In the past two months we have found our places in our relationship. Where once we sat across the table from each other having morning coffee; now I find myself at her feet. I am her personal valet, selecting her clothes for the day, helping her get dressed and undressed, and seeing to her needs. My mistress insists that we follow our schedule each day. On weekdays, I am to awake at 5:30am. I have to be at work at 8:30am so in that time I must lay out her clothes, create a light breakfast for her, do a load of laundry, and exercise for 45 minutes. This is the only time of the day where I may do the things I like in my order. As long as my tasks are done she is happy.
At 7:30am I must wake her up and guide her to the toilet. Standing over me, she will release her urine from the night into my gaping mouth. I will drink all she provides me and then guide her back to bed where she will sleep until mid-morning. I will then shower, get dressed and go to work. I must keep a diary of everything I do at work which she will review it when I get home. I must have a receipt for every purchase that I make. I have my own credit card and will buy everything on that card as I am not allowed to carry more the $5 cash. I have to take my lunch with me each day and it has saved us a lot of money over the past three months. When I get home at 4:30pm, I must change and prepare myself for her inspection. When I come in the rear door, I am not allowed to use the front door if I am alone; I must undress, insert my nose ring, put on my collar and ring a little bell that lets her know I am home. Then I must kneel and wait for her to come out to greet me and inspect me.
She would make me wait for her depending on her mood. Sometimes it would be a short wait until she would come, kiss me on the forehead and direct me to make dinner. Other times she would leave me there kneeling and bored, just to see how she could make me suffer. One night I was left all evening in the entry way until she came in the middle of the night and said I should join her in the bathroom as she needed to go to the toilet. Something that Milady has picked up over the last couple of months was that this is a lifestyle of patience. When we first started playing she was using my tongue so much for her orgasms that I must have licked her raw. And although I still serve her nearly every day, we do not have the same volume of pleasure play time.
My days are filled with chores, duties, and often long periods of waiting. If I am allowed to go to work as soon as I get home, it is expected that I will start by general cleaning and then prepare her supper. I was a very good cook before I gave myself as gift to her, since I have changed my lifestyle; I have become an exceptional cook. I am allowed to go out shopping at least twice a week so we always have fresh ingredients. I am instructed to only make food for her. My diet is restricted to a restricted amount of calories made up of the same meal, usually something like a lean cuisine chicken dish. It has all the variety of food that I need in a limited quantity. If I make enough that there are leftovers I am severely punished.
My punishments can range from total boredom to exhilaration beyond compare. Most of it depends on her mood and the infraction. Her favourite techniques are to cause me pain that I must endure it over time or force my limits to make me do something I would never do. Milady goes to the gym regularly and at one session one of the guys she met there was working out with a boxing bag. When she came home that night I had not finished folding the laundry, a job that I usually do on her bed. She grabbed me by my nose ring and led me to the garage where she tied my hands above my head. After leaving me stretched for half an hour she returned in her fitness gear wearing a pair of light weight boxing gloves. The gloves were secured with Velcro straps so that she didn’t have to worry about lacing them up. She began to dance around a bit, working out her boxing footwork. Then she let go with a strong right hand jab right into my shoulder. She moved around and struck me in the kidneys. For the next hour she punched, jabbed, and hit me until she could go on no further. She moved in front of me cradled my chin in between her gloves, “Next time, make sure you are ready by the time I get home”. I’ll come get you in the morning. It was a long night in the chilly garage.
One time I misplaced a receipt for a lunch that I bought. I have to account for every penny that I spend. She decided that I would be punished for not taking care of her money. For my punishment I had to go to the toy box and select the largest dildo out of the kit. I am to secure it onto a chair and lick it and suck it as much as possible. Then without any more lubrication other than my own spit, I am to impale myself on the chair. I am to stay there until she comes home. I may get up if I need to do anything, but when she comes in the door I must be sitting on the large artificial cock. I did as she requested but she did not come home at her regular time. I knew she would want to have a dinner ready for when she got home so I kept getting up to prepare her meal. Each time I heard a car drive by, I would immediate return to the chair and fuck myself so that she could see through the window that I did as she requested. Each time I re-applied my ass to the dildo it got harder and more painful. But mostly, it really made me want to cum. I needed an orgasm more than ever, the dildo massaged my prostate and I needed to feel that explosion. Unfortunately she keeps my cock secured in a CB-6000 security cage. The red plastic prevents any stimuli to my member. This punishment was incredibly frustrating. When she finally came home she allowed me to explain my horniness to her. She said that she would be happy to allow me to cum but I must also accept the pain that will accompany my orgasm. I begged “please let me cum Mistress”.
