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Review This Story || Author: Lex Ludite

Missing the Cut

Part 6

				Missing the Cut

				   Chapter 6

	The wedding of Jake Wilson and Janice Redding was not a splashy affair.
It was attended by a small group of close friends of either the bride or groom
and took place in a very tastefully appointed setting that doubled as the site
of their wedding reception afterwards. The thing that separated it from the
ordinary was the collection of gifts and their senders. It represented a who's
who of the movers and shakers that in many cases either controlled or
signficantly influenced decisions that resulted in significant shifts of wealth
and power from one organization or individual  to another. It would seem that
the couple had arrived when it came to their place in city society. In part this
was due to the effect that Jake's daughter had on such powerful people as Grace
Worthington-Wentworth, and her circle of infuential friends and acquaintances.

	As promised, Micky accompanied her father and his new bride on their
honeymoon. This was the culmination of a scheme developed by Janice Redding to
yield more than just a platonic relationship between the teenager and her. Ever
since Janice had laid eyes on the girl she had wanted to have her as a bed
partner. She was well aware of the incestuous relationship that flourished
between the two and assured her husband to be that it would not have any major
impact on their relationship. Had he fully understood what her statement
encompassed, things might have gone differently for the pair.

	Just before the trio left for the very private resort located in the
Caribbean where they would spend the next two weeks getting to know each other
better, Janice presented Micky with a token of her affection to be opened once
they arrived at their destination. The teen spent much of the trip wondering
what the tastefully wrapped box contained, but neither her father nor Janet
would reveal anything concerning this special gift. By the time they had checked
into the secluded and very well secured grouping of individual bungalows, each
with a breathtaking view of the sea and exquisitely furnished, they were
ravenous and decided to dress for dinner to celebrate the marriage and their
arrival at this wonderful hideaway.

	Although Micky was a bit young for wine, this was a very special
occasion and she was allowed to join the happy couple in a toast that became a
second glass of champagne. This coupled wih the long trip and a filling meal
made the teen sleepy, a condition that was duly noted by Janice who suggested
they tuck her in for the night. The bungalow they occupied had a separate
bedroom with an adjoining bath for Micky. Janice volunteered to assist the girl
in preparing for bed. Micky's shyness about her body had been much reduced by
her week at the boutique and so she was happy to let her new stepmother help her
out of her dress and even remove her bra exposing her pert breasts. All that
champagne made Micky an easy target and Janice began to take advantage of her
immediately, first with a few gentle caresses that were the prelude to a loving
kiss on the teen's throat, and then another trailing down to her firm breasts.
There Janice's lips captured first one and then the other nipple, sucking them
into rock hard points of stiff flesh.

	Then things got a bit hazy for Micky. Suddenly there were hands rolling
her brief panties down her loins and lips planting kisses over the exposed flesh
that rapidly became pebbled as those knowing, moist lips and wet tongue found
all her sweet and special spots. Micky gasped when that warm wet tongue moved up
and down her smooth slit, recently shaved smooth, a grooming hint from Ms Thalia
and one that she slavishly followed. Her gasp became a moan of delight and
surprise as that tongue snaked its way between her narrow pink lipped folds of
flesh and flickered over and around her budding clit which swelled in response
to the delicate stimulation the weaving, wet, warm, probing tongue was creating.
The teen's legs began to tremble from the sensations that were taking control of
her. She had some small experience with the gentle loving touch of women, but
this was very different in its intensity. It felt as if this one wanted to
swallow her whole, possess her very being with its insistent tantilizing touch
to those nerve endings that were so very, very responsive at this moment.

	The next thing Micky knew she was seated on her bed. She felt very light
headed and very wet from all the teasing she had just undergone. Micky heard the
sound of something being opened and then the rustling of paper. Again those
tantilizing lips were joined to her own and she opened her mouth in welcome and
was rewarded by that warm, wet tongue now exploring her mouth as those knowng
hands gently teased her nipples into erectness once more. "Stand up so I can put
your wedding dress on." She rose to her feet a bit unsteadily thinking as she
did that there was something wrong here. She wasn't getting married, or was she?

	Whatever the garment was, it was sheer and white. It was raised over her
head and then slipped down onto her shoulders. It was so light and airy; it made
her feel free and almost unclothed. It ended just at the juncture of her thighs,
she could feel the gentle tickling sensation of the sheer material as it
caressed her bare buttocks at that point where they arced inward, tucking
securely onto the twin columns of firm flesh that were her thighs. Again those
hands were pressing against her breasts, kneading them softly through the
embroidered fabric. "Come with me so that the groom and I may consumate our
marriage with you. We are to be a trinity, a mystical grouping that is known to
many faiths." The voice was familiar and yet different in a sense. For the first
time Micky felt completely secure in placing herself in Janice's hands.

	Micky could recall very little of her wedding night, if that is what it
was. She remembered kissing her father's stiff cock and licking his scrotum as
Janice's voice guided her actions. Watching the two of them couple, Janice on
top, her hair flying free as her naked body bounced in rhythm to Jake's thrusts,
was another memory she held on to. Then there was the smell of Janice's dripping
wet cunt as she lowered it onto Micky's face so that the girl could begin
suctioning her father's cum from his new wife's tight tunnel. She recalled the
sounds of laughter tinged with a patina of malice. Her memory gave her brief
glimpses of things that made little sense and sounds that had utterly no meaning
since they were not connected to an event or act, they merely came from sources
that were invisible to the teen. Micky might have dismissed the entire event as
the product of too much champagne except for two things: her cunt was puffy and
a bit sore, and then there was also the fact that a sleeping Janice's face was
buried between her breasts, breasts which were covered with love bites.

