BDSM Library - Brownie Craving

Brownie Craving

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Greg makes a batch of brownies that is made with a drug that has the power to enslave people.

Author: slaveboyusa

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Date: 2/19/09

Title: Brownie Craving

Summary: The first chapter of “Brownie Craving”. Greg and George are two brothers living in their parents house. Both of their parents are dead, but the house is not paid off yet. George is a chemistry student in college, has no job and does not have enough money to make the house payments. Fortunately, Greg has a plan to get money. Greg is an aspiring chemist like his brother, and has been working on a drug that turns people into obedient slaves.

       George and Greg sat at the breakfast table; both were eating their cereal. The atmosphere was grim. Both were fully aware of the problem they had. A month ago they got a notice that they have 6 months to come up with the $2000 a month for the house payment, or they lose the property. If it was just a house, they would gladly move into a cheaper apartment, but this was there parents house. George and Greg lost their parents a year ago in a plane crash. It was now Georges responsibility to take care of his younger brother and find a way to keep the family home.

       “After my morning class, I am going to start looking for a job. If it pays enough, I will drop out of college and work their full time. I could always become a manager at a fast food restaurant. My financial aid is just not enough for us to live on” said George.

       Greg did not want to hear that. Greg wanted to be a chemist; he had read every chemistry textbook that George has bought for college. Greg looked up to George, if George dropped out of college, it would be a blow to his ego. Greg knew that George was spending much of his financial aid to put food in the house, but that could not last forever.

       “Dont say that, everything will be fine” said Greg.

       George finished his cereal, put the bowl in the sink, grabbed his backpack and said goodbye to Greg. George was tall and skinny, with incurable acne. He has had acne breakouts all throughout high school, making him very self-conscious. Greg was not sad after that conversation, because he had no reason to be. He just finished his cereal, put the bowl in the sink and went down to the basement where the two brothers had a chemistry lab. Greg had not been to school for a week now, because he was cooking up something good. Today was the day that his labor was going to bear fruit.

30 minutes later

       Lisa Sheilds is a 28-year old marketing executive, works from home and is the next-door neighbor of Greg and George. She just moved into the house 6 months ago and did not know the parents of the kids. In fact, she has never spoken to either of the brothers. She was a career woman and typically only socialized with co-workers. She had shoulder length, curly blonde hair and was 5 11” in heels. She was in good shape; thanks to the morning aerobics she did everyday without fail. She liked showing off her body in her business suits, it was power and beauty at the same time. Today she wore a red skirt and jacket ensemble with a white shirt, showing just a hint of cleavage, which was accentuated with a silver cross on a chain.

Lisa was in her living room, having an at home business meeting with her boss, one Sonya Linski. Ms. Linski was 33, born in Moscow and educated in America. She still had something of a husky Russian accent. Ms. Linski was no less attractive than Ms Sheilds, if not more conservative in dress and manner. Sonya has her dark brown hair tied in a professional bun, wore a black business suit with a high neck white blouse. She was a stern woman and rarely showed much emotion in front of co-workers or clients, she saw herself as a force not to be reckon with, and not an ice princess. The two ladies were talking and flipping through the many documents that lay on table between them. The doorbell rang and Ms. Linski told Lisa not to answer it, yet the doorbell kept ringing.

       “I suppose you might as well see who it is, if it is not a family member, get them to leave as soon as you can” said Ms. Linski.

       Lisa answered the door and saw a young boy standing on the porch.


“Hello boy, you must be my neighbor, Im Lisa Sheilds. Its so nice to meet you. What is your name?” asked Lisa.

       “My name is Greg and I brought you a basket of brownies. Its nice to meet you, may I come in Ms. Sheilds?” asked Greg.

       “Of course you can, and call me Lisa” said Lisa as she led Greg inside the house.

       “Lets put those in the kitchen” said Lisa.

