Lindy' Tale
After several years of being Milo's friend Lindy had grown quite frustrated with him. She had thrown out signals and made overt comments to him every opportunity that she had. Much to her chagrin, he had never once made a move on her despite her encouragements.
Tonight would be different. She knew that he was attracted to her and that had it not been for their disparity in their ages that he would have made advances. She respected the fact that at forty-0ne years of age he did not want to take advantage of an inexperienced twenty-four year old woman. And, though she was a bit worried about being rebuffed, she had decided to make her wants clear.
As he lay there on the floor of his roomy house she crawled over to him and tapped him on his forehead. When he looked up at her she leaned in and kissed him. He did not protest.
Shortly she found herself looking down into the eyes of the man that had eluded and ignored her advances for so long. As she ground her body against him he grasped her hair and pulled her head back to kiss her neck. She moaned in ecstasy as a long heaving orgasm shook her body.
Hand in hair he guided her off of his body to lay on her belly. And, holding her head hard to the floor he commanded her to lift her ass up. And when her ass arose he plunged his cock back into her sex, making her grown as another orgasm rocked her body. He ground deep inside of her, rocking on her plump bottom.
She climaxed again and again as he pushed himself into her. And then, pulling her by her hair, he climbed off of her and guided her head to his awaiting cock. She sucked greedily as he stood over her, holding her hair and guiding her head roughly up and down his shaft. Her head swam in his forceful use of her. She felt violated and yet hungry for more violation. And, when finally he exploded, she swallowed his seed hungrily.
He held her head on his softening cock until he softened. And when at last he was satisfied he lay down with her beside him, head on his chest.
The early morning sun crept into the room. As they stirred awake she found the need for him again. And so, she slid her tongue down the length of his chest to his cock and began sucking.
His hand found her hair and began pushing her down on to his cock rougher than before. And while parts of her wanted to resist she could not. His hard treatment of her only made her want to satisfy him more. And when he exploded in her mouth once again, she climaxed, too.
They lay there, on the floor of his front room. His hand remained on her head, not allowing her to pull his, now flaccid, cock from her mouth. She wondered when he would allow her to move, while hoping that it would not be for some time.
Eventually, they got up to eat breakfast and to shower.
As she was drying herself from her hot shower he began to explain himself to her and why he had held her down. He exposed himself as wanting a compliant woman who would submit to his needs.
"I tell you these things now because we are friends." He said, "Should you decide that you want a relationship with me you should know what you are getting into."
She shuddered. Her entire upbringing and stubborn pride rebelled against the idea of being subservient to a man. Still, it was intriguing and she became wet with the thought.
As she left his house that day her mind wandered at the possibilities and what it would mean. She ventured into a bookshop and bought a book on alternative lifestyles. And, while many of the descriptions were unappealing, something about them stirred her to wetness.
For much of the next week she thought of the things that he had told her. She read over things that she had previously read in the book that she had purchased. And, finally, she decided to visit him again.
The knock was tentative. He answered the door casually, inviting her in. She was surprised that he acted no differently than he had before their sexual encounter. And, as she threw out her signals and made her advances she was stunned to find that he did not react. In fact, he reacted as though nothing had happened.
Later that evening, as he sat on the couch, she climbed into his arms and kissed him. Then, she pulled back and told him of the book and the things that she had been thinking.
"I could never be treated like an animal." She told him. "And, as for the slave stuff, I don't think that I could do that for more than a few hours at a time. And you will never whip me or fuck my ass or humiliate me in any way."
He took her into the bedroom and gently made love to her. And though she enjoyed it, something was missing. And though she climaxed time and time again, she felt emptiness in their lovemaking. Something was unfulfilled.
The next night she wasted no time. Upon his opening of the door she drove herself into his arms and kissed him hard and long. They retired to his bed immediately. He slowed her frantic pace and made her lie in front of him on her side. He held her in his arms. And, as she felt his chest press against her back she shivered. And as his cock hardened and grew against her thighs she grew more and more excited. He began grinded his cock between her thighs and through the cheeks of her ass. As his cock slid between the cheeks of her ass she felt fear. Still he ground against her, his cock wetting the space between the cheeks of her ass. And finally, he slid into her ass. And then, he was out.
She was stunned that she wanted it back in her ass. And stunned yet again when his cock slid into her ass for a second time, only to be withdrawn, yet again. And she found herself grinding into his cock, trying to guide it into the place that she told him would never be used. And when, at last she found her sphincter stretched by his cock, she forced herself down onto it, pressing her ass hard, into him.
Her head screamed at the invasion. Her body screamed at the invasion. Yet, she could not, would not, stop her motion. She left her body to the sensation, the stretching, and the humiliation of it all. She left her body to its urges and needs. She exploded in ecstasy again and again.
And, as he reached climax he rolled to his back, leaving her painfully empty, and grasped her hair and pushed her down to his awaiting cock. She resisted, briefly, only to relent and suck his cock until he exploded into her mouth. And, as he had on their previous encounter, he held her there, his cock in her mouth.
Finally, he released her hair and commanded her to stay as she was until he withdrew his cock from her mouth.
When they awoke to the sound of the alarm that signified the start of their new day, she found his flaccid cock still in her mouth. Neither had moved during the night. And she had slept as soundly as she ever had.
