Part 4 – Pub night
Alarm went off at 7.45 and I snoozed it. Around 8 I realized it was time to get moving, for Lynn as well as me. It was Friday, and we were both close to late for work. She was still snoring lightly beside me, arms still lightly bound behind her. My hand wasn’t inside her any more, but it was between her legs and holding one butt cheek. I woke her up with a squeeze and goose, put my bathrobe on, and realizing that the others would be gone by now, walked her out by her chain, naked to the bathroom again, just for practice. We both used the toilet. Then I turned on the shower and invited her in. I just left her bound and watching, washed myself first, then her hair and finally her body, top to bottom. Not surprisingly, we were both a bit randy by the time this was all done. I touched her pussy and she flinched involuntarily, and I realized she was sore from all the sex, plus that four-fingers thing for half the night. So I used the shower hose to clean out her ass, lubed her up with some hair conditioner, and bent her over, holding her by the hair, for some slippery butt sex. She seemed to enjoy it more than usual. Her cheeks kept slipping out of my hands, but I eventually got them open and worked my way in. I would swear she squeaked as I finally came, and I’m not sure which end of her was squeaking.…
We washed off again, and then I freed her arms so she could dry herself. She seemed a bit disappointed I hadn’t dried her off in chains too, but it was definitely time to go now. I was only 15 minutes late for work.
Nothing much to say about
the work day except it was Friday. At
dinner I ate quickly, and interrupted
Sure enough,
I was pondering whether her new attentiveness and obedience was due to the great orgasms she’d been having. Without planning it, I realized that last night and today I hadn’t brought her to climax at all, or even tried to, and wondered if she’d get crabby or stop playing along as willingly if this continued. I made a little note to keep using her for my own pleasure only, just to see.
I sat her down beside me to
talk. “
She put up a finger, got up and grabbed the notebook and pen she’d used last night, and waited for my permission to write something. I was curious and nodded. She wrote “TAKE ME ALONG. I’LL HELP YOU BRING SOMEONE BACK.” This was not what I expected to see. I wondered if she was for real. I thought of how the evening might go. Even if she did succeed in helping me with a pickup, what would I do with her afterward?
“You will just go back to your room while I fuck someone better-looking, that you helped me pick up?” I wondered aloud, phrasing it deliberately harshly. “AS MY MASTER WISHES”, she wrote. “BUT I WILL STAY AND HELP IF YOU PREFER.” [i]Really.[/i] If this were one of those Penthouse letters, I’d stop believing it at this point. “You like women too?” I asked. “NO, BUT I WILL DO AS YOU SAY.”
I was really starting to wonder what was going on. How had she gone so quickly from scary bitch to slavish slut? Why was she calling me “Master”? It was logical, but I wouldn’t expect it to come willingly from anyone. I certainly hadn’t trained her that thoroughly, nor did I think it was possible in such a short time. I was still unsure she’d go through with this, so I tried to scare her off. “Do you think your parents would approve of your slut ways?” I asked sternly. She reddened, then turned back to the first page of the notebook, where I’d stapled in her original vow I’d forced her to make in writing, to come to me for sex and discipline, in the names of her religion and her family. Clever – she could now use her religion to rationalize anything at all, so long as I commanded it. I got an uneasy feeling she was smarter than me, though. I’d never thought of this justification, even though I’d made her write it.
Finally I pulled my trump card. “You realize that if I find someone I like, I’ll be paying her all the attention, and ignoring you.” “THAT’S PART OF MY SERVICE, MASTER”, she wrote, and to emphasize it, she took my nearest hand and stroked her still-unused pussy with it, to show that she was wet even at this thought. Which she was. I guessed it was a kind of harmless degradation, and she did seem to like that.