       Greg followed behind Lisa. He liked watching her tight buns rub together under the skirt when she walked, it looked like two kittens fighting under a sheet. Lisa looked at Ms. Linski and smiled.

       “This boy is Greg, he is my next door neighbor and he brought me brownies” said Lisa.

       “Hello their Greg. Where did you learn to bake?” asked Ms. Linksi.

       “Dont be rude, he brought us brownies and we are going to share them with him, arent we Greg?” asked Lisa.

       Greg smiled and nodded his head. His plan was going better than he thought; these women were walking right into his trap.

       “We are most certainly not, we are in the middle of a meeting. Not to be rude to Greg, but snack time will come later,” said Ms. Linski.

       “Ms. Sheilds, why doesnt the lady like my brownies?” asked Greg is a fake sad voice.

       Greg was still young enough to play the hurt and confused child, but old enough to use it to his advantage. Greg did not spend a week working on a mind control drug and pour it onto the store bought brownies, just to be turned away so easily. Greg was not just going to mind control Lisa simply to get her money and pay off their house, he was doing it for George. He was pretty sure that George had never slept with a girl, but if there was a girl he had a hard on for, it was Lisa. George could sometimes spy on Lisa sunbathing in her backyard near her pool, while George was looking through an upstairs window. Greg was not sure what to do with this other lady.

       “I think the lady does not want to eat brownies, because she is afraid her butt will get bigger” said Greg.

       Greg and Lisa laughed pretty hard after that joke, Ms. Linski was not amused.

       “Very well, we will all have one, but then are little guest must go back home” said Ms. Linski.

       The three of them went into the dining room and Greg put the basket on the table. Lisa gave everyone a plastic plate, and then everyone helped themselves to a brownie. Ms. Linski and Lisa started eating theirs, but of course Greg had no intention of eating one. Before Lisa could ask him why he was not eating a brownie, he stood up and enounced that he was going to get milk. Ms. Linski put her brownie down (after swallowing the first bite) and had a look in her eye like she was annoyed. Greg stopped in his tracks. He had to make sure the ladies kept eating the brownies. Greg had an idea. He just saw both of the ladies swallow a bite of the brownie, was it enough for the mind control drug to take effect? Could he use gentle persuasion?

       “Why dont you ladies eat all of the brownies?” asked Greg as he continued walking into the kitchen.

       Greg went into the kitchen and made himself a glass of milk and drank it. He heard no noise coming from the dining room. He poured himself another glass and drank it. He put the milk away and washed the cup. Greg went back into the dining room after being gone for 5 minutes. He looked at the two ladies and was pleased what he saw.

       Both ladies had gorged themselves on the brownies. Lisa and Ms. Linski had brownie frosting smeared on their face, both were whipping their faces with their hands and licking their fingers. Lisa smacked loudly every time the frosting touched her tongue. Ms. Linski swooned everytime she licked a finger clean. The women were acting like they have never eaten before in their lives. Sure enough, the women made short work of the dozen drug saturated brownies that were in the basket. Now the real fun begins.

       “STOP it you pigs, look at yourselves” yelled Greg.

       Both women looked at each other with guilt-ridden faces and then lowered their heads. The ladies were called pigs, and they felt ashamed. After one bite of a brownie, a suggestion was just a suggestion, but it stayed in the memory nonetheless. Ms. Linski and Lisa just ate about 2 cups each of the mind control drug; they had no free will, completely vulnerable to any suggestion.

       “I want you two to clean your faces, you sluts look disgusting” said Greg.

       The two women pulled napkins out of their purses and started whipping their faces.

       “No no, I want you two to stand facing each other, and lick the frosting of each others face” said Greg

       The women were so under the spell of the drug that they were still “guilty because they were pigs” so they moved slowly, with their heads down like naughty school girls.

       “Do it now, dont make me wait” said Greg has he stood behind Ms. Linski and slapped her ass to emphasize that she should move quickly.