Again, that next evening, after she had left work, she found herself at his home. This time it was he who took her. As soon as he closed the door he stripped her body and pushed her to her knees. He took her hard and without ceremony. His cock slid into her already wet sex and he fucked her hard. She climaxed over and over as he fucked her. She pushed against him, hard and fast with his rhythm. And as it seemed that she would climax again he withdrew and pushed into her ass.
She cried out as his cock spread her sphincter. Even before he had fully entered her she climaxed, screaming, in terrible pain at the rough entry. And, when finally he had entered her ass completely she bucked against him and fucked him.
Her head filled with thoughts of things that she had read and things that he had told her. She dreamed of the abuse and mistreatment that he had told her about. And as she dreamed she climaxed over and over again. And when he withdrew from her ass she collapsed only to be dragged by her hair to the foot of his large recliner where she sucked his cock until he, too, exploded with a body wrenching orgasm.
Her days at her job became more tedious than they had been prior to her new relationship. She found her mind wandering towards the carnal pleasures of life. Often, she would find herself leafing through her, now worn, book on alternative lifestyles. She found herself being more aroused by the illustrations than she had previously been. She found that her daydreams drifted towards carnal images that she had never before dreamed.
When she arrived at his house that night she began chattering immediately. "OK, you can fuck my ass and tie me up and you can even spank me a little. But, don't think that you will ever treat me like and animal or humiliate me."
He smiled and kissed her. "Hello to you too." he said grinning.
"And, don't think that just because you managed to convince me to do…anything that you can convince me to do more. So, if you can't deal with that then this should end now. And, I will never act like one of those slaves who lives only for her master. I am not that girl!" she finished.
She cried that night. Her thoughts replayed time and again how he
had humiliated her.
Her mind reeled at how easily she was made to beg to cum until she was willing
to bark like a dog. He had even led her around his home with a leash attached
to a heavy leather collar, making her bark, sit, and roll over and whimper.
And she had done it all happily, excited beyond anything that she had experienced.
And when, at last, he allowed her ass to swallow his hard cock, she came, howling
like the dog he told her she was.
The Morning:
Naked, she sat, on his bathroom floor, crying at what she had willingly done.
She did not visit him for two weeks after that ordeal. Her book became ragged with wear as she constantly perused its pages. Her thoughts were of him, always. And though she did not call him or visit him she longed for him. And when she let off work that Friday she went to him.
He did not receive her as she thought that he would. He did not return the kiss she had given him nor did he hug her as before. And, as she was about to leave, crestfallen, he made his only statement.
"Lindy", he started "you cannot behave this way. I am not yours to have whenever you wish. I am not here for your pleasures. I told you that the woman for me would perform for my pleasures. If you can remember that, this will continue. If not, then we can be friends."
Haughty and angry she turned from him and departed.
The Fall:
She was back at his door, begging him to let her in by nine o'clock that evening. And as she begged him to let her in she felt something in her give. The humiliation that she was feeling began to arouse her sexually. And the relief that she felt when he let her in filled her with a joy that she had rarely felt.
He made her strip her clothes off for him immediately after he closed the door. And as he took his seat on the couch in the living room he directed she stand directly in front of him with her hands to her sides.
Her excitement was clear, as her nipples were erect and hard. Her sex rushed full with excitement and glistened with its wetness. And despite the rooms warmth she felt goose bumps rise on her body and she shivered in anticipation.
Her mind became awash in her nakedness. She was more aware of her body now than she had ever been. She tried not looking at him as her face flushed with embarrassed excitement.
He told her to look at herself in the floor length mirror against the far wall behind her. She slowly turned and strode to the mirror to gaze at her naked form. He made her run her hands across her breasts and squeeze her hard nipples. She stroked the fine hair that covered her wet sex as he commanded her.
And then, finally, he commanded that she retire to the bathroom to shower. "And when you are finished you are to have no hair on your body below the neck."
As she shaved she found herself wondering at her actions. Everything in her being was commanding for her to leave, never to return. And yet, everything in her being screamed for her to do as she had been commanded; And so, she finished her assigned task
And when she finished she presented herself before him. His huge presence now dominated the room. And it was that same presence dominating her will.
She wondered why she had not noticed this before. Her mind raced to remember when she had seen him so strong and powerful. He seemed enormous as he sat on his couch gazing at her.
When he commanded that she display herself by turning slowly around she did so, without question. As she turned she wondered at her obedience. She questioned her sanity and her will as a woman. And as she came around again, to face him, she no longer cared. He was all that she saw and all that mattered.
That night she was presented with a wide leather collar. The silver rings shone brightly on its dull black surface. And when he close the small lock at the back of the collar a shiver ran through her body.
Adorned now in matching cuffs on her ankles and wrists she felt her body swell with excitement. That night, she agreed to do whatever he wished, no matter how terrible. He made her understand that no cries would free her from whatever punishments he wished to inflict on her body. And when, finally, he made love to her she cried.
Her weekend was filled with confusion, pain and ecstasy. She swam with guilt and pleasure as she obeyed his whims. And, though she had not experienced any new physical sensations, she felt an ashamed excitement at obeying his every command and at behaving, in every way, like she had only his will to control her actions.
She was tearful when the alarm sounded Monday morning. She went to work, very aware of her naked wrists, ankles and neck. She rubbed her neck, longingly, wishing for the return of the collar. She would not see him for the next month, as per his command. Her choice was simple. Over the next month she was to decide if she would live the life he required or if they would return to being friends, only.
