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Review This Story || Author: Lisa James

The Vulvoid Transform

Part 8

The head Vulvoid Lisa was perhaps the most tortured of all the hosts. She was
unable to prevent her body being used by her breast brains as the Vulvoid built
their numbers. Her breasts latest plan was cruel in the extreme in that it
involved 'attacking' a group of teenage boys (and their lone teacher) who were
camping in a nearby forest. She had specifically chosen to convert these
teenagers, most of whom were around 16 years old, because she wanted to create a
'hive' in a nearby beachside town. The idea was to have young Vulvoid girls at
the beach, seducing the young men on summer-break, taking them back to a house
for sexchange. To do this she needed girls who were young enough to appeal to
these young men. The nubile young bodies that the changed 16 year old boys would
develop would be irresistable she concluded.

She directed about 12 of the Vulvoid girls to one of the buses and instructed
them to enslave all the boys and bring them back. Under cover of darkness, at
about 8pm, the bus left and drove the Vulvoid girls to the edge of the wood
where they knew the boys were camped.

The campers numbered 12 teenage boys, one teacher of 32 and his 13 year old son.
The Vulvoid girls left the bus and quietly moved through the wood to the camp,
where all the boys seemed to be already in their tents preparing for sleep. Upon
seeing the shadows of the boys in their tents, most of the Vulvoid girls
experienced instant breast control and felt their panties latch onto their
groins and being engorgement. It was an unbelievable sight as the girls were all
forced to sit in the bushes and watch in silence as they were raped and

Some time later the girls felt their birthing contractions and began to move
through the camp. Two Vulvoid girls approached each tent then, on some signal,
they suddenly opened the tents and went inside. The boys and the teacher were
surprised and thought they had just 'gotten lucky' - until they got
breast-sprayed. They then watched in disbelief as these girls gave birth to
living panties which they then put on the helpless and terrified victims. Ten
minutes later, every single pair of living panties was throbbing between the
legs of their new hosts and their bodies were awash with the X-Virus. They began
their horrendous sex changes....

The teacher's son was about 13 and had been out on a walk, alone and unaware of
the Vulvoid attack on their camp. As he walked closer to the camp site he began
to hear the whimpering and screetches of the boys enduring their sexchange.
Peering through the trees he saw an unbelievable sight - bare breasted girls,
about 12 of them, standing and sitting watching the boys of the camp writhe on
the ground. The girls all wore light blue panties only and bizarely so did the
boys. The boy, sam, noticed that the boys panties were all moving - beating like
hearts between their legs and then he noticed something more terrifying: some of
the boys had grown breasts!

Immediately he thought of his father, the teacher, and began to panic. He
slipped through the bushes and saw his father's tent. The dim twilight meant
that his father's shadow was clearly visible in the fabric of the tent, and what
he saw made his blood run cold. His father's shadow had breasts and was lying
down with hips raised, shaking violently and clearly also with the beating
panties between his legs. Sam crept to the tent and pulled the entry flap aside.
His father's wide, terrified eyes met his and his father screamed 'Help me! I'm
becoming a girl!!! Ohhhhh! Please sam! These panties!!!! Noooo!!! Get them off
me!!!!'. Sam moved desperately to his father and tried to pull the panties off,
but could not. He could see his father was no longer male, his penis was gone,
and each contraction of the panties revealed more change.

'I cant control my body!!! No!!!!!!! Oh god I'm growing a vagina!!! Please no!!!
No!!! Nooooooo!!!!!!' his father screamed whilst a slit clearly cleaved his
groin and the muscular vaginal passage bored inside his abdominal cavity. Sam
was in shock and did not notice the approach of one of the attacking Vulvoid
girls who intended to check on the transofrmation of the teacher, Sam's dad. She
pulled the tent flap aside and saw Sam watching his father's last moments of
transformation. Sam turned, startled, to see a spray of breast mist assail him.
Like his dad he lost body control and slid to the floor, unable to move.

One of the Vulvoid girls outside yelled out that they needed to start to move
back to the bus. Sam's dad, now a girl, was ordered to pick up his son and take
him to the bus. His former father began to object then screamed and shuddered,
grabbing the newly formed breasts on her chest and then robotically complied.
Outside there were girls and almost-girls everywhere. Most of the boys from the
school had completed their transformation and many were enduring the horror of
their first female masturbation and ejaculation. Others had their panties at
their knees and were staring at or touching their new vulvas with undisguised
hate and fear. Sam was quietly crying, terrified that he would be next.

Back at the bus, one of the new girls was ordered to 'take care of the boy'.
What this meant was that, forced by her new intelligent breasts, the former boy
experienced her symbiot panties rape her new cunt. Sam watched the sobbing
former boy for the terrible 30 minutes that it took for the larval panties to
grow in the new girl's womb. The new girl was babbling incoherently about how
flat and invasive her cunt felt and how her breasts were 'taking over her body'.
As she did this she took Sams clothes off and lay sam on the floor of the bus,
she began to pant and cry then shake and wail as she experienced birth for the
first time. She thrust her perfectly female vulva in Sam's face and sam saw her
vaginal conractions directly. Her whole vulva pushed forward, as if something
was trying to escape, then he saw the labia lips split apart as an object was
forced from inside through the terrified girl's new sex organ.