Ms. Linksy inhaled loudly and ran to Lisa. The two women made out like mad lovers, using their tongues to search out any molecule of frosting. Meanwhile, Greg helped himself to the ladies purses.

       He picked up both purses and took a seat on the living room couch. He dumped the contents onto the coffee table. First he opened the wallets and took out the petty cash, about $300 total and put it in his own wallet. He left the credit cards in their holders. He looked at the drivers licenses. He learned that the other womans name was Sonya Linksi. He put the wallets back into the purses and left the makeup and tampons in a pile.

       “Girls, get over here” ordered Greg.

       Both ladies stood side by side, about 8 feet away from Greg. They looked straight ahead, like soldiers awaiting a command, heels together.

       “Not like that you silly bitches, you may kneel in front of me.” said Greg.

       The women kneeled right in front of Greg, wrinkling their designer skirts.


       Greg slapped each of the women across the cheek. Greg really enjoyed it, not because he was wanted to cause them physical harm, but by the looks on their faces. He noticed that the conservatively dressed one looked more surprised, she must be used to giving shit, not receiving it. The drug made its desired psychological effect, but sometimes-unexpected facial expressions still occurred like a knee jerk reaction. Both of the women looked surprised and had a red right cheek.

       “You whores will thank me when I allow you to do something. When I say you may do that… or I will allow you to do this… you will thank me. Do you sluts understand?” asked Greg?

       “Yes, we understand that we are whores that will thank you when you say you may do that…or I will allow you to do this, we are to thank you, because we are sluts” said both of the women in unison.

       Greg was surprised. The ladies recited exactly what he just said. Were they too obedient? Did they eat too much of the drug (which he decided to call “the mix” for now on). Oh well, got bigger things to worry about now.

       “Take off all of your jewelry and put it in the purse” ordered Greg.

       Without any hesitation, both women discarded their priceless jewelry and dropped it into the purse that Greg was pointing at. Two sets of earings, two necklaces, a gold bracelet, two rings and a gold pin with a sapphire from Ms. Linskis hair. Sonyas hair unfurled around her shoulders, making her look more casual, and younger. Greg was going to pawn the jewelry when he needed more cash.

       “Ok ladies, snack time is over. We got work to do. You two sluts may take Lisas 40” Plasma TV and the surround speakers and put it in my living room” said Greg.

       “Thank you Greg, we will do it” said both ladies in unison.

       Greg kicked back on the couch and watched the women disconnect the TV from the cable and unplug it from the outlet. He smiled as he watched the two ladies struggle with its unwieldy size and the fact they were both wearing high heels. Greg lead them to his house and ordered the ladies to remove the old, boxy 19” TV that was in his living room and connect the 40” TV where the old one was. The women went back to Lisas house to retrieve the surround sound speakers and connect those. Greg put the 19” in his room and connected it to his VCR (they were broke, what do you expect). Greg came downstairs and turned on his new Plasma TV. It worked and the picture came in beautifully. Greg thought his living room was missing something, an X-BOX 360 and a crap load of games. Good thing he noticed all those shiny credit cards.

       The women stood still in the living room, their task was done.

       “Here is the plan my sluts. Lisa will stay here and clean the house. The whole house: do the laundry, the dishes, scrub the wooden floors, take the food out of the refrigerator and clean the shelves, vacuum the bedrooms and clean the windows both inside and out. Sonya, you will drive me to Super Store (the large retail store in town). We will buy an X-BOX 360, some games and whatever else I feel like buying with your money” said Greg.

       Lisa started to walk toward the laundry room, to do the laundry, most likely since that was the first chore in the order they were given to her.

       “Not so fast, wait her. You bitches are getting new uniforms” said Greg.

       The women waited as they were told. Greg went to his room and came with a pair of gym shorts and a gym shirt (his gym clothes from school).

       “Lisa, you may take off your clothes and put these on, it will be easier to clean in these. I will buy Sonya a new costume while we are out.” said Greg.

