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Review This Story || Author: Morgan Hawke

Chastity Debauched - Three: Penitent

Part 4 Penance

Part Four: Penance

Magister Gregor and Sister Angelique slipped behind a black curtained doorway to
confer in another room. Tony was allowed to release Chastity while she waited
for their pronouncement of her penance.

"Jeez, what a nasty pair," Chastity moaned softly as Tony, still shirtless,
released her from the prayer bench. Exhausted, she knelt on the carpet. Her body
dripped Angelique's saliva and traces of her own spent excitement across her
weary thighs.

"You don't know the half of it," he whispered. "Trust me, they went light on
you."  Tenderly her kissed her forehead and rubbed her stiff muscles. "Be glad
he didn't bring out any of his little 'toys'." He poured her a glass of sweet
iced tea from a sweating glass pitcher. She drank it down thirstily.

"So, why do you work for these people?"

"They're putting me through college," he said almost beneath his breath.
"Working here is mandatory; it comes with the package. If they fire me, I'm
kicked out of school too."

"That's fucked up..."

"It's a really exclusive college. The entire staff is either taking classes, or
teaching classes."

"But..." she began. The curtains twitched, then the Magister and Sister
Angelique stepped into the room. Tony rose quickly to his feet and took his
place by the door. Chastity rose exhausted to her feet, then stood, holding her
chin up and determined to face whatever came next.

The Magister took his throne, Sister Angelique by his side. He had changed into
a tied satin robe identical to Sister Angelique's. The v where the Magister's
robe parted at the neck showed long, pin-straight, dark hair on his chest. Bare,
muscular legs covered in smooth dark hair showed where the robe parted below the

'Oh, God, he naked under that robe,' thought Chastity in dismay. 'What are these
sickos gon'na do to me now?'

"My children," the Magister began, nodding to Chastity and to Tony, by the door.
"Since you are new to the ways of the flesh, Chastity, I have decided to offer
you a choice. Chastity, your penance is to service us, both Sister Angelique and
myself. Your choice is: willingly or unwillingly."

'They're insane...' thought Chastity in dismay.

"If you choose to serve willingly," added Sister Angelique, "you will pleasure
us both, simultaneously. We will be done before nightfall and you will go home
to your father tonight."

"Should you choose to serve unwillingly, my personal choice," said the Magister
with a sardonic smile, "you will pleasure us both individually." He rubbed his
palms together. "This will take much longer so we will have to place a call to
your father saying that you will be with us, here in the Chapel, for the next
two days. Roughly, the rest of the weekend."

'I can't be here for the entire weekend,' thought Chastity in shock. 'How would
I explain that to Dad? He expects me home tonight. This is so fucked up.'

 "Quick or slow?" Angelique smiled with a feral gleam in her eye. "Choose your
punishment, sweet Chastity."

"You can't make me..." Chastity began.

"Oh, but we can," said the Magister, leaning forward with a vicious smile.
"Haven't we already proved that?"

"Willingly or unwillingly?" Angelique pressed.

 "Choose now, or I will choose for you," snapped the Magister.

"Willingly," she said with her heart in her mouth. 'What have I gotten myself

"Very well. Tony, did she drink the tea from the pitcher?" asked the Magister.

"Yes," he replied, hiding his eyes from Chastity. "An entire glass." He flushed.

"She should be feeling the effects momentarily," said Angelique, eyes gleaming,
her red lips parting.

"Effects?" said Chastity. "Tony, what have you done to me?" she whispered.

"He is under our orders. You know that, Chastity," said Angelique with a tiny
pout. "Don't hold it against him. He's really quite fond of you."

"From your confession and the reports I read," said the Magister, "I gathered
that you would want to end things quickly, so I took the precaution to have you

"What did you give me?" Chastity asked. 'Reports? Prepared?' thought Chastity.
'What the hell is going on here?'

"The drink is an aphrodisiac laced with hashish and a small amount of
cantharides," said the Sister.

"The hashish is to curb your stubbornness," growled the black priest. "It
induces a more suitably amenable temperament."

"The cantharides to make you more easily aroused," continued Sister Angelique.
"Combined, they make you more susceptible to our various pleasures. "

"Whether you're willing or not will not actually matter," said the Magister.
"Soon, the least touch will ignite a sensual response that you will be unable to

"It will also give you enough stamina to continue until both of us have had our
fulfillment of your sweet body," Angelique purred nastily. "Don't worry, you
will have a very good time."

"Wait, isn't that stuff illegal?" asked Chastity in shock. They'd drugged her?

"Oh yes, quite illegal. So going to the police would be a very bad idea,"
grinned Father Gregor. "Especially for you."

"But, I don't feel anything..." But she did. A sensual heat was already curling
from her stomach. Gentle waves of lust unfolded and slithered heavily downward
with increasing strength. Moisture was gathering in her nether regions and a
warm flush was creeping from her throat down. Her breast felt slightly swollen,
her nipples were hardening to peaks and her pussy was swelling with an appetite
that was becoming ravenous.

'Oh my God, what is this?' Her thighs parted to relieve some of the pressure.
Tiny bolts