Should she decide to live the life he required she was to make all of the proper arrangements herself. She would quit her job and sell all of her belongings save those of sentimental value Then, when all was complete she was to present herself to him, kneeling at his doorstep.
Her next week was filled with anguish as she longed for him and his touch. She longed for his kind manner and his rough, commanding touch. Mostly, she longed for his strong presence, which brought her a fearful excitement that, somehow, comforted her and made her feel secure.
She, again, leafed through her well-used book. She could tell no one of the choice that she had to make, fearful of their reaction, fearful of their judgment and condemnation. Her only consolation in this difficult time of decision was that book of fearful and perverse images and descriptions.
She cried as she left the last of belongings, what she could not sell, behind. As she drove out to his large home on the outskirts of the city she cried at the loss of all that she knew. She questioned her judgment and her sanity. For all that she knew this was a horribly wrong decision. But, somehow, she had made it. And so, she drove, weeping and frightened to meet her fate.
As she pulled into his drive the garage door swung open. He knew she was there already. She waited for a moment before pulling into the garage. Startled by the garage doors closure she shuddered as she realized that the time for turning back was past.
She slowly made her way from the car to the door that would allow her entrance to the house. As she passed through the vestibule that would gain her entrance to the living room she removed her clothes as instructed only a month earlier.
He sat, watching her as she passed through the vestibules doorway and into the living room. She approached slowly to kneel in front of him and then, shaking, she kneeled, placing her hands behind her back.
She looked up to see him leaning forward to place the collar on her neck. She felt frozen and her vision became blurred as she saw her life pour away before her. She jumped as the lock clicked shut. Somehow, he was behind her. The moments seemed impossibly slow and yet; all too quickly the cuffs, which locked with a snap that seemed impossibly loud, encircled her wrists and ankles.
She awoke next to him, the previous night a blur of passion and sweat. That they had made love was a certainty. But that was all that she knew.
Needing to relieve herself she sat up to find that a heavy chain attached to the headboard was secured to her collar. She roused him gently in hopes that he would unlock her.
"Suffer," he told her as he pulled her back into bed. Then he pushed her head down between his legs to his hard cock.
She held his cum in her mouth as he commanded. He freed her from the chain and guided her into the bathroom and, after warming the water, stepped with her into the shower. As commanded she washed him first and then herself. Not until after she dried them both was she allowed to swallow the cum that she still held in her mouth.
He dressed slowly while explaining that her only clothing would be her cuffs and an occasional blanket when it was cool enough to warrant it. She blushed, suddenly aware of her nakedness, wishing that she could cover herself with something.
The next few weeks were a blur for her. She began to admire him and see him in a way that she had never seen him before. His ability to read her emotion was uncanny to the point of being frightening, yet comforting. His ability to quietly command her and make her want to serve him amazed her. And nearly every occasion when she doubted her decision to become his was quelled with a small gesture or word from him.
During these weeks she became accustomed to his moods. She learned to read his thoughts almost as well as he had learned to read hers. Nothing seemed to please him more than her ability to present herself to him in the fashion in which he wanted her at the moment. That he complimented her often was of almost no import to her as her joy was derived, more and more, from his pleasure in her.
The Other Room
After her first several weeks learning to be what he wanted he decided that it was time to show her his "special room", as he called it. Taking her into the bedroom he showed her the false back to his closet. He explained to her that he had previously sealed off a large room in his house and created the false back to the closet as an entrance. And though he rarely entertained guests he wanted a room that no one would stumble upon.
She gasped as she entered the room. The ceilings were black and had heavy metal hooks spaced evenly. The walls were covered in black padded leather and there were several strange apparatus that she could only imagine the uses for. As she walked towards the leather-padded table that occupied the center of the room she noticed that the floor was covered with black rubber tiles.
As they approached the table he bade her to climb up on it and lay
down on her back.
Mechanically she climbed onto it and laid her head in the cushion that was
obviously meant for her head. He locked her collar to something unseen. She
tested the binding to find it firm. He then filled her mouth with a short,
thick phallus and strapped it on her head, tightly. Then, he lifted her knees
to her chest and brought a strap across her legs and locked it down to the
opposing side, pinning her knees to her chest as he tightened it.
Suddenly filled with fear she strained against the bonds and screamed from beneath the gag. As his face filled her eyes she became calm again. He brushed her forehead and smiled a warm comforting smile. She sank into a blissful state as he began caressing her thighs and rubbing her sex.
At the sudden stroking of her sex her mind filled with shame. Her thoughts drifted to her easy compliance with any touch to her body that stimulated her sexual urges. She was becoming a thing of sex, she thought. She began crying at her loss of control over her carnal urges. And almost immediately this thought comforted her as he called her his pet.
He continued stroking her until she neared climax. Then, he stopped. As she collected herself from her sudden loss her body went limp in its bonds. And then, again he began stroking her sex. Instantly, she reacted, straining at her bonds in futility. And, when she neared climax he, again, stopped his ministrations.
For two hours she suffered this exquisite torture. She tried to beg from beneath the gag. Paying her no mind, he made her suffer in carnal need. And then, he slowly pulled the phallus from her aching mouth. And she begged him to let her cum. Her mind was filled with one thought. And when finally she could speak she uttered only one word: "Please?"
"What?" was his only utterance.
"Please, master, let me cum. Please!" she begged. Over and over she repeated herself. And over and over he repeated the same question. And, when she began crying at her defeat, he began stroking her sex again.
Finally, he stopped. Covered in sweat she whimpered and begged to cum.
