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Review This Story || Author: ProtagorasII

Sense of Responsibility

Part 2 The Wilsons

A Sense of Responsibility by ProtagorasII


This is the second part of a longer story for which I haven't yet written the introductory chapter. This particular scenario popped into my head and demanded to be written before it was forgotten. Hope you enjoy



Part 2 The Wilsons

"Piss Off!" came from behind the door

I knocked again

"I said PISS OFF! " louder

"Its Linda Newton from Social Services – I need to speak to Rita"

"PISS THE FUCK OFF!" louder still

"Its about your little brother Kevin - your mother needs to fill out this form"

After a few moments of silence the bolt on the inside clicked over and the door opened slowly.

"What about Kevin ? is he coming home?"

"That's what I need to speak to your mother about – You must be Joe"

"Yeh – an she's my step-mum and she ain't here right now "

"Well perhaps I could leave this form for her to fill in and I could arrange another appointment to see her."

"She can't read or write – I fill in the forms and stuff"

"In that case perhaps I could come in and explain what is required and then you can fill in the details with Rita when she gets home"

Joe looked back down the hall muttering to himself.

"Well I've got some mates in …. An we're watching a movie!"

"This will only take a few minutes Joe – I'm sure you won't miss much – it is very important"

"Well….eh …. Aye… OK"

With that Joe pulled the door open sufficient to allow me entry. Following the corridor I instinctively entered the first room I came to assuming it to be the lounge. As I entered I heard Joe over my shoulder

"No … not in there!" he shouted

I stopped and stood in the doorway, I was correct, it was indeed the lounge and four youths were seated on the settee apparently glued to a TV screen which was obscured from my view by the open lounge door. Joe's shout had momentarily disturbed their viewing and all four turned to see what was happening.

"Good afternoon boys – Enjoying the movie?" I enquired

"Hope you don't mind but I have to borrow Joe for a few minutes if that's OK"

After a few "sure u don't need me misses " and "mines is bigger" I stepped forward and looked at the screen.

"Settle down you lot – What's the movie anyway"

For a few seconds I stared at the screen not quite sure what I was looking at. The images were somehow familiar but I couldn't quite put them into context. The giggles coming from the settee and Joe's hand touching my shoulder snapped me out of my trance and turned to face him

"We'll go in the kitchen Misses"

"OK " I answered and swung back around to the screen. By now the camera was zooming out from a close up and the entire scene was coming into focus. A naked man was lying on the floor with a woman lying on top impaled on his erection, another man stood behind her with his dick up her ass. Both men were fucking her hard. I continued to stare at the screen as the women screamed into an orgasm while they continued to ram their dicks into her – I was now oblivious to the continuing comments from the settee and Joe had obviously given up trying to get my attention as I saw him walk over and sit down next to the others. The guy up her ass vocalised his imminent orgasm and the cameraman duly zoomed in. He was now fucking her ass at an incredible rate and with a hail of "Oh Shit" and "Oh Fuck" he slowly withdrew his throbbing dick all the way out and shot a stream of spunk back into her gaping ass. Meanwhile the guy underneath continued to edge his way to satisfaction and picked up the pace. With every upward thrust he squeezed some of the other guys cum out of her ass and a steady trickle was now winding its way towards his scrotum. Suddenly the woman jumped off and grabbed his dick in her hand and started pumping, within ten seconds a huge wad flew out of the end of his dick and hit her full in the face. The huge grin betrayed her obvious satisfaction with her efforts as dollop after dollop of cum hit her nose and cheeks and slid slowly down her face to drip from her chin. The film ended suddenly and the blank screen crackled.

Minutes passed before the realisation eventually sunk in, I had just watched a porno movie with a room full of testosterone frenzied sixteen year olds. I turned on my heel and headed back into the corridor. Pushing open the door directly opposite the lounge I was relieved to find it lead into the bathroom, rushing in I quickly turned, closed the door and threw the bolt over. For a few moments I stood staring at my own image in the mirror attached to the back of the locked door.

"You OK in there !"

