Part 3 -- Psychology
I had to work a bit late
that day, and when I got home, dinner had started without me. I sat down at the
table and noticed that
After dinner I went up to
Chuck’s room and we talked books for a while, but he quickly got onto his
favorite topic, which was, coincidentally, how much he despised
He thought back and frowned, and said “yes, and she was sitting with you this time. Don’t tell me she’s going to be controlling you now.”
“Quite the opposite,” I grinned. “She’s under control now. If she gives you any trouble, just let me know.”
“Really? I won’t be hearing any more sermons? How did you manage that?”
“Really. Under my thumb.”
But I didn’t tell him any more. I still wasn’t sure what to say.
When 10:30 came along I was
in my room again, door open.
Then she handed me the razor, and took all her clothes off again, very matter-of-fact. Once a girl loses that modesty thing, I guess it’s lost for good. I handed the razor back to her and told her to sit on the floor, put the bottoms of her feet together, and shave. “Keep that ‘S’ nicely trimmed and visible, mind you.” Then I watched her shave in that position, occasionally scooting back against the carpet to tilt her hips up further. This position certainly would have embarrassed me, and she seemed undisturbed this time.
I wondered how far her new brazenness extended. When she was done shaving, I told her to put the razor and bucket back in the bathroom. I handed her the skirt and she put it on, reached for the blouse, and I held onto it, shook my finger. This time she was unhappy. She stopped at the bedroom door, looked at me, eyes wide and lip trembling a bit. “Don’t speak to anyone you may see”, I added, just in case. She nodded, but didn’t open the door. “One more second’s hesitation, and you’ll be doing it naked, with a feather duster protruding from your ass”, I told her sternly. This was enough for her, and she quickly opened the door a bit, saw Betty leaving the bathroom. She waited a few extra seconds to let Betty get to her bedroom, then scooted out the door and dived into the bathroom.
Betty had turned around and
seen a flash of
Betty was a quiet, slow-moving Mennonite with small eyes and two chins. She was neither old nor fat, but she looked like she’d be more comfortable with herself when she was both. She was not stupid. She looked back at me venomously, apparently well aware of where her roommate had been these last two nights, and hissed “Whatever you’re doing to her, stop it right now!”
I shook my head sadly at
Betty as
I closed us back into the
room and found
I realized that she was actually hoping I’d keep escalating the violence and humiliation. And that she was probably able to take more of it than I was willing to dish out. Already it was making me more uncomfortable than it made her. She had probably put on those slutty panties this morning hoping to get caught at the bus stop. This was bad – if it came down to her forcing me to punish her for liking her punishments, things could get much wilder than I’d hoped. I wasn’t expecting to have progressed to naked roommate encounters for another couple of weeks yet, if at all.
I decided to ask Chuck, since he was good with psychology. But first I needed to bring him in on the secret.
I figured that I could do
this in a way that would humiliate her, hopefully without making Chuck too
uncomfortable. I thought about it for a while, and then told
I was still dressed, so I closed the door and went over to Chuck’s room. It wasn’t that late, and he was still up, reading. Rich was asleep in the room though, so Chuck took me downstairs to chat.
“So,” he began “you’ve got
“Better,” I said. “I’m ready to show you, if you don’t mind a bit of a shock. If you get uncomfortable, just let me know you have to leave, and I’ll join you down here again in a few minutes.”
“OK,” he agreed, obviously very curious. He started to follow me back upstairs, and I said “Give me a few minutes to prepare, and then come in when I open the door again. And whatever I say, just play along.” He agreed he could manage this.
Then I went back into the
room, closed the door, and told the still naked and hogtied
Then I opened the door to invite Chuck in.
“Excuse me, am I
interrupting something?” he said, taken aback at
“Not at all,” I said, “I was
just working on a great new robot. Check this out, doesn’t it look just like
our favorite housemate?” I expected
“You mean that’s not her?” he said.
“No, she’s over with Betty,
as usual. This is Robo-Lynn”, I said proudly. “It’s quite lifelike, isn’t it?
Robo-Lynn, turn around.”
“Notice the brand logo there
on the pubic area? That’s how you know
it’s my work. The real
“Robo-Lynn, hands on the bed, lean on them.” She turned back away from us and put her hands on the waterbed, which gave under her weight, sticking her ass in the air.
Chuck mused, “Very good, does it speak?”
“No”, I said, “I haven’t got
that far yet, and I’m not sure I’d want to. But it takes orders, and it feels
quite lifelike. And,” I continued proudly, “It’s fully functional. Check this
out.” I put my hand on
“No thanks. That sounds like fun but it’s getting late.” said Chuck.
“I understand, maybe later”, I said. “Robo-Lynn, lie on your back on the bed. Now lift your legs, grab your ankles. Wave goodbye to Chuck. Grab your ankles again. Good, now stay that way until I return.”
Then I took the notebook and followed Chuck out the door. We walked downstairs, Chuck excited and nearly giggling. I was a bit more somber. “How the fuck did you do that?” he burst out.
