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Review This Story || Author: Morgan Hawke

Chastity Debauched - Three: Penitent

Part 6 Reward

Part Six: Reward

 "I believe that takes care of the rest of Chastity's informal education," The
Magister said with a smile as he drew the towel down his body. He flexed as he
slid off the altar, then turned to help Angelique down.

"I believe so, Magister," agreed Angelique. Tony assisted her with donning her

"Excellent. Go inform Mr. Davies that I will sign the recommendation." He
groaned pleasurably, then allowed Tony to assist him with his robe.
"Congratulations, Chastity," said the Magister. "You have passed your entrance

"Entrance exam for what?" she asked. Tony helped Chastity sit up. "What the hell
are you talking about?" Tenderly Tony cleaned cum and sweat from her skin with
the soft damp towel. She winced from the pain in her ass and the shuddering
frustration in her tender pussy.

"Your name was advocated to attend 'Ascendant' the academy for Sexual
Dominants." The Magister said. "You should be very proud. It takes rigorous
testing and several well placed recommendations from alumni to attend."

'A sex college?' Chastity looked at him in shock. 'I don't remember filling out
any applications to attend a sex college.'

"It's a very exclusive academy," he continued. "'Ascendant' is also a full
University." The Magister smiled. "You'll have full-time accredited class-work,
in addition to the training you'll receive to sexually dominate appropriate
submissives. We'll be very pleased to have you as a student next fall as well as
joining us here at the Club."

"Joining us?' she repeated. None of this was making any sense.

"Why yes." The Magister smiled indulgently. "Tony here is a student of the
academy and I'm one of the professors as well as a member of the Board of

Chastity looked at Tony in surprise as he moved to help down. 'This is the
college he didn't want to get thrown out of?'

"Tony, that won't be necessary," said the Magister. Tony froze. "Chastity has
done her penance and passed her exam; she's entitled to her reward. Please
remove the rest of your clothing."

Chastity and Tony exchanged looks.

"Now, Tony," the Magister insisted quietly.

Tony dropped his shorts and boxers. He pulled his shoes, then his white socks
off and dropped them on his clothes. His body was spare, but solidly muscular,
his skin smooth and hairless. Chastity was surprised to see that he had been
shaved around his privates as cleanly as the Magister. His long thick shaft was
corded with blue veins and rose in a graceful curve to his navel. The full pouch
of his ball sack hung naked and tight. Lust slammed Chastity suddenly and
powerfully. Desire was a vicious animal clawing to be fed.

"Tony, climb on the altar and lay on your back," commanded the Magister. "This
is for Chastity. You are not to cum until she has had her fill. I do not need to
remind you how disobedience will be rewarded."

Tony nodded with a wary glance at the Magister. He climbed up beside Chastity
and laid back. His sculpted body gleamed under the colored light falling from
the window. His thick shaft curved up and rigid against his lean belly. To
Chastity, he looked good enough to eat. She could feel her frustrated and hungry
core salivating on her thighs in impatience.

"Chastity, he's yours to take," said the Magister softly. He moved away to lean
casually against the wall, arms folded. His black eyes glittered as he smiled in

"If you don't want to do this," Chastity whispered softly, "I'll tell him to
'fuck-off.'" She was shaking violently with an insistent throbbing in her groin.
the urge to fuck Tony's rampant cock was overpowering. But, this was Tony. He'd
tried to warn her, to help her. The need to cum swamped just about every thought
in her head.

"Jeezuz no!" Tony whispered back. "God, no! He can be very nasty if you don't do
what he says."

"But if you don't want to..."

"Chastity," he took a deep breath and gave her a trembling smile. "I want you to
take me." He gripped her hand, then tenderly kissed it. "I've been wanting you
so bad it hurts." He smiled. "Please, fuck my brains out."

"If you would rather stay the weekend, it can still be arranged," said Father
Gregor from the shadows. "Fuck him now, Chastity."

Chastity, glanced anxiously at the smiling Magister then hurriedly, straddled
Tony's hips on her knees. She took the heat of his pulsing shaft in her palm and
centered the blunt head against the slavering mouth of her cunt. Her body
reacted as though it were on ravenous fire. She looked into Tony's eyes. He
smiled and cupped her ass in his warm palms.

She leaned over him and touched her lips to his. His mouth opened, their tongues
entwined and they kissed hungrily. She dropped down hard, sliding him into her
hot wet and hungry depths. She sank to the hilt and they both groaned. She
writhed with the delicious sensation of his cock stretching and filling her.

"Tony, this is not going to take long," she whispered, trembling as her body
flared with fierce urgency.

"Good," he groaned, "'cause you feel so awesome I know I can't take much," he
grinned. She leaned up, pressing her hands against his chest, against the tight
peaks of his male nipples and rocked forward. She gasped and he gasped beneath
her. He reached up and cupped her breasts, pulling lightly on her tender
nipples. He drew her to his mouth and suckled on her nipple.

The sensation was delicious and immediate. Pleasure arced straight to her clit
and she whimpered. She rocked forward and dropped down again, and again,, then
again. His cock slid out,, then up into her snug cunt with wet sucking sounds.

The fire-fall of ecstasy peaked sharply and swiftly. Needing more, craving more,
she rose up and fell suddenly and viciously, grinding herself on his swollen
shaft.. Aggressively, she rose and fell again, her tempo increasing in speed and
power, fucking Tony for all she was worth. His hips rose to meet her frenzied
downward thrusts. The sounds of wet friction were a loud counterpoint to their
combined gasps.

Sudden violent climax slammed hard and cascaded through her exquisitely, taking
her breath and arching her back.

"Oh God, Tony!" she screamed. Her body quivered around his shaft as she squeezed
him in orgasm. Beneath her Tony howled as he abruptly came. She felt his cock
flexing as he poured himself into her willing flesh. She collapsed on top of his
sweating body and he embraced her in his strong arms. Their lips sought and met.


The sun was setting in a blaze of color as Tony led Chastity out of the Club,
cleaned, showered and fully dressed in her jeans and white t-shirt. Hand in hand
they made their way down the main steps toward the empty parking lot.

"So you go to a sex college?" she asked him.

"It's a little more involved than just that, but basically, yeah. I'm also
majoring in chemistry." He smiled at her shyly.

"I see... Um, if you're being trained to sexually dominate others, how come
you're following everyone else's orders?"

Tony chuckled. "The academy teaches that the best way to learn is through
experience. How do you know how something works unless you felt it yourself?
Think of it like a science lab. Some of it's cool, some of it's not."

"Some science lab."

"Yeah I know. Are you going to go?"

"I dun'no if I wan'na go to a school where Father Gregor teaches classes."
Chastity shook her head in bewilderment.

They paused at the arching gates to the parking lot. The empty parking lot
seemed to yawn for miles between the violently sexual world here and the safety
of home.

"Before you go..." Tony took both of her hands, his deep blue eyes staring
intently into hers. "Chastity, I uh, really want to get to know you better," he
said softly, urgently. "Please come to the academy."

"I'll have to see." She bit her lip and looked over toward her waiting father.

"If you decide to come, I'll be waiting," he said, then let her go with a soft
smile. He turned and disappeared up the stairs and into the darkness of the

Review This Story || Author: Morgan Hawke
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