Joe's voiced roused me from my trance with a start and hurled me back into the reality of the situation

"Fine thanks Joe – I will speak to you in the kitchen in a second or two!"

By way of giving my self an excuse to stay in there a little longer I slipped my panties down over my knees and sat down to pee. I am not quite sure how I had managed to get to my age without ever having seen a porno movie but that was the reality. Its not as if I had any objection to them on moral grounds or anything like that but rather the opportunity had never arisen and I had just never went looking for them As I sat there the images I had witnessed flew through my head, for some reason seeing someone else having sex seemed to put an entirely new perspective on it. Never having considered it before, part of the shock was just how erotic I had found it. Until now I had never seen a pussy other than casually in a changing room or showers but never sexually and certainly never one full of cock.

While I was more than a little familiar with the wonderful feeling of being fucked I found this new stimulation of seeing it awesome and the silvery sheen glistening on the inside of my black panties bore witness to the fact . I reached between my thighs and ran my fingers up the length of my engorged pussy lips and could barely believe how wet I had become in such a short time, the damn thing was practically dripping for Christ's sake. Rejecting the temptation to rub on my now sensitised clitty I quickly pulled my panties up and tried to get a grip on myself.

What I really needed right now was to get the hell out of here and avoid any further contact with the gaggle of young bucks in the lounge. I headed towards the kitchen where Joe was waiting.

"I did try to warn you " he smiled

"Don't worry about it Joe its natural for young men of your age to be interested in that stuff"

Unzipping the attaché case I was carrying I pulled out a form and handed it to Joe.

"Just help your Mum fill this is in and make sure it gets sent back to me at the office – As soon as I have it I will call round and get things moving "

With that I turned and briskly made my way towards the front door. As I passed the the lounge the door was standing open and one of the youths called after me.

"Hey Babe you've left your bag in here!"

I realised my shoulder bag was no longer on my shoulder, I must have dropped it as I stared at the TV.

"Could you bring it out for me Please!"

My only reply was a chorus of laughter, they were of course acutely aware of my embarrassment although they had no understanding of why. I should imagine they thought I was some sort of prude or something, I certainly don't think they could have been aware how turned on I was. Deciding that my only option was to go in and fetch my bag I walked into the lounge. Avoiding eye contact with the youths and averting my gaze from the screen I quickly located my bag and took the few steps towards it. As I bent to pick it up there was a loud Thwack! from the TV. I stood and stared at the screen trying to figure out what was happening – I hadn't meant to but I appeared unable to help myself.

On the screen a naked black woman lay face down over a low level rectangular occasional table. Her hands and knees touched the ground at either sided and were tied to each of the table legs. A black leather hood with a zipper up the back covered her head. Her smooth black skin glistened from a fine film of sweat. The camera panned down her back and over her ass and zoomed in on her shaven pussy. Her dark lips were gaping wide exposing the moist pink velvety folds of her inner labia. Her erect clitty was straining for attention.

The camera began zooming out and the whole room slowly came into view. To her left hand side a young black youth stood looking down at the woman, I could see his lips move as he spoke but I was only vaguely aware of any noise from the TV. I tried to concentrate on his voice and slowly my brain started to process the information coming in through my ears"

"………need some more bitch or are you gonna be a good little slut"

To my disbelief he raised his right arm and brought the palm of his hand down on to her left buttock with such force that the thwacking sound was deafening. I gasped aloud. Comments were being hurled towards me from the sofa but I could not take my eyes away from the screen.

"Thwack ….. Thwack….. Thwack !"

Another three in quick succession left the woman writhing and moaning in obvious pleasure. Confused by the paradox of pain resulting in pleasure I continued to stare intently at the screen. Of course I was aware that such things interested people but I had never experienced it nor spoken to anyone who had and therefore never really considered it.

"OK ho – now you gonna do my boys real good – you hear!."

"Yo Tico get your asses in here" he shouted somewhere off screen

The camera panned around the room to the door as six or seven other youths waltzed in. Each of them greeted the first youth with some sort of hand shake and then smacked the woman's ass, each blow seemed harder than the last. Finally the camera zoomed back in on the woman's pussy which by now was giving up a tiny but steady trickle of lubrication.

