Only a week ago, a gift from Vivienne would have had me brimming with eager anticipation. Now, it was with trepidation that I watched her reach into one of the bags that I had fetched in for her.
This thought made me realise that it had only been a week ago that I had been revelling in glorious attention at the yacht ball. Her gifts to me had been; choosing that perfect, demure dress; and the priceless pearl jewellery. I remembered how it had been that night; how I had been a lady. I muffled a sob at the thought of how steep my decline had been since then. I had gone from such a peak, to such an unfathomable trough in just seven days.
'These mark your gradation from clueless little bitches to proper, aspiring slaves. These will help in your training and, later on, they will allow much, much more'
She removed something from the lighter bag. As she moved closer, I could see that she held two leather straps, a single gold buckle on the end of each. I had been thankful that it hadn’t been some other hideous devices to torment us. She came to stand in front of us. I could see that one of the straps was a natural, light tan colour and the other was a studded patent white. She turned the leather straps so the darker, rougher and unpolished side of the leather faced us. On the inside of each there were two prominent gold studs spaced about two inches apart.
'These are collars for you both', she said.
She took one, the tan coloured strap and started to fix it around Lisa's neck while she remained obediently still. Then, I dared not move a muscle as I felt the cool leather strap of the white collar, first at the back of my neck, then winding round until I felt it’s pressure around my whole throat and it was buckled tightly behind. I didn't dream of reaching up and touching it so I stretched my neck out to let it sit more comfortably. I could vaguely feel the two studs on either side of my windpipe, although not uncomfortably so. I couldn’t fathom their purpose.
Vivienne stood back in front of us and regarded us with satisfaction. She sat down in her chair and crossed her legs again.
'You will wear these when you enter the house and all the time you are inside. Keep them by the front door hanging on the coat pegs when you leave and put them on as soon as you enter. They are several things to you now. Not least of which is that they are symbols of your ownership. In donning your collar you will acknowledge to yourselves that you are kept properties, animals, and as such you have obligations to please your owner, your Mistress. They make pretty decorations to you both as well. I'm sure you will find that Mistress Trisha has chosen the colours wisely and with a careful eye on the final looks that she wants you both to have. They both suit you quite nicely already'
She leant forward and stroked my collared throat.
'They have much, much more important functions though'
At that, she stood up, leaving us kneeling in the same place.
'You have both been, in your later therapy sessions, conditioned to respond to certain key words'
She strode gently behind us.
'You may remember feeling different after those sessions. That's because you were being taught to suffer. You have been conditioned to experience pain, truly horrible pain; and with it, the most unbearable fear. I have trained you to experience absolute terror'
She was right behind us, her head bent almost between us.
'It is the mother of all understatements when I say that I have programmed you both with very, very unpleasant punishment routines. I have tapped into the deepest, darkest and most painful parts of your brains and installed little switches there, pain amplifiers if you will'
I felt a hand on my head.
'It is possible, at a command, to put you into this punishment state for a time. My other girls try very, very hard to avoid their punishments, so fearful are they of them. I assure you, as it is with them, so it will be with you two. It will help to keep you………..focused’
She smiled. She turned her attention to Lisa.
‘The collars that you both wear act as safety devices; you must be feeling the studs pressing against your neck for the punishment to occur. It’s to stop the unlikely event of someone inadvertently using the word while you are out, triggering the sequence. Anyone who knows the word can punish you, you see? Eventually that may be quite a number of people. All of whom you will have to be totally obedient to’
I shuddered.
‘Don’t worry about being free from punishment though, you can be commanded to put the collar on first, and if I want you to be punished while you are out somewhere, you can be made to take it with you. Maybe you will wear it outside as part of your outfit, if Mistress Trisha wants you to look like that'
My heart raced with fear as I felt her hands come onto me from behind, caressing the leather fastened to my neck.
‘Why bother with all this if you are both my obedient slaves already?’
She looked at us as if we had asked the question.
‘Now I could have you mindlessly follow any orders I give you; but that is not what I want. It would be far too easy; and where would be the fun in that’
Again she smiled ruefully at us.
‘I don’t want my slaves to be cloned automatons, mindless trained sluts who repeat the same behaviours over and over. I want you both to develop yourselves into the natural slaves that you are both meant to be. I want your individuality forced through into your final states and held there for everyone to see. I don’t want your souls buried beneath a weight of commands and programming, I want them helplessly exposed and forced along; nailed to the front of the engines of your slavery’
She was lecturing now, gently pacing backwards and forwards.