“A careful combination of
bullying, bondage, and blackmail”, I said. “She’s promised on pain of exposure to follow
my commands for a full four weeks, and as you can see, it works. Including the
religious remarks, you’ll note.” I showed him the notebook with
“But something’s going wrong, and I need your opinion”, I continued.
“What’s that?”
“She seems to like it. A lot. And when she screws up, I punish her, and she seems to like the punishments too. Not at the time, maybe, but by the next day for sure. I suspect she’s starting to screw up on purpose, to get caught, so she can be punished. That’s going to be a disaster.”
“Why a disaster?”
“Because I’m getting uncomfortable with the level of roughness and humiliation I have to use, and she apparently doesn’t mind.”
“When did she stop being her usual evil self and start looking like she liked it?” Chuck asked.
“Well, she was unusually cooperative, maybe even pleased, Monday night when she first came to see me in my room. That morning I’d forced her to promise 4 weeks’ unquestioning obedience by night, and she was furious. I expected resentment that evening, or that she’d disappear or even get violent, but not smiles.”
“Ever heard of cognitive dissonance?” Chuck asked, smiling.
“What’s that?”
“Nobody likes to think they’ve made a dumb
decision. It’s such a powerful feeling, people will fool themselves into
thinking they’ve done something smart instead. Think about it. You’re
The penny dropped. This explained a lot. “So I’m her boyfriend now?”
“Yep. A good one, since you’re obviously keeping her aroused.” He glanced at my slimy fingers. “But a pretty scummy one, too, since you just offered to share her with your housemate. Good boyfriends don’t do that.”
“Well, good. I hope I can continue to do things boyfriends don’t do, because I don’t want her as a girlfriend. I just want a very obedient little bedmate, for a while.”
“This may not be as easy as you think.” Chuck warned. “She’s convincing herself to fall in love with you, which will appeal to your soft side. And there’s the B&D paradox, too: submissives have a lot of power over those who dominate them, especially when the Dom is essentially softhearted like you are. Basically, it becomes your job to come up with new punishments and make sure they stretch her boundaries, but that she enjoys them. Who’s actually in charge in that case? Who is working hard for whom? And if she’s enjoying the sex, and not disturbed by your punishments, you don’t even have that as a trump card.”
“I was starting to figure that out”, I said sadly. “What can I do about it?”
“Well, as I see it, you may have done something good tonight”, he said. “You brought her out of the boyfriend/girlfriend world by bringing me in. Being shared by her boyfriend isn’t part of her lifestyle. She’ll either decide she hates you again, leaving you back in control, or she’ll expand her worldview.”
“And what if she expands her worldview?”
“Well, I should say I'd like that, since I'd get plenty of free sex. But honestly, I think danger lies that way. If she doesn't mind being shared, you’d better bail out right away, my friend, because she’s probably more than you can handle.”
“It’s even worse than that”, I admitted. “If she keeps this up, I might even start liking her. Her new personality is cheerful, sexy, submissive but with a streak of willfulness, and above all silent. It’s very tempting.”
“Then I was right before. She’s going to be controlling you now. Get out while you still can”, he said seriously.
* * *
I thanked him and went back
up to my room.
"Now you're just trying to piss me off", I glared. "It's not going to work. The punishment for looking for punishment is a bit different. Sit on the edge of the bed." I still wanted the sex, so I sat beside her on the bed's edge, took off my clothes, and picked her up bodily and slid her down onto my erection, facing away from me. I told her I needed some sex, and that she happened to be handy, so she should start riding. Then I just sat there, made her do all the work herself, until I was relieved. I don't think she finished, though. Then, no longer horny, I told her to put on her clothes and get out. She turned to look at me, big-eyed. "You heard me. Go back to your own bed. Slaves who look for extra attention don't get any at all. No more deliberate slips. Just follow the agreement." She put on the skirt and blouse, ignored the sperm dripping down the inside and back of one thigh, and left quietly.
I heard Betty first
shouting, then pleading with
I was certainly right about
the attention-seeking. Thursday when I got up to shower (late as
As I jerked off alone in the shower, I wondered who I was punishing now.
* * *
I avoided
At 10 I was up in Chuck’s
room, telling him about the last day and my attempt to bring things back under
control. I told him how I’d slapped her down verbally, and ignored her for a
night and a day. I wanted it clear that
she’d get no attention in reward for her attention-seeking misbehavior. Whether she was trying to push me into
rougher treatment, or just wanted her boyfriend to like her, I hoped this would
tell her to slow down. Chuck agreed that
this was a good move, but was still cautious about my continued control of the
situation. He did say that if I appeared
to have things under control after a few days, he might be interested in my
previous offer, though. As we spoke, I
I entered my room to find
She streaked outside, past Chuck’s open door, and into the bathroom, which fortunately was unoccupied. I saw her shut herself in there, which would probably annoy Betty shortly since it was about her bedtime. I walked back into Chuck’s room and continued our conversation. I left the door open so we could watch her return later. “I kicked her out; she was too early.” I explained. “Good work”, laughed Chuck. “And you’re right, it does look very lifelike.”