At some unseen signal the youths all started to undress. With jeans and t-shirts discarded the naked youths stood around the woman stroking their cocks into readiness. After some preliminary discussions on the order of the proceedings one of the youths approached the woman from the back, knelt down and with one stroke thrust his now fully erect cock keep in the woman's pussy. Her reaction was instant. Within the constraints of her ties she thrust back at the youth in an effort to feel him even deeper than he already was. Smiling up at his friends the youth began pumping in and out of her in long slow strokes, as if announcing the festivities had begun the youths applauded loudly and punched clenched fists in the air.

The woman's squeals and moans were interspersed with plea's to be fucked deeper and harder and faster. A Caucasian youth stepped forward and knelt by the woman's head. Through the only opening in the hood he fed his cock into her mouth temporarily silencing her. After a few minutes both boys started to pick up the pace. Now synchronised they both thrust and grunted simultaneously. Soon the anguished look on both their faces and their ever quickening pace signalled imminent climax. The youth in the woman's mouth started whaling and grabbed the back of the hood with both hands, thrust his cock as deep down her throat as he could manage and held her their while he obviously emptied his seed down her throat. The youth fucking her pussy was smacking the woman's ass between thrusts and was now being encouraged by the group to "fill her full". Much to their satisfaction he stopped and grasped her hips, rammed his cock all the way home and howled her pussy full of his cum. The camera zoomed into the woman's head where the youth was now withdrawing his softening cock, she was coughing and spluttering desperately trying to refill her lungs which had obviously been denied any oxygen of some time, the youth stepped away and was immediately replaced by another eager hardon. The other youth also stepped away and his gratification tumbled from the woman's quivering spasming pussy and dripped onto the floor, he too was immediately replaced and the cycle began over again.

While it had felt like a few seconds in retrospect the whole scene must have taken 10—15 minutes. Gradually I became aware of the effect this was have on my body, my knees were weak , my pulse was racing , my pussy was tingling and my entire body was perspiring. I looked down at my arms which were crossed across my chest, I had such a firm grasp of my jacket that my knuckles were white. Damn I felt horny.

"I reckon the bitch is luvin it !"

I looked down towards the source of the comment. One of the boys was lying on the floor on his back with his head between my feet staring directly up my skirt.

"Them panties are friggin soaking!!!!" he yelled

The others responded with whistles and howls. Stepping away from the boy I turned and faced the others. As I slowly surveyed each of the individuals a nagging feeling of recognition bothered me – unable to put the faces into context I glanced back at the screen and like a bolt of lightening I realised they were part of the group on the screen. As I turned back it was now obvious they knew that I knew that they had made the movie. One of them held up the leather hood and the room fell silent. Joe – who was now standing in the doorway, closed the open door and lent against it. The group had suddenly turned from being boisterous and jovial into a menacing threat.

"Put that on !"

The boy holding the hood threw it down at my feet.

"Now boys this is just silly – you could get into serious trouble – I am just going to leave and forget all about this innocent little incident"

"Look lady they aint' fuckin around here – and no-one wants anyone to get hurt – now do they"

The tone of Joe's voice left me in no doubt that they were deadly serious. The deafening silence in the room was made all the more intimidating by the tiny click of a switch blade opening, the polished steel blade glinted as he turned it in his hand.

"Just get the fucking hood ON and get your gear OFF - NOW!"

Joes shouting startled me into activity as I reached down and lifted the hood from the floor. Fear now had a total grip on me. I now knew I had very little time to decide whether I was going to acquiesce or make further attempts to diffuse the situation. I looked a Joe pleadingly desperately trying to induce some sympathy for my situation. His reply was emphatic and decisive

"Get a fucking move on - bitch!"

Resigned to my fate I pulled the hood over my head – the sudden darkness left me disorientated and terrified. I stood with my hands by my sides and waited. One of them moved towards me and I jumped as he touched my head. Closing the zip on the back of the hood he whispered in my ear:

"I'm going up your ass – bitch!"