She led me to the St. Andrews cross and secured my wrist and ankles. She no longer needs to mark where she wants to strike my body because she is very familiar with her target zones. Soon I am covered in red welts. I am sore all over as she continues striking my back, ass, and shoulders. She turns me around and re-attaches the straps on my wrists. She slips the key into the lock on my chastity devise and frees my cock. She bends down and takes my cock into her mouth, drawing it deep and warm like I remembered. I moan softly and she withdrew the cock from her mouth. But as she did, she closed her jaw, cutting and scratching my manhood with her teeth. She smiled and said “you wanna cum, it’s going to hurt”. She took a ruler and began to strike my cock and balls repeatedly, but my cock would not go soft. She curled her hand around my cock and with a little applied pressure I would thrust my hips in an orgasm. My cock hurt so much but it felt so good. Mistress re-applied the chastity devise and instructed me to go clean up her dungeon and then return to my chores. I assumed my duties and felt like my body was glowing with the strokes that she beat on my body.
We had been involved in this new relationship for sixteen weeks. One day she looked in the small room that I occupied which had now become her dungeon. In the time that I was her slave we had removed all the furniture from the room. Remaining in the room was a St. Andrew’s cross that I had constructed, a small box to hold Mistress’s toys, an old blanket that I used to cover myself at night and one of the dog’s pillows that I used for my head. She decided that since I have lasted this long, I may have a futon to sleep on. She took me shopping to find a small economical futon that I could roll up during the day and sleep on at night. We found one in a bedding store and she insisted that I roll it out on the floor and try it out. She told the salesman it was for those nights that I snored too much.
Since we were already out downtown, she suggested that we have our third month meeting. We went back to our Italian restaurant and again she ordered a full meal for herself, bread and wine for me. She was happy with her progression so far, she liked using me and not thinking of me as her husband. In truth, the whole process for her was much easier when she did not think of me as a person and she preferred to consider me as a subject or tool. I said I was uncomfortable with some of her longer punishments as they sometimes made me feel very lonely. She asked what I thought about her beating me and in turn I asked how it made her feel. She said that she was embarrassed that she really enjoyed beating and whipping me. She thought it made her feel very strong and powerful. I told her it was something that I had always fantasized about being used and taken by a strong woman. She was making my dream come true. She asked if I wanted to use my phrase and I said I was ready to go on. It would be three more months until I would be allowed to speak my piece again.
I asked “What were her plans for the next three months?” She said that she enjoyed very much what we have now. She was, however, feeling more and more horny of late. Since I was locked up she was considering she might take a lover. We never talked about her cuckolding me. She said that it wouldn’t be cuckolding since I am no longer her husband. She can fuck whoever she wants and I have no say. She also said that she is tired of my little penis.
“My penis isn’t all that small,” I replied, “actually when its hard it is almost eight inches long.”
“Not when it is cooped up in that little cage between your legs,” she replied. “I think I want a cock that makes me feel all woman. You don’t do that to me.” She told me. But don’t worry you are still part of my life. She told me that we had another stop to make before the afternoon was over. We were going to return to our now familiar tattoo piercing shop.
