BDSM Library - Viva Picana! A Little Shop Story

Viva Picana! A Little Shop Story

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: What can Eden do to train her husband with the Little Shop's sizzling electric wand?


Penley looked quite nervous as Eden took him into the Little Shop, leading him gently by the hand. She was much calmer and in control now than she'd been that morning.


Eden had been so angry with Penley's stubborn little hard dick that she'd attached several clothespins to it and knocked them off...but it just didn't do any good...he couldn't control his erections!


Now, in the bizarre Little Shop, Penley looked around at all the leather and lace paraphernalia and shuddered. "I...I just don't see this as a private place, honey."


Eden turned to Penley, and her eyes twinkled mischievously. "I know you prefer when we play our games at home, dear, but the Picana is an in-shop rental I'm afraid, Penley."


Eden's cute little nose scrunched up. "I just can't wait to have that thing sizzling all over you--we'll see whos Mister Big Dick then, won't we, Miss Penelope?"


"W-wait, I don't think I want to, Eden, please." Penley's legs were shaking, thinking of the sizzling volts, and he stared at his wife desperately.


He had to assert himself. After all, this was supposedly just a game, and originally, asking Eden to dominate him had been Penley's idea. So he just had to say no.


"Eden, I think we should just go home, as a matter of fact, I insist." Penley tried to look assertive. After all, Eden, a five foot two brunette, couldn't push him around, could she?


Eden smiled demurely, and put her face close to Penleys, so much so that he could smell her Carolina Herrera perfume. "You know that your Eden knows what's best, my little Penelope."


Eden trailed her finger down Penley's chest, and he felt his cock lengthen and straighten in the Little Shop CustodyCrotch FunTube ™. Or at least it attempted to rise, in that cramped space.


Eden's beautiful boobs bounced as she leaned even closer. "You know Mommy doesn't like it when you have your tantrums, little Penny.


Remember in Bloomingdales? How Mommy had to take down your pants in front of all those people, whipping your bare ass with the hairbrush I keep in my purse?"


Penley's face blushed as he recalled the giggling salesgirls and laughing shoppers, as he'd bounced around on Eden's lap as the hairbrush had thudded against his naked, boiling cheeks.


All that because he hadn't liked the violet shirt Eden had bought for him, wasn't masculine enough. But he'd finally okayed it, as everyone stared at his embarrassment.


"Your husband's just a pathetic crybaby!" The little cashier with the nose ring had said as she'd rung them up, and Eden's head had thrown back as she'd laughed aloud.


There had been a couple of men there, that he'd recognized from the Elks Club and he knew they'd razz him something terrible at the next meeting.


Especially as he recalled Eden's exchange with a couple of sailors on leave who were passing through the store--one had said "Hey, pretty lady, you having trouble with that boy? I could take him in hand, the little faggot."


And Penley had expected Eden to at least defend him, but instead she'd replied. "Wish I had you at home to give him the belt, Popeye." And they'd all laughed while Penley had burst into tears.


Now, Penley looked helplessly at Eden as his hands bunched into fists. When had things changed so drastically in their marriage?


"So you want that, Penny? You want me to give you a reputation here at the Little Shop like you have at the Portsmouth Mall?"


Eden whispered this as she surreptitiously stroked Penley's crotch with a long nail. "I have the hairbrush in my purse and I can--"


But Penley's head was shaking in anguish, and Eden laughed easily at her victory. Eden tossed her short, dark mop and snickered as Penley paled, and she clicked her four inch heels to the counter.


Penley was somewhat distracted admiring, even in his terror, his wife's shapely buttocks and their outline in Eden's black jeans.  


As she leaned across the counter, Penley was annoyed at how the stoned out clerk leered at that famous Eden cleavage, bouncing in the pink tank top.


Penley was quite nervous about Eden's find. As a former Foreign Service officer, he'd read about the torture that had been done in Bolivia and Paraguay in the 1970s.


The Picana as a sort of Bolivian cattle-prod, but not much else about it. Apparently originally it had been used to stun pigs in slaughterhouses!