The panties spilled from her cunt in a clear sac which was ruptured by the
sobbing girl. The panties placed on Sam soon began to engorge then pulsate as
they began their sexchange of the helpless young boy. Sam's sexchange was
horrific, yet he did not grow breasts like the other girls, and at the end of it
he was physically a 12 year old girl with a flat chest and a completely female
groin. In the absence of breast brains, her body was not controlled and
consequently Sam was able to freely move. She hated her girl's body nonetheless
and the demasculated feeling of her vulva. She even risked rubbing her slit and
inserting a finger in her new vagina - it was a nightmare. She was devestated
and horrified. She tried to talk to her former dad, but breast control seemed to
prevent her former dad from responding.

Upon returning to the Lab, the bus was met by the Vulvoid head, Lisa, who
inspected each of the new girls as they disembarked. When Sam was taken off the
bus, still slightly hysterical, Lisa was concerned to know that Sam had not
grown breast brains and had full control of her body. She ordered Sam to be
placed in confinement whilst her situation was investegated.

Sam was taken to a room and locked in. She refused to wear her 'filthy vulvoid
panties' and point-blank refused to masturbate to feed them. Although she had,
on several occastions, been held down whilst forcibly masturbated, she put up
such a fight that it was hardly worth the effort. Several days had passed since
the panties had been fed and they were getting desperate. Lisa has Sam brought
into a lab room and had her held down on a table whilst Sam's vulvoid panties
were brought to her and rubbed over Sam's vulva. The panties writhed over her
skin, their cilla-like 'looped-elastic' edges propelling them as they sought our
her sex fluids. They slithered over her clitoris and cupped her girl-mouth,
squeezing her labia. The panties themselves pushed her lips apart and began
rubbing her clitoras. She felt it swell and she screamed at the hateful, alien
sensation. Sam was so terrified that she passed out. It was then that Lisa saw a
very intriguing thing - Sam's panties seemed to sense that they were not going
to be fed, so they writhed over Sams vulva, pushing apart her cunt lips and
writhing into her vagina. They wriggled and slithered inside the unconcious Sam,
up her vagina and into her womb where they drew sustenance and waited....

Whe Sam woke up she was back in her room, nude and without her panties. Although
she was mostly confined to her room, she was still mystified as to what had
happened to her panties. Above all else, despite hating her girl's body, she was
so releived to not be controlled by a pair of intelligent breasts. How it would
feel to have a separate intelligence taking residence in your body in the form
of ripe and heavy breasts? An intelligence that was deeply sexual and female,
that showed no mercy for the happless former male whose body they had stolen. It
was beyond comprehension...

Lisa ordered an investigation into Sam's lack of breasts and the Scientifically
inclined Vulvoid girls were made to find out. They started by trying to
understand what Vulvoid breasts actually were anatomically comprised of. One of
the dead Vulvoid girls was autopsied, and Lisa was watching. The breasts, it
turned out, looked very brain-like when sectioned and had large nerve bundles
emerging from their rear that snaked through the chest cavity and wrapped around
and through the spinal column around the brain stem. Lisa grabbed her breasts
and the back of her neck as she imagined the horrendous brain that was also
wired into her nervous system. As if sensing this, and wishing to prove control,
Lisa was made to massage her cunt and masturbate whilst she observed the breast
brain of the dead vulvoid girl. Whe she came, she experienced a huge squirt of
vaginal lubricant gush and spurt in time with her vaginal contractions,
saturating her living panties which then gorged themselves on the juices.

The conclusion of the research was that Sam had not grown breasts because he was
pre-pubescent when 'taken' by the vulvoid panties. It was concluded that Sam
would probably grow fully functional and fully sentient breasts when puberty
kicked in. Sam was trapped in a body that was going to experience the most
unimaginable puberty - complete loss of control and the emergence of another
controlling intelligence in two weighty mounds on her chest - the only unknown
was when. Lisa decided to not tell Sam of this finding.

Months past while Sam lived as a virtual prisoner at the facility. She was
allowed to roam, in the company of a Vulvoid guard, but hated seeing the
tortured faces of the forcibly controlled full vulvoid girls. She saw many acts
of degrading forced masturbation, vulvoid panty feeding and several shocking sex
changes. Often she would shudder at the thought of those horrific living panties
that the others were made to wear, and she frequently touched her chest for
reassurance that no breasts lived upon her. As the months past, she found that
she became sexually more and more frustrated - hating her body, yet needing some
kind of release, she even masturbated a few times. She hated touching her slit
and the place where her penis used to be - yet she still had orgasms and they
were alien but good. Touching her clitoris she would re-live the sensation of
her penis shrinking and shrinking, till it actually moved inside her - becoming
the pea sized organ nestled at the start of her vulva.

