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Terry and the Pirates

One Part Only

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Terry and The Pirates



The sea was as blue as ever and Terry was busy fighting it as she tried to set
the table in the galley for her and Tonya's lunch. The glasses kept sliding
around as the boat pitched over the steadily rolling waves. She looked up at the
hull of the galley as if to see Tonya and admonish her with a look for not just
letting the boat ride the waves gently. It was pure Tonya to want to force the
craft to fight the moderate swells and by doing so wreak havoc down below.

"That stupid bitch better stop fucking with that mainsail or I'll tie her to the
mast and leave her there." Terry muttered this and other things as she tried her
best to set the table. When the boat settled down Terry was not surprised to
hear footsteps approach. She looked up to see Terry wet with sea spray smiling

"This little boat of yours is fun!"

"I wish you would stop treating it like a toy"

"The same way I treat your man like a toy?"

Terry was shocked. She could not move. Yes, that was the reason she brought
Tonya out here today, to talk about Alfred and how she wanted Tonya to stop
seeing him. Still, to hear her just come out with it like that threw Terry and
she did not know what to say.

"Yes, I thought so. I thought that's why you brought me out here on this leaky
bucket." She cocked her hips and leaned against the bulkhead as Terry busied
herself with setting the table. Terry looked up.

"Listen you. Alfred is mine and no blonde with oversized teats is going to take
him away from me."

"Want to bet, sister?"

Terry picked up a glass and threw it at Tonya's head. It would have struck her
as well had Tonya not caught it with one hand. In the same motion she laid the
glass back on the table. Better not break it, sis. You don't have too many on
board." Terry sneered at her and was about to say something when both girls were
thrown off balance a terrible jarring. They fell into each other's arms and
struggled to get back on their feet.

They raced up the gangway to the main deck to see that another boat had rammed
them. It had not done any damage. It was apparently just trying to make a point.
Lines were being thrown to Terry's boat and several unsavory characters were in
the process of climbing over those lines. In short, they were being boarded.

Terry wished Alfred were there and looked at Tonya ruefully. She just had to
fall victim to pirates with only that top heavy whore for company. After a group
composed of ten men and women had crossed over to their boat a figure approached
the pirate ship's bow railing. " Ladies, I want you to know that you are now to
receive the hospitality of The Kachaka. We are a simple people. We loot for
three things: money, the fun of looting and last but not least sweet young
things such as yourselves that we can torture and fuck." The man looked down his
nose at the women who were being forced to their knees and sneered at them. I am
The Pirate King, no apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan, and 'it is, it is, a
glorious thing to be the pirate king.'"

The stronger of the men that boarded Terry's ship descended upon the two girls
and pinned their arms behind their backs. The pirate king went on. "You are ours
now by right of possession. Soon you will be ours in a deeper much more
meaningful way. When we get back to Smuggler's Cove you will see." The man
smiled. His white teeth shone brightly in the sun and Terry found herself
staring at his bare chest. The Pirate King laughed at them as women put rubber
balls into Terry and Tonya's mouths and taped them shut. Ropes were tied around
their wrists and Terry and Tonya were tied back to back and forced to sit on the
deck while both ships made fast to Smuggler's Cove.

On the short voyage the girls learned that The Pirate King's name was Carstairs
and little else. They fought each other by pulling at the ropes that bound their
wrists and cursed each other the entire way. The pirates laughed at them and
whispered to each other. Terry still found the presence of mind to wonder at the
existence of people like this. She had always thought of pirates as sword
waving, big gold earring wearing, comic book figures. These people were wearing
khaki shorts and looked like they just walked out of a Gap add.

She struggled against the ropes that cut into her wrists and shoved Tonya who
was busy shoving her. The voyage was a long one and the private conversations
the pirates were having made her nervous. Eventually the boats landed on a
picturesque beach and the girls were untied from each other, carried off and
walked to a large house set against a cliff.

Carstairs walked behind them and laughed as they stumbled. "Soon we are going to
have a bit of fun with you two. You see we all used to be professional types,
doctors, lawyers, etcetera. We got tired of the grind and over a bit of time
formed our little organization. We all found that not only did we want to drop
out, but that we were all possessed of one common trait-sadism. So we pooled our
money, built this place and now make or livings taking helpless little girls
like you captive."

They had reached the house and were shoved inside it. They were taken to a large
room that looked like half judo practice area and half Japanese game show set. A
soft mat covered half the floor while two large devices dominated the other
half. They looked like alcoves set into the wall and had metal clamps set into
them at a height of about seven feet. Set before each alcove were two foot

"We have been watching you two and think that you have a bit of a rivalry going.
It will amuse us to watch you work it out in front of us. Strip them and strap
them girls!"