‘To achieve this, it is necessary for you to be free to experiment within your lessons a little. Soon your training will begin. You will be set a number of tasks. Some of them will be very specific, but others, you will have to find your own way with. In all of them, anything less than complete devotion and successful completion will indicate punishment; and it will be unpleasant’
She stroked the side of my head
‘You will learn that the last thing you want to do is fall below standard, believe me. No matter how awful you think my tasks are, the punishment for not complying with them will be far, far worse’
She casually stepped back in front of us and sat herself down in the chair again. She crossed her legs. She was in total control.
‘Now that I have seen how my two sluts are coming along, I am almost ready to go. Just a couple of further things before I leave you to get on with stripping those sweet, little cunts down’
I was totally still and docile. I desperately did not want to try this new punishment.
‘We are going to install a few things about the house; all things to help with your training. You will soon be recovered enough to start working properly; fit enough to start your training in earnest. I hope you will both work hard for me, very hard. I hope you will both apply yourself to your studies. You will learn the arts of sexual pleasure and the different disciplines of pleasing.’
‘I will have you taught how to behave, how to walk, how to talk and how to move. You will study how to dance and how to show off those lovely slutty bodies. You will be forced to drive men wild with desire. You will learn how to be hot, irresistible and available; and you will learn how to satisfy the lust that you have stimulated. Most importantly of all though, you will eventually learn that you must be continually improving and developing yourselves. That’s what makes MY girls so special. You will contribute ideas towards your own training and then be submitted to them. We will have little interviews so we can direct your progress. You will finally become independent, self-directed little whores, devoted to my purpose.’
She sat back and smiled to us with satisfaction.
I could not believe what I was hearing. I was to be trained to be a sex slave, a prostitute, a whore!...And worse than that, I was not only going to have to work hard to learn my new role but I would be punished, horribly, if I was not good enough!
I was so completely cornered; there were no options available to me. While every instinct that I had wanted to me to scream ‘No!’ at her, I knew it would do me no good and worse, it might earn me discipline. At the same time, it was inconceivable that I could accept the plan that she had just laid out for me. I was intelligent, educated and from a good background. I wasn’t to be a whore! I just couldn’t be! That was for other women; lower class women; women who didn’t have the dignity to get a proper job; women who were just natural sluts. Not for women like me, not for someone who was too sensitive and enlightened!
I wanted to tell her that she had the wrong girl, that somehow she had taken the wrong person. All I could do was look down in misery and try to hold back the tears. I had dared not even open my mouth; such was her domination of me.
‘Before I go, I thought it might amuse you both to see these’
She unpacked the other bag, the heavy bag, which she had brought with her. As she took them out, I immediately recognised the two packages that Trisha had carried from the clinic on behalf of Lisa and me. They were still in the same brown parcel wrap and string. After briefly examining them she handed one to Lisa, the other to me.
‘I have a little hobby connected to my work. I’m something of a collector you know’
She motioned that we should open the packages.
‘I wanted you to see my latest pieces, before they are set in their places in my collection. Do be careful with them now girls’
She was smiling sweetly now. It sent a sharp, metallic chill cutting through my soul. It was like she was some dark, festive bringer of gifts. I hesitated. She motioned to me again, less sweetly, and I reluctantly tore at the paper.
The paper was several layers thick; the packaging on the heavy box had been generously layered. As I scratched away the final sheet in one corner I felt a smooth, cold surface. Scratching away some more I could see that it was glass; glass with some kind of fluid inside.
I was so scared. I looked up at her sardonic grin; her cold, sadistic eyes enjoying watching me, like I was a spider having her limbs plucked for her amusement. She bade me to continue.
I flipped the string around the corner of the box on one side and slid the remainder of the packaging off en masse.
I stared at it. It was a glass box, perfectly filled with an umber liquid. Floating in the middle was a ragged, brown mass. It looked like some sort of triangular lump with a pair of trailing water-swollen appendages. It was hideous.
I looked up questioningly. Her expression
turned to one of glee,
‘They were removed vaginally. It just wouldn’t do for either of you to become pregnant and in your line of work, periods are a nuisance’
I dropped to my knees. I could see my ovaries swaying in the wash as I hit the floor, the specimen box held up in front of me. I felt the box lifted away from me as she reclaimed her trophy.
I would never have babies.
I broke down and wept.
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