questions about where I lived, the kind of car I drove, my university major, and the type of job I was doing.  She sounded so flirty and casual, I didnt even notice all the information she was pumping out of me.

When I finished with the salad, I realized that my plans for the evening were likely to finish here, so I went into the living room and called home to give Liz some instructions for the night.  Richard answered, and I asked for Liz.

�Sorry, Master,� he laughed.  �Im afraid our little slut is a bit too exhausted to come to the phone.�

�Oh, really! You mean she did both of you?� I laughed.  I hadnt really expected her to go that far.

�Plus all the Bible Boys, twice.  The Mormon Tabernacle Choir didnt drop by or she would have done them too.�

I laughed out loud. 

�Showed us some pretty pictures of herself, too,� he continued.  �Not bad for a Bab-tist. Thats a live one you got there, Master.  I washed her off; shes sleeping now.�

Those pictures came out?  They were supposed to be private. Wasnt she upset?�

�They seemed to suit the moment,� said Richard judiciously.  �Shell tell you all about it when you get home.�

�I dont expect to be home tonight, actually.  Can you please tell her I said to relax tonight, and Ill see her tomorrow?�

�Shes your pet, boss,� he said, his voice a bit chilly.  �If she wakes up, Ill tell her.  But she might take it amiss, you sleeping away tonight after all she did for you today.�

Great, now I would have to feel guilty, too. �I expect shell be too exhausted for me tonight. And shell know why Im here,� I said, assuming the best for now.

�Not going home, eh?� said Sarah, standing alone in front of me, hand cocked on hip.  I didnt know how much shed heard. �Arent we getting a little presumptuous?�

�See you tomorrow, Richard� I said, and hung up.

�You havent seen presumption yet,� I growled, and quickly slid my hand under her skirt, hooked the thick leather strap that was still there between her legs, and pulled her with two fingers under the strap, towards me, hard, the strap tugging her ass and pressing into her labia.

As she reached me I grabbed the back of her head and kissed her aggressively, sealing her mouth and mashing her nose.  I fumbled in my pocket, found her remote, put her on �medium�.   

I kept up the long kiss until she was gasping for air.  Then I let her go, turned the vibe off, and said, �Got room for me tonight?�

She grinned back at me, still panting, and said �Maybe.  Ill see if I can make arrangements.�  

It never failed to amaze me that I could counter her challenges by being even more aggressive right back.  She needed to continually test that I was man enough for her, I guessed. 

Sarah took Holly upstairs with her, as Jordan grabbed me and asked for help setting the table.   As we laid out dishes, Jordan told me she was a computer science and physics major, and drew me into a conversation about quantum computing that I could barely keep up with.

Over dinner, Sarah was perky if a bit fidgety, sitting, I presumed, in her harness and vibrator.  I wondered if she still had them on, so as she took a bite of salad, I turned her remote suddenly on medium.   She started and gasped, and Holly asked, �What is it?�

�Oh, just bit my cheek,� said Sarah dismissively. But she gave me a pleading look and I turned it down to low. 

Holly, sitting across from me, asked me �Did you enjoy the Art Gallery?�

�I really liked the sculpture.  They have a big Henry Moore section,� I said.  �His shapes are sexy from the right angle, and look innocent or just weird from others.  Its very much geared to the observer.�

�You mean, you walk around, but until you look again at the sculpture, you cant say if its going to be sexy or not sexy?� said Jordan. 

I understood where she was taking this, but before I could come up with a good Schr�dinger pun, Sarah grinned and said �they all seemed to look sexiest from wherever he was standing.�  

I could see her face was getting a little flushed, too, though she tried to look perfectly normal.

�That explains why they looked so good to me,� I mused.  �There was this sexy butt right in front of me all the time.�

�Takes one to know one!� Sarah retorted. 

Holly said, ��and I think we know one�� and I probably wasnt supposed to see the conspiratorial wink she gave Sarah, but I did.

After dinner, Jordan and Holly washed up while Sarah dragged me wordlessly upstairs to her room.  It was larger than I expected, but I didnt get to see much of it before she unzipped my pants and practically yanked out my unit. 