	The three of them were sprawled across the bed and from the brightness
of the sun dancing off the blue sea beneath their bungalow it was nearly midday.
Micky suddenly realized that her father was awake and smiling at her. She was in
a quandry as to how to deal with him. He quickly made her feel comfortable by
reaching out and stroking her bare flank, something that was not like him at
all. "You made Janice and I very happy last night. I'm sorry that perhaps the
champagne may have gotten in the way of your complete enjoyment of our weddding
night, but there will be others, many others beginning this evening. Today is a
day to rest and enjoy the sun. Tonight there will be no wine for you, be sure of
that. We both want you fully awake and aware of just how much we love you."

	His words stunned her to the core. What had happened to her moody
father, the one who never discussed his feelings or even considered her's?  She
recalled some conversations she had with a few of her peers. She remembered
being shocked at the fact that what went on between her and her father sounded
very much like the descriptions her friends gave her of their own parents'
relationships. It was as if she was an old married woman at the tender age of
fourteen. It used to depress her to think that there was nothing more to look
forward to when it came to being married. Romance was evidently something that
had a very brief life span and quickly died once the couple became one. How
utterly depressing this thought made her feel.

	Their talking had roused Janice and her greeting took Micky's breath
away and brought laughter from her father. Before the girl knew what was
happening, Janice's tongue was half way down her throat and one hand was
burrowing into her crotch ,searching for the entrance to her damp cunt. When she
pulled away in surprise, a frown crossed her new stepmother's face for a brief
moment. "Now you come back here and give me a big kiss and make me feel like you
mean it! If not I'll have Jake spank that cute ass of yours until it's black and
blue. That ought to make a fine sight when you're out by the pool in your new
thong bikini which I bought for you as another little token of my happiness to
have you as my daughter."

	Micky surrendered at that point and allowed Janice to rape her mouth
with her tongue all the while her hand was rummaging in the teen's crotch,
trying to turn the remaining sparks from last night into a raging fire. It was
Jake who finally called a halt to the wrestling match and suggested they all
have a shower to freshen themselves for the day that lay ahead. It turned out
that the shower stall was large enough for the three of them to fit into
comfortably. Janice and Micky attended to Jake, the teen washing his back while
his new bride concentrated on his front, especially his genitals.

	It didn't take her long to have Jake hard and eager for his wife's
sleek, slippery body. They began quickly and it was a few moments before Micky
realized that they were having sex, or as Jake put it, "Fucking up a storm"
before her wide eyes. He quickly pinned Janice's slim body against the tile wall
and thrust into her with quick, powerful strokes as she gasped and moaned in
response to the pounding she was getting. Poor Micky felt as  if she was an
intruder until Janice glanced over and gasped, "Stick your finger up his ass, he
loves that!" This was something that she knew about, it usually being part of
their routine for the last year or so. It didn't take long before Jake was
roaring his pleasure and pumping an enormous load of fresh cum into Janice's
clutching channel. "Now that's the way to get a honeymoon off to a proper
start!" exclaimed Jake as he caught his breath and enjoyed the attentions of not
one but two women who had made him a very happy man.

	The moment Micky took off her robe, she instantly became the center of
attention for the five couples that were lounging beside the pool, enjoying the
sun and the cooling breeze that came from the sea. The sight of a tawny skinned
teenager, who stood an inch over six feet tall and had a shapely figure almost
totally on display thanks to the wisps of cloth that passed for her bathing
suit, was like a magnet in the company of iron filings. The men either grinned
sheepishly or leered while their companions, most of whom were well above
average in physical appearance, chose to ignore her studiously or stared at her
in hopes of finding some kind of flaw in what she was displaying.

	To escape the scrutiny she was receiving, Micky quickly padded to the
edge of the pool and dove into the clear water, her nearly bare body slicing
cleanly through the surface on her way to the bottom of the pool. She remained
submerged for the better part of two minutes before rising up like a modern
Venus. Her performance had caused a sensation that was not lost on either Janice
or Jake. They knew of her remarkable physical gifts and had seen similar
demonstrations on a few occasions. Still they were secretly delighted to observe
the expressions on the other couples as the seconds clicked by and there was no
sign of Micky's emergence from the watery depths. As the two minute mark
approached, at least two of the men had come to their feet and were staring down
to see if the teen was in any trouble.

	As she pulled herself up to the pool edge in preparation to climbing
from the pool, one woman smiled broadly at her and shouted, "Show-off!" That
remark broke the ice and from then on the teen was welcomed by all. Janice had
chosen well when she selected that suit for Micky. It molded her pert breasts
and fought a losing struggle to conceal her stiff nipples that responded to the
chill of the pool water. The tiny swatch of material that cupped her pubic mound
outlined the narrow strips of plump flesh that guarded the entry to her cunt.
The thin strip of cloth that was buried in the crevice between her firm rounded
buttocks peformed its function perfectly, calling attention that that portion of
her body and engendering more than her share of salacious thoughts from both
women as well as men. These would blossom into more overt activities before the
trio departed to return to the city.

				 ( To be continued)

Review This Story || Author: Lex Ludite
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