Four women came at Tonya and Terry with scissors and cut their clothes off of
them. They tried to protest but their screams came out as only strangled
"Mppphs."  Soon they were naked and as they were dragged to the alcoves the
girls stole a look at each other's bodies.

Their wrists were unbound and they were lifted by men and clamped into place
over their heads. The only way they could stand was by placing their feet on the
footrests in front of them. This caused their legs to be spread most
unabashedly. As they stood on the rests clamps were locked in place over their
feet so that they could not move them. The gags were removed from their mouths
and Tonya sneered at the crowd. "So is this how you get your jollies? Tying up
girls and looking at their cunts?"

"Carstairs chuckled. No, my dear, This is how we get our jollies." He pressed a
button on the wall and Tonya and Terry heard a whirring noise come from beneath
them. Doors opened in the wall under each of their legs and one well oiled metal
phallus thrust out of each door.

"Soon you will both be raped. A very large cock is going to fuck your asses
hard. Have fun girls" At another touch of the wall controls the cocks pressed
against both girls' anuses. They screamed and tried to get away, but as hard as
they tried the smooth oiled stainless steel opened them up and spread them
widely. Each inch was agony as the girls were impaled. The crowd laughed and
clapped as they saw sweat break out on the captive's faces.

"Ooooooh gggooood damn youu! Ohhhhh! This hurtssssssss!"

Terry kept screaming as the metal cock pressed deeper and deeper into her ass.
Tonya was grinding her teeth together and moaning.

"Look folks their nipples are erect and pretty hard. I wonder just how much they
hate this. We might have a couple of sluts on our hands." It was true. As much
as the cocks hurt them, both girls had the undeniable urge to fuck them back.
They were horrified at not being able to shield what were now their wet pussies
from the onlookers and were frustrated that they could not satisfy those
selfsame pussies with their hands or a cock.

"Now I said we would give you a chance to work out your conflict with each
other. Those footrests you are on will begin to sink into the floor. You two
look to be in good shape and probably have done time on a stairmaster or two,
especially you, little dark hair. Now you can press down on one rest and the
other will rise. Pump your legs and you can stay up in the air. Oh and lest I
forget, the harder you pump your little footrests the faster and harder the cock
in the other girl's ass will rape her silly."

Carstairs grinned and pressed yet another button on the wall. Terry felt the
platforms under her sink and she pushed down on the right one. She was
immediately rewarded with a shriek from Tonya. "Take that you man stealing bitch
whore!" She pumped hard with her left foot and Tonya moaned as the cock pumped
in and out of her roughly. Tonya pounded her own pedals and Terry screamed as
she felt the dildo inside her pull out and thrust back inside her tight asshole.
"Fuck you little miss goody two shoes. Have a nice cock up your ass!"

Terry and Tonya engaged in a campaign of revenge for each thrust. As they pumped
harder and faster on their pedals the steel cock pushed deeper and harder into
them. The speed of the fucking was also increased and each girl found it harder
to concentrate as their asses were filled at such a rapid pace.

"Unnnnh! I am goingggggg to fuckkk yourrr ass you whore!" Terry screamed as she
pounded her pedals. She felt her labia stretching over her clit as her own cock
began hammering her hard. The pressure was slight, though and she found it would
be impossible to cum. As soon as she realized the torture she was in for she
moaned and pumped harder.

Tonya also felt her clit swell as her own lips were dragged across its sides.
Both girls were dripping pussy juice and trying to fuck their respective
mechanical rapists as hard as they could. Because their wrists were clamped in
place, however, they could only wiggle their asses to try and get as much cock
as they could.

"Oh god you bitch pump haaaaaaarder!" Tonya yelled as she tilted her head back.
Terry looked over to see Tonya arching her back and thrusting her breasts out at
the crowd. She felt an intangible attraction and could not help herself as she
in fact did pump harder. Terry's nipples got as hard as cherry pits as she
watched Tonya sigh and scream for more.

"Oh goddddd yessss! Fuck me fuck me fuck my asshole!"

Tonya returned the favor by pressing her own platforms down as hard as she
could. She looked at everyone on the crowd as drool escaped her lips and begged
them to satisfy her. A few men and women pinched her nipples hard and poked her,
but no one touched her cunt or her clit. Terry saw what punishment begging got
and kept her pleas to herself as she tried to rape her own ass on the automaton
inside her.

