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Review This Story || Author: Hard Tongue


Part 1


For some reason you woke up with an impending sense of doom this morning,
nothing specific, just a feeling.  You shower and put on a short dress, satin
g-string, stockings and no bra.  You have a cup of tea, put on your make up and
rush to your car.  As you drive down the road you notice a white van pull out
and drive behind you.  You think nothing of it and listen to the radio.  As you
turn into a quiet country road the van also turns.  Your mind is elsewhere, but
you come back to reality literally with a bump as the van crashes into the back
of your car.  "Silly bastard you think" and without thinking jump out and march
to the drivers window.  You knock on the window, but he ignores you, making you
even madder.  As you bang on the window you fail to notice the sliding door on
the side open.  Suddenly everything goes dark as a bag is put over your head and
you are grabbed roughly and pushed into the back of the van.  You hear the door
close and struggle to get free but are pushed against the wooden floor of the
van, your arms pulled roughly behind your back and tied at the wrists with a
cable tie.  It cuts into your wrists and then you feel your ankles also being
tied together.

You can't hear any voices, only the sound of the van engine and the bumps from
the road through the hard floor. You have no idea how long you've been here like
this.  Your nostrils are filled with the stale smell from the bag and all you
hear is the engine.  Suddenly it stops, someone gets out and you hear a large
metal door being opened.  The van moves forward again and you hear the door
close.  The van stops and the door slides open.  You have no idea where you are
of what's going to happen.  You feel two hands grip your ankles and pull you to
the door.  A second pair of hands catches you by the shoulders and you are
lifted from the van.  You are placed against a wall, standing and then relief,
your hands are free.  You think about trying to fight but before you can react,
you feel them lifted above your head and tied to a hook.  You plead through the
bag, "please, I haven't done anything, please, please let me go" but hear no

You are tied there and now feeling a little cold, you hear a door open and
footsteps as it seems like they've left.  The door closes and the situation
begins to dawn on you.  You begin to sob.  Then you hear something, only one of
them must have gone out.  "is someone there?" you ask.  You hear movement again. 
"Please speak to me, tell me what you want".  You hear a little laugh.  Then he
speaks " we have what we want Sarah", shit, he knows my name, you think.  "Who
are you" you sob, "I need to go I am going to work and they will miss me". 
Another laugh.  "Why will they miss you, you sent them an email telling your
boss you were going to your family for a few weeks, you know, sick relative". 
"Not I didn't" you sob.  He laughs again, "Well they think you did, even
responded and said take all the time you need".  Now you were scared, no one
knows you're missing!

You feel him move closer, you feel his breath on your neck and his hand grabs
your left breast, roughly stroking it as his tongue licks your neck.  "You are
ours, to do with as we please Sarah, and we're going to enjoy you" he says.  "Oh
god, please no" you sob.  And you feel his hand on your back and then feel your
dress zip slide slowly down..  His hand is on your bare back, roughly rubbing up
and down.  "Time to examine the goods I think" he says as you hear your dress
rip and fall to the floor.  You are standing now in just g-string, stockings and
suspender belt.  "So no bra Sarah, and you wore your sexy underwear for us, how
sweet".  You feel hot breath on your chest and then feel bearded lips on your
nipple, roughly sucking and nibbling.  You moan, mostly from pain but also
because the fear and the lack of control is turning you on.  He senses this and
laughs, "So slutty Sarah wants some".  You say "Nooo!" as his hand moves lower,
pushing down your g-string and exposing your pussy.  You feel him move and feel
the bonds on your ankles released and then your ankles pulled roughly apart and
tied again to some sort of frame.  His hand is on your pussy again and he
roughly pushes a finger and then two into your wet hole.  "Wet aren't we, I
think you might be liking this Sarah".  "But you fun will have to wait until
later, then you will see what we really have in mind for you".  As he steps away
you say "Please, I really need the bathroom".  He answers, " You're not going
anywhere Sarah, but we won't mind if you piss there", "go on Sarah you know you
need to.  The cold and the fear meant he was right and as you relaxed you felt
the hot flow splash on the floor and around your ankles

He leaves the room and you are left alone, thoughts race through your mind. 
What do they want, what did they mean about this evening, how do they know me? 
You think and then become frightened.  They haven't said anything about a
ransom, are the going to release me or kill me?  You cry uncontrollably.  You
are cold and hungry and now you want to pee again.  What seems like hours pass
and you hear nothing.  Then you can hold on no longer and you relax your muscles
and hear the stream of urine splash on the floor.  You can feel the warm
splashes on your ankles.

After a time, you have no idea how long, the door opens and you hear voices. 
One voice says "time to get her ready, take off the hood".  You are filled with
panic.  As long as they were hiding their faces they were probably going to let
you go.  If you see them then, the thought was too much to contemplate and you
begin to cry again.