"But that's all right" Eden had said at home, as she'd thrashed Penley's penis with a fly swatter. "You're such a disobedient little piggie that the Picana will be perfect for you." And then the cruel plastic flyswatter had landed on Penley's swelling dick once again.


Penley was just not an obedient slave, in Eden's eyes, ever since she'd put him in long-term chastity.


Certainly he was dutiful in cleaning the entire house, cooking, and turning his paycheck over to his beloved Miss Eden...but ever since he'd been locked up, his dick was so disobedient!


"All the other Mistresses at the Tawse Club say their husbands can go limp just after being ordered to" Eden complained quite often, "But your little wee-wee just stays up there as if I'm some kind of doormat to be ridiculed."


The truth was, now that Penley had been without an orgasm for 133 days, thanks to the Little Shop CustodyCrotch FunTube (TM) during the rare times when Eden removed the device to run her long, clear nails up and down his straining shaft, it was just too difficult to go limp.


Stroke, stroke stroke then..."Go limp now!" And of course his dick would just wave in the wind...all that backed up spooge from months of teasing and just made Penley a disobedient penis-boy, really.


Penley had protested that perhaps he needed to be allowed to cum more often, but Eden had pointed out that his dick was nearly as rebellious when he was allowed to jerk off once every two weeks!


Eden had tried caning it, spreading it with honey and flies, and even slamming a car door on it, but Penley's penis was unresponsive to traditional discipline. Sure it would go limp after the assault, but next time, it was just as rebellious...this was a real problem. Thus, the Picana!


Now, Eden turned and smiled at poor Penley. "Soapy, the manager says that the Picana is in use right now, but it'll be ready soon, and we can actually watch the process on another client! Isn't that a great opportunity, hon?"


Penley smiled weakly as the manager, whose pupils were as pinned as if he were in a shooting gallery, guided them into the Back Lounge of the Little Shop. Unlocking a further door, Soapy winced as a shriek was emitted.


As they all trooped in, Penley's eyes widened behind his bifocals. A breathtakingly adorable strawberry blonde was hung upside down by the ankles, stark naked, and another woman, a butch sort in cut offs and a T-shirt, was wielding a long wooden wand with a bronze tip,


A wire hanging from the end of the wand was connected to a small rheostat control panel on the lap of a young twentysomething with green hair and a short dress made of an oversize pillowcase.


The green haired damsel looked up from the control panel "Hi, Daddy! Miss Chisholm is almost done with her treatment. I am just trying to get the amperage up on these volts. but we may have to send it back."


Soapy smiled with pride. "That's my daughter Selma...Selma and Zelide; this is Mr. and Mrs. Davidow, who are here to rent the Picana after you."


"How're you doing with Miss Chisholm, Zelide?" asked Soapy amicably. The butch girl turned from where she was waving the wand close to one of Miss Chisholm's full breasts.


"Its okay, Soapy, a little more sizzlin' would be good." Zelide turned and spat some tobacco juice on the floor, and Penley's stomach flipped. "But look how well her nipples are respondin' to  a little 16,000 jolt!"


"No, no please, give me a bit of a respite" Miss Chisholm said in an upper class British accent. Her long, curling strawberry tresses were nearly touching the floor, and Zelide stomped on them, dragging Miss Chisholm's head down a bit.


"Youre a mouthy thang, ain't you?" Zelide said. "Complain, complain, your Mistress was right. You need serious work on that attitude, missy." Zelide pushed the Picana wand to the rosy areola of Miss Chisholm's right breast. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ!


There was a zap, and a slight burning sensation, and Miss Chisholm screamed. Penley wondered if he could get out of there, but Eden turned and gave him a warning look that kept him standing where he was.


Eden clapped and Zelide looked at the floor modestly. "That ain't nothin'." she said, grinning "You-all oughta see what happens when I stick this bronze tip up Miss Chisholm's asshole...then there's some screamin, I tell you."

As poor Jordana Chisholm hung from the ceiling, trying desperately to avoid the sizzling tip of the Picana, she wondered why Violet, her Mistress hated her so much!


To subject poor Jordana to this vulgar dyke and her electric stick just seemed much too cruel treatment for a loving submissive who'd done almost everything Violet wanted.