Carstairs moved in front of the two girls. "You two seemed to have buried the,
ah, hatchet. Now here are the rules. You will only cum on command. You will obey
or receive the strap. You will please us." He held his hand over the button on
the wall until both girls nodded quickly. Then he looked at each girl and
pressed the button. Both sets of platforms rose back to their original
positions. The fucking, however, only increased in its ferocity.

Tonya and Terry were now at the total mercy of this machine that pounded them
harder than they had ever been pounded before. Whereas before they had tried to
fuck it harder, now they were trying to escape its brutal onslaught. Women put
clover clamps on their nipples and attached long strings to them that they led
out into the crowd.

As Tonya's ass was penetrated over and over again by the hard thick metal cock
she saw the crowd fight over the strings. They pulled them in an effort to
posses them and the clamps bit down hard on her nipples. Shocks were sent to her
helpless exposed clit.  Terry also knew this treatment and watched her own
breasts tugged painfully by the clamps. She felt lubricant pumped out of the
cock inside her and the smooth sides of the dildo slide in and out of her like a
shark swimming in the deep blue sea. The girls screamed and moaned.

The girls were brought closer to their orgasm but were terrified of cumming.
Neither wanted the strap and both were so close. "Ggggonna cum!"Terry screamed.

"Yeahhh, yes oh godddd!"

"No you aren't. Take them down folks." Carstairs sat and watched as Tonya and
Terry were taken off of the rape machines and collared. Thick leather collars
were buckled around their necks and chains were attached to them. As badly as
they wanted to touch each other they were kept apart.

"Now we go to the velodrome.  I hope you little girls like to bicycle."

Their chains were pulled and the girls were shoved and soon they arrived at a
large circular track. A bright red tandem bicycle was wheeled up to them and
immediately they began to struggle because they knew what was in for them. The
bicycle had banana seats that were two feet long. On each seat were two large
black dildos. 

"Since you two seem to be getting along better lets see how well you cooperate.
Cross the finish line faster then the last two little chickens we had here and
you get gang fucked. If you are slow and lazy and don't beat the last two
slaves' time you both get branded and gang fucked. Oh, and I'll just keep the
time you have to beat my little secret." Carstairs grinned and commanded his
crew to put the girls on their bike. "Saddle them up folks. And any side bets
will be settled before bed tonight."

The crew laughed and lifted Tonya and Terry up in the air. They grabbed the
girls' legs firmly and lowered their feet onto the bicycle's pedals. Their feet
were strapped securely to the rubber pedals and their wrists were cuffed in
leather restraints and chained to the handlebars in front of them. Then firm
hands pushed the girls down on the monster cocks protruding from the bicycle

Just before the cocks penetrated them a short red head took a tube of clear gel
and squeezed out a liberal amount on Terry and Tonya's assholes and cunts. The
girls wriggled and moaned as the gel was rubbed into them. Then they were
pressed down into their seats and the cocks opened them up.

"Ohhhh yesssss!" Terry moaned as she felt both cocks press against each other
through the thin wall of flesh inside her. "Mmmmmmmmmmaaaaaah!" Tonya rocked on
her invaders and tried to make her labia rub her clit. It was impossible to do
so and she moaned and pouted.

Carstairs frowned. "Shut the bitches up, Darlene." The redhead took two gags
from Carstairs. They were leather strips with buckles and each gag had a long
thick cock attached to it. Darlene smiled as she grabbed Terry's nose. "Open up
dear. This is your favorite!" Terry could not breathe and had to open her mouth.
As soon as she did the enormous cock moved into her pushing her tongue down and
making her cheeks bulge. "Mmmmmmmm!" She moaned pitifully and squeezed her

"Your turn now, you big cow!" Darlene slapped Tonya's face and shoved the cock
gag inside hard. Tonya's ears were ringing as she felt the hard rubber phallus
hit the back of her throat and stretch her lips. Both girls' faces were
stretched into a grotesque mockery of their true image. They moaned into their
gags and rocked on the rubber cocks in their holes.

"Now chain them together. Let's give them a sense of team spirit. Remember how
much the last two slaves loved it?" Everyone laughed and Darlene took the chains
from Carstairs and once again moved towards Terry and Tonya.

"Now this won't hurt a bit." Darlene laughed as she put a clover clamp on
Tonya's left nipple. Tonya screamed and kept screaming as the other one was
applied. "Ohhh, it does hurt? Here let me tug on them a bit. Those big breasts
of yours are sensitive I see." Tonya tried to escape but her wriggling only
served to make Darlene's tugging hurt her more. She stopped moving as best as
she could and tears welled up in her eyes as the crowd made jokes about her wet
cunt and large breasts.