She had lost herself. She could think of nothing but her much needed orgasm. And she quietly cried to him to make her cum. And when, at last, her senses returned to her he told her that it was time that she started acting like the pet that he wanted her to be.
The realization of what he wanted hit her suddenly. She was to become that dog that he had led on the leash that distant night. She was expected to bark and do tricks as a common housedog might. She blushed that she would consider such a thing, remembering how ashamed she felt from the one night of behaving as a dog for him. The thought of behaving as such made her recoil. And, somehow, the humiliation of such a thing aroused her further, while filling her with shame.
Defeated, by her carnal needs and her shame, she agreed.
He left her momentarily to return with a small metal nametag. He held the tag over her head and displayed it for her. The tag was stamped with her name. She cried as he clipped it to her collar, fully realizing her shame and humiliation.
Now, he began stroking her sex again. Briefly he stopped to retrieve a long thick plug that he slid into her ass. And then, he began stroking her sex again. As he stroked her he told her over and over that she was his dog. She was his bitch, he told her. She nodded her head "yes" to his every word.
"The only words you are to utter unless commanded are "may I cum" he told her.
And she nodded "yes" to him. Over and over, as he stroked her sex, he repeated his directives to her and over and over she nodded in affirmation. And in her mind she repeated those words as often as he said them, her shame filling her as her carnal needs overcame her senses.
Over and over he stopped rubbing her as she neared climax. Over and over she begged for him to let her cum until, finally, she screamed out "May I cum, master?"
She exploded in agonizing ecstasy. Her body tensed in its bonds and she screamed. Her thoughts left her entirely as she neared another orgasm.
"May I cum, master?" she screamed.
And again she climaxed. Her body convulsed savagely, shaking the heavy table dramatically. She screamed in painful ecstasy, her mind void of reason or thought. Again, and again she climaxed, not realizing that he was no longer stroking her sex. Her screams filled the large room as the orgasms wracked her body, one after another.
And then, finally, they subsided. She closed her eyes as the sweat dripped from her body and pooled on the leather-padded table.
When she awoke she found herself in his bed wrapped in his blankets. She wondered if it had been a dream. Her hand drifted to the collar to find the nametag. She noticed, too, a strange discomfort in her ass. Her hand slid under the covers to feel the plug that was still in her ass.
As she pulled the covers from her body her heart skipped a beat. The plug had a tail. She stood up and noticed that the tail was stiff, yet flexible, and seemed to wag with her step.
She sank to the floor and, holding her hands to her face, she wept. Her shame, at what she had agreed to, abruptly sank into her being. She was no longer a person. She was an animal. She was his animal. And in her shame, she realized that that was, truly, how she saw herself now.
She was thankful that he allowed her to remove her tail when she showered. And, as she showered she was amazed at her acceptance of her new status. And though she still felt shame at what she had agreed to become, it excited her.
Later that day he explained to her what he expected her to do. She was expected to wear the tail unless otherwise commanded. When she felt the need to use the bathroom she was to remove it and put the tails plug into her mouth and then replace it in her ass when she was finished. She was allowed to remove it when she showered, as well.
She was to act like a dog at all times. Communicating as a dumb animal might. Of course, as he had said last night, her only words were to be "May I cum.", unless otherwise directed. Too, she was expected never to walk upright except for her chores and her daily workout.
As he laid out for her the rules she would be living by she nodded in humble acknowledgement.
"Finally," he said, I expect you to learn to wag that tail as a real dog might."
She nodded in affirmation.
Had he not worked a steady job she would have lost track of time entirely. As it was she only knew when it was a weekend by the days he did not leave for work.
Her first day alone in the house with the tail was not easy for her. Her degradation and humiliation nearly over came her. Several times, while doing her chores, she broke down crying. She thought of pulling the tail out several times. She did not.
She felt particularly silly obeying her master's command to not walk
upright when she was finished with all of the duties he had assigned her.
Still, the one time she did walk upright she felt shame that she had done
such a thing. She could not understand why.
She pondered this shame. While lying on the floor in front of the door she
thought of how she could feel shame by acting as a normal person might. How
could she feel shame at walking upright as she had all of her life?
It was then that she realized that she thought of herself as his pet. After the degradation of the other night she no longer felt as if she deserved to be considered a person. She had, after all, succumbed to her basest of needs. She had become an animal that night and still felt like one. And with this realization she slept.
She woke as her master was unlocking the door. And, as he passed the threshold she wagged her ass and tail, hoping that he approved. He held his hand to her and she licked it. And she pushed against him as he patted her head, all the while hoping beyond hope that this was what he wanted and expected.
Over the next few weeks she spoke only in barks, only breaking form when she begged him to let her cum.
He fed her from a dish in the kitchen. And though she was humiliated at this she felt it fitting. And though she wrestled with her place as his dog, from time to time, she came to accept it. And, over a time, she began to enjoy how he treated her and how pleased he was with her.
For nearly six months he had introduced nothing new to her. Her behavior was rarely in need of modification. And she came to think of herself as his pet – his dog. Even in the few conversations that he had allowed her she had found it difficult to break form.
From time to time she wondered how she had changed in her mind so much. The few thoughts that were of her were on how drastic a change she had made in herself. She wondered that her howling when she climaxed was so natural now. Too, she noticed how natural wagging her tail was. And though the long periods of having the plug inside of her had initially caused her pain, she now felt empty without it and disliked removing it at all. She had even begun to find it difficult to even use the words that would allow her to cum.