With my stomach churning and my limbs rigid the perspiration all over me turned cold. The distinctive smell of fine leather filled my senses and my eyes rolled around searching for feedback in the pitch darkness.

"Get the fucking gear off or Tico here will cut it off!"

Joe's voice dared disobedience. Slowly I started to undress. Removing my jacket, blouse and skirt I stood there wearing only matching bra and panties and of course my hood. When it had become apparent that I was not going to remove the rest without further prompting I had expected Joe to say something. Instead I heard one of them get up and walk towards me. I felt the cool smoothness of the blade on my shoulder, with a flick of his wrist he sliced through the bra strap on my left shoulder then over to the right shoulder and finally he lightly drew the sharp tip from the back of my neck down to the clasp between my shoulders blades and sliced through it. The bra fell to the floor exposing my breasts to the group. The room remained silent.

"Please don't hurt me " I pleaded

By way of reply I felt the very tip of the blade against the inside of one knee forcing me to spread my legs wider to avoid injury. The blade then ran up the outside of my thigh and sliced through the waist band of my panties. As he did the same of the other side the panties fell away leaving me stark naked. I flushed with embarrassment as I imagined their collective gaze on my shaven pussy.

In silence a hand on my shoulder forced me to my knees. My head was then pushed forward to the ground and each wrist was tied with heavy rope to the respective ankle. My naked ass and gaping pussy were readily available for whatever they had in mind. Although still terrified at the prospect of what was to come, strangely I no longer felt in danger for my life. I was to be used.

Joe must have given a signal. The sound of belts unbuckling, zippers being undone and shoes being removed broke the silence.

"Please don't do this! – Joe PLEASE!"

I heard the sound first – a deafening THWACK! Which rang round the room, this was instantly followed by an excruciating pain on my right buttock – THWACK! – same sound, same pain. The air was forced from my lungs and they refused to re-fill. Fingernails dug into the palms of my hands as I clenched my fists tightly against the onslaught. The pain was of such magnitude that I thought I would surely pass out. The room fell silent once more and slowly the unbearable white-hot pain eased to a red-hot tingling sensation leaving my buttock highly sensitive to even the most gentle gust of air.

Without warning my pussy was filled to capacity. Before I could acclimatise to the sensation he was pistoning in and out of me. His cock moved easily into my slick pussy as he fucked me hard. His scrotum rasped over my clitty and his rough pubic hair ground into my now sensitised buttock. Railroaded by an explosive orgasm I gasped for air and screamed my ecstasy as wave after wave rippled through me. Unrelenting shock waves seared through my pussy walls mercilessly as it sucked and grasped at the invader. With no end in site, I resigned myself to being carried along on the crest of this wave until it was ready to dump me back on shore. .

After an indeterminate period, the tidal wave subsided into a gentle swell and my sense of self began to re-emerge. Presumably the youth had achieved his goal as I felt him withdraw from my pussy and move away. I relaxed into the warm post orgasmic afterglow almost forgetting my predicament.


My right buttock screamed at me in agony and instantly jolted me back into reality.


Before I was even finished pleading my pussy was once again filled. As quickly as it had been thrust inside me it was withdrawn. I felt the thick head being placed at the tiny ring of my ass.


As he thrust forward I was sure my sphincter had been torn apart, the pain was sufficient to take me to the very edge of consciousness. When he was full embedded in my bowls he yelled across to the cheering audience. The pain eased to discomfort as my body desperately tried to adjust. Internal organs took a life of their own as they jostled for what little space was left inside me.

A few moments later a hand grasped the hood and lifted my head from the floor, the bulbous end of fully erect cock was forced through the hole in the hood and banged against my closed mouth.

"Open up bitch"

Keeping my lips tightly closed I shook my head trying to escape, two hands clamped either side of my head and held me steady. My right nipple suddenly burst into flames as it was twisted and squeezed almost to destruction. As I screamed in pain the cock was thrust down my throat. The pain in my nipple stopped and the cock started fucking my mouth.