As the months stretched she noticed that her rare (and hated) orgasms were more
and more 'messy' when she came. She noticed a wetness in her slit and her vagina
when she became aroused. Although she did not know this at the time, her body
was now producing a whole lot more estrogen - her puberty had begun. Whilst most
girls at this age might have been nervous about the prospect of growing breasts
- forever changing their anatomy - Sam was terrified because Vulvoid breasts
were so much worse...

One morning she was having a shower and she was washing her chest when she
noticed that her nipples were sore - in fact they were more than sore, they were
actually slightly bigger. She screamed in shock and demanded to see the doctor.
Tests confirmed she was experiencing the start of puberty.

The next day Sam woke up with definite breast buds. She screamed and demanded to
have them 'cut off her body' - a request that obviously was denied. She became
frantic - desperate to prevent her breasts from growing. She waited until after
breakfast then dressed in one of the school uniforms that many of the Vulvoids
wore. She slipped out front and managed to escape, running to the road and
hoping to flag down a car. As it happened the local town doctor was driving past
and saw the frantically waving girl. She got in the car and began babbling
'science fiction' to the doctor.

'Please help me!!!! I have been turned into a girl and I am starting to grow
breasts! If they are allowed to grow, they will control me! They will be like
brains on my chest! I dont want to be a vulvoid girl!!! Please doctor - you have
to cut these breast buds off!!' she screamed.

Needless to saw the doctor was somewhat amazed and disbelieving. It was
after-hours, so the doctor agreed to examine the girl at his home practice. Sam
screamed suddenly as she felt her breast buds begin to inflate. They were
growing before her eyes. By the time they got to the doctor's house they were
about the size of small half-mandarins each. Sam felt an alarming electrical
tingling in her body. She screamed and begged the doctor to hurry up. They left
the car and made their way to the door. Sam could already feel some weight in
her growing breasts and was terrified they might be intelligent breasts that
were forming.

Sam screamed at the doctor to hurry up. They half-ran to his practice room and
sam quickly tooker her clothes off. She almost fainted when she saw her breasts,
now the size of small half-oranges. 'Get them off me!!! Please!!! God!!! I dont
want to be controlled by them!!! Please!!!!' Sam screamed.

The doctor looked dumbstruck and asked Sam to lie down. She lay, shaking on the
bed while the doctor got his stethescope out and gasped as he and the terrified
Sam witnessed a violent enlargement of Sam's breasts while they watched. Sam
began to feel an unbelievably horrific sensation - the growth of the
breast-brain nerve fibres from the back of her new breasts. She grabbed and
squeezed her breasts, desperately trying to stop their growth, but it was too
little-too late.

"Cut them!!! Please, now!!! Cut.... Ahhhhhh!!!!!! Noooooo!!!!!" She screamed
hysterically to the doctor as she felt the nerve fibres wrap around her spinal
cord and push up to her brain stem. She felt the tingling horror as she lost
control of her body. It took less than 3 minutes for her breasts to assert full
control whilst Sam could do little but cry and whimper.

When she thought the worst of the horror was over she felt another shocking
sensation. Her vagina spasmed in contraction. She could feel something deep
inside her begin to move and she could sense the passage of something down her
vaginal passage! Her nipples were widely engorged and she could do nothing to
prevent her legs spreading widely apart. She stared at her vulva slit, it pushed
forward as the escaping object pushed towards her vaginal entrance. The doctor
was speechless. Suddenly the pressure of the birthing object caused Sam's labia
to split apart and Sam screamed when she saw a light blue object wriggling as it
slithered out of her hated female passage. She knew instantly that these were
the very panties that had changed her into a girl in the first place! All those
months they had been living inside her, in her womb! Now that she had become a
full vulvoid, they took their place as a Symbiot to feed upon and reproduce
using Sam's cunt!

She was unable to prevent her breasts controlling her body utterly. She took the
writhing panties and pulled them up her legs until they cupped her vulva. She
screamed in horror as her body swung towards the doctor and she was helpless to
prevent her breasts thrust towards the horrified doctor, spraying him with
breast mist, immobilizing him.

Her trembling hand grabbed her panty-clad cunt and she was forced to masturbate
in her panties for the first time. It was a sexual nightmare which only got
worse when she finally came - her vagina spasmed deeply and the throbbing
contractions caused a virtual erruption of vaginal lubricant when she came. Her
panties saturating and her panties lapping up and absorbing the fluid like a
dehydrated person finding an oasis.

Sam hated being just a girl, but being a Vulvoid was a whole other level of
hate. The sheer weight and size of her breasts, their sexual intelligence and
her helplessness, the horrific living panties that constantly touched her vulva.
She hated the flat sensation of her cunt, she hated the sensation of her cunt
lips pulling apart as she spread her legs. She hated looking down and seeing a
triangular flatness between her legs where she used to have a penis bulge. She
hated seeing the 'camel toe' cleft of her labia indent into her panties...

But of all the things she hated, nothing compared with her next experience as
she was raped by her living panties and experienced the painful and shockingly
real birth of her first victim's panties....

To be continued.

Review This Story || Author: Lisa James
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