As summer approached he allowed her outside. The back of the house opened into a spacious field and there were few houses in sight. The closest house to his, in fact was difficult to see for the high grasses and trees that were spaced between them.
She was very excited to be allowed outside. And somehow, her nakedness never affected her.
One particular day, he took her outside and sat with her in the swing on his back porch. She was lying with her head in his lap, enjoying his caressing of her body. After only a short time he walked her out into the field. He was looking for something, though he did not say what he was looking for.
Finally, he picked up a fair sized stick. Showing her the stick, her threw it and demanded she fetch it. As she ran after the stick, her bare feet and hands crunching the dry grasses, she began to cry. Her last vestige of pride had just been ripped from her and she felt her final grain of humanity drain away.
That night she cried herself to sleep. Her previous thoughts of what she had become came crashing in as she wept. She had thought that she had fully accepted her role as animal. This night, however, she had truly felt more like an animal than at any other moment.
Lindy soon became happy with her new found understanding. She even took pleasure in playing fetch with her master. And, over the course of the next two years she became to entrenched in her role as Milo's dog that she rarely thought of anything but pleasing him.
On those rare occasions when she was allowed to talk to him she found it almost impossible. She had become so accustomed to being his dog that she found speaking in words to be almost wrong. And, on those few occasions when she did think of herself she realized that she loved Milo, deeply.
For the remainder of the next five years her life was filled with Milo. Happily she did everything that he commanded. He now fucked her with brutal force most nights, plunging his cock into her sex and ass without care for the pain that it caused her. She would howl in agonizing ecstasy as he hammered into her willing body. And he would fuck her harder for her howling, only to withdraw and make her suck his cock and swallow his cum when he exploded in her hungry mouth.
And when he was spent she would replace the void in her ass with her tail and lick the sweat from his body, cleaning every inch of him with her tongue. And then she would sleep in his arms until daybreak.
From time to time he would take her into his hidden room and tell her what each apparatus was for. And, though he never used any of the devices on her she was fearful and hopeful that he would, one day.
Since that first day that she had played fetch for Milo she had found it more and more difficult to speak the words that would allow her to cum. It was not that she was not capable of speaking them or that she forgotten them. Rather, she had thought of herself as an animal from that day forth. And though he would have her speak to him from time to time, she was now filled with shame with every word that she spoke.
Last Days:
Shortly after his fiftieth birthday Milo was diagnosed him with a rare and fatal form of cancer. And though he was not outwardly ill, his time was short.
Upon hearing of his fate Milo took appropriate actions. He notified his younger brother, Dean, of his impending passing and requested his immediate presence. His will was immediately drawn up leaving everything to his brother. He told his brother that he wished for him to care of Lindy, who, he believed, was now incapable of caring for herself. Dean agreed to live at his brother's home and to care for Lindy. And, having no real interests or family in his home of Pittsburgh he began making arrangements to forward his belongings immediately.
Upon his brothers arrival Milo explained, in detail, their living arrangements to him. Dean had known of his brother's tastes and even shared similar, though different, interests, so he was far from shocked. He was a bit intrigued by it, actually.
As per Milo's wishes, he was cremated. Dean scattered his ashes in the field of grass behind the house. He returned to find Lindy, crying at the window.
She came to him as he sat on the couch and buried her head in his lap. "There, there" he said, "Dean is here to take care of you." And he stroked her hair gently while looking down at her young shivering body, a sadistic glint in his eyes.
Dean and Lindy:
When Dean had arrived at his brother's home he found him looking fit and healthy. He found it difficult to believe that the strong looking man before him was nearing death.
He had always looked up to his older brother. And unlike so many siblings, they were close. There had never been any secrets between them so Dean was not surprised to find that Milo's lover was treated like a dog.
Further, his strong loyalty and love for Milo dictated he obey his wishes to take care of Lindy. And so it was that he made arrangements to terminate his life in Pittsburgh and create a new life here.
A New Beginning:
For the next few weeks Lindy and Dean comforted each other. Often, they slept together, finding comfort in each other's embrace, in their mourning. During this time Lindy continued her daily chores as they had been previously prescribed while he made the final arrangements in taking over his brothers estate.
Often, she wondered why she continued behaving as she had previously. Parts of her felt embarrassed at behaving like a dog in front of Dean. Still, she never broke form. Interestingly, to her, she realized that she had completely given up her humanity. This was an odd idea for her as she had long since given up thoughts of being anything but a dog. But, the simple fact that she could feel embarrassment at her actions told her that she had not.
They had been living together for about two months. Dean's care had been of constant comfort to her. And though he had never acted as anything but a caretaker to her, it was clear to her that he was very attracted to her. She was not certain how this made her feel.
It was about this time that Dean had a large box delivered to their home. Upon his opening of the box she discovered that the box contained a cage that was not large, but not small. And though she wondered what it was for, she did not ask, for that would have required words.
Later that night he brought the cage into their bedroom and placed a pillow within. "Milo has told me everything of your relationship," he told her, "and he told me to take care of you as if you were mine. So, I think it is time that you had a more fitting place to sleep." And with those words he gestured she enter the cage. Her head drooped as she obeyed his command.
She found that it was difficult to crawl into the cage, as it required her
to enter with minimal movements, being barely tall enough to allow her
body entrance even though she was crouched with her knees to her chest.
