Melody Smith's Schooldays
by Eve Adorer
Chapter 17 – My Summer Holiday
"Local Girl Makes Good", was the headline in my hometown newspaper shortly after I had returned to my parents in R******, near London, for my first long summer vacation since transferring to St Catherine's Academy for Girls in Scotland.
And to accompany the headline was an embarrassingly bad photograph of me, in school winter uniform, standing with my parents.
Since my new school was the subject of the article, I had to be wearing the uniform of white blouse, pleated light grey skirt, white knee-socks, black low-heeled lace-up "sensible" shoes, the yellow and crimson-red striped school tie, a bright yellow beret, and the yellow and crimson candy-striped uniform jacket, with the St Catherine's Academy coat of arms on its badge.
The coat of arms on the badge for St Catherine's Academy, worn next to my gentle left breast, depicted a large old-fashioned cartwheel with six wooden spokes, and a cat o' nine tails. The nine cruel knotted tails of the cat, shown lying on the ground in front of the wheel, were trailing from its handle like forked-lightening. Beneath the badge was the school motto: "Mirabile Visu: Gratia Placendi" roughly translatable as: "Wonderful to look at: delighted by pleasing".
Mummy and Daddy were so proud that I had got into St Cath's, that they wanted to tell the world, or at least R******. They had timed the article and accompanying picture so I would be able to see picture and article at the time of their publication. And so it was that my picture and the following caption appeared in 'The R****** Reporter', at the end of my second week of the six-week summer vacation at home: -
"Melody Smith, the charming daughter of Mr David and Mrs Sonata Smith, residents of "Gold Gate", the exclusive apartments in High Plains, in the S******** District of R******, has just completed her first year at the highly prestigious St Katherine's School in Scotland. Melody (15), pictured above with David and Sonata, hopes to win a place at O****** University. Many readers will recall David and Sonata's 'rags to riches' state lottery success was reported in these very pages exactly a year ago. Melody's good fortune in winning a place at the highly rated and internationally renowned St Katherine's, under the headship of Dr Amy Prindle, has sprung from that good fortune. How lucky David and Sonata are to have such a clever daughter. 'The R****** Reporter' joins with all the people of R****** in wishing you every success Melody!"
It was, of course, just a "good news" article to fill a corner of a page at a time of year and in a town where there was little enough news to fill the spaces between the trivia and abundant advertisements our one-and-only local newspaper conveyed to the anxiously waiting world each week.
Mummy was so annoyed that they had spelt the name of my school and got the name of its headmistress wrong. But it was so nice of mummy and daddy to arrange this for me, and a copy of it was put in my hands almost as soon as I had got home, kissed my folks, and said hello to my adorable Alsatian dog, Benji.
I recognised the photo straight away. It had been taken just before I had gone up to St Cath's. I had only just had my new uniform arrive. We had had to send for it to come by mail, as nobody in R****** or even London could supply one. I was only fifteen at the time of the picture: at least they had got that bit right!
I had come back home after my first academic year at St Cath's, now a lot wiser girl.
Obviously, you are bound to be asking yourself if I "split" on what was going on with me at school.
Of course I didn't. What had happened had been life-changing for me. I knew where my loyalties lay. My loyalty was demanded by my school. My school would not be let down by me.
Furthermore, I was in absolutely no doubt that, were I to let-on about what was really happening in my school life, St Catherine's and Miss Pringle would ensure they were as white as white as suddenly and assuredly as my character would become correspondingly Satan black.
Besides, St Catherine's had not neglected my education. I was the leading student in my year-stream in a school with the highest academic achievements to its merit. That St Catherine's had also turned me into, most probably, one of the horniest schoolgirls in the land, was something I only understand now in retrospect.
At the time, when I was just sixteen, my incredible drives and desires seemed perfectly natural for a girl my age. For example, although it shocks me to recall it now, I had been planning all the way home, how best to complete some unfinished business with Benji, my lovely loving pet Alsatian.
As I travelled home, the day I travelled home, and when I got home, I was in my horny week, the week before coming on with my monthly bleed.
My one opportunity to seek closure on the sensational encounter I had had with Benji at Miss Pringle's home the previous Easter hols, came immediately after my arrival home: on the very same day as my arrival home. In the past, for as long as I had owned him, Benji would follow me everywhere in our house, even to my bedroom and I was to take advantage of that.
It had been very hot on the train. I had worn the St Catherine's Academy summer uniform: a white cotton and polyester short-sleeved shirt-blouse, buttoned from collar to tummy and tucked into my skirt; the yellow and crimson-red striped school tie; a grey pleated light cotton mini-skirt; white ankle socks; and black lace-up shoes. (Winter or summer, stockings or tights were not part of standard school uniform).
At least, that was what I wore on the outside. Before all and any of us had left for the holiday, Miss Pringle, the headmistress, had reminded us that we were "ambassadors" for our school and, apart from those travelling to places abroad, when it would be impractical, should wear our school uniform with pride on our trips to and from home.
And so, on my journey, I wore the academy's summer uniform of short-sleeved blouse, skirt, tie, and "sensible shoes" on the outside. But underneath, to my regret, I wore all I had been able to find that did not need to go to laundry, and so I was wearing pink nylon panties.
I mention panties. I need to explain that, of course, since I was off school premises going home on vacation, I was no longer under orders, as the School Slag, never to wear a brassiere or knickers. When I began to do so again, I had been so long without panties that, for quite a while, I felt them to be very strange. More strange to me was wearing a bra. So strange was that for me, that I immediately discarded my bra again.
I had known it was going to be a hot day, but I had not dressed for coolness: nylon is not the wear for ventilation and coolness. Most of my panties had been thrown away, as at school I would never ever need them. So I had just thrown on the only panties I had that did not need washing. The rest of my out-of-school clothes, all soiled bar the one bra I now felt uncomfortable in, were stuffed in several black plastic trash-bags and accompanied by my fervent wish that mummy did not insist on telling me to: "do your own washing for a change my girl!".
That was a regular refrain at home before I had left for St Catherine's. Mummy would be calling after me as I went out the house to see my friends, "It's about time you did your own washing young lady", even as she loaded my dirty laundry into the machine. And I knew she did not really mean it, and that my clothes and underwear would be fresh, soft, and smoothly ironed by the time I got home, expecting to be nutritiously fed before I went out again immediately afterwards. Mummy was so lovely!
It was very hot and humid on the train. There was no air conditioning, and even a girl as fit as I, found she was aglow with a sheen of perspiration and needing not to move too much if she did not want to have unfashionable and unsightly beads of moisture on her lovely brow.
I hated humidity and the accompanying threat of thunder and lightening. Ever since I had been a little girl, I had been terrified by thunder. Even hiding under the duvet with my pretty hands held hard over my ears, could not muffle my fear. Mummy had always had to come into my room to hold me, and reassure me till the storm was over, or else I would scream in absolute terror.
This day was horrendously humid. My gorgeous body was sweating to such an extent that, within my white blouse, my virgin-firm breasts were anointed by a delicate sheen of lubricious perspiration, and I was aware that, enlarged and visibly perky as my suckbuds were from the shear warmth of the day, they were erotically poking out my blouse in blatant eye-catching confirmation of my supreme girlness. Sweet girl-sweat was also trickling in occasional tear-like rivulets in the deep high-heaven's valley, between my through-the-clouds-climbing pink-tipped lollipop-mountains.
