'Let's have a look then, stand up straight.'
I pulled the hem-line down and stood up as straight as I could. I was
wearing a tight, pink and white, tie-dye patterned dress. Its short skirt
stretched round my ass but very little more. It ran up to a thick band around
my throat which joined two larger bands, one on either side, running up from
the sides of my waist, outside and around each of my breasts. It zipped at the
back which pulled it tightly around me. The effect of the straps at the sides
of my breasts was to pull them together and upwards, creating a huge cleavage.
My mauled, battered orbs bulged out from it and the compression was
nauseatingly painful, it was still less than a week since my implants had been
'I preferred the size down you know, she really spilled out of that one'
That one had been ridiculously tight everywhere, I thought that it might
tear when we fastened it and that was without me moving in it. My breasts had
screamed with dull agony in it.
'Yes, but she can 'grow into' this one. And this one actually fits her
round the ass'
They both giggled.
It was like they were little girls playing at dressing their dollies
like whores; only I was the doll. I was hating every single second of this
shopping trip as I was coldly and precisely worked down the shopping list that
I had made for myself. In the process, they were going out of their way to
demean and shame me as much as they possibly could. I had to keep counting to
ten and telling myself to behave. They were making my whole whore idea come true;
it felt like I was having a living nightmare.
'That's definitely a keeper, now try this one'
As I unzipped my cheap Lycra number, Trisha handed me another dress,
this time a shocking pink-purple colour.
As I held it up, I despaired. Trisha grinned and gestured
enthusiastically that I put it on.
This one just slipped over my head and pulled down. There was a wide
halter-neck band, which was elasticated at the back, but there was no zip. The
dress stretched around me, it had dozens of centimetre wide, fibrous, elastic
bands spaced out along each side, up its entire length. The effect was of a
dress that had a front half and a back half connected by numerous strips of
pink elastic. I was essentially exposed for three inches up each side. As I
pulled it down so that the miserly hem rested at the very tops of my legs and
my breasts billowed out of the cups, they both giggled again. The loud pink
material at the front and back was ruched. It formed a line running up my
midline with the fabric folded to create a slight U shape; bowing gently
downwards on either side. At the back I could see that this accentuated my ass
cheeks, while at the front it served to exaggerate my breasts. The elastic on
each side and around my neck ensured that the material was skin tight. With my
face and hair the way they were, there was only one possible interpretation of
the look.
'How do you like this one darling?’ Vivienne asked.
I looked at myself in the mirror and did a little twirl on my sandals. I
wanted to cry.
'It makes me look like a prostitute Mistress', I said sullenly, my head
hanging, 'I really hate this one.'
'Ooooo, a potential favourite there then', Vivienne cooed, immediately
sensing my true feelings.
She threw it on the same pile as the previous dress and we continued.
We had started, earlier, by walking around the shop, specifically
looking for things that met the descriptions that I had given during my debriefing.
These had now become our 'objectives' but we were open-minded too. I had to
tell them if there was anything that made me feel strongly; in fact it was me
that had picked out every single dress that we were now trialling, including
the pink monstrosity I had just removed. The frustration in being the architect
of my own ignominy was enormous.
I had to stop myself stamping my feet in a desperate temper tantrum as
we continued with a crass, cheap looking, black velvet number that had gold
fastenings on the side. This one had only one shoulder strap and also exposed
my sides in the way I found so awful; but whereas the pink dress had had many
elastic bands, this dress had no elastic, it zipped at the back and had only
six gold bands fastening it on either side. The effect was to create much
longer, wider ellipses of flesh running up each side. The tacky gold look of
the fastenings; the give-away loose threads betraying its sweat-shop assembly;
and the fact that it was so horrible that no woman in her right mind would wear
such a thing, all justified its £3 clearance price tag.
'Now that's a real party number don't you think?'
The trailer-trash in the mirror meekly nodded her head; her lower lip
hanging sullenly.
'Touch up your lipstick, slut', Trisha hissed.