Once in the cage she found that there was a hole at its opposite end through which her head was, obviously, meant to fit. There was also a short padded shelf on the outside of the cage on which she could rest her head. And when the door closed behind her she found that she her ass was pressed tightly against it. Further, her shoulders were firm against the side of the cage that was, thankfully, padded.
She felt him flick her tail, which was fitted through the heavy metal wired cage at the opposite end. And then he covered the cage with a heavy blanket and bid her sweet dreams.
As she struggled for sleep in her enclosure her mind wrestled with her new situation. She wondered why she had continued to act like a dog in front of Dean. She thought of how, trapped in this cage, she felt even more animalistic than she had before. She thought back to the day when she had realized that she had not lost all of her humanity. And she wondered if this would be the final part in her reduction into a beast.
That night, she decided that she would terminate her life as a dog. Tomorrow she would stand erect. Tomorrow, she would become a human being, again. Tomorrow she would leave and find a new life.
The next morning Dean opened the cage and removed her plug. Then, commanding her not to move he placed the plug in her mouth and kneeled down behind her. Then, he slid his erection into her already wet sex. She watched the tail wagging in her mouth as he slowly fucked her.
She became dizzy as he fucked her, feeling every movement as though it were amplified a hundred times. She distinctly felt every thrust into her. Every movement of the cage seemed thunderous in her ears. And with every grunt he emitted she found herself growing more excited.
He thrust hard against her, sliding in and out of her excited sex. Then, he slid from her sex and brought his cock to her ass. She felt every inch of him as he slowly entered and stretched her sphincter. She pressed against him, forgetting her determination from last night. Still, she watched the tail wag in front of her. And she cried as she realized that her determination from last night, to terminate her current life, had evaporated.
As he climaxed he pounded hard against her, causing her pain, triggering an intense orgasm. She howled behind the plugs wagging tail as she shuddered through her orgasm.
Her heart sank as he withdrew from her. She thought back to the day that she had first realized the power of her carnal lusts. She played through her minds recording of the day that she had discovered that her animalistic side was more powerful than her human side. And she thought to herself how right Milo had been in treating her as his bitch.
And so, she did not walk erect that day. She did not leave and find a new life. Instead, she embraced her life, as she had before Milo's passing.
For the next year she and Dean were quite satisfied in each other. Frequently she spent the night caged. But, too, she was often invited into his bed for the night. And, as the memory of Milo's passing became distant she came to appreciate Dean.
Though it was not necessary, due to the wealth he had inherited from Milo, Dean felt the need for employment. And when he began working steadily she fell back into the old schedule of keeping house as she used to. She even greeted Dean, with a wagging tail, as she had Milo, so long ago.
Shortly after the anniversary of Milo's passing Dean began to exhibit slightly more sadistic tendencies than he had previously exhibited. Now, she found that her tails plug was considerably larger. The first time it had been installed was after she had been placed in her cage for the night. He had pulled the original plug out rather forcefully and then shoved the new one in. Had the original plug not been in her mouth when he pushed the new one in, she would have howled out in agony.
For the rest of that night her ass ached terribly. And when, the next day, he removed it to push it into her mouth she realized why. She could not close her mouth over it as she could her other plug and it held her mouth achingly wide.
That morning, as he fucked her she felt every stroke as if it were her first time. His cock seemed too large for her sex and then, as he slid past her aching sphincter and then fully into her aching ass, she felt as though she were being split open.
She moaned in pain as he began his slow stroking in her tortured ass. With every thrust her head sang in a medley of pain. With the occasional withdrawal from her aching ass she determined to leave him. And with every painful re-entry she gave into her pain until, finally, she exploded in tortured pleasure.
Finally, he withdrew to fill her mouth with his seed. Dutifully, she drank it down with relish, forgetting her vows to leave him.
Over the next weeks she grew use to the size of the plug. She was surprised that she took to its large size so well. On those moments when she was alone and duty free she pondered over her decision to leave him and then at her lack of conviction to leave. She thought, often, of how much further she had become prisoner to, not only Dean but to her carnal needs. And she wondered if and when her animalistic needs would overcome her humanity completely.
Suddenly, one morning, it dawned on her that she had not uttered a word of English since Milo's passing. All of her communications had been in barks and whines and by wagging her tail. She determined to speak. She determined to stop this game of perversity and degradation.
Later that day, dean arrived home to find her sitting on the couch, watching television. Furious, he scolded her and demanded she immediately retire to her cage.
Dissolving in humiliation she ran, on all fours, to her cage. As he locked the door behind her she wept. She was mortified at her instant reaction to obey and her instant dismissal of her determination to quit her present state of living.
Later that night, Dean let her from her cage and led her into the hidden room of the house.
Lindy followed him, on all fours, into the room. Turning on the one light in the room he directed her to put her tail in her mouth and then to sit in a chair that stood on the far wall.
Obeying him immediately removed the plug from her ass and pushed it into her mouth. Then, on her hands and feet she ran over to the chair and took her place in it. Strapping her legs to the chair legs and her wrists to the arms, he explained to her that she would be punished for her earlier transgression. Finally, as he strapped her head to the headrest on the chair, he explained the use of this chair and the controls beside it.
She cried as she felt the large phallus enter her ass. Her next sensation was her sex being violated by a similarly sized phallus. Then, he removed the plug from her mouth and replaced it with a rubber mouth guard.
