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When Coyote Met Misty

Part 3

Part III

"Beware a mature crinolina; her enchantments are very powerful. Never turn your back on her . . . ."

For some time, Coyote just gazed at the three dead girls in a kind of reverie. Then he looked at Misty and said: "Ahhh, an older woman! My favorite kind!" With these words, he turned his back on her and began rummaging through his knapsack. "Now where did I put my coyotagra?"

Misty saw her chance and modulated her voice for a tone of maximum scorn: "Ugghh!" she said, "you're so arrogant; you're so . . . male ! You strip three foolish children of their panties, and you want to strut! I'm not such an easy conquest."

"Why's that?" said Coyote, turning towards her again. He had a pill bottle in one paw.

"Look into my eyes and I'll tell you."

He did so. Her eyes were blue, and somehow cold, reminding him of the sky in winter. There was a . . . deepness to them. The pill bottle fell to the ground, but Coyote didn't notice . . . .

It was a quick, fevered courtship. "Hey honey, let's get hitched," Coyote said. Misty brushed away a few tears and kissed him on his fuzzy cheek. Then they jumped into his convertible and took Route 666 all the way to Las Vegas Mythicas. At the Chapel of Bliss, the minister (ordained in sixteen different denominations) took their vows and pronounced them coyote and wife. It was a small wedding: just Coyote, Misty, the minister, and the bridesmaids: Barbi, Buffy, and Bonnie. As they left the chapel, Misty threw her bouquet and Barbi caught it. Coyote thought it odd that Barbi had blood on her dress, but he wasn't going to let it spoil his happy day.

Next stop was the Inn of Desert Delights. After he had tipped the bellhop and sent him on his way, Coyote took his bride in his arms. She squealed with pleasure, and her crinolines rustled. "Now there's a promise of delights," Coyote said. Just then, the couple heard laughter outside the window. Coyote went out to the balcony. Below him stood Barbi, Buffy, and Bonnie. "We want to serenade you!" Barbi said, and without further ado the girls launched into a light pop medley. Coyote couldn't help noticing now that all their dresses were streaked with blood. He and his bride stood arm in arm till the singing stopped.

Barbi then tossed the bouquet up to Misty. "Keep it," she said. "I won't need it; a predator got me! Buffy and Bonnie, too!"

"Oh you poor things!" said Misty.

"You're right about that!" said Barbi with a laugh. "You're a lucky girl, Misty: you've got the love of a good coyote. We on the other hand . . . ." Just then, all three lifted up their skirts and crinolines. Their groins were bare and bleeding.

"Ouch!" said Misty. "Well, thanks for the serenade." She ushered Coyote back into the room.

"Did I tell you I love you?" said Misty to her husband.

"Yes. Tell me again."

"I love you. I'd slip into something more comfortable, but this is the only thing crinolinas wear." She rustled her skirt once more as she said this, and Coyote thought he might swoon.

"It's just fine," he said. "It's more than fine."

"Well then, lover, let's go to bed."

"Sure thing. Now . . . where did I put my coyotagra?"

"You silly beast; you already took it! Come to bed!"

"I . . . did, didn't I? My mind just isn't working lately." She had already lain down on the big king-size mattress. Coyote slipped in next to her and took her in his arms once again.

"But won't this, uh, kill you?" he asked.

"No, silly; I took coyotagra, too. It really is a wonder drug! Say, would you . . . pull my crinolines back one by one? I love it when you do that."

"Of course," he said. It took a while, but at last he had them all back. Misty's panties were a dazzling, spotless white. She wiggled her hips invitingly, and a little whimper caught in her throat. "Oh, do it, lover, do it," she whispered. Coyote reached for the panties.

"Are you sure I took my coyotagra?" he asked.

"Yes!" she cried. "Your mind really is going. On my word of honor: you took it, and you can take me! Please, honey, while I'm young . . . do it!"

"Okay," he said. "Okay. I'll . . . ow!"

"What now?" Her exasperation was palpable.

"My arm's falling asleep." Earlier, while searching through his knapsack for his medicine, Coyote had unobtrusively tied a string tightly around his left forearm. It cut off the circulation, and now the arm was throbbing and stinging, as if jabbed by thousands of little needles. Without the victim's full involvement, Misty's enchantment dissolved like snow in the midday sun. Coyote came to and saw that he had never left the clearing. Barbi, Buffy, and Bonnie lay there, unquestionably dead. Misty was just as she had been before--except that her skirt and petty were now thrust back. "It was . . . quite an illusion," said Coyote, as he picked up his pill bottle.

"Oops," said Misty.

"The most dangerous way to dispatch a crinolina is by sexual intercourse. Her fay magic will surely prove fatal unless her captor has fortified himself with effective protection. The only 100 % guarantee of safety comes from Acme's new drug, coyotagra. Be absolutely sure that you have taken a full dose of coyotagra no more than twenty minutes before intercourse. And keep track of the expiration date!"

"A crinolina's nether regions are more delicate than those of any other fairy. Intercourse with a non-fay will kill her if the non-fay lives long enough to bring her to orgasm . . . ."

"Can't we discuss this?" said Misty. "I mean . . . we had a great time in Las Vegas Mythicas, didn't we?"

"Yes we did," said Coyote.

"We could work something out . . . I mean: if you just bring me off without getting inside of me, we'll both be safe. And mixed marriages are getting more common all the time. It could work . . . really it could."

"But I can't trust you," said Coyote.

"Well, you do have a point there, but you're so darned smart! I can't see how I'd ever get the better of you."

"Given enough time, I think you would," said Coyote. "You almost pulled it off today. I'm sorry, sweetie, but it's over." He then shook two tablets into his paw and swallowed them.

"O-over?" she said. "Oh lord, it r-really is over, isn't it?" Coyote nodded. "Oh my. Oh my, oh my." The tears began to pour down her face. "You've v-vanquished me . . . just like the others. I played the best trick I knew . . . and you w-won anyway. You're . . . Coyote the Conqueror!" And with that, she began to sob. Gently, ever so gently, Coyote slipped her panties down.

Misty was almost as tight as her younger companions. When Coyote first entered her, she filled the clearing with her screams. The hurt didn't go away, but in a short time it was matched and then surpassed by spasm after spasm of pussy-rending pleasure. No male fay had ever given her delight like this. She groaned deeply and loudly and kicked out hard with every tremor. After more orgasms than she could count, something at last gave way inside her. She uttered a final groan, kicked a few more times, and then was still. "Wow," said Coyote.

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