Jordana had turned her inheritance over to Violet, who'd snorted it up her own nose, then forcing Jordana to work as a call girl to support a growing cocaine habit...and Jordana just wanted to worship at Violet's lovely poontang!


But Violet was unrelentingly harsh with Jordana, and especially seemed hostile to her submissive's lovely, curving breasts.


"Pride goeth before a fall, and I well know of your undue vanity concerning those excessive, grotesque mammaries of yours...if they didn't bring in the bacon with the clients, I'd have them chopped off!"

Violet had said this only this morning, as she'd lashed Jordana's pretty, naked titties with clipped rose branches.


Jordana had burst into tears as the thorns had raked her tender nipples. Certainly she was aware she had beautiful breasts, men had been drooling over them since sixth grade.


They were certainly an asset to complement her vivid strawberry curls, rose colored nipples tipping 36 DD alabaster melons. Jordana had had more than one marriage proposal instantly after they'd been unveiled to a client.

But Violet would become enraged at the sight of them, usually after having binged on a gram or so of the deadly white powder.


Ordering Jordana to kneel so she could kick them, punching them, and finding devious ways to torture the innocent nipples, just constantly!


Perhaps Violet felt badly about her own tiny, sagging breasts, though Jordana thought Vi was quite beautiful, and told her so constantly.


At their first session, nine months  ago, Violet had ripped off Jordana's striped turtleneck, and pulled out the alluring black brassiere just to  immediately reach over and pinch Jordana's right nipple savagely.


As a trained submissive who had been in service to several Masters and Mistresses over the previous five years, Jordana knew it was not her place to protest this vicious treatment.


Or even later, when Violet had attached mousetraps to Jordana's nipples, laughing wildly while doing lines, and watching Jordana's involuntary tears.

"Don't like your precious udders being disturbed, eh, dearie?"


Violet's voice had eerily resembled Margaret Hamilton's when she'd played Elmira Gulch and the Wicked Witch of the West in "The Wizard of  Oz"


And now she'd hired this repulsive bulldyke to torture Jordana's nipples with the awful Picana! What had Jordana DONE to alienate Miss Violet?


 Now Zelide paused, and blew smoke off the tip of the Picana. "Her Mistress hired me to get her attitude in check, and I'm gonna do it good. This little ego-tistical whore has real humility to work on."


Penley looked distressedly at Miss Chisholm's tear stained face. The poor thing, he thought. And yet, no one gets this sort of thing unless they volunteer for it, at least at the Little Shop.

“So why are you here for Picana use, Mrs. Davidow?” Zelide asked Eden as she poked the unfortunate Ms. Chisholm with the stinging wand. “Just general  amusement?” ZZZzzz! Again the wand made contact, this time with Ms. Chisholms navel, and the British girl burst into gasping sobs.


“Oh, Im trying to teach Penley here to keep his annoying little wee-wee in check…but it isnt working well. I cant get him to stay limp on command. I did try a bamboo cane, and there was some hope there, I thought.”


Penleys memory was seared with that awful night, two weeks ago. Standing in front of Eden and her boyfriend Lavall, a black man about six foot seven, Penley had been ordered to strip naked, his hands bound behind his back.


“Now youre going to learn not to get erect when we tell you not to, Penelope…that little clitoris of yours has to be kept in line.” Eden had smirked at Lavall, who had been armed with a bamboo cane.


“Lavall, darling, I do appreciate your help in training poor Penley…and I hope he understands the depth of your sacrifice in aiding our marriage.” With that statement, both lovers had begun laughing almost hysterically as Penley had stared, depressed at his feet.


After Eden had unlocked and removed the Little Shop CustodyCrotch ™, shed begun running her long, clear nails up and down Penleys penis, while kissing his ear. Lavall had watched impatiently, and to Penleys mind, a little jealously, for someone who was only the lover.


Within moments, Penleys penis had sprouted, and hed forgotten the situation. His tongue had darted in and out of Edens mouth, and hed been in heaven for the first time since theyd gone Femdom in the relationship.