I couldn’t think of any further objections, so we went to the pub together. She wore a nice black strapped top and her blue skirt, panty free of course, plus a leather collar she seemed to have picked up on her own. She did her makeup a little bit darker and more alluring than usual, which I guessed was normal for an evening out. She had also convinced me to bring along my own leather collar and chain, the one I’d used on her before, hidden in a pocket. I didn’t think this would work, but she seemed confident, and she knew how girls in pubs thought better than I did. I’d never actually managed to bring one home before, so I had nothing to lose by trying it her way. Before we entered the pub, she put a chain on her collar, and handed the other end to me. This girl was full of surprises tonight.
The pub was noisy and
moderately crowded, mostly with college students like us. Many were from our university, in another
city. This place was a chosen
away-from-home gathering for students working here.
I watched the crowd for a while, and then
pointed with my chin at a pretty redhead in a group of four girls, at a
table. She nodded, and asked me, very
respectfully, if she could borrow my end of her chain. I handed it to her and she walked over to the
table, interrupted the conversation, and said something to the redhead. The redhead laughed, and came over to join
I was embarrassed and felt just about how you would in this position – like this
was a test and I was about to be found wanting. Since
“What is your name, girl?”
She laughed, turned to
“Robin”, said the redhead.
“You have been selected, Robin. Will you wear my collar tonight?”
“Well, I’m not all that into bondage, and I don’t
really like having another girl around either”, Robin objected.
“I can be gentle, and we can be alone”, I
Robin laughed lightly, said “no thanks”, and
walked back to join her friends. They
all burst out into laughter as she returned and made some remark. I wilted.
I sat back and nursed my drink, not really
surprised at the rejection, but it hurt as much as always. After a while, I recovered enough to ask
I actually got a boost in confidence from this
explanation. It wasn’t me; it was just
my poor understanding of the rules of the game.
I could fix that, I thought.
I ordered us two more drinks and spent a little
time coaching myself to treat all girls as I was treating
I took the extra collar and leash out of my
pocket, offered it to her, and said, “Only one way to find out.” She must have
been intrigued, because she said “I’ll get my coat”. She walked back to her friends, talked
briefly, took her coat, and came back.
Then she stopped and asked me “I won’t have to share you with this girl,
will I, or do any girl-girl stuff?”
I thought hard to myself that she was just like
“You never speak without permission, which is
almost never”, said
“Don’t I get a safe word, or something?” she
asked. I glanced at
“What’s the price?”
“It’s a permanent one”, I said. “The safeword is
‘Spoilsport’. If you use the safeword, I pack you up, kiss you and send you home, and
you never get to find out how the rest of the weekend would have gone.”
“Sold”, said Wide-eyes. She pointed a finger at the leather collar,
and I buckled it around her neck myself.
She smelled good. I wondered what
I was getting into. But I was taking
home the prettiest girl in the bar, on a leash.
That couldn’t be bad, right?
I walked both girls out of the bar, each on a
leash, and this time I did get some looks on the way out. I expected jealous looks from the guys, but
saw even more from the other girls. Hmmm…
Since we were students on intern jobs, we took
the bus home. As we waited for the bus, I started questioning Wide-eyes, who I
had to learn to think of as my new slave, before she realized what a softie I
really was. It was much harder to be
dominant with an attractive stranger than with an obnoxious housemate. I turned
to her and said “You may speak to answer questions, until we get home.
“Your name?” I intoned.
“Sarah”, she said easily, and giggled again.
I will say this only once with words.
You are not to laugh without permission from now on. I will ask questions now, and perhaps give
orders, until we get home. The questions
will get increasingly personal, until you don’t wish to answer, but you
will. And you will address me as Sir,
with every answer. Is that clear?”
“Yes, sir.” She sounded quite serious, but I
could tell there was a giggle being suppressed.
I hoped that I could get her feeling more serious shortly – I wasn’t
sure I could handle two giggly girls with just a leash and a few threats. The bus came, and we took four seats facing
each other. Lynn and Sarah sat beside
each other, and I faced them, in front of Sarah. I continued the third degree,
since there wasn’t much else I could do on the bus ride.
“Full name?”
“Sarah Jean Carter”
“I didn’t hear you properly.”
“Sarah Jean Carter, sir”
“City your parents live in?”