The choice to wear close-clinging nylon knickers: no choice that is, since it was all I had clean to put on, was not wise from the standpoint of keeping cool. My naughty had no ventilation, because my bright pink panties were made from cheap nylon. And so, with my supreme sweatiness, my panties were close-clinging saturatingly wetly to my bountiful bummy and my slit. And my slit was thus entirely and fully marinating in clinging clammy cloying perspiration.
And because I was not ventilated below, between my orgasmic thighs, my upper body was perspiring the more from the transfer of the heat, and this was the cause of the incredibly eye-compelling pointedly-pointy-peaked suckbuds display through my white cotton and polyester blouse.
I was, of course, still completely shaven and, because of my close-clinging nylon panties, the silken softness of my nude naughty, sat on the seat, was the hottest and sweatiest part of me as the train snailed through the weekend repair works, and stopped seemingly for longer than it would ever go in any length of time. I say that my honeypot was my sweatiest part, but the trickling dampness under my bare lollipops as they nestled divinely close-clingingly on my chest was a very near match.
It was so humid, that even my lovely back-of-my-knees-when-I-stood-length blonde hair, tumbled in heavenly abundance down my back and onto my lap as I sat, seemed matted and unkempt, despite that it had been washed and conditioned just before I had left Scotland: and I had had to use my pretty hands to remove clinging strands from my pink-flushed angel's face.
Thunderstorms had been forecast and would be a blessed relief if only they would arrive to clear the clinging clammy air; but please, oh please let me be in mummy's loving arms when the thunder came!
I don't blame Benji for not managing much more than two wags of his drooping tail to greet his lovely sixteen-year-old schoolgirl mistress. After all, my poor Alsatian was wearing his fur coat in the heat of the hottest of hot July days!
Benji followed my sweat-sheaned-stunning-shiny bare summer ankle-socked legs upstairs to my room.
I had not been made so lethargic by the humidity of the day as to forget the horny thoughts I had had on the endless journey on the train. I had worked on making myself forget them, because they had made me want to touch my naughty, and I knew that that was unforgivably wicked. However, the incredibly clammy heat made me hornier still and I was already incredibly randy from being in horny week, just before my period.
I was unpacking. I was unpacking and thus leaning straight lovely leggy-legged over my bed, my bed on which I had dumped and unzipped a suitcase. I was unpacking and bending. I was unpacking and bending so that my grey pleated school mini-skirt had slid up my perspiration lubricated shining bare thighs, and I was flashing my completely girl-sweat saturated close-clinging transparent-with-their-wetness, soiled with my having worn them all-day-long, bright pink nylon panties, filled by my thoroughly girl-sweat steeped and day-long-slowly-perspiration-marinated-and-slow-cooked naked nude shaven naughty pouch.
I had been completely unselfconscious and unaware of the fact I was flashing my panties-contained girlest-of-girl part when Benji had come up behind me and sniffed the highly erotic aroma of my sweet salty sweat-soiled and pungent-strong-thick-piss-droplet-stained pink nylon panties.
I gasped sexily open mouthed with shock and pleasure at his pressure, the pressure of Benji's nose on the tight lips of my virgin's slit, beneath the microns of my sodden panty's gusset, and the coolness of his damp cold nose on my humid horny hot thighs. And in an instant the joy and frustration of his brief cocking of my naughty at Miss Pringle's home flashed across my mind and the gusset of my already sopping sweaty salty concentrated-pee-droplet stained panty's gusset, was being further challenged to absorb the swift sweet honey secreted instantly from the tight lips of my aroused slit.
I stood upright and turned, my eyes afire with unsated insatiable incredible randy desire and I reached, with my moist mouth agape with a never ending gasp of want and need and demand, I reached up my skirt and slid my virgin's sweaty luridly pink nylon panties down my supremely shiny-with-sweat lubricated thighs and long long legs.
And then I bent over, letting my micro-mini-skirt slither up my powerful thighs once more, and proffered my panty's stained gusset, their gusset soaked and stained and smelling of the me-most of me, to Benji's nose, and watched his cock grow in an instant, as he smelt girl. Girl-sweat, girl-pee, girl-salt, girl-honey: all my supreme aromas, the un-bottleable erotic smell of intimate girl, on the completely day-long-worn-by-me gusset of my dirty panties drove Benji's cock to instant painful looking hugeness.
I was dreadfully randy. I was compulsive for a cum. I was not allowed to touch myself and would never ever do so. But, oh god, how I needed a cum. But I was in my parents' home.
Okay, this was my bedroom and my folks appreciated my need for privacy, but this was no longer my home in the sense that I now lived at school more than I was in my own bedroom.
Though mummy and daddy would knock at the door before entering my room, I could be discovered were I unlucky. And yet the thought of mummy or daddy or, better still, of mummy and daddy both discovering me being ravished by Benji made me utter a sexually sexy gasp that I only just managed to stifle with the palm of a pretty hand.
Benji was sniffling and snuffling my deeply soiled panties on the bedroom floor, and his huge erection was throbbing with his excitement and arousal from smelling the meest-me. I must but must see what would happen.
I was desperately dying for a cum. In the terrible high humidity of the day, with my bright pink nylon panties just removed, my slit was wetter than wet with a steaming and streaming slick of dripping girl-sweat and my horny-honey. But I also shuddered at the thought of being discovered. So, I must make it look as if I were busy unpacking. Yes! That is what I would do. I would carry on with my unpacking and it would not be my fault if Benji jumped me and licked my slit.
Crazy as this sounds; unsound as it sounds, I was decided in microseconds that my sexual heat was too much to bear and I wanted Benji to nail me with his cock, his hugely engorged massively aroused cock, his cock shot massive by the very first sniff of the girlness of my sodden soiled all-the-horrendously-humid-sweaty-day-long-worn bright pink nylon panties: my virgin schoolgirl's panties steeped in girl, my bright pink nylon panties saturated in me.
I wanted Benji to nail his mistress. I wanted Benji to cock my cunt. I wanted Benji to fuck his mistress endlessly and without mercy. I wanted Benji to make his mistress come on his cock. I wanted Benji to cum inside his mistress' sweaty-slattern's-slit. I wanted Benji's scolding hot seed to spurt inside my naughty as he shagged me: as Benji shagged his sixteen-year-old schoolgirl mistress.
And I bent straight sweet-sweat-sheened leggy legged over the bed, pretending to continue unpacking my case. I bent over the bed my hair, my torrential hair cascading down to hide my gorgeous face, and, my school uniform mini-skirt having slid up my sweaty and shiny bare bummy, I flashed my nude-shaven naked girl-scented girl-centre slit as if I were unaware, as if I were behaving as a any girl would, as if I were going about my normal business, as I was, sort of, so as to cover for the fact I was so incredibly horny.
I desperately needed a cum, and longed long beyond longing to finger my slot, and I wanted Benji to deliver me of what, because it was so very very wicked, I was not allowed to deliver myself.