       “Thank you Greg, I will take off my clothes and put on those clothes” said Lisa.

       Lisa took off her red jacket, the white blouse, white bra, skirt, panties and panty hose. Lisa had firm breasts, like a melon. Its not that Greg did not appreciate Lisas sexy body, it was that he only meant for her to take off her blouse, jacket and skirt, not the underwear too. He has seen the other girls in his gym class wear gym shirts, but always with a bra. Now he was going to see what a gym shirt looked like on a woman without a bra.

       Lisa put her head through the top opening of the shirt; the collar of the shirt hugged her neck snuggly. Then she wiggled each arm through the appropriate holes, her shoulders were a little broader than Gregs, so the fabric near the shoulders tore a little to accommodate her larger size. Lisa pulled the shirt down, it got extra tight around her tits and the shirt hanged about 6 inches above her waist. The shirt hanged from her tightly bound breast, making it easy for anyone who wanted to reach under the shirt and get a handful of breasts. Then came the shorts. Lisa stepped into the blue shorts, they got real tight at about mid-thigh. She had to really pull on them to pull them over her round butt, pulling the fabric tight and giving her a camel toe. It was a tight fit, but the woman did it without a word of complaint (not that she could anyways).

Greg handed Sonya her purse and he picked up the purse with the jewelry. Greg and Sonya left for Super Store in Sonyas BMW, while Sonya was left to clean. First, they bought an X-BOX 360, 10 games for it, a Blu-ray player and several movies and TV shows. It just so happened to be a week after Halloween and all the costumes were on sale. A French maid costumes with skirt, blouse, hat and tights was on sale for $15, Greg bought it. The total purchase was over $2,000. Greg had Sonya pay for it with her debit card. Greg made Sonya push the cart back to the car and load the purchase into the trunk, it was fun making her work. Greg got a thrill out of spending that money and wanted more. Greg and Sonya went to a pawnshop to sell the jewelry, then they went to a steak house for lunch.

Back at the house.

Lisa was still cleaning the house, doing the chores in the order they were given to her. She did them so well, that she interpreted her order to clean the house to mean clean the basement as well. Sonya was happy to find an extra basket of brownies on a table in the basement; she picked up the basket and took them upstairs to eat. Right after she got back to the living room, the doorbell rang and Lisa answered it and simply stared back at the person standing on the porch.

“Hello, who might you be?” asked the woman on the porch.

       “Im a pig, a slut and a bitch. The plan is for me to: do the laundry, the dishes, scrub the wooden floors, take the food out of the refrigerator and clean the shelves, vacuum the bedrooms and clean the windows both inside and out.” Said Lisa, the lady looked confused.

       “I dont like your language, and I dont like that the guys hired a maid, where did they get the money for you? May I come in and wait for them?” asked the lady.


“yes, you may come in and wait for them” said Lisa, stepping back and letting the other woman step inside.

       “my my, you are so polite. And did you say you are the maid?” asked the woman.

       “No, I am not the maid, I just clean” said Lisa.

       “May I say, you dress like something of a bimbo. As Georges girlfriend, you might want to show some modesty, even if you are indoors.” Said the lady.

       “Thank you, you may say that, I am also a pig, a slut and a bitch” said Lisa.

       “Youre a funny one. My name is Michelle; I am the real estate agent of this house. The two boys who live here, George and Greg are close to defaulting on their house payments and if they want to keep it they need to come up with the money, or my company will repossess it.” Said Michelle, looking disapprovingly at the big screen TV.

       “Do you live here, do you pay rent? Asked Michelle.

       “I do not” said Lisa.

       “This is getting me no where. I am going to give you my business card, you tell George to call me when he gets home. May I have that basket of brownies youre holding? Im on my way to a baby shower and I need snacks” said Michelle as she put her card in Lisas generous cleavage.