As we stepped through the door to that familiar shop, Milady gave our tattoo artist friend a hug hello. Her name was Bonnie and she and my Mistress had been meeting in the last month and had become friends. Bonnie looked me over and asked Milady what would be her plans for me today. Mistress said that she wanted my nipples pierced. Bonnie asked me to remove my shirt and sit in her chair. She explained to Milady the options of having a bar or a ring installed on my tits. They decided that the rings in my tits would match the ring in my nose. Bonnie marked and in point and out point on both my nipples then clamped the tissue with one of her sterile instruments. She took a small needle and expertly guided it through my flesh. Through the hollow she created, she slipped a little ring through my skin and then repeated the process on my other tit. When she had completed, Bonnie told my Mistress that there was a coffee gathering of the local bdsm community tonight. She suggested that she send me home to recoup and that my Mistress join Bonnie. Milady agreed and send me home on my own.
I returned to our house without too much of a problem. My tits were sore but it was nothing compared to some of Milady’s whippings. Milady on the other hand had a wonderful time meeting new and interesting people at the bdsm gathering. They called it a ‘munch’ and there were all types of people there. All kinds of fetishes were discussed and she learned much more than she ever expected. Most of all she learned that although there were tops, bottoms, doms, and subs, transvestites and cross dressers, they were all nice people. And all of them were very accepting of her and her situation. She gathered some phone numbers and returned home.
The next morning I was licking her pussy to wake her up when she commented that today was my birthday. She stroked my hair and pulled my face tighter into her womanhood. I wondered what she would give me for a present, so I asked “Do you have a gift for me Mistress?” I was hoping that I would be released from my cock’s prison for the day. In all the time we have been playing my cock had not been released from its cage for more than an hour in the whole time.
She laughed, “Slave, I have a very appropriate gift for you. Kneel by my bed.” She stood up had me take in my morning drink. It is no longer necessary for us to go to the bathroom for me to drink her pee as I seldom miss a drop. When she was finished she instructed me to hold my hands under her bottom. She groaned and a drop of shit fell from her body into my cupped hands. She pressed again and my hands were soon full with a pile of her brown poo. “There that’s your birthday present. Go put it in a bag and keep it with you for the day. It is your treasure from your Mistress.”
I took her ‘present’ into the kitchen and juggled it as I tried to find a plastic bag. I opened a zip lock bag and sealed it tight. Then I cleaned up my hands and prepared her breakfast. It took her breakfast into the bedroom and she asked me “where is my gift from her?” I said I left it in the kitchen and she instructed me to go back and get it. Fortunately it didn’t smell sealed in the bag but I felt like a fool carrying around her poo. She looked at me in the doorway holding the bag. She laughed at me and said “See, I guess you will take my kind of crap.”
With April came the sun and flowers. Many of my chores were altered so that I could do more in the yard. Mistress insisted that the yard would be a beautiful garden this year. She would supervise me as I dug out flower beds, created a little pond, and made a little patio in the back for her. Each night I would spend at least two hours creating her tranquil spot. She had decided that I would be punished for no particular reason every Friday night. She would still punish me whenever she wanted but she was in such a good mood of late that it didn’t happen much. I could tell that if she had a bad customer during the day that I would be forced to be her punching bag again. But for the most part all was well with our lives.
She and Bonnie would go out for lunch occasionally and once every two weeks she would join the others at the bdsm munch. One after noon when I came home from work Milady invited me into the living room where I saw an assortment of dildoes mounted on the coffee table. I was instructed to kneel before them and start sucking them. I was to suck each cock for at least fifteen minutes. There were six dildoes there so that meant an hour and a half of oral sex that would have to perform. She continued this exercise for four more days. On the fifth day, she sent me to the dungeon where she placed a large cock gag into my mouth. I am to suck on that cock during my session with the whip and for the rest of the evening. When she was done, she told me that tomorrow I will be sucking the real thing.
The next afternoon she was getting busy to go out. I have not seen her in such a tizzy about getting ready for years. She would hold up a dress and reject it for one reason or other and then moved onto another garment. Each rejected item would be tossed onto the floor until the closet was nearly empty. Finally she decided on tight black pants, a purple satin camisole and black dinner jacket. I helped her with her boots that rose up to her mid thigh and while she sat and did her make up, she instructed me to put away her clothes. I set about to returning her dresses and outfits to the closet while she made herself look stunning. She wore deep coal eye shadow with touches of purple and highlights to bring out her eyes. She had a flush to her cheeks and applied sensual red lipstick. My god she was beautiful.