You hear one of them beside you and suddenly the hood is pulled off.  The bright
makes you close your eyes tight.  You open them slowly.  Thank god they are
wearing masks.  You relax a little and look around.  The room you are in isn't
as large as you imagined, and there are 5 men in there.  They are lining up
chairs in front of you, you look down and for the first time notice you are on a
stage.  Then you see it, your stomach turns, on one corner of the stage is a
noose, a hang mans noose and there are 3 cameras and lights set up around the
stage.  Your legs go limp as reality dawns.  You have heard rumours of "snuff
movies" but never knew if they existed or not.  Your sobbing becomes
uncontrollable now.

A door opens at the back and a line of men enters and take their seats in front
of the stage.  Once it fills the house lights go down.  A large man in a tuxedo
and an Oliver Hardy mask walks to the front.  He announces "Tonight we have a
very special show for you all, we would ask you all to be quiet during the show,
firstly as we are filming and secondly to maximize your enjoyment". " The First
act is beginning now"

The large spot light shines on you, you feel its heat on your skin.  From one
side of the stage to see him approach.  Dressed completely in black, with a
black satin mask and holes cut for his mouth and eyes.  In his hand he carries a
whip.  The masked man speaks to the audience, "the cost per lash is $1 00, who
wants to pay for the first one".  A hand shoots up at the front.  "ok, number
20, come have your fun".  The audience cheers as an old fat man climbs the
steps.  The masked man hands him the whip and he tests it in the air.  He moves
to one side of you, you see the whip fly through the air and land across your
ass.  The pain is more than you have experienced before and you scream and pull
at the bonds but o no avail.  The audience claps.  The old man says "I want
another, I'll pay $120 to whip her across her tits".  "Nooo", you scream but the
hooded man says "Deal".  No 20 stands in front of you and takes aim.  You want
to close your eyes but can't bring yourself to do it.  You hear no 20 snigger,
you look at him as he draws the whip back, you hear it cut through the air and
land right across both your breasts.  You try to scream, but no sound comes out,
your breasts are on fire and you feel as if all your blood is rushing into them
as they throb.

"OK said the hooded man, part two.  Two hooded men come from the side of the
stage, unhook your hands and untie your legs and drag to across the stage. 
There's a kind of gym horse here and they bend you over it, tying your hands and
ankles and exposing your pussy and ass to the audience.  You are facing a large
mirror so you can see back to what's happening.  "Right", the hooded man says,
"who'll pay $400 to fuck her, only 4 places going tonight before the main show". 
Shit, you think, what is the main show if this isn't.  In the background you
hear the hooded man choose 4 men, they all climb onto the stage.  You see them
in the mirror as they take out their cocks.  The hooded man says "usual rules,
smallest cock first".  The first man steps forward.  His cock isn't small,
Christ you think, how big are the rest.  He stands behind you.  You feel him rub
his cock against your pussy and then he pushes hard into you.  He isn't subtle,
just pumps hard and fast into you, his balls slapping against you and his breath
hot on your neck.  You feel him harden and push hard and as he grunts you feel
him cum in you.  He pulls out and straight away the next one is there.  He is
bigger and rougher, he pushes hard and goes deep, putting his hands on your
shoulders to push hard and he begins to fuck you hard, this time you feel it
more and are starting to enjoy it when you hear him grunt "oh, yeah" as his
sperm shoots deep in you.  The next is there straight away, he continues to fuck
you and jesus you think, he's long, every push goes as deep as you can take and
you know he's not fully in.  You feel your muscles tighten and he moans and
pushes faster before shooting deep into you.  The last guy takes over.  He's not
as long but god he's thick.  His pushes part your lips and you feel them push
inwards with each push.  Now you are the one who's going to cum.  Your muscles
grip him tight and you moan with each stroke.  You orgasm and he continues,
"that's it bitch he says" and then his sperm joins the others in you.

The audience clap and cheer as he pulls out leaving you gasping for air.  The
hooded man steps forward.  Now he says "the finale"

"Those of you who've been here before for our special evenings know the finale
is only attended by the highest bidder, the rest of you will get the video
afterwards.  So who will start at $50,000".  The bidding moves quickly and ends
at $150,000.  The hooded man calls two assistants and they untie you and bring
you to the noose.  Your hands and legs are tied and a hood is placed over your
head.  You start to cry and the hooded man places the noose over your head.  He
says clear the room except for the winning bidder and you hear everyone leave.

You sense someone stand beside you and you know is impossible to escape and you
know that they are going to kill you.  Your bladder relaxes and you feel your
pee run down your legs.  He stands very close and takes off the hood.  Your eyes
adjust to the light and you say "you!".  I say "happy birthday, Sarah"  "hope
you enjoyed your present".  I untie you wand bring you through some doors to a
large hot bath, I kiss you and say "well was it as good as you thought it would
be to be kidnapped".

What will I get you next year???????

Review This Story || Author: Hard Tongue
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