       “Thank you, you may take the basket” said Lisa

       Michelle said goodbye to Lisa, took the basket and let herself out. Michelle was on her way to a baby shower and she did not want to show up empty handed. She did not have time to pick something up and she was sure her and her girlfriends would like the brownies.

       Greg and Sonya came home shortly after Michelle left. Greg and Sonya came in carrying the bags of merchandise. Greg got to work hooking up the X-BOX 360 and blu-ray player to the TV.

       “So Lisa, did you do your chores?” asked Greg.

       “Yes I did” said Lisa.

       “Did anything happen, while I was out?” asked Greg.

       “Yes, a lady named Michelle came over. She said that she is your real estate agent and that your nearing defaulting your payment. She took my brownies and gave me her card” said Lisa.

       “I hate that bitch….did you say brownies? What brownies?” asked Greg.

       “The brownies that were in the basement, I was going to eat them, but then Michelle took them, but I wa….” Said Lisa, but Greg stopped her before she could finish.


       “You let her take the brownies? Why did you do that?” asked Greg.


       “Because she said, may I take the basket…, so I let her” said Lisa.

       “Did she eat them here?” asked Greg.

       “No, she took them with her to a baby shower” said Lisa.

       Greg kept working on putting the entertainment center together. If Michelle took those brownies to a baby shower that means that several women would be eating those brownies. He remembered how greedily Lisa and Sonya ate those brownies this morning. Once someone ate a special brownie, did they forever crave it?

       “Lisa, did you like the brownies from this morning?” asked Greg.

       “Yes, ever since I ate those brownies this morning, I have been craving nothing but brownies. I wish someone would give me one” said Lisa.

       It made sense to Greg. His special ingredient in the brownies turned people into obedient zombies, but he never considered the effects it would have on the victim. Did the brownies fill the consumer with such a strong desire for another brownie, that all free-will was surrendered, just to get another brownie?

       “Sonya, would you do anything for another brownie, like the one you had this morning?” asked Greg.

       “Yes, I would do anything for another one” said Sonya.

       Greg realized that at a baby shower somewhere, there was going to be a bunch of women, who want brownies real bad. Once Michelle and her friends ate the brownies, would they come back to his house looking for more brownies?

To be continued….





Title: Brownie Craving part 2.

Please send comments to:                

Date: 4/6/2009

Author: slaveboyusa        

Summary: the 2nd chapter of Brownie Craving. Greg has 2 sexy women under his control, but what if 7 more were thrown into the mix?

       “Sonya, undress and put on the French maid costume and Lisa, give me Michelles card,” said Greg.

       Sonya stripped naked and then started to put on the costume. The skirt was meant for someone shorter, so it was only about 6 inches below her waist. The blouse was to small, so virtually all of Sonyas breasts were exposed in the cutout.

       “My sluts, you may gather your clothes from the floor and go over to Lisas house. But first, give me your cell phone numbers and Lisa give me Michelles card. I need to figure out what I am going to do about her,” said Greg.

       “Thank you, we will gather our clothes from the floor and go over to Lisas house” said both of the women.

       Lisa and Sonya gave their cell numbers to Greg. Lisa took the business card from her cleavage and handed the card to Greg. The girls picked up their clothes from the floor and walked back over to Lisas house. Greg picked up Michelles card and dialed Michelles number. A woman answered at the other end.

       “Hello, this is Michelle speaking, how may I help you,” said Michelle.

       “Hi, this is Greg, you were over at my house earlier” said Greg.

       “Ah yes. I spoke with Georges girlfriend. I hope George starts to charge her rent, then maybe he can pay the mortgage,” said Michelle.

       “About the brownies you took, did you eat them?” asked Greg.

       “As a matter of fact, me and my girlfriends just ate them. They were delicious. If you baked them, thank you very much,” said Michelle.

       “Ok, I need you to leave the party and come over here now” said Greg.

       “Look, I am sorry if I ate your brownies, but I am not just going to leave my friends because you said so. This will have to wait,” said Michelle.