Behind me the youth was now pounding my ass relentlessly and despite myself the gentle wave was gaining momentum. My insides were beginning to liquefy as he fucked harder and harder and I found myself grinding back into his crutch with every forward thrust. Focused entirely on reaching oblivion once more I concentrated on the cock up my ass which was inching me towards my goal.

Suddenly the cock in my mouth stopped moving and slowly withdrew. My mouth filled with cum as it slid it out through my lips and moved away. Gasping for air and screaming my way into the final throes of ecstasy I was over come with darkness.

Roused back into consciousness by a hand shaking my shoulder I was momentarily disorientated. Panic gripped me as I realised I was unable to move, the pitch blackness served only to confuse me further.

"What the hell do you think you are doing Joe !"

"Who the HELL is this JOE ! " she screamed

"Some Social Services woman" Joe replied sheepishly

The voice in the distance gave me some reference points and I remembered where I was. Someone unzipped the hood and pulled it over my head, the bright sunshine streaming in through the window temporarily blinded me. As my hands were being untied my eyes slowly adjusted and I looked around the room. The youths were climbing back into their clothes. Rita was untying me.

"Shit Joe.. we will never get Kevin back now you FUCKING ASSHOLE!"

As I stood a torrent of cum poured from my pussy and ass and pooled on the floor between my legs, everyone stared at the puddle. Judging by the quantity I assumed they all must have emptied themselves into me. My ass and pussy ached. Running my hands over my buttocks I could feel several raised wields about two inches wide. Despite the discomfort I had never felt so sated in my life.

"Have you ASSHOLES any idea the trouble you are in?"

I stared at each in turn, none would maintain eye contact and lowered their eyes to the floor.

"Even as young offenders, kidnap and gang rape will get you 10 to 15yrs"

"I'm really sorry Miss ….really really sorry …. How does this … I mean what about Kevin?"

Rita's eyes filled with tears at the thought of being refused custody of her eleven year old Kevin who had been removed from the family home for persistent shoplifting and truancy and was now resident at a local secure care home. Her recent appeal against the decision had been granted conditional on my re-assessment of the family situation. As a single parent she faced considerable difficulties raising four children after her husband had died. I desperately wanted to help.

"This has nothing to do with you Rita , Joe is responsible for his own actions I don't see how this should affect your application to get Kevin back. Besides Joe will be in jail."

Her face lit up as she hugged and thanked me. A small red light caught my peripheral vision, as I turned toward it I realised the bastards had filmed the whole episode. I walked over to the camera and removed the tape. I approached Joe.

"So Joe , How does it feel to be on the verge of a long custodial sentence?"

"I'm sure your fellow inmates will keep you fully occupied on those long lonely nights"

The despondent Joe continued to stare at the floor in silence. As I surveyed the room and the occupants it occurred to me that there was no way on earth the team would allow Kevin home if this broke.

"There is of course an alternative!"

Every head in the room turned towards me.

"So long as I have this tape each of you has a prison sentence hanging over your heads"

"As an alternative, I am prepared to delay reporting this for a probationary period of three months. During this period you will be collectively responsible for the welfare Kevin and Rita. You will ensure Kevin stays out of trouble and attends school. In addition you will participate in a rota of chores around this house while Rita is at work "

As they exchanged glances.

"Furthermore you will ALL be here at this time each week for…………….. assessment. Does everyone agree?"

Without exception they nodded agreement.

"In addition you WILL from now on address me as MISS and do exactly as I instruct. IS THAT CLEAR!"


"Joe go into the kitchen with Rita and fill in that form I gave you earlier"

"Yes Miss"

"You go and run me a bath"

"Yes Miss"

"You clean up this puddle up"

"Yes Miss"

"You go make me some coffee"

"Yes Miss"

"You go outside and wash my car"

"Yes Miss"

As each of them set about their tasks I considered the risk I was taking. The whole thing could back fire but I could see it was going to be interesting. Dressing I noticed the TV screen still beamed images of the woman bound to the table. A youth I recognised as Joe was removing her hood. The camera swung round and zoomed in on her face. It was Rita.

Review This Story || Author: ProtagorasII
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