Darlene pulled the chains behind Tonya and fastened the clamps on the other ends
to Terry's nipples. Terry screamed as she felt the bite of the clover clamps and
both girls struggled to create as much slack as they could.

"Look folks, they are cooperating now. Darlene be a dear and lead them to the
starting line." Darlene took the nipple chains and tugged lightly on them. Terry
groaned and started pedaling. The men who were steadying the bicycle helped
balance it as it rolled.

As the girls pedaled they noticed to their horror that the cocks inside them
pumped deeper into them with each revolution of their pedals. In effect they
were fucking themselves just as they had fucked each other before.

"Now you do have permission to cum as you race, but I don't think doing so will
help your time much. Get ready, set and go!" The bicycle was pushed and both
girls immediately began pumping their legs as fast as they could. Their efforts
made them tug on their nipple chains and that made their clit's poke out from
between their cunt lips.

They shuddered as their cunt lips rubbed their clits bringing them to the edge
of orgasm. They fought the urge to cum because they knew that if they did they
would loose the race. The cocks pumped in and out of their holes faster and
faster as they pedaled. Terry forgot herself and as she felt her asshole being
stretched she sat back down on the cock that was sodomizing her.  The chains
went very taught and both Terry and Tonya screamed into their gags as their
nipples were pinched and pulled.

Tonya had to sit back hard on the cocks in her asshole and cunt to make more
slack and when she did felt herself cum. She had to try and pump her pedals as
best she could but it was so very difficult. The cocks were pumping in and out
of her pussy and asshole, Their lubricant and Tonya's mixing together. She did
not dare look down because she knew from the squishy sounds she was making that
her crotch and the seat were covered in her juices.

Terry was scared and tried to bicycle faster. The idea of being branded was
frightening in the extreme and she moved her legs as fast as she could to try
and increase their speed. As she did, however her own orgasm mounted and crashed
through her barriers. She squirted all over her seat and her tortured nipples
felt like pulsing points of pleasure. She grabbed the cocks inside her and
squeezed them hard. The one in her cunt was hitting her in a new place and all
thoughts of consequence fled her mind as she leaned back to make it hit her
there again and again.

Now both women were cumming and screaming into their gag. They kept cycling
because they did not want their fucking to end, both would gladly have begged to
be branded if it meant more of this sweet torture. Their nipple chains were
stretched taught and Terry and Tonya had an unspoken agreement to keep them that
way. Terry's small breasts were pulled out from her body and Tonya's larger ones
were pulled to the side as the chain pulled behind her.

Explosive orgasm after explosive orgasm hit the two as they pumped their legs up
and down. The cocks were stretching them and pounding deep into their holes.
"MMMmmmmmPPPPHHHH!" Terry screamed as her pussy was pounded deeply by thick long
cock inside her.  Terry's clit was driving her insane and she would have paid
anything to be able to touch it. She jerked her body to make the chains pull her
clamps harder and moaned as she squirted more of her juice down her slick

Tonya was having trouble steering and knew that they were not going in a
straight line anymore. She had always had a weakness for anal sex and the cock
in her asshole was satisfying her in every way. It pushed deep into her,
broadening her orgasm making it ripple through her. The walls of her cunt rubbed
the pumping cock inside it and she moaned and then shrieked.

Both girls could see the finish line approach and pumped faster and faster. They
needed to finish out their orgasms before they were taken from their bicycle.
The cocks pounded them harder and harder as they struggled to pump their legs to
keep up the onslaught.

They fought to hit their climax like prison escapees. They were sweating and
greedily sucking on the rubber cocks in their mouths. Finally just as they were
about to cross the finish line it hit them like a solid wall of sound. Their
cunts pulsated in a clutch, clutch, clutching motion and they spread their legs
out as far as they could while rocking back and forth on the dildos inside them
and pounding their pedals around and around. All of their holes had a cock to
grab and they grabbed them all ferociously. "Mmmmmmmmph!" the two girls screamed
as their clits screamed and their slippery cunts fucked the raping cocks inside
them. They came until they couldn't bear it anymore. They came until their
bodies were sore from straining at their bonds.

As their orgasms died down their bicycle rolled across the finish line. Both
girls were exhausted and as the crowd stopped their bike they were slapped
awake. Carstairs looked at his watch and then back up at Tonya and Terry. He
pursed his lips and shook his head slowly.

The girls were ripped from their bicycle and strapped to a thin metal pole just
inside the track. Terry and Tonya were strapped together facing each other with
the pole in between them. Their breasts were touching and if they hadn't been
gagged they would have begun kissing then and there.