And, in a trice, Benji was there between my legs and licking my supremely sweaty unwashed dirty and highly girl-scented nether lips and I was trying so hard not to scream my joy as I poured out honey. And I went about my business of hiding my true intentions by unloading my suitcase, with increasing inefficiency, as I could hardly move my arms for the supreme pleasure of the leisure with which my sweaty dirty and unwashed nude shaven naughty was being licked and nuzzled and explored by Benji…..
……And then had come Mummy's knock at the door, and immediately after, her head had popped round the door to see if I was alright in the storm she knew was about to break. And then had come the brightest flash of lightening, instantly followed by the loudest clap of thunder as the storm arrived, and I had shrieked with fear at being discovered by mummy, and in genuine fear of the horrible thunder. And I had squatted down on my luscious haunches, huge heavy orgasmic thighed in consequence, and Benji had come to be the hero to his frightened schoolgirl mistress and licked my face to comfort me. And I had smelt my honey on his tongue as Benji innocently licked my nose. And I had scrabbled behind me on the floor, where I thought they were, to retrieve and grasp and hide my soiled panties.
And Mummy had come fully into my room in that instant; and she had spotted my dirty knickers on the floor and picked them up before I could find and hide them.
"Don't be frightened sweetheart, it's only a storm," she said as I had stood and stepped into the comfort of her ever-loving arms.
"Don't be frightened sweetheart" she soothed as she stroked my hair.
"And don't leave your dirty laundry on the bedroom floor!" she mock-scolded to console me in my fear of the dreadful storm as she clung onto my soiled panties, with her reassuring arms wrapped around me.
And the lightening flashed and the thunder clashed, and the lightening clashed and the thunder flashed: the lightening revealing my superbly shapely young bummy still bare, as mummy had accidentally caught my skirt's hem up in her consoling and comforting arms.
And I laughed and sobbed with joy in the comfort of mummy's arms as a another flash of lightening made me shiver and squeak with fear: the fear of the storm and its thunder and the fear mummy had seen in that first flash, that mummy had seen in that first flash of lightening, the flash of my supremely day-long unwashed dirty and sweaty nude humidly highly humanly hornilly scented naughty, peaking between my stupendous thighs as I bent, and my plus-perfect pleasure at Benji's long tongue languidly licking and lapping and loving, wandering within my young girl's body's most wonderful wonder.
As it happened, I never had another opportunity to sate myself with Benji. But I did tease him once again by letting him sniff some panties I had worn all day long. I know now it was not very nice for poor Benji. Sniffing my just-taken-off panties gave him such a big stiff cock with nowhere to put it for his relief. It was very naughty of me.
Although, whilst on vacation away from school, I was once more allowed to wear panties, I did not relax on the other rules I must obey as the School Slag, and so I kept myself shaved of course.
I did not want mummy to know I was shaving my naughty. I don't know why. I just thought she might ask an awful awkward question. Nor did I want daddy to know. I think he wondered why his daughter spent so long in the bathroom of a morning, when he was wanting to shower and get to his office. But I only had to smile at daddy and he would forgive me anything. And, besides, I heard him say to mummy that I was a growing girl and it was only to be expected I would want to look my best for the boys I must "understandably" be taking an interest in by now, as much as they would undoubtedly be taking an interest in me.
I had quite taken to wearing tanga-panties. I still liked having my bummy bare. I was used to having my bummy bare. To wear something very brief and wicked under my skirt or jeans turned me on too. I always chose the brightest colours. My favourite was a sunshine-yellow, and my even more favourite, livid lilac.
Truth to tell, I stopped wearing a bra after a few days of trying it. Mummy gave me a funny look when she noticed. Daddy never even saw! At least, he never seemed to see that his daughter's lovely lollipops were daringly wild and free-swinging, and rampantly on the loose!
I had lots of friends back home. Well, not really. My friends had moved on since I had been away. Most of them had boyfriends. They didn't want me around. They didn't want any of their former schoolgirl pals around come to that. They had other things on their minds: besotted with and by boys.
Even the girls without a boy in tow, did not greet me in the same way. Before I left to go to Scotland and St Cath's, our greetings would have been an unselfconscious hug and kiss on the cheek. Now it was just a "hello" as my former friends passed me by. I was outside their circle now and my coming back into it was not seen as desirable or necessary by or for my former hometown friends.
I would have been very lonely if I had not been set loads of school projects to complete before the new term was to begin in the coming September.
Some boys would try and attract my attention of course. I say "of course". I ought to say "of coarse". They all seemed terribly young and very immature to me.
I already knew that I was greatly admired by older men. I never tired of them running ahead to open a door or do any other little service they could to win a smile and a "thank you" from me. I loved their attention. I knew I was extremely attractive. A girl always knows. I would never take advantage of it, but I knew I bowled men over with my youthful beauty.
Then there was Angela.
My parents did not approve of Angela.
I met Angela one morning. I was in the town centre on a mission to buy grandpoppa a birthday card, or rather a birthday card for mummy to give grandpoppa, her daddy, for his birthday. I was gliding felinely along alone, my lovely down-to-the-back-of-my-knees length hair majestically fluttering in the summer breeze, and the delightful freckles that arrive when I have been kissed by the sun, punctuating the stunning loveliness of my face. I was gliding along in a half daydream, when my mobile began to play 'the William Tell Overture' (Honestly, it was the only tune I could get it to play: I'm so hopeless with machines and things!)
I met Angela one morning, when I had bent over to rummage in my back-pack to find my insistently ringing mobile phone. Dressed in a short-sleeved white tee-shirt, loose at my supremely flat-curved belly, not tucked into my jeans, and blue-jeans daddy said I must have been poured into, they hugged me so closely, and some three-inch-heeled brown-leather booties, I had lowered my back pack to the ground, and bent over straight-legged to scrabble around inside it when:
"Purple!" said this giggling female voice from behind me, and I had blushed almost that very shade at the realisation I had just flashed the rear top of my tanga-panties of the day to the world as I had reached over, and my low-slung jeans had eased part off my bummy.
I had turned and looked blushingly at a girl I was soon to learn was Angela, as I chatted to Mummy on my phone, and Angela just hung around and looked unselfconsciously admiringly at me, with a broad grin.
In my ignorance, I thought Angela was a hells angel. Well, no she wasn't really, but she loved the black leather gear and wore motorcycle leggings, black leather boots, and a leather jacket. It was part of her "image", along with her short-cropped blonde hair standing up in spikes, and her constantly chewing gum. I supposed she was seventeen or eighteen, from just looking at her.
Even as I chatted to mummy, Angela turned her back to me and bent over to flash her leather-pants encased bottom, in imitation of how she had first seen me, and I had begun to giggle uncontrollably.
I had explained to mummy, when she had asked what was going on that: "It's just a girl pulling a face at me to make me laugh".
Mummy went on and on about my being home in time to go and visit grandpoppa? reminding me, as if I could have forgotten since I was out and about to buy a card for him, that it was his birthday coming up that next weekend. Anyone would think I could not be trusted! Parents are so annoying?
Angela was now pulling her leather jacket down just off her shoulders, and walking up and down with a wholly exaggerated slink, like she was a model on a catwalk, and I was about to burst I wanted so much to laugh.
On my mobile, mummy would just keep on and on and on?
Angela then showed me the studded pattern on the back of her jacket, which "dotted" out the words "Anger - Rude Girls" as she purposely waggled her bum to make me laugh some more.