       Greg was going to try to explain to Michelle what the effect of the brownies had by using Lisa as an example, but then realized that it might be better for her to figure it out on her own.

       “Enjoy your party and enjoy the brownies,” said Greg.

       “Thank you Greg, please tell your brother to call me when he gets in” said Michelle.


Greg and Michelle said goodbye to each other and hanged up their phones.

       Greg decided to kick back and X-BOX 360 on his new Plasma screen.

       Next Door, at Lisas house…

       The cell phone in Sonyas jacket pocket started to ring and she answered it.

       “Hi” said Sonya.

       “Sonya? This is Mr. Stevens, the marketing department supervisor. Can you come into the office right away, and if Lisa is there with you, you may bring her” said Mr. Stevens.

       “Thank you Mr. Stevens. I will bring Lisa,” said Sonya.

       Lisa and Mr. Stevens said goodbye to each other and Lisa hanged up.

       “That was Mr. Stevens from the home office. Were to go to back to the office right now” said Sonya.

       “Do you feel that something is wrong, like we shouldnt go to the office like we are?” asked Lisa.

       “Dont be silly, were going to the office, because that is what we are told” said Sonya.

       Sonya and Lisa got into Sonyas car and they drove to their office.

       Back at Gregs house.

       Greg played X-BOX 360 for about 30 minutes and then George came home and stood on the doorway as he spoke to Greg.

       “Hey George, how was class?” asked Greg.

       “Pretty good. I went to a few job interviews today” said George.

       “Forget those interviews. I have the solution to our money problem right next door. I invented a mind control drug and it worked. I put the drug into brownies and then feed them to our hot neighbor Lisa and this other lady that was there. Her name was Sonya,” said Greg.

       “Greg, I appreciate the effort, but I dont think you invented a mind control drug in the two weeks you were on spring break. You go back to school on Monday and you wont have time to worry about that crap. I really hope you are not bothering the neighbor, the last thing we need right now is a complaint from Lisa” said George.

       “Im not bothering her. She even gave me her Plasma TV,” said Greg, pointing at the TV in the living room.

       Greg stepped into the living room and examined the entertainment center. Sure enough, there was a 40” Plasma TV, speakers and an X-BOX 360.

       “Where the hell did you get all this? Did you rob someone?” asked George.

       Greg did not answer, instead he picked up the wireless phone and called Lisas cell. Lisa answered on the other line.

       “Hi Lisa, this is Greg. Hey, my brother George is here. Can you please explain to him that you gave me your Plasma TV and speakers?” Asked Greg.

       Greg handed the phone to George.

       “Hi Lisa. This is George. Look, I think my little brother may have taken your TV and let me say that we will return it immediately. I hope you understand and wont go to the police.” Said George.

       “Why would I go to the police?” asked Lisa.

       “Did you let Greg borrow your TV?” asked George.

       “No, I let him have it” said Lisa.

       “Why did you do that?” asked George.

       “Because he told me to give it to him” said Lisa.

       “Why would you….look, I will go talk to you next door” said George.

       “Dont do that, Im not at home” said Lisa

       “Where are you?” asked George.

       “Im at work, well, not anymore. I mean, I use to work there, or at least thats what this Mr. Stevens tells me, but I got fired today. Its not my work anymore.” said Lisa


“Thats terrible. Why dont you come over and we can talk about it. I will make it up to you. I will get you your TV back and we can smooth everything over. Im sorry that I stare at you from my bedroom window. Im sorry about today. I was going to ask you if you could help me get a job and now youre probably pissed off at me,” said George in a pleading tone of voice.

       “Ok, I will come over. Bye” said Lisa and she hung up the phone.

       George took a seat on the couch. He looked exhausted and a little surprised at Lisas nonchalant attitude after he confessed all those things to her.

       “Between looking for a job and worrying about Lisas TV, this is turning out to be a crappy day” said George.