All thoughts of sex were banished from their minds as they saw the brand being
heated in the coals. A tall dark haired girl was turning the brand. "Juliette,
you may brand them now. I hope you girls appreciate the gift we are about to
give you. Now, Juliette."

"Yes sir. Hi you sluts. You are going to get your asses heated up good. Looky
what I got here." Juliette held up the red hot branding iron and showed it to
the girls. It was a reverse image of the word "bitch." That's right, bitches.
Time to get marked. She pressed the iron into the flesh of Tonya's right
buttock. The smell of cooking flesh and a sizzling sound broke the silence.
Tonya screamed and began crying.

"Stop crying, bitch or I will cut your nipples off." Juliette yelled as she
pinched Tonya's left nipple hard. Tonya sniffled and tried to contain herself.
Juliette smiled and moved in back of Terry. She kissed the back of her neck
making her sigh and then pressed the brand to her hard. "Mmmmmmmmmph! Terry
screamed and almost fainted. When Juliette had finished she put the brand back
into the coals.

The girls were then untied and ointment was applied to their wounds. Then they
were bandaged. Carstairs had them carried back to the room with the padded floor
and a low bench was wheeled out. "Darlene, Juliette, strap them doggy style to
the rape bench. Girls I am going to fuck one of you hard and then I am going to
give you both to my crew. Scream if you like. It adds a certain frisson to the

Carstairs took his clothes off as Tonya was strapped to the bench. She was tied
with her knees on the floor and her wrists strapped to the top of the bench.
Terry was strapped the same way to the other side of the bench facing her. Both
girls clasped hands as they felt spreader bars being cuffed to their ankles.

"Which shall I gift with my seed? The cow, I think. Yes the big cow gets my cock
right up her asshole."

Carstairs knelt behind Tonya and pressed his lubed cock to her asshole. He
scratched her back hard as he pumped deep inside her. His shaft slide inside her
as the skin of her rectum tried to cling to him.  He was so slippery that
instead of being caught by Tonya's spasming asshole he was able to steadily
slide deep inside her. He pressed deep into her until his large swollen balls
were hitting her clit. Tonya moaned into her gag and stretched out to get him in
even more deeply.

"Goooooooood! Carstairs intoned. He eased out of Tonya and she mewled in
protest. She need not have worried because after a short pause the big dark
haired Dom thrust deep back into her again. He did not stop there, though. He
continued to pound away at the poor girl's asshole. In and out he went sawing
into her and holding her small waist in his vice like grip.

Tonya's cunt creamed up anew and the constant slapping of her clit by Carstairs
balls was driving her to the edge. Terry could only look on with envy as drool
trickled down Tonya's throat. Carstairs watched his cock plunge in and out of
Tonya. Her anus stretching with every push and pull. His strokes increased in
speed and soon they were both ready.

"Cum now, bitch! Cum now you little whore!" Tonya nodded her head quickly and
her hair flew forward showering Terry with her sweaty musky scent. Carstairs
began groaning and pounded Tonya harder, harder until his cock pumped a giant
load of hot cum deep inside her. She felt him spray and then felt herself cum as
her cunt lips rubbed her clit to orgasm. "Mmmmmph!" She screamed as her asshole
milked Carstairs' cock dry.

Both were as still as statues except for their heavy breathing. As Carstairs
came back to his senses he fell back into the arms of Darlene and Juliette. His
cock popped out and Tonya wriggled as she felt a trickle of cum drip out of her
asshole and down her leg. She sucked the rubber cock in her mouth and prayed for
another cock in her cunt or asshole.

"Now, everyone you can do as you like to these two but no permanent damage. I
want to keep them around for a while. Fuck them well and wear them out. Show the
guests a lot of hospitality.

The crowd threw off their clothes and lined up behind Tonya and Terry. The men
held their hard cocks and the women were sporting strap-ons in a variety of
sizes. The fucking was not loving. It was brutal like a slap in the face. Cocks
pounded away at their holes and cum sprayed deep inside them. They moaned and
screamed and prayed it would never stop. Their assholes were sticky from the
lube and their cunts were so wet that the felt like they were swimming. Soon
they were covered in cum but they only wanted one thing-more. They thought of
each other's lips and prayed they would be allowed it.

Carstairs removed their gags to hear them moan. They moaned all right. They
moaned and screamed. Tonya yelled, "Oh god baby, I'm sorry about Alfred!
Uuuuuuuuuuummmm! Fuck me fuck me fuck me!"

Terry's reply was more to the point she moaned and pressed her lips to Tonya's
open wet mouth. The girls passed their moans into each other that way and
everyone, especially Terry, was very glad that there was still such a thing as


The End

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