My conversation with Mummy over, I switched off my mobile, and was about to go on my way.
"You're Melody ain't yer? Angela challenged, surprisingly shyly.
"I might be", I answered cooly, with a smile as a reward for Angela making me laugh so.
I had stopped in my tracks. Angela was by no means getting in my way, but I did not want to be rude to her, so I gave her her chance to have her say.
"I'm 'Anger'; 'Angie'. 'Angela' is what me mum and dad called me. Seen yer picktcher in the paper ain't I?" she said, turning her head sideways, to look at me like a caged-bird might, then fluttering her eyelashes ridiculously.
I stifled another giggle turning to a genuine laugh as Angela now one-eye-winked at me.
"My photograph was in the local press", I answered still half in giggle, blushing and feeling very shy at Angela's boldness.
"You're one foxy chick!" said Angela, with a look that told of greater sensitivity than her way of behaving and speaking would in themselves convey.
"Thank you" I answered, lowering my head in genuine pleasure at the compliment.
"Yer posh, but you ain't no snob" Angela mused.
I didn't know how to answer her, not knowing if it was a question or just Angela thinking out-loud.
I lowered my head, then lifted it, then giggled at the recall of Angela's fooling about. Then looked at her, unselfconsciously radiating my sun's-core-hot stunning sexiness.
"What yer doin' tonight den?" Angela asked as if she didn't care, though I could tell that she did.
"Going to see my grandpoppa with mummy" I answered honestly.
"Be round to take yer to the movies tomorrer night den", said Angela.
"I might be out" I answered trying to stop a pleased smile.
"No yer won't" said Angela, in a cock-sure tone.
"You don't know where I live" I smiled my glorious light-blue eyes aglow with my unsurpassed because unsurpassable loveliness.
"Yea I do! It were in the paper wannit?"
I smiled, and then giggled again at another recollection of Angela's larking around.
"Seven tomorrer your place. Don't be late. I don't like chicks what keep me waitin' " Angela all but ordered me, but in a tone seeking my agreement, despite the words used seeming presumptuous.
As I began to go on my way, with it seemingly taken for granted by Angela that I would be ready for a date the next night, Angela called out………
"You'll be there won't yer?!"
"I might be" I turned and answered, trying to sound cool and hard to get, but giving away the fact I was already looking forward to it by my smile and my shy giggle.
I could feel Angela's eyes on me as I wiggled further into town on my errand. Then from a whole block's distance away from her, I heard Angela's, "WoooooHooooooooWheeeeeeee!!!" yell of overwhelming joy as she celebrated having met me and chatted me into a date. And I blushed and smiled, gently lightly bit my bent right forefinger with my lovely white teeth to stifle my giggles of pleasure, and anointed the gusset of my purple tanga-panties a darker purple with a drip of my honey.
There must have been something about my behaviour over the next forty-eight hours that gave my little secret away. Somehow, both mummy and daddy sensed I had met someone a little bit special. Mummy went all serious on me, as if she was worried about her little girl. Daddy was one for teasing me, and took it light heartedly.
But, even so, it was he who, catching me alone, simply said: "You know we love you, mummy and me, don't you?"
"Yes, daddy, of course I do!" I smiled, and wrapped my arms around him.
"We don't want to pry. Your business is your business", daddy said very seriously, "But I'm sure they'll have taught you, at that very expensive school of yours, about 'the birds and the bees': you do know what I mean don't you my angel?" he enquired trying to sound light-hearted.
"Of course daddy", I answered, blushing, my blush unseen as my head was against his chest, my eyes lost in loving reverie, my ear pressed just above his noble loving heart.
"You will be careful, won't you my precious?" he asked, with a hint of fear in his voice that I had not heard before.
I reached up to the tip of my toes, stretching my supremely lovely legs to their outstandingly stunning full length, and kissed him on his moustached cheek to reassure him.
There was a ring from our front door bell. It was Angela.
There was a ring from our front door bell, but nobody answered it, as both mummy and daddy guessed it was a guest for me.
There was another and longer ring from our front door bell. It was Angela.
Realising I was probably still busy getting ready for my date, mummy went and answered the door.
"Hello Mrs Smith. I'm Angela. Is Melody in please?" I heard Angela's extremely polite enquiry.
"Yes" said mummy's voice down below in the hallway, as I listened whilst I titivated my face in my bedroom mirror, watched lovingly by Benji, sitting with his head comically to one side as his pretty mistress painted her lips.
"Yes" said mummy's voice down below in the hallway, "And who are you?"
"I'm Angela" Angela repeated.
"Oh, so you're in a foursome?" mummy let out, her worry that I was going on a date alone with a boy slightly lifted.
"Sorry?" said Angela, her voice seeking a repeat of mummy's point, the logic of which was completely lost on my newfound friend.
"I'm so sorry: Angela isn't it? I'm so sorry Angela. I'm being rude. Do come in. Is there anyone else? Do the boys want to come in till Melody is ready?" mummy enquired.
"No. that'll be alright thank you Mrs Smith" Angela's voice responded, with a hint that she had caught onto mummy's line of thinking: mummy's assumption; mummy's presumption.
"Do you always wear your hair like that?" mummy blurted out, saying by her very way of asking that she did not at all admire Angela's gelled and spiked-up short blonde hair.
"Yea" said Angela, obviously not having caught-on to mummy's tone. "Great innit?" Angela concluded, in reference to her hair and in concluding her answer to mummy's embarrassing blunder.
By the time I came to the top of the stairs, something in mummy's voice had drawn daddy to join her and Angela in the hall.
All six eyes were fixed on me as I appeared, an apparition of supreme extreme femininity atop the stairs leading down to the hallway and Angela, my date, come to pick me up for our evening together.
I focused my eyes on daddy. I desperately needed daddy's approval. I need not have worried. I tried not to look at mummy. I desperately needed mummy's approval too; but I knew I had cause to worry and that my best way to win mummy was to win daddy.
I had to take great care walking down the stairs. I had to take great care, because I was wearing mauve coloured, completely heelless steel-soled and toe-tip-capped balletic shoes, and was thus raised on the very-tips-of-the-tip-top-top of my big toes, giving the most extreme girlature to my agonisingly beautiful legs.
My balletic shoes, my steel-soled ballet shoes, were, otherwise than the curved sole and the tip I was stood upon in steel, of soft kid leather, bright mauve soft kid leather. They had long leather laces, also mauve, which were criss-crossed around my lower legs, surrounding the profound pulchritudinousness of my supremely shapely muscularly stretched calves, and emphasising the natural taut beauty of my legs, till they, the mauve laces, were tied-off in neat bows just below my dimpled knees.
These emphatically erotic laces, were over my sun-yellow nylon stockings. I wore three-quarter-leg-length stockings of the brightest sun-yellow. These lucky stockings clung to every supreme contour of my exquisitely girl-confirming legs, till they concluded, these stockings, these sun-yellow nylon stockings, concluded in stocking-tops, ringing around the bottom-quarter of the length of my sigh-worthy thighs, just above my dimpled knees. And within the tops of my extremely sexy self-supporting stockings, were ten rows of a horizontal "W" zigzag pattern in eye-disturbing mauve, to match the colour of my tiptoeing shoes.