“She’s yours for an hour if I say the word”, I offered. “Not today”, he grinned. “Let’s see if you can bring her back in line first. She still seems a bit overenthusiastic. Plus you’re trying to de-escalate now.”
“We have over three weeks to go”, I replied. “No rush.”
Chuck and I talked
literature and language for another 10 minutes until we heard the bathroom door
open. Now it was 10:29. We watched the naked
“Time to go, I guess.” I took my leave of Chuck and slipped back
into my room.
But I was tired of punishing her, too. She really hadn’t done anything wrong this last day. I thought it would be nice to let her come up with some ideas for a change.
“Ok, punishment is over. You’ve kept your agreement all last night and today, and your overenthusiasm just now won’t be repeated, I’m sure. So let’s just relax.”
She looked at me, still looking quite sad. “I can see you’re sorry for trying to be punished, and you won’t do it again”, I interpreted for her. “Apology accepted”. She smiled (I really didn’t like her smile, but there you go. Hey, she wasn’t my girlfriend.), and I thought of a way to make her the creative one. “I’ve got a cool book, and I’d like to read a bit before bedtime,” I mentioned, “so I’ll just sit down here at the desk and read for a while. If you can’t wait any longer for your sex, you can try to find a way to distract me, but you can’t make a sound, or touch me.”
That should do it.
I opened the book Chuck had
lent me, and was only two pages in when
Then I went back to my book. 10 pages later, she was whimpering, and I looked up again. Her fingers were soaked, she had three of them all the way inside her, moving fast, and she was whimpering rhythmically, but apparently restraining her finish as I’d commanded. “Very good, keep it up and wait for my command”, I said, and went back to my book. But I knew she couldn’t keep it up much longer. Her little whimpers turned into squeaks, and I watched for a while as she bit her lip trying to hold back. Finally I put down the book, pulled her hand out, put three fingers of my own into her, a thumb on her button, and looked her in the eye and said “Now.”
It actually worked. She came prodigiously, and I’m glad I didn’t have any important papers on my desk. I had her lick the desk clean, of course. I was still amazed she followed orders like that.
This was nice -- I could now claim I had the magic touch. I could see now why she was starting to show signs of sexual addiction. Was that a problem? As long as she didn’t keep pushing me into abusing her, I guessed a little sexual addiction was fine. I stripped, and picked her up by the hips, off my desk and down onto my hard dick, straddling me. Then I sat back down in the chair and nodded my head. She rode me for a good 10 minutes as I watched her perky tits bounce, chewing on them once in a while, until I came.
Then I told her “You’re not being punished for anything now, and you’ve had your sex, so you may go back to your room or stay here, as you please. If you stay here, you’ll have to sleep chained up a bit, though.” I don’t know why I added that last bit, I just didn’t want it to get too cozy and familiar. I also wanted to see how badly she wanted to stay. I guess I wasn’t all that surprised when she got into the bed and held out her hands for binding. I preferred a loose binding, since I was trying to de-escalate the discomfort level, so I handcuffed her hands behind her with some nice fuzzy cuffs, then her elbows with another pair. I added a neck collar and chained it lightly to the elbows cuffs, so they wouldn’t slip down. I helped her to lie down, facing me, with lower knee up, the other leg straight. I didn’t bind her legs, just told her to stay that way all night. This opened up her bald, still wet pussy quite wide for me. I used the opportunity to check if I could actually slip four fingers into her, and though only three fit at first; with a little work, I managed a fourth. She grunted and squirmed a lot, and was very ready to go again, but I was happy in my new discovery. I left my hand there, and turned off the light.
I woke up, again around 5 am, with a raging erection, and a difference. The difference was that my erection was already in use. I was on my back, and she was riding me gently. Once she saw I was awake, she sped up, and pounded away until both of us came. She collapsed on top of me, still effectively armless. I guess it was pretty impressive that she’d managed to mount me without using her hands. Well, sex was what she was here for, so I couldn’t be too hard on her for wanting more. After she recovered, she rolled off me, moaned a bit and jerked her head toward the door, and I realized she wanted a bathroom break again. Last night I’d taken extra sex in return for this inconvenience. She had earned her bathroom pass in advance this time.
I put some pants on and a t-shirt, helped her out of bed, took the chain behind her neck, and walked her, still naked and bound, out to the bathroom. I left the door open to reduce surprises coming out, sat her on the commode, waited while she peed, wiped her off, and then walked her back to my room again. I guess I should mention how she reacted to all this, but actually she didn’t react at all. She just went along quietly, almost as if this were a normal way to go to the bathroom. Finally I put her back into bed and had her resume her position. I slipped my clothes off and my fingers back inside her. She was, if anything, wetter and hornier than before, but I wasn’t there for her convenience. I left my hand inside her, just because I could, and let her squirm while I went back to sleep.
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