She turned to me and said “Brendan is taking me out for dinner.” She stood up and pressed out the wrinkle in her pants.
“Who is Brendan, Milady?” I enquired.
“No business of yours,” she tersely replied. Then she stopped for a moment, smiled and said, “But you are going to be sucking his cock before the night is over.”
She went on to say that she is picking him up and they are going out for dinner. When she returns, she wanted a romantic atmosphere established in the house. I am to be kneeling in my place by the front door. I am to wear only my collar and chastity cage. She patted my head as she went out the door, locking it behind her. I got up and began to clean up the house. I set out candles in various places about the living room and started a fire in fireplace. I dusted the tables and cleaned away anything that may be a distraction to Milady. I placed a bowl of dark chocolate candies and a bottle of Bailey’s Irish Cream near an ice bucket at the end of couch. I set two small drink glasses out for her. She said that I would be sucking his cock, so I thought that I should put out a small bowl of condoms to be used. Then I went into the kitchen, cleaned up the day’s kitchen and prepared my lunch for tomorrow. When I was done and it was close to the time I expected her to come home and waited at my kneeling spot.
I rocked back and forth a bit, waiting for them to come home. It could be worse. I could be gagged or have something filling my bottom. Instead, I just kneel and wait. I have become pretty good at kneeling. Over the past few months I have stretched out my legs enough that kneeling for an hour or two is only a minor discomfort. In truth, I use it as a time of meditation where I can just zone out. This is actually an interesting part about being a slave. My mind used to race all the time. Thoughts about work, things that I had to do, or what to do next were always on my mind. I would have to force myself to go to sleep and even before I fell asleep my mind would be recapping the day’s events. That doesn’t happen any more. Of course sometimes now I am in so much pain that it is an escape to go to sleep and most of the time I am exhausted from my duties that sleep is a welcome visitor. I would wager that my blood pressure is even lower since I have accepted my place.
I hear the car pull into the driveway and laughter outside as doors open and close. The key slipped into the lock and opened the front door. I bowed my head as she came in with this man in tow. I looked up and saw his face then looked straight down. I can’t believe it. This guy is a baby. Milady is three years older than I am and this guy must be fifteen years younger than me. She leads him over to the chesterfield and I can feel he keeps glancing back at me. I hear ice dropping into a glass and drinks being poured. The laugh but I don’t know what about. I can hear them kissing and Milady moaning. She removed her top, I can see them in the reflection of one of the mirrors in the room. He is kissing her tits and sliding his hand down her open pants. She raises her hips and offers her pussy to his touch. I can hear her groan as she cums under his hand. He slides her pants and boots off, revealing her pussy to his lips. He licks her mound, tasting and savouring her juices. He pulls his cock from his trousers and moves to enter her.
But she stops him. “I am not ready for that yet” she tells him. “But I will not deny you your orgasm tonight. You are welcome to use my slave’s mouth” she said.
“Thank you,” he replied, “will you bring it over.”
“Slave,” she called to me, “come suck this beautiful cock.”
I moved over to the man who was about to make love to my Mistress. I have been doing this all week in practice so I moved close to his member and took as much of it as I could. His cock was much bigger than mine and hairy too. I was able to take all of his cock down to my throat. I sucked him and pumped his cock for about five minutes when I could feel him twitch, spasm, and pump his ejaculate into my mouth. I started to gag a little. The dildoes that I practiced on didn’t cum. I swallowed and gently removed his cock from my mouth and licked what was left off the tip of it. I remained kneeling at his feet when Milady said “Slave, go to your spot.”
I return to my kneeling place by the door and waited for them while they had another drink. He told her that he had a wonderful time and he said that I gave him an amazing blow job. She said she was pleased with me. They talked a bit about our lifestyle and the benefits it had for Milady. She told him she had a wonderful time but it was time for him to go. She would call a cab for him to go home as he had been drinking. They discussed meeting up again and she said she would love to – next week.