To look at the zigzag of the pattern worked into my sexy self-support stocking tops, was to instantly have the eye deflected to the absolutely orgasmic wonder of my bare thighs. And with no strain to the eye whatsoever, you would be drawn up my curvaceous smoothness, to the hem of my crocheted dress.
I wore a sun-yellow, a bright sun-yellow, extremely tightly figure-hugging woollen crochet-knitted dress, that clung like a second skin to my every, and I do mean every, astonishing undulating contour: the incredible hills, the curving plains, and the majestically magical valleys of a completely and utterly girl body.
My crocheted dress ran from my neck to my bummy. Along the way, it covered my gorgeous slim arms, including my golden-downed forearms, down to my wrists and the back of my hands a little, as it had hoops at the end of each sleeve through which I had passed my little fingers and my thumbs.
My sun-yellow crocheted dress clung so critically closely to me, that, through its crochet network, it was blatantly obvious that I wore no brassiere, and the very tips of two too gentle pink rosebuds were peaking shyly through the holes in my dress, as my suckbuds performed in horizontal mode, the rites of the first shoot of a plant in spring, sneaking and peeking and peaking through the mothering soil.
I felt no shame or shyness that I was so blatantly showing the top tips of my nude nipples or that the outline of the firm softness of my virgin schoolgirl lollipops, my bountiful bounteous breasts, was entirely displayed by my wearing no undergarment beneath my crocheted dress. I knew that I was beautiful and that I must reward the world with the sight of my incredible loveliness. It was my duty to be heaven on earth.
The hem of my dress clung to the back top of the curved-flat back, the taut muscled curved-flat back of the tops of my thighs, having travelled, the back of my dress having travelled, the extremely mountainous course it must to hug the double domes of my defiantly dominant derriere, my smackybumps daringly bare, and visibly so through the holes of my crocheted body-hugging dress.
And through the same fretwork of holes in my bright sun-yellow crocheted dress, could be seen that I wore bright mauve lace tanga-panties, with the fine filigree of the wholly holey lace of the gusset of my panties, hardly hiding the lips of my haven harbour: my wholly heavenly wholly holy heaven hole.
My head held high in pride at my compelling wonder, my stupendous long blonde hair, tumbled down my back to curl multi-ways at its bottom fringe, a bottom fringe now even a little below the back of my knees.
My bright-blue, light-blue eyes flickered an excited and exciting green, as I knew I had my audience transfixed. My angels face lit up with a radiant smile. My face lightly naturally suntanned and delectably delightfully slightly freckled across its forehead and the top of my nose, wore no, bore no makeup, bar on my luscious lips, which, though their natural beauty was supreme, I had joyfully exuberantly youthfully lipsticked the same mauve as my decadently deliciously daring lace panties, and my pirouette shoes, and the zigzag pattern in my stocking tops.
As I wiggled supremely stunningly fully into the view of my parents and my would-be girlfriend, I could see mummy's face turn to frowning worry that her daughter had grown so, so as to be the angelic girl-woman whose naturally swinging hips pendulummed her alarmingly spicily, enticingly, and wonderfully sensuously, along the passage of the hall as she tiptoed in her pretty balletic shoes on supremely beautiful high stretched legs.
Daddy's jaw literally dropped, as did his hands holding the newspaper he had been reading and still held when he had come into the hall. As I approached him, my body swinging at its hips as I walked on extreme supreme tiptoe, stepping by placing one serenely tiptoed foot directly before the other, so that my body swivelled at the hips, as I all but rubbed one orgasmic thigh on the other with my model-girl's catwalk gate, the way I had been taught to walk in deportment lessons at St Catherine's Academy for Girls, daddy's jaw literally dropped.
I was making no effort to wiggle, I was just natural girl with the rhythmic sway of a girl's body making her bottom sway as her hips swivelled by heaven and pure nature to the silent music of her felinely graceful walk.
Daddy's jaw literally dropped as he saw his daughter was an incredibly beautiful young woman. Daddy's jaw literally dropped, and he turned to look at mummy, and she at he, before he blurted out against mummy's wishes, had she not been too stunned to intervene to stop him: "My darling, you look absolutely wonderful!"
"Thank you daddy" I smiled lovingly daughterly at him, before looking at mummy to ensure her face admitted her defeat: her indirect defeat by me through my daddy.
I just knew that mummy was going to say something about my not possibly going out dressed as I was, but daddy's hand took hold of mummy's, and as tears started in mummy's eyes, he summed up what both he and mummy had realised about their lovely daughter, from the fact of Angela being alone when calling to collect me for a date. And he reassured me: "Mummy and I love you darling. And mummy and I understand. Really we do, my darling. We do understand."
Mummy then broke free and hid her tears by dashing into a neighbouring room.
"Angela" daddy gently intoned, caught between wanting to be polite to my beau, and wanting to be with his wife to comfort her.
"Angela. You take care of our lovely daughter now: do you hear me!?" And without waiting for an answer, he was gone to comfort mummy.
Even had he waited, Angela was too stunned by my tremendous sexiness to have answered him. So transfixed by my heavenliness was Angela, that she had stopped chomping on her chewing gum: and for Angela that was the ultimate sign of the poleaxe having struck her right between the eyes.
It was, of course, Angela that I had ultimately dressed to please, and to have won her stunned silence was the highest praise indeed.
Immediately we had stepped outside, and I had closed the door on my parental home and summer vacation residence, Angela made me smile with joy as she breathed: "Melody…are you one sexy chick, or are you one sexy chick!?"
I blushed at Angela's shy compliment as I swayed and swivelled my hips, stepping tiptoe one foot exactly before the other, swinging one orgasmic thigh around to cross in front of the other orgasmic thigh, to take the next move of my perfect 120 pounds of gorgeous girlness, cat-slinking model-girl-like along.
I walked this way so naturally and thus so perfectly displayed and disported myself as pure unadulterated undiluted girl.
Angela was the opposite pole to me. If I were south pole she was north and thus was, and this was, our attraction for and to each other.
I was drawn to Angela by her confidence and brash humour. To me she was strength. I wanted to be feminine-girl to her Sir Galahad. I wanted to be sweet-child to her brashness. I wanted to be shy-little-waif to her boldness. Even before I had got to know her, I blossomed in Angela's presence, knowing she would defend me against the world, against the universe, against any and all evil universes.
It was a short graceful feminine wiggle for me, with Angela behind mesmerised by my rolling swinging bummy, to the car Angela had borrowed from her parents for the evening. And the supreme demonstration of why I was immediately attracted to Angela, came as she swept entirely naturally in front of me as we approached the car, to open the passenger door for me to alight my delight gracefully within.
As I sat in the car, my dress performed the absolute miracle of revealing all of my miraculous immaculate thighs, whilst still clinging tenuously to my beautiful bummy.
My calves were extremely erotically shaped as I sat, still with my toes pointed hard to the earth's core by my balletic shoes, and my bare thighs demanded and commanded an exploratory hand to caress and feel their soft smooth-fleshed muscular running-trained supremity. And such was their orgasmic compellingness, that the highest compliment to my charm was that they remain so commandingly drawing-on, but be left untouched, unfelt, unstroked, unravished, even though they were the supreme highway to the naughty little nude-shaven slit-pouch on which my 120 pounds of perfect girl-delight perched.