Her body tensed as both phalluses began a slow thrusting rhythmic thrusting. And, despite her knowledge of what would soon come, she felt herself becoming excited. She moaned as the thrusting brought her close to orgasm. And then, just as she was nearing release she felt the sudden jolt of electricity that made her body tense in agony. She bit down hard on the mouth guard, emitting a scream.
And when, at last, the electrical charge was cancelled the rhythm of the phalluses continued, further arousing her. And though she knew that pain was imminent she could not control the sexual pleasure that she was feeling. Again, as she approached climax, Dean triggered the powerful electrical charge that sent her reeling in pain.
For nearly two hours she suffered through her torture, an animal in hell. And in those few moments when she collected her wits, before she lost control to her sexual stimulation, she steeled herself to leave this life as an animal.
It was morning when she woke. She found that she was newly cleaned and swaddled in warm blankets. And as she passed the mirror that adorned the closet doors she looked at herself.
She was almost surprised at her image. She looked hard at herself from all angles. Her hair glistened in sandy blonde curls. She ran her fingers through it. Still, shoulder length, as it had been when she had first become Milo's pet. Only now, on her hands and knees, it draped down, nearly to the floor.
She wiggled to watch the wagging tail from between her, still plump, ass. She remembered that her bottom had always been slightly large and soft. Now, still large, it was round and well toned. She wiggled again, smiling, proud of its shape.
Then, she examined her body. Slightly chubby when she had given herself over all those years ago, it had become quite toned and lean. She smiled at the shape of her legs, strong and well shaped. The cuffs on her ankles seemed to accent her shape even more.
She sat up on her knees to examine her breasts. Pleased that her breasts remained firm and perky. She ran her hands across them and felt of their weight. She was amazed at her instant arousal at even her own touch. Then, she let her hands flow over her hard flat stomach. Though not a washboard stomach she could see slight definition beneath her skin.
She ran her hand across her naked sex. She blushed at the wetness that she felt. She wondered how it was that she could be aroused. Then it dawned on her that she could not remember a time, recently, when she was not aroused.
She thought back as far as she could remember. Somehow, though she remembered that there was a time before Milo, she could remember nothing of it. Her earliest memories seemed to begin with the day that she gave herself over to Milo.
She sank her head down to the floor and raised her ass and wiggled. She smiled at the sight. She became further aroused so she wiggled more and more. She began moaning as she reached a quiet climax.
And, when finally her orgasm subsided she thought to herself. "I am a dog. I am that bitch that Milo had always wanted." And, on hands and toes, she pranced from the room.
Deans Perversion:
She was in terror. Her hands were bound to the headboard of the bed and her legs were bound, tightly, to her chest. She could get little air and could not scream. She was nearly delirious with fright and lack of oxygen as his hand was locked continuously around her throat, allowing her just enough oxygen to remain conscious.
Despite her fear, her sex was wet and engorged. Every orgasm that had passed her body was accompanied by terror and confusion. And when he pulled his cock from her sex and plunged it into her ass she lost her sight.
When, finally, her sight returned he was over her, thrusting his cock
into her mouth. Automatically, she sucked his cock. She was keenly aware
of the taste of her ass and sex.
Her senses became suddenly aware of the musky odor of her own ass, mingled
with the musky odor of her sex and sweat.
Then, abruptly, he mouth was filled with his semen. She tasted it more fully that she could ever recall. The force of his ejaculate was almost overpowering as it hit the back of her throat. Her mouth filled to overflowing, she swallowed. It seemed that she could not swallow fast enough as his cum spilled from her mouth.
Finally, it was over. Spent, he rolled from her body. She lay gasping for breath, whimpering, as he fumbled for her plug and thrust it into her gaping ass. She barked at rough intrusion but made no other protest. Shortly, an exhausting sleep overcame her.
She came to look forward to Dean's rough handling of her. She felt more fully enveloped in her role as an animal. And somewhere, amidst the realization that she enjoyed how it made her feel, she realized how much she felt the need to be humiliated. And with that, she gave up on her occasional thoughts of being away from this life.
Over the weeks, as Lindy became more accustomed to her rough handling, Dean began finding that he was losing interest in, what he thought of, as dull role-playing. Dean had always had a tendency toward more sadistic and perverse causes. And so, he decided that his promise to take care of her did not eliminate the fulfilling of his own wants.
Lindy was introduced to Mark on the day he brought over Buddy. Mark had eyed Lindy quite lasciviously. He had even made an offer to Dean to purchase her from him right in front of her. Dean merely thanked him for the offer and declined.
Later that evening, Dean began binding Lindy to a heavy, leather padded bench. Pulling her arms to her side he pushed her knees to her chest and spread them slightly. Then after securing her legs with a leather strap he pulled her ankles down and attached two cables to the cuffs that encircled them so that her legs were completely straight. He looked down at her approvingly. "I do like how your calves frame your face, Lindy." He told her.
Sitting down on the floor beside her, at the foot of the bench, he began to stroke her sex. She reacted instantly. As he stroked her he began telling her the story of his friendship with Mark. She listened intently, amazed by it. She neared climax several times, only to have him stop stroking her before she could. Finally, he stood up and called out a name.
She heard Buddy pad into the room. It was then that she realized that the stories of Dean and Mark were not mere tales. They were true.
Frantically, she tried to raise her head and look about. However, her position prevented her from seeing anything but her calves. The only vision of Buddy that she had was in her own head.