Milady came over and stroked my hair as she stood in front of me. She said they had a wonderful evening and Brendan was a delightful gentleman. He was a top from the munch group that she liked the look of. She planned to see him again, and now it was time for me to clean up the place because she was going to have a bath and then go to bed. I prepared her bath and got the bedroom ready for her. Then I returned to house cleaning.
The next morning I woke her up in the usual manner, after we went to the washroom, we returned to the bedroom but she didn’t want to go back to sleep. She wanted me to lick her pussy while she told me all the details of her date with Brendan. She loved it. He was courteous and romantic; he was handsome and made her feel sexy. The best part was that he didn’t carry any baggage into the relationship. With me she knew everything; she knew all my triggers and could play me like a violin. This was new and oh, so very exciting. She lay back on the bed and massaged her breasts, pulling lightly on a nipple and moaning softly as I continued licking her pussy. She pushed my head away and told me to get a dildo the size of Brendan. I check her toys and chose one by sliding it into my mouth and comparing it to my memory of his cock. When I return to her she wanted me to slide the member into her wet pussy. It glides in as she cries “Fill me. Fuck me.”
I continued to fuck her with the artificial cock. It smoothly glided in and out as she came over and over again. I had never seen her cum so many times. Sweat poured from her brow, her hair was wet, as she breathed deep and hard. Then she arched her back, stretching her arms and catching her breath. And then she started to cry. She sniffled and sobbed quite uncontrollable and inconsolable. I took her hand for a moment and began to withdraw the dildo. “NO!” she snapped at me, “leave it in.” She lay still on the bed, holding the toy within her pussy’s lips. “That felt wonderful.”
A week later she was getting dressed to go out again. “Brendan likes red” she said, so I was instructed to pick out a red outfit. She had me help her put on her scarlet bustier that laced up the back and a satin red shirt over top. She slipped on a pair of black stockings, the kind that held them up. She then picked up a short black tight dress and began to slide it up. I noticed she was not wearing any panties. “That’s okay,” she said “tonight I want freedom.”
When she was ready and had applied her make up, she was all set to go out on her date. I kneeled in front of her as she rose from her chair. She reached down and tugged on my nipple rings. Curling her fingers through my rings she lifted me to a standing position. “You are my toy and tonight I am putting you away,” she said as she led me to the toy room. “However,” she said, “because I am going to have a treat tonight, you are going to have a treat too. Tonight you will not have to wear your chastity device.” She strapped my wrists and ankles to the cross and locked a chain around my waist where she snapped it lock tight with a master lock padlock. Then she removed my chastity cage. I was to stay there for the full night and because I would be all alone, Mistress ensured that I would be able to free myself incase of emergency. She put the key on a chain that was secured between my nipple rings. I would have to pull the rings out of my nipples if I just wanted to get out, so it would have to be a true emergency before I would do that.
She started to go and then she stopped and returned to me. She took my cock in hand and stroked it softly. Then she reached into the toy box and took out a large clamp. She attached the clamp around my nut sack and let its weight pull down on my balls. She kissed my cheek and left the room turning off the light as she exited. I was surprised when a car pulled into the driveway and heard her leave on her date.
Hours passed and my balls hurt. I tried to focus and meditate on anything but the pain between my legs. I heard the door open and Milady’s laughter as they came into the house. Then I heard them in the living room, Mistress moaned as he kissed her. Voices turned to animal passion sounds as they made love in the living room. She squealed in delight as she came over and over again. After many hours of this I actually feel asleep standing tied to the cross. I woke up when the sunlight snuck in through the window. Milady came in and released me. My legs were asleep still and I feel to my knees. She moved forward and placed her pussy to my mouth and said “Lick Me”.
I tasted the saltiness of pee mixed to the tangy taste of another man’s cum. She smelled unbathed skin and sweat. I licked the center of her nether lips, cleaning and moistening her. A dollop of his cum drained down her pussy’s lips and into my mouth. She looked down at me and said “bring me something to eat in the bedroom and then clean up the living room”. Then she turned and left me alone to compose myself. I could not believe what they did to the room as I inspected on my walk to the kitchen. Everything was out of place and in disarray.