In Angela's company I could be totally feminine, totally devastating, totally explosively girl.
As I sat my delightful 120 pounds of pure girl on my precious slit pouch, with only microns of the gusset of my mauve panty's lace between my succulent secret slot and the leather of the Angela's car's passenger seat, I turned my radiant sexiness to Angela and smiled my surrender to anything and everything she might like to do for me or with me.
I thanked her as she reminded me to don my safety belt. And, I confess, I initially felt disappointed that, although I knew that I was walking talking sex, Angela made no attempt to touch me: not even a finger tip did she try to caress me with. And then I felt complimented: Angela could be trusted.
This was so new to me. At school I was compelled to be constantly available, and the prefects would take me aside in the corridors even, to have a swift feel of my smoothly shaven cunt. With Angela I realised it was different. The prefects told of their lust by their fumbling me; Angela told of her love for me by humbling me by her respect.
As Angela drove us to town, I signalled my availability by sitting with my pretty hands at my sides, so that my entirely bare thighs, as my legs swayed together from to side when we cornered, my entirely bare thighs, bare other but for the mesmerising zigzag pattern tops of my self-supporting short nylon stockings, were her canvass to caress should she care. I even let my thighs drift slightly agape, consciously unconsciously, to entice her more by flashing the gusset of my mauve pink lace panties.
And yet it was more erotic for me that Angela never offered to touch me. Angela's constraint was my licence to increase my feminine wiles the while: it was permission to be sexy: it was my let to be even more girl.
After we had parked up, I sighed to let Angela know she had done exactly the right thing by taking gentle hold of my pretty hand to escort me as we walked to the cinema. And at every wolf-whistle from the girl's who turned to watch my lovely bummy swish from extreme to sex-dream as I swivelled my hips in my tiptoe balletic one-foot exactly-in-front-of-the-other-gait, I turned my compellingly completely pretty face to Angela to tell with my big blue green-flashing baby-doll eyes that the 120 pounds of all girl beauty that was bowling every other girl in the street off her feet, was hers, was Angela's: that I was hers, that I was Angela's.
As we got near to the movie house, Angela let go my hand, the hand through which ecstatic static electricity had throbbed at my every pulse-pulsating step, to find her money to pay for us both. And so I turned and stood before Angela, with my legs a little apart to show I could be accessed at her whim, and my lips ready and red for a kiss should she care to adore and adorn them.
But I was as happy that Angela made no move other than to take my hand again gently, as I would have been if she had swept her arm around my egg-timer waist, and bent me over to all-but break my back as she kissed me.
And Angela took my dainty hand again, and led me into the darkness of the cinema where the dim glow of the safety lights would sheen from my naked thighs as I sat next her through a horror movie, letting my young girl's emotions be felt by her through my fingertips, as I grabbed her right hand in both mine, and held the three hands unselfconsciously in my warm lap, close next my thin lace panty decorated completely depilated naughty pouch blessing the cinema's seat with its majestic wholly whole virgin-hole's holy holiness.
Don't get the impression we had not spoken. On our journey, and during our walk o the cinema, I was irrepressible in Angela's strong reassuring presence. Her charming vernacular contrasted with my perhaps over-sweet over-elocutioned English. Before we were in the cinema, I had told her all about school, except, of course, that I was the chosen School Slag and what that meant. Angela had told me all about the electronics factory where she was a machine operator and her friends, and her mummy and daddy, and how her mummy and daddy were divorced, and how her mummy now lived with a girlfriend who was like a daddy to Angela, and how Angela lived with her mummy and her mummy's girlfriend, but still loved her daddy.
As we left the cinema in the simmering heat of a summer's evening I clung to Angela's leather-jacket-clad arm a completely feminine divine vine, dotingly snaking my hips, my lips afire with higher desire, my eyes aglow to show I would never say no, my sighs higher than my thigh's fire to be parted and my petals sundered and my slit gently plundered.
We walked slowly and I was deeply in love, with all the high unqualified and unquenchable certainty of a young unworldly and inexperienced schoolgirl: the very young, the very unworldly, and the very inexperienced schoolgirl that I exactly was.
Angela and I walked slowly and I was deeply in love, and my body rolled at its heavenly hips as I slithered and swung, feminine female stepping in my pretty mauve long laced completely heelless rigid-steel-soled ballet-shoes, on the tips of my big toes, swivelling my hips to mesmerise with my bummy from behind, and my thighs from front, in my skin-tight very short mini-dress, as I graced the world with my sexy gait, risking rubbing one supreme thigh upon the other supreme thigh as I wiggle-walked with putting one pretty foot in front of the other in my catwalk rattlesnake slink.
The night was dark and Angela was walking us both, my beau was walking me, back to her car on the comparatively early evening so that she could get me safely back to mummy and daddy long before the midnight hour, and thus win points with my parents by ensuring she showed that she could be trusted with me and had heard daddy's plea for her adjuration she would look after his and my mummy's lovely daughter.
I loved Angela all the more for her taking me home early. I would have obeyed mummy and daddy had they ordered me home early too. But to be taken home early by Angela, was yet another sign of her respect for me.
The street grew dimmer. The lights had been vandalised and were broken. Angela suddenly gently drew me into a doorway, and my heart pounded. Oh god let this be a kiss! I held myself in surrender for Angela. In the dimness of the light, I looked down at my turgid nipples, made full-swollen and hard by the heat of the night and my sexual excitement in my clinging to the girl I adored, and thus thrust poking perkily hard and fully floridly provocatively, completely through the fretwork of my crocheted mini-dress. And by so doing, by eyeing my suckbuds, I hoped that Angela would be guided and decided to kiss them for me, to ease their burning heat.
Angela seemed so shy as she held both my pretty hands in the darkness, and I sighed to let her know she was again doing exactly the right thing…………
……..when, oh god what was this!!?
I felt Angela's hands being ripped from mine, and someone was behind me with a hand over my mouth to stop me screaming, and Angela was cursing and struggling with someone else, and then a knee was being pushed into my bummy to make me walk forward, and I found that what had been a closed doorway inviting lovers to kiss and cuddle was now opened, and I was being forced to walk through, and Angela was being separately forced along.
And the doors were closing behind us, Angela and I both struggling, but both surprised and helpless. And I realised that the hand over my mouth had planted sticky tape on my pertly perfect dreamy kiss-demanding lips, and my dress had ridden up off my bummy so that my mauve lace tanga-panties were openly exposed.
And the lights went on. The doors had been shut and the lights went on and in my terror I watched as Angela was having her wrists tied behind an upright post in what seemed to be a disused storehouse. And Angela's mouth was also taped up. And I could see tears trickling from Angela's eyes as she realised she could not help me.
And as my eyes got more used to the burning light, I tried to show Angela with the look in my eyes that she was my love and that she had not failed me. And I realised there were five other girls there, dressed in leather and wearing black leather hood masks that only revealed their eyes, their noses, and their mouths.
And as two of these other girls were tying Angela, two more were dragging me, my wrists held hard and painfully in hammer locks up my back, toward the fifth girl. And as I looked around in terror at Angela, I saw that the leather jackets the two girls tying and taunting Angela wore, had studs on their backs reading: "Teechers Frum Hell".