“21, sir”
“5 foot 6, sir”
“Bra size?”
“35C, sir”
“Age you first had sex?”
Now she looked like she was getting
uncomfortable. “14, sir”
“Age you first enjoyed it?”
“17, sir”
“Age you first had anal sex?”
She looked quite uncomfortable. “Never, sir”
I let the implication of that hang in the air
for a bit, and then continued.
“Number of men you’ve had sex with?”
She thought a moment. “Six, sir”
“Number of those who could make you
climax reliably?”
This time she nearly laughed. “Maybe one, sometimes, sir”
“Type of birth control you’re using?”
“The pill, sir”
“What kind of stockings are you wearing?”
“Stay-ups, sir.”
Ooh, I liked Sarah.
“Good. Color panties
you’re wearing?”
“Black, sir”
“Black cotton old ones you’d rather not be seen
in, or black silk new ones you were hoping would be noticed?”
“The nice kind, sir”
“You’ll answer the question more fully.”
“Black silk new ones I hope will be noticed,
“Take them off now and hand them to me.” I
said, in exactly the same tone of voice as before.
Her eyes got even wider. She glanced at Lynn,
who looked sympathetic and said nothing.
She looked around the bus, didn’t see anyone watching, and slipped her
panties down her legs under the strapless dress, pulled them off her foot, and
handed them to me down below the seats. I was going to like Sarah. I reached down and
took them, stroking her palm deliberately at the same time. Then I looked at the black silk, nodded in
appreciation and looked at her approvingly, and stuffed them into my shirt
pocket, with just a little bit showing, like a hanky.
“Give me your left foot.”
“Yes, sir.” She brought one foot up and laid it
in my lap. She was wearing good shoes,
and stay-ups, which I could see now, lacy-ringed around her thigh. I could see most of the way up, and I’m sure
could have seen more by moving her foot around, but there would be time for
that soon. I wanted her feeling
vulnerable, not peeped at. I approved of
stay-ups, so I didn’t take them off her.
I just gently massaged the top of her foot for a bit, then
asked for the other one.
While I massaged her right foot, I wondered if
I could do the panties trick on her bra too. I asked, “Is that a strapless bra you’re
“I’m not wearing a bra, sir.”
“You mean your breasts are that firm on their
own?” They were holding up her dress, and yet looked completely supported.
“Yes, sir”, she said, with a touch of pride.
“Prove it. Make one nipple stand up, so I can
see it through the dress. Be discreet.”
This didn’t bother her as much as I would have
thought. I kept massaging Sarah’s right
foot, as she turned away from the rest of the bus, and stroked one breast,
rubbing the nipple in circles for a bit until it poked out the fabric. I didn’t admit it, but I was not only erect, I
was starting to breathe a little heavily already. Also, as she turned her body
away from her right foot, I could now easily see all the way up her dress. It wasn’t just her panties she’d hoped might
be seen. She was shaved entirely bald
below. She must have been aware she was
flashing me, too, but she didn’t stop.
On the contrary, as she continued massaging her nipple, her right foot
was casually brushing the growing bulge in my trousers, though I couldn’t be
certain she was doing it deliberately. I wasn’t certain she wasn’t, either.
If the bus ride had gone on any longer, I might
have had to comment on this, but our stop came and we got off. As we walked up the road to our house, her
leash in my hand, more than slightly aroused, I swallowed my own nervousness
and told her, “Sarah Jean Carter, from the time you enter the house, the rules
are in full effect. You don’t
speak. You follow all orders. You accept punishments for failing to follow
orders. There are others asleep, so
you’ll be silent. We’ll stop at the
kitchen and the bathroom before heading to my room. Drink what you want in the kitchen. Do what you need to in the bathroom. My room is a clothing-free zone. You, or I, will remove all your clothes within
60 seconds of entry, and you’ll turn them over to me.” I glanced at
“Y-yes, sir”, Sarah said, shivering a bit. It was a little cold, and her panties were
gone. Maybe that was why.
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