I made her coffee and toast, and then brought it into the bedroom where she lay almost asleep. I placed the meal on the end table and she motioned for me to get to work. Later that morning she woke up again and came out to where I was doing the dishes. She moved behind me and hugged me from the back. Her arms reached around my hips and stroked my penis. “How could I ever let such a dinky little thing enter me?” she asked. She scratched my cock down its sides, digging in her long nails and leaving rosy red streaks. She felt around under my sac and felt the clamp attached to it still. She released it and I gasped in pain as the blood returned to where I was pinched. Then she took hold of my nose ring and led me back to my room. In her dungeon, she re-attached my cock’s chastity tube. With a snap of its lock, I was captive again.
A few days later I was instructed that I would be making supper for her and Brendan tonight. I prepared them a steak dinner, with traditional baked potatoes, spring vegetables, and a chocolate dessert. I was instructed to were a tuxedo jacket only, instead of my collar I would have on a bow tie. I would serve them their meals and stand discretely in the background while they ate. From where I was standing I could see that they were playing footsy under the table. Sooner or later the conversation came around to me. I could tell that Milady had instructed him not to talk to me directly or involve me in any conversation. Milady told Brendan that I was her slave and that I would do whatever she told me to do. He asked if I had a name and she said “no, I don’t name my furniture either.”
“Although you do have a name for your car,” he commented.
She smiled, “Yes, but he is different”. She went on to say that I was there as a slave and servant and she wanted to keep it on that level.
Brendan asked “what do you have him do?”
“Well,” she said, “he looks after all my needs from waking and dressing me in the morning, getting my meals, entertaining me, and serving my desires.” She blushed a bit, “he is also my toilet. I know it sounds a bit strange, but it was one of the early ways that I could think of to have him demonstrate that he will do anything to serve me. I have really quite come used to using him. Which if you excuse us, I have to do that now.”
She instructed me to go to the bathroom with her and assume my position between her legs. When she returned to the dining room she found that he had moved to the couch. “Clean up the table and then join us” she instructed me. I took the plates out to the kitchen and cleaned off their plates. I loaded up the dishwasher and cleared away the cooking tools. When I came back into the dinning room, Brendan was between her legs fucking her with his big cock. He pistoned himself in and out of her as I stood behind them I tried to look away but was unable to watch this man fucking the woman who used to be my wife. He groaned and dumped his load into her pussy. She lay back on the couch as he slid out of her. He moved up beside her to kiss her lips. “Slave,” she called, “come her and lick out my pussy.” I licked out his glop from her pussy and then she told me to clean his cock with my mouth. I sucked off her juices and his cum from his cock. Shortly it was hard again. She smiled at Brendan and said “Fuck him if you like”. Brendan looked at me and smiled, motioning me to go down on my hands and knees. He spit on his hand and rubbed it against my ass.
Brendan’s cock split my cheeks and pushed its stiff head into my rear hole, another push and the whole thing slipped in right up to his pelvis. It slid in and out of me and I was helpless to not enjoy it. Milady had trained my ass so that it could easily accommodate such a large cock and although I am not gay, it felt good. Brendan continued pumping my ass, supporting himself on my hips. Faster and fast he pushed telling me to squeeze his cock. I did and he buried himself deep. I could feel the throb of his cock and the push of his semen as he came inside of me. After a few minutes he withdrew and Milady told to me to suck his cock clean. Gently I took his cock in my mouth, sucking and licking it clean. When I was finished Milady instructed me to stand in front of the fireplace. She ordered me to spread my legs and expose my ass to the fire. Milady send Brendan to wash up and come back to fuck her again. As he left the room I felt a small drop of his cum drop from my ass and fall to the floor where it baked on the fireplace tile.
When Brendan returned, he and Milady once again resumed their passion until they both fell asleep on the big couch. I stayed by the fire until the embers stopped glowing and then I covered the two of them up and returned to my room to catch some sleep before I had to start my chores again.
My, how my life has changed.
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