And how was I to know that this was a group of disaffected schoolmistresses from several local state schools, including the one that Angela had not long since attended, who had set out to avenge themselves on misbehaving schoolgirls, by "putting them in their place" outside school hours.
Unable to instil discipline in school, because of what they considered to be the "liberal" indoctrination of the policy makers preventing them from putting even a finger on their rude and disruptive young charges during the school day, this gang of vigilantes had formed up and set out to terrorise the local schoolgirls out of school hours, and thus gain back the upper hand.
I knew only a little of Angela's history as of then. For instance, I did not know then, that "Rude Girls", the legend on the back of Angela's leather jacket, was a gang, of which Angela was the chief, and that, although Angela had left school, many of the gang's members were still in education and spent days of joy making their teachers' lives a total misery.
The younger women teachers in the local state schools had decided they would no longer put up with this, and the other less organised disruption of lessons, and the general rowdy behaviour among their young female charges.
They had got together for a drink one night to drown their sorrows in downed alcohol. Then one of their number had proposed a toast to the forming of a rival gang.
Uproarious laughter, fuelled by gin and vodka, and the mental picture such a ludicrous idea painted, had slowly turned to a seed, and then gradually germinated into a secret sworn, "one for all and all for one" in time honoured fashion, and a group formed so as to, "get our retaliation in first".
I was now kneeling on the floor, displaying my stupendously huge hornymaking thighs, whilst having my dress pulled by its hem up and off my superb young body, so that my breasts were lifted and then flowed and swung marvellously majestically swooningly swaying till they settled in their full glory rising and falling eye compellingly with my fear heaving chest.
My hitherto heated and hotly hornilly throbbing nipples were now tightly back to taut conical peeks. My face was pale with fright. I knelt in the dust of the disused barn in only my stockings, my balletic shoes, and my mauve lace panties: my scanty little panties: my scanties.
"Who's the horny honey then Anger?" the chief among the rebel teachers, the girl before whom I knelt, demanded of my girlfriend, addressing Angela by her adopted sobriquet.
"Oh dear. I'd forgot. You're gagged. Poor little dear can't answer? That makes a change for you, you little fuck!" sneered this woman, one of Angela's former tutors, as her fellow rebel teachers mocked poor Angela with their deliberately coarse laughter.
"You always attracted the first rate honeys though. This one is fabulous. One day you can tell me what it is you've got Anger. Meanwhile, we're gonna find out what she's got" the teacher's leader slowly scoffed.
"Take the angel's knickers off, and lay her across that bench over there were Anger can watch" she ordered.
I was lifted to my tiptoed feet by one strong girl, as another reached up and slowly pulled by lace scanties down my long long long lovely legs. My panties soon joined my inside-out dress on the floor. Then I was frog marched over to the bench that had been prior arranged before my capture; Angela and I having been secretly followed all night.
Lying with my back bent over the bench was very uncomfortable. The bench, a worn out and discarded sawhorse in reality, was in the small of my back and my body thus arched in a backwards parabolic curve of compelling girl, so that my ballet-shoe-shod tiptoed toes were just on the ground on one side, being lightly held apart by two girls, and my hands were being held to the floor on the other.
Bent over cruelly backwards as I was, by two of the Teachers' Gang, my head dangled trailing heavenly snakes of my abundant luscious and lustrous locks, which Niagarared to a huge tangled and deeply mysterious and inviting blonde pool in the dust of the floor, exciting lust and thrust, as if it could be dived into in trust and swum among, albeit at risk that its octopus tentacles would ensnare and ensnake and drown the lucky lover in its supreme soft sensuously scented imprisoning siren waves.
And as my helpless light-blue eyes switched from side to side, I moaned with the pain from my neck as my head hung down. And my glorious breasts flowed upward on my chest, and outward at rest, and my nipples invited the kisses that my covered and taped-closed mouth could not enjoy: my nipples, their eye and lip inviting pointy rouge roundels only outshone in their natural colour by the passionate redness of my sweet wild-strawberry lips now taped over.
I could not see Angela, but I knew I had been purposely positioned so that Angela could see, as I bent curved over the bench, my depilated and desert-dry slit. My slit, arid and dry from my fear, but no less wonderful and no less the most wonderful part of my staggeringly supreme girlness, was directed, intentionally directly in poor Angela's eye line as she looked down on my beautiful body in the hands of our captors.
The head of the Teachers' Gang came around to stand before my held parted legs.
"The choicest of French cheese or the finest fresh fish; which is it Anger?" the Teachers' Gang leader mock-questioned the taped-up-mouthed Angela: Angela moaning with frustration in her tight bonds the while.
I sensed, as I heard Angela's gagged cry, I sensed the gang leader kneeling between my supreme legs. And then I was sure she was putting her head between my heavenly thighs, as I heard her sniff in a stage-actorial manner in the region of my tight-closed incurving completely nude shaven honeypot.
Drawing in my girl-scent with over-dramatic deep inhalation, the gang's leader querulously announced: "Brie!?"
Angela fought her bonds and howled with horror.
The gang leader put her nose near my naughty once more, and once more drew in deep breath: "Not Brie. Camembert? Mmm, maybe supremely creamy Camembert."
Angela groaned and fought her bonds, making her wrists bleed in her helplessness.
"Let me get a little closer" said the Teachers' Gang's boss, and I swayed my head in a 'no' as I felt her nose touch my supersensitive lower lips.
"Fish! The finest and freshest of feminine fish: just look Anger, just look at this horny little angel's clam. All girls are cheese or fish, and you have netted a horny honey with the tightest of tight little clams…..."
"……But is it a clam or is it an oyster?" the Teachers' Gang leader continued to taunt in cruel revenge on Angela, as I braced myself for the horror I feared was going to be visited upon me at any moment."
"I reckon we've got ourselves a little girl with the finest of fine oysters here, so lets see if I can find her pretty little pearl!"
I gasped and raised my divine right leg, escaped from the girl who was supposed to be holding it, straight upwards in worship of heaven: my gorgeously shapely and beautiful leg kicked up like a periscope pointing the way to heaven by my still balletic shoe shod big toe, in my instant near fainting ecstasy, and then outwards to open my honey-pot. And my big toe formed the tip of the church steeple, and my unmatchable, save for my left leg, beautiful right leg, the church tower, as my body was being worshipped by a highly experienced tongue in the temple of my temptation, kissing and sucking and licking my luscious lips and lapping the copious nectar I was streaming in milliseconds from this girl's first passionate kiss of my nude shaven oyster, as with slurping sounds aplenty she sought up my slithering slot to suck in and lick on my precious little pearl, my supremely extremely sensitive clitoris.
And one of the girls holding my hands down, reached and ripped off the tape gagging my mouth. And, the grip on my other foot having been left off, I alofted both of my exquisite legs to form twin steeples for the church and the altar between the towers my luscious legs formed, the altar in which I was being supremely sucked licked and worshipped.
And I wide-parted my supremely sexy aloft high steepled legs and then bent them sexily, toes still pointed to show the glory of their sexiest shapeliness, I bent my stupendous legs at the knee and then lowered them as my congregation of one again sought the pearl within my oyster.