       “Dont worry about it. She told you that she gave me the TV, so its not like I stole it” said Greg.

       “Yeah, your right. She didnt even seem mad when I said that I stare at her from my bedroom window. I guess I overreacted,” said George.

       “I know you stare out her. Your fantasy woman should be at the door any second” said Greg.

       “No, she is coming from her work. It will be a while before she gets here,” said George.

       Gregs eyes grew big.

       “Did you say work?” asked Greg

       “Yeah, but she got fired. That really sucks for her,” said George.

       Greg started cracking up laughing.

       “Whats so damn funny? It sucks that Lisa lost her job.” said George.

       “Never mind, just been a crazy day, why dont you kick back on the couch and I will grab us some soft drinks” said Greg. 

       George sat on the couch and turned the TV onto the news. A female news anchor was describing that 7 women had ambushed a bakery. More specifically, they had entered a bakery and started eating all the brownies. The women were asked to pay for the brownies. None of the women had brought purses with them and one witness saw the women walk to the bakery (the bakery happened to be just a block from the house where the baby shower was happening at). The women became hostile when asked to pay for the brownies and demanded that the bakery staff make more brownies. The bakery staff agreed, but police arrived to arrest the women before the batch of brownies could be prepared. None of the women were identified, but Greg could clearly see the face of Michelle, their real estate agent as one of the women being arrested.

       Greg thought to himself, Lisa and Sonya ate about 6 brownies each and were content and obedient. A group of 7 women shared a basket of brownies. How many brownies were in the basket, 12? 10? 6? Greg didnt know, but he was sure that these women got a taste of the special brownie and now wanted more, and wanted it badly enough to take over a bakery. George sat there in disbelief. Greg had a better understanding of the situation. Greg was trying to think of a way to explain the connection between the brownies and Michelles wild bakery robbery, but then the answer found him.

       Someone knocked on the door. George stood up and answered it. Lisa and some woman that he did not recognize were standing at the door, sexy costume and all.

       “Come inside, dont stand there and let the neighbors see. And why the hell are you dressed like that?” said George in a self-conscience tone of voice.

       The two women came into the living room.

Greg stood up and got everyone's attention.

       “I can explain. George and ladies, take a seat. This morning I gave these two ladies some brownies with my mind control drug in it. They are completely obedient. The TV and speakers come from Lisas house and Sonya paid for the X-BOX360 and games, isnt that right ladies?” asked Greg.

       Both ladies said yes. George was staring at Lisa. He had stared at her before and in a less clothing (bikini) but never this close. Considering the situation, he didnt even feel a need to try to hide the tent pole poking up in his pants.

       “George, I see you staring at Lisa. Doesnt she look cute in her little outfit? She put it on for you” asked Greg.

       “Yes, I mean what the hell is going on? Why did Lisa lose her job, why is she dressed in a boys gym uniform? Who is this other lady? And how are we going to return the X-BOX360 and get our money back?” asked George.

       “Lisa, answer Georges questions,” said Greg.

       “The four of us are in your living room. Lisa and I did lose our jobs, and one Mr. Stevens fired us, to put it in his own words “came to the office in inappropriate clothing” and was mad that we did not meet our project deadline today, but I dont remember anything about a project, that made him madder. Lisa is dressed in a boys gym uniform, because Greg told her to put it on. The other lady is I, Sonya Linski. And you dont have to return the X-BOX360, because Greg bought it with my money.” Said Sonya.


“You mean to tell me, you two ladies went to work dressed like that?” asked George.

       “Yes we did, because Mr. Stevens called us into work. A lot of men were staring at us and we were told we were a distraction. We were told that if we wanted to keep our jobs in the middle of this recession, we ought to go home and change and return with our finished marketing projects, but both Lisa and I said we dont remember any marketing project. We were both fired on the spot,” said Sonya.

       George stood up with a red face and white knuckles. He almost started swearing.

