'So these are the only ranges that they make that come in that many
different sizes. We stock these two here, see'
A long pink nail from her wrinkly finger pointed at two of the designs
on the page. The woman behind the counter, or 'Brenda' as she had introduced
herself, was very helpful. I looked in the catalogue, there were at least eight
ranges to choose from, all of them unspeakably bad. Vivienne stood quietly next
to me, nodding at the right times to encourage Brenda but otherwise trying to
stay in the background. She was loving every second of my ordeal. I supposed
that all of her 'girls' probably had their ‘humiliations’ plumbed and probed as
deeply and as excruciatingly as mine were being. Whatever a girl's quirky
embarrassments, I had no doubt that Vivienne would hunt them out. Trisha, on
the other hand, was less interested and had walked out some time ago, so that
we weren't crowded in the shop.
I had had a master-class in 'bargain' gold jewellery, from Brenda. It
turned out that the earrings that I so despised that were oval in shape and
fastened with a hinged bar, were called 'Creole' earrings; and she could
rightly boast that she had them in spades.
The shop had been pretty busy, but her daughter had materialised from
the back room and was more than capable of handling the background trade. The
teenage girl really was a 'chip off the old block'. As well as sharing her
mother's excellent customer service skills, she shared her endorsement of the
company products. I recognised the style that Brenda had just been showing me. Obviously
this was the result of two women, alone and bored in an ear piercing shop, her
ears swung with obscene gold
Brenda had taken into the back room and pierced me. She had sat me down
in a worn but comfortable leather armchair with a head rest and had encouraged
me to relax my head back. From the corner of my eye I saw her pick the piercing
gun from the wall and set it down somewhere behind me. I had started to sweat.
As I felt her finger softly examining my ear, the curtain parted.
'Erm…….excuse me……..Brenda, Anita…..erm. I'm thinking of getting my ears pierced some more, but
I'm a little scared, do you mind if I watch? I promise not to faint and I
really think it would help me get over it?
Brenda welcomed in the meek Vivienne and caringly sat her down to one
side. She sat down and immediately reverted to her elegant, powerful self as
she reclined and crossed her legs, ready for the show. I closed my eyes and
tried not to think about it
Brenda was an expert at this kind of multiple piercing. She knew to mark
my ears before using the gun and she spent a lot of time looking at me from the
front, making sure everything was symmetrical and evenly spaced. Then she
dotted me with her pen. When she was finished she sat down on her stool to my
left. Vivienne was beaming at me. Tears started to form in my eyes. I tried to
remember when I had had my ears pierced originally, and if it had hurt; I
couldn't think.
'Ok honey, now you stay lovely and still now. No sudden movements and
we'll get you done. You’re going to be gorgeous!'
With her fingers holding my ear, I felt something cold clasp around it;
then I heard the piston spit out its loud, sudden hiss. I was crying softly
with humiliation as the sharp pain hit my brain. As the second wave of
sensation hit me, I felt an unpleasant, dull aching from just behind where I
normally wore my earring. I felt the gun again, a little further up and then
another hiss. I sobbed out loud, my eyes screwed together. Vivienne took
control immediately. She held my hand,
'There, there', she said, 'it'll soon be over darling. I know it's not
very nice, but just think about how you'll look when it's finished, hey?'
I continued to cry like a baby.
She nodded at Brenda that she should just keep going; and while I wept
and sobbed, she worked her way up my ear. The studs higher up were the worst,
they really smarted and made me suck my breath in, in between sobs. I could
stand the pain though, it was not that that was upsetting me; it was how I
would look from now on.
'You're doing really well honey', Brenda said as she moved her stool
over to the other side. My left ear was throbbing intensely. I sat there
She then repeated my humiliation so that both sides matched. By the time
she put the gun aside and her sympathetic face appeared in front of me with a
box of tissues, both my ears were burning.
'It's all done now Honey', she smiled,' come on, let's have a look,
that'll cheer you up'
She grabbed my arm to get me to stand so I could look in the mirror.
Before I could see myself, Vivienne stood in front of me and smiled.
'Well done, sweetie', she said but I could see that she didn’t
completely mean that. Was she displeased that I had cried?
She reached up to my ear, I half managed to check my automatic reflex to
withdraw and then I felt a series of sharp pains as she ran her finger along my
row of new studs. She had a childlike look of fascination about her. She led me
to the mirror, next to Brenda, who was waiting expectantly. I looked at myself,
turning my head from one side to the next, I had six new studs equally spaced
up each ear above my original holes. I looked like a tramp and I started to
'Oh it's all a bit much isn't it', said Brenda kindly, she left us
behind and went out to the front of the shop.
‘Oh it’s wonderfully humiliating isn’t it, slave?’ asked my Mistress
‘Yes Mistress’ I looked down at my toes, peeping out of the front of
their white straps.
‘Keep a hold of that feeling, but I want you to stop crying now, we’ve
still got things to do’
I nodded and wiped my eyes. The tissue was smudged with a smear of
different colours from my eye make-up. I looked in the mirror and saw that my
mascara was running. Vivienne quickly wiped away the worst of it and cleaned me
After a minute, with her guiding hand at my reins, I went back through
and bought several 'sets' of earrings. I bought a simple set of six pairs of inch
diameter gold hoops that all matched; I could wear a single pair of different
rings at the front of these.
With that in mind, I had to ask Brenda where the earrings she was
wearing were. She showed me them delightedly, but I decided on an even worse
pair from the same range that were thick creoles about three inches long. A
lop-sided heart shaped disc swung from the bottom of each. They were thick,
showy and crass. They were, I thought, the most tasteless things that I had
ever seen and now they were mine.
After picking out a range of seven matching creoles of increasing size (
in the style that I found the most ‘interesting’ ), I 'decided' that it would
be fun to wear the new 'heart' earrings in front of my new studs, so I fixed
them into my original piercings and turned to face my Mistress. She motioned
for me to turn my head. As I did so I could feel them swinging in my ears, I
looked back.
‘Perfect’ she smiled, pleased.
Brenda let me take her catalogue with me so that I could ponder on the
right selection for my mismatched chaotic array of clashing styles. They must
have been able to close the shop early; I parted with almost two hundred pounds
for all that I had bought. As we walked out of the shop I burned with renewed
humiliation as people were immediately looking at me and at my ears.
Vivienne was still full of energy and it was off to the sex shop next,
for shoes.
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