And my nipples were instantly super-erect and provocatively powerfully pointed and then they were being sucked by the girls holding my hands down, and I was gasping and moaning "No; nah; no, nah, oh god, oh no, nah, nah, n, n, n, oh god, oh god, naaaah, naaaah! naaaah! naaaah!, n, n, naaaaaaah, oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god!!!!! naaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!" as my sweet young body betrayed me and I was taken to a hugely heavy, blindingly blissfully heavy, heady cum.
Unseen by me, Angela had slumped forward in her bonds, and the Teachers' Gang leader, rising from licking out my slot to taunt her, had to raise Angela's tear stained face to implant a kiss, smelling of the meest of me, on Angela's taped over mouth, just below her nose.
And Angela could not look as my bare body, now taken off the cruel stool, was willingly bucking on the floor to invite the fucking my cunt was being given by the eager tongue and mouth of yet another gang member until I cried out with yet another murderously powerful orgasm as she nibbled my hugely engorged and violently throbbing pearl: my little girl penis: my clitoris.
And then Angela had to watch as my eager mouth was kissed, sexually kissed, by all five of the Teachers' Gang in turn, and I responded with all my fire and all my desire and all my driven sexually compelled extreme girl passion. And I did not care which mouth worshipped my mouth as long as a mouth was tasting my softly surrendered lips and a tongue exploring my tongue and throat.
And then they left me. Lowering me gently to the ground and kissing my lovely arms and my pretty hands when they had done so, as I held them outstretched imploring them for more, they left me.
The gang had decided enough was enough, and began to withdraw. And I sat on my delicious derriere in the dust of the floor, my mouth still moist with the last harshly passionate kiss of the "Teechers Frum Hell" Gang leader, my nipples encrusted with slowly drying saliva from the kisses of heaven, long and sucking succulent kisses they had so recently received and willingly wholly perky pointed peakingly welcomed, and my naughty trickling seemingly absolutely ever forever unstoppable sexual honey.
I was too exhausted other than to plead with my lovely loving arms as I sat having let five lusty girls visit and worship some of the heaven-on-earth I represented.
I felt no shame at what had happened. I was a horny girl who needed her honey-pot lavishly sucked and licked. Angela should have taken her chance. I had been on high-hot-offer all night for her.
After a long while after my gang rape, I rose shakily to my tiptoed feet, like a newborn pony in my physical exhaustion from my sexual satiation.
I immediately moved to help Angela, but she nodded toward my clothing, thereby telling me to dress first. Thus, yet again I had the joy of my beau treating me as a feminine lady, this time even to the extent of continuing to suffer the horrible pain of tight tied bruised and bloodied wrists. It was so lovely of Angela to be so loving and courtly to me, when she must have been in such distress, still bound and gagged as she was.
I rose on my divine legs and recovered my panties and stepped supremely leggily into them, before easing them up over the endless curvature of my powerful legs to cover my recently worshipped heaven.
And then I picked up my dress, and turned it the right side out, before, having put my delicious arms down its long sleeves, I rolled it down over my voluptuous lollipops and my hourglass waist, and my stupendous bummy. And then I quickly hauled out of it, my never-ending siren's hair, to let it dangle delightfully down to the back of my knees once more
Having re-dressed, I wiggled in my tiptoe shoes over to where Angela was still tied to the post so as to force her to watch me being raped.
And my nimble fingers released poor Angela's bonds. And with my pretty hands I caressed her poor chafed bleeding and rope-burned wrists to return her circulation to them. Then I gently eased off the gag tape.
Perhaps I did this too gently, as the gagging tape had stuck to poor Angela's pretty lips very adhesively, its stickiness having been increased by the warmth of her skin. I tried so hard not to hurt Angela, and she was incredibly brave, not emitting even a murmur.
But as soon as she was able to speak, she stabbed me with cruelly hurtful words….
"You loved it you whore!" she sobbed.
"Oh no! Oh Angela my love, please, please no!!" I cried in horror.
"You fuckin' loved it!" she sobbed.
"Oh no my love…….." I took Angela in my arms and kissed her tearful eyes trying so hard to get her to let me kiss her lips. And Angela, slumped in my lovely loving arms. And I hugged her close to my beautiful body and she sobbed and sobbed uncontrollably and inconsolably.
Her poor girly pride was deeply hurt that she had been unable to save me from the rapists. As so often happens, she was trying to hide the hurt from something the poor girl had had no possibility of overcoming, by taking it out on me. I thus became twice the victim. I had been gang-raped, and now my lover was hurting me with deeply cruel words.
My gentle nature accepted this cruelty as if I deserved it, and I decided I must bring poor Angela some recompense: some comfort, some reward for her loving gentleness and respect for me.
And with my lovely and extremely pretty fingers, I reached for the zipper on Angela's leather motorcycle pants, and, with great difficulty, lowered it. And with no resistance from her, I squeezed my lovely hand into Angela's outer pants.
And within, I felt her panties, and momentarily flinched and caught, just in time, a gasp of total shock, as I touched Angela's panties and found that they were totally saturated with Angela's cum-honey: cum-honey that portrayed and betrayed that she must have become extremely aroused, and perhaps even come, when watching me being gang-banged.
But I would forgive Angela anything, even the further cruelty that she had evidently enjoyed watching me being raped, and then used her savage words accusing me of having enjoyed being on the receiving end of something so horrible.
Honestly! I ask you! As if I could possibly have enjoyed having love made to me forcefully like that. Okay I had come. But of course I had come. I was bound to come. After all, I was only a girl!!
I forgave Angela even the double cruelty to me of her probably coming at my distress and of her savage words, and showed her my willingness and forgiveness with my lovely fingers. And she flinched as I touched her love-lips with my dainty hand. And, unable to get inside her panties, I pressed my lovely hand on her girlness and she sighed and cried and swiftly but unsatisfactorily came.
Whether her quick cum was because she had orgasmed already at watching my rape, I will never now know. Whether her cruel words to me were the result of having come, watching me being ravished by a gang of girls, I will never now know either.
Angela and I travelled home: Angela took me to my home in all but silence.
Once home she escorted me as I wiggled up the pathway and undid my front door.
"Would you like to come in for a coffee?" I asked just knowing the answer would be no.
Moments later, I listened indoors as Angela revved up her borrowed car and made the tyres squeal in her anger as she drove away. And I wiggled to my bedroom, and threw myself on my bed and cried and sobbed helplessly hopelessly.
And, hearing my terrible total misery, mummy came in into the darkness of my room to try and comfort me.
"There, there, my precious angel. Don't cry so!" she crooned.
"Did she hurt you sweetheart?" she asked after a while.
"No mummy", I sobbed, truthfully.
"There will be other loves my darling. Believe me. You may not think it now, but there will be other loves."
Oh mummy I cried unintelligibly, my words distorted to incoherence by my unstoppable crying, as I sat up on my bed and clung to mummy, my tears of pain at the loss of Angela even before I had won her, trickling endlessly down my divine soft cheeks.
"We must find you a nice boy….." said mummy as she gently patted my back, whilst my breathing heaved as if I were asthmatic, such size had my uncontrolled and uncontrollable sobs of unconstrained uncontained and inconsolable misery, as I heard mummy not.
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