       “My real estate agent is in jail right now and my little brother thinks he has these two women under his control. How could this day get any weirder?” asked George.

       “Like this. Sonya, you may rip Lisas shirt off,” said Greg.

       “Thank you Greg, for allowing me to rip Lisas shirt” said Sonya.

       Sonya walked up to Lisa and easily ripped the thin fabric into a white pile on the floor. Lisa stood unaffected as her perky breasts wobbled in plain view. George had a new expression on his face, one of shock and embarrassment.

       “Lisa, take George with you to his room and have sex with him, right now” said Greg.

       “with pleasure” said Lisa.

       Lisa walked up to George and took his hand and winked at him. George was about to say something to Lisa, but all his words were lost when her warm hand reached for his. Lisa leaned into George and whispered something only he could hear.

       “Will you show me were your room is?” asked Lisa as one of her breast touched his left arm.

3 minutes later.

       Someone knocked on the door.

       “Sonya, get the door,” said Greg.

       Sonya answered the door and looked at the police officer standing there.

       “Maam, is this the home of George and Greg Hunter?” asked the cop.

       Greg saw what was going on and he came to the door.

       “Hello officer, Im Greg Hunter,” said Greg.

       “Im officer Eric Coal, may I come in?” asked the cop

       “Of course you can, my maid Sonya will get us some iced tea” said Greg as gave Sonya a little pat on the butt to hint that he meant for her to do it.

       The cop came in and shut the door behind him.

       “Is your brother home, I would like to speak to him as well?” asked the cop.

       “He is upstairs in his room, end of the hallway” said Greg.

       Greg thought to tell the cop that he was busy with his girlfriend, but thought better than to argue with a cop.

       “Ill go get his attention,” said the cop.

       Officer Coal knocked on Georges door and then let himself in.

       “Sorry to bother you, but I nee…” said Coal, but stopped speaking halfway through.

       George was naked and mounted on top of Lisa in the middle of sex. Both of them stopped what they were doing and partially hid themselves under the covers when they heard someone open the door.

       “I was let in by your younger brother and I had a few questions for you. I see youre ahem, busy, so I will speak with Greg. And Maam, sorry for the intrusion” said the cop with his eyes pointed away from the two in bed.

       Officer Coal came back downstairs and Sonya handed him a glass of iced tea and he thanked her.

       “I came her as part of the investigation of the bakery incident that happened this afternoon. No one is hurt and all the ladies involved in the robbery are in lock up right now. However, one lady by the name of Michelle claims to have gotten brownies from this address. She and her 6 other friends were subject to an over whelming desire for brownies after they ate the brownies that were handed to her by a blonde lady that was here. We dont suspect foul play and in fact think the ladies may have been intoxicated during the time they committed the robbery. In fact, we dont suspect there is a connection between the brownies and the robbery that is why the ladies are under psychological evaluation right now. Please tell your brother what I just said, and thank you again for the tea” said Officer Coal acknowledging Sonya.

       The cop let himself out and Greg shut the door behind him.

       In Georges Room

       George and Sonya lay side-by-side, naked and still under the covers. George still had his hard on and was a little scared after a cop just walked into his room 5 minutes ago.

       “Lisa, do you still want to have sex, I mean, after the cop?” asked George.

       “Of course I do,” said Lisa.

       “And you will have sex with me, just because Greg told you to?” asked George.

       “Yes, he was the first one to give me those wonderful brownies, and I will do anything to get more of them,” said Lisa.

       “I should tell you, I helped Greg make those brownies, so if its brownies you want, I can give you more. But if you want more, get on top of me and fuck me” said Greg.

       “Okay” said Lisa.

       Lisa straddled Georges upper thighs. George smiled as he stared at her tits hanging above his face like two hot air balloons hovering above. Lisa mounted his dick and started pumping her vagina up and down on his erection. The had glorious sex and both were exhausted after the ordeal.

To be continued….











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