Suddenly, Eden had backed away, looking appealingly at Lavall. “Now you see this, honey?”


 She pointed at Penleys unrepentant erection. Penley had looked terrified, but it had not had much effect on the black man, who had resented Penley for some time, for unknown reasons.


Lavall tapped the cane in his hand, grinning a wide, white smile. “I see it, baby. We have a problem here, right?” Lavall stepped a little closer to the naked Penley Davidow, and looked a bit menacing.


“Well, youve got to make this penis go limp. It wont go limp on my order…” Eden shook her head disapprovingly. “Watch. Go limp, little penis!”


As she said this she ran her fingers up and down Penleys dick, and it became harder than ever. A bit of precum actually seeped out of the tip.


Lavall had lifted the cane up, bringing it harshly down on the tip of Penleys penis.


WHACK! Penley had cried out, his eyes streaming, but his dick had stayed hard, and merely bounced as the cane snapped.


Eden had pulled her tube top down a bit and waved her breasts in poor Penleys face. “You bad boy…Uncle Lavall is trying to help you, and youre rebellious, you are.”


Shed tickled Penleys dick as she castigated him for having an erection, and then stepped back for her boyfriend to put some muscle in the correction.


Lavall had swung the cane again. WHACK! SNAP ! SLASH! Penley had fallen to the ground, jacking his legs around his tortured penis as Lavalls cane had slammed his thighs.


Finally Eden had helped Penley up, and surveyed the offending penis, which then was finally limp, and bleeding slightly.


“Now have you learned your lesson?” Eden had asked, as she began massaging Penleys cock and balls gently.


 “I am so sorry that we have to give you this medicine, but you are just so disappointing to us, Penelope darling…”


Penley had been sobbing and apologizing. “Im so sorry, Miss Eden…”


“And Master Lavall.” Eden had said, warningly.


“And Master Lavall, of course” Penley had said, tears gushing down his face. Oh, it felt so good to have Eden s soft hands manipulating his cock after the cruel caning. “Im sorry Ive been such a bad boy and have such a bad cock.”


As Eden had spoken, her thumb had toyed with the underside of Penleys member, and tickled a rather unpleasant bruise that had been left there by Lavalls bamboo cane. It was so tender, and Penley forgave his wife all her sins…what a woman!


“Thats right, darling…we were thinking wed have to chop it off with your office paper cutter, you know that long blade?” Eden had laughed as Penley shuddered.


Her fingers had continued to pull and stroke Penleys cock until suddenly, it was hard again.


SLAP! Eden s hand had crashed across Penleys face. “You little bastard! How DARE you get erect again, after Lavall has gone to the trouble of correcting you.” Penley had noticed that Eden was nearly laughing as she spoke “furiously”


“Lavall, give him the cane again!”


But it had been hopeless. Lavall had caned Penley throughout the evening, but his naughty erection had returned again and again.


Finally hed been locked back up in the Little Shop CustodyCrotch ™, and Lavall and Eden had gone to fuck in her room, while Penley had polished silver, crying in the kitchen.


Later that evening, Penley had sucked Lavalls penis late into the night as Lavall had kissed Edens breasts, forbidden to Penley…and Penley had wondered when he would be able to reform to his wifes satisfaction.


Now, Zelide had more questions. “Did you try his nuts? Sometimes if you kick em in the nuts a few times, it makes Mister Gumby go away.”


Eden snickered. “Yes, my boyfriend has kicked Penley in the balls more than a few times, but his dick is almost indestructible once I touch it again. I dont know if the Picana will be able to really counter his primal instincts…you almost done?”


“Yeah, I think so, Mrs. Davidow, I have to cut this bad girl down.” Eden and Penley watched dumbfounded as Zelide took a small hatchet and chopped the rope, watching Miss Chisholm drop heavily on the harsh wooden floor.


Zelide handed Eden the Picana, and began dragging the weeping Miss Chisholm out of the room by her long, strawberry blonde hair. “You know how to use it, I guess. Selma , Soapys daughter will show you the different voltage levels…have a ball.”


Eden turned to Penley, the long wooden wand cradled in her arms. “Strip boy…Viva Picana!”

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