Dean sat down and began stroking her sex again. Despite her fear she reacted instantly. Dean began to tell her a story. This story involved a pretty, sandy blonde girl with pert breasts and a large ass who was getting fucked by a large golden retriever.
She neared climax and he stopped rubbing her only to resume once again when her moment had passed. She remembered back to that day, so long ago, when Milo had tortured her in similar fashion. That was the night she became a dog for him.
For long and long he tortured her, telling her to beg for the dog. She thrashed as much as she was able. She howled and moaned and fought. She did not want to give in to this. Acting like a dog was humiliation enough, but to fuck one was out of the question. She could not- would not do it.
She tried to resist her carnal needs. But, finally, she could not, bursting out the words she promised never to utter. "Please let me fuck the dog." She whimpered. He made her beg him, over and over. And, though her mind revolted at the thought of fucking the dog she continued begging to fuck the dog. And, finally, she did.
The first time the dog fucked her was painful and hard. The dog jumped up on top her and grasped her body with his large paws. His cock lunged at her with no seeming target. Then, finally, he hit his mark. She whimpered with the intrusion as the dogs cock poked into her ass. And as she lost herself in the humiliation she climaxed.
She never knew how long the dog fucked her for, only that he had fucked her and that she climaxed time and again.
When at last the dog had finished his coupling with her she was released from her bonds. Some minutes later she found herself on all fours with the dog sniffing and licking her sex and ass. Instantly she reacted excitedly. The dog mounted her and found his mark instantly, filling her sex with his excitement. And she climaxed.
When she awoke the next morning she was filled with shame. She had fucked Buddy numerous times last night. She was grateful that Dean had seen fit to put something over Buddy's paws so that the dog's paws did not scratch her. Otherwise she was very ashamed. "I am a dog fucker," she thought to herself. She thought, somehow, fitting.
She wondered how often she would be made to fuck the dog, for she knew that last night was not a one time occurrence. But, how often would she be so reduced and humiliated?
She gazed outside to see Dean playing with a large golden retriever. She had not noticed until now what breed the dog was.
"Buddy, my lover." She thought. "I am a dog fucker."
She turned from the window as Dean brought Buddy inside. Immediately after Dean slipped what looked like sox over Buddy's forelegs the dog made a beeline for her and began licking her sex.
As she pushed him away, Dean reprimanded her. "Never, ever do that", he said.
Lindy dropped her head in acceptance and let the dog to resume licking her. Almost immediately she found herself moaning with excitement. And when, finally, the dog mounted her and slid his cock in her sex she climaxed.
Her Life:
The future found Lindy fucking the dog regularly. More often than not Dean would make her guide the dog into her asshole and suffer the rough assault. He preferred that since the dogs rough intrusion always caused her pain.
Often, when Dean would arrive home after work, he would find Lindy and Buddy coupled. And though she had initially tried to resist the dog while Dean was not in the house, she found it nearly impossible.
Often, in the midst of her housework the dog would approach her from behind and paw at her leg. When she didn't comply with his wants he would leap up on her and try to push her down. Eventually, the dog always won out, pushing her tiny form to the ground. Then, he was quick to mount her and thrust himself into her always-receptive sex.
Eventually, she gave up on having any control over her sexual relationship
with the dog.
And when the dog would make clear his wants she would immediately take a position
on all fours and let the dog fuck her at will.
One day, as Dean was fucking Lindy from behind, the dog entered the room and tried mounting her from the wrong end. Instantly, at the thought of her sucking the dog's cock, he came.
Immediately, upon withdrawal he forced her to lie on his bench with her head hanging over the edge. The dog needed little coaxing to mount her. Understanding, and defeated, at what was expected of her she opened her mouth to receive his cock. Crying, she guided his cock into her open mouth. She found it necessary to use her hands to keep the dog from choking her. Soon, her mouth was filled with the dog's ejaculate. She swallowed, as she knew she was expected to do.
From that day forth, Dean told her she was the exclusive property of the dog and he never fucked her again, finding more enjoyment in his voyeurism. Often, he would retire to a corner and masturbate while he watched her fuck or suck the dog.
From time to time she would remember back to her happiest times, with Milo, before he had gotten sick. He had always told her that he wanted her to be his bitch. She knew that her current situation was far from his intentions. Still, she thought, he would have been proud at how malleable she was and how she could come to enjoy most any sexual activity, even if it were with an animal.
As for Dean, she loved him, though he was less and less a part of her life. He took good care of her, making certain that all of her needs were met. But, rather than live his life as her master and owner he had faded into a corner of her mind as he had the house; Often, she wondered what it was that drove him into a corner to watch her and the dog, masturbating frantically when he could have had her, instead.
And so, she lived her life, lover and slave to her owner's dog. She never regretted it, though it did was often annoying having no say so in when the dog took her. Still, she loved the dog and she enjoyed the way it felt when he mounted her and pushed its knot into her sex or ass.
Eventually, as all things do, her life changed. Dean became sickly, his body wracked with the same debilitating cancer that Milo had been afflicted with. And when he finally past, she was with him, holding him in her arms in the company of his doctor.
She was now 42 years old and still a beautiful woman and the inheritor of several million dollars and a large estate. And, while she had little idea how to live alone or run her new estate, she was fortunate enough to find the companionship of one of Dean's accountants.
He was well informed about her and Dean's life. And, after being initially put off by her odd behavior and the knowledge of what she was and how she lived, he soon became enamored of her. And after a whirlwind romance the two were married and took up life in her large home.
They lived a long and happy life.
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