I had forgotten shed been buzzing away on low throughout dinnertime. She unstrapped her harness, removed the small white vibrator, and handed it to me, still buzzing. 

Then while I wondered what to do with it, she brought my cock to attention with her mouth, then straddled and mounted me cowgirl-style, and rode me urgently, biting her lip hard, still wearing the skirt and tight blouse, smacking my behind as she grunted quietly. 

I got the feeling I might come before she did, so I put my finger in her ass, and using it as a guide, worked the small white vibrator into her anus, still wet and buzzing.  She moaned a protest but continued riding until she gave that special gasp, grabbed me, climaxed just as I did. 

She collapsed onto me.  I turned off the vibrator.

After a timeless while, still sitting on me, still connected, she sat up and spoke. �I have bad news and good news.�

�Whats the bad news?�

�This room is mine and Hollys.  See?  Two big beds.�

�Oh,� I said, disappointed.  Perhaps I wasnt going to be staying after all.

�Theres good news too,� she grinned wickedly, twisting my nipple. �Holly likes you, and I gave her a thumbs-up review.  She wants to watch.�

I was excited.  I was going to ask what Sarah thought of this, realized she wouldnt have mentioned it unless she felt good about it, and thought about the possibilities of Holly watching as I controlled Sarah. 

I bent my head, gently bit Sarahs still-hard nipple through the blouse. 

�Im a bit shy.� I said, looking up at her. �But she may watch, on one condition.�

Sarah looked at me curiously. 

�This isnt Perv-TV.� I said firmly.  �If shes watching, shes naked, and not under the covers either.  We want to watch back.�

She must have noticed my flagging erection growing again inside her as I pictured the possibility.

�Maybe its not Perv-TV� she grinned.  �Maybe its Holly Would�.  She forced her finger into my ass, and began riding me again.

* * *

We went downstairs dressed as before, and Sarah took Holly aside to let her know my condition.  I didnt hear what they said, but Holly met my eye and lowered her gaze shyly.  Sarah seemed pleased and gave me a thumbs-up.

After 10, Jordan and Holly were playing cards, and Sarah and I went upstairs to prepare for bed.  She found me an extra toothbrush, though there wasnt much I could do about the lack of extra clothing. 

I washed off the vibrator and Sarahs retaining harness, clipped the price tags and packaging off the other toys Id bought, and asked Sarah if she had any other similar toys of her own.  

�Just two pairs of handcuffs, and that collar you put on me yesterday.  I brought it home,� she blushed. 

�Got the keys for the cuffs?� 

�Try yours.�  I did, and the key on my bracelet fit her handcuffs too, conveniently.  The collar didnt have a lock.  She had some lube, too.  Good girl.

I laid out all the toys on a side table by her bed, kissed Sarah, and thought for a while, replacing the batteries in the vibrator. 

She knew the expression on my face by now, and also apparently understood the importance of being prepared for what we were doing. 

�Anything else I can do to help?� she asked.

�Do you think Holly will want to do more than watch?� I asked frankly.

�Its a possibility,� she admitted. Hollys little wink to Sarah began to make sense.  �Ill go along if its okay with you,� she added.

�Suspected that.  Same back at you. Let me try something.� I asked.  

I took her leather collar from the nightstand, brought her arms up above her, strapped the collar around her elbows, buckled it there tightly.  �Will that hold?�

She struggled a bit, said �I could probably get out if I tried, but Ill be good.� 

�Good enough, then.   I think I can make this work.�  I took the collar off her elbows. 

�Ok, heres what we do. After those last two rounds, theres not enough of me to go around if Holly wants to take part, but I have a plan to deal with it.  Ill be in charge, Ill play a bit rough. You be very obedient, and prepare Holly to do the same.�

�Yes, sir,� she said, getting back into her role.

�And make sure both of you are very clean all over when you arrive.� I winked and squeezed her butt. 

She nodded solemnly, knowing what I meant.

�Now go bring me our spectator,� I commanded.

Review This Story || Author: Clever Nick
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