As I went to the counter I had eight dresses, a selection of miniskirts
and a number of tops, all of them dire. Trisha had picked out some jackets for
me as well, two blue, one in tight stonewashed denim, the other in close
fitting, dark blue leather. I also had short, tight, faux leather jackets; one
in white, one in pink; with buttons that fastened around the collars. To enable
me to break the fashion ‘no-no’ of combining matching leather, we had picked
out the two corresponding tight leather miniskirts
The attendant looked up, made some pithy remark about me being their ‘shopper
of the year’, and gave me the bill. I met this with a brooding glare. Given
that I had bought half the store, it actually really was a bargain; although we
must have taken all their least desirable stock off them. In spite of the
‘bargain’ it was obvious, as Trisha and Vivienne strolled out of the shop, that
I would be paying for 'my new wardrobe'.
After storing the numerous bags in Vivienne's car, we moved on. As we
walked through the array of pet stores, food shops and cheap household stalls
in the market, I worried about where we would be going next.
'Now I'm sure it's somewhere.......Ah, yes', said Trisha and we all made
a bee-line after her. On the edge of the market place, in one of the buildings,
there was a 'jewellery' store. This was about as low-end as it was possible to
get. It struck me immediately that in such an insecure shop most of the 'gold'
wasn't even locked in cabinets. There were a few items on the back wall
intermingled with large signs boasting '24 carat' or the bluff, 'real gold'. I
had to close my eyes in despair; I knew it was a matter of time before I would
be wearing something from here.
Vivienne was right about every girl having her own specific buttons and
I cold feel the fingers hovering over mine. As I tottered past a mirror and
caught another glimpse of my Barbie-doll face, freshly glossed lips and my
glamour-girl hair, my humiliation peaked further.
'Oh, now this is just perfect for you isn't it Anita', Trisha said
looking around, beaming. She lifted up a large pair of hideous triangular,
gold-looking earrings.
'Please no', I whispered to her. I knew it was futile but some
increasingly small part of me still tried to object.
She scowled and put her mouth close to my ear
'I don't like your attitude young lady. Not one bit. And your Mistress
has been so good to you as well', she snarled. She stood up straight and
composed herself. She thought for a second, then the corners of her mouth
curled upwards and her eyes narrowed.
'Just for that, you will go over of your own accord, and get your ears
pierced. I'm thinking of a number, and if I don't see at least that many studs
in each ear, then you will really be in for it. I mean that, I'm not fucking
around girl, what you've had up until now will seem like a fairy story. You can
decide how many earrings you will wear from now on but you better get it right'
'NO!’ my mind screamed, 'don't make me do that!'
I shivered and looked up at her. I was small, miserable and too vainly
sorry too late. My eyes pleaded with her to relent, but also to not tell my
Vivienne had wandered to another part of the store, missing our
exchange. She held up a different pair of vile earrings, large and horseshoe
'Oh, now aren't these just darling!’ she said, sickly sweet.
Trisha looked at me.
'Do it now and then pick all the right earrings. If I'm happy with you,
this can stay our little secret. If not, then you'll be joining that other
little cunt in a punishment slot tonight and I’ll double it for both of you.
Now do it, or I’ll tell Mistress'
'Thank you Mistress!’ I had gushed; I can remember an irrational relief,
almost an elation from the slight mercy of her not telling Vivienne. I really
didn’t want to displease Vivienne while she was so happy, I sensed that it
would be especially bad.
I approached the sales woman with a torrent of clashing emotions. She
was in her mid-fifties, her sun-wrinkled, smoke-haggard skin was made up with
the subtlety of a drag queen or a pantomime dame. I noticed that she had three
rings in each of her ears, the front hoop had another thick, heart shaped loop
dangling from it; they were perhaps the worst earrings I had ever seen. My new
fate hit me and I balked. Could things get any worse today?
I hesitated in front of her, trying to not burst into tears. What to say?
Not getting enough piercings was just not an option; but the real torture came
from knowing that I could actually ask for too many. Given my particular
revulsion to this, I could be making an evil rod for my own back; I didn't want
any more rings in my ears than were absolutely necessary.
After a second’s further thought, the petrified look on Lisa's face at
the front of my mind, I said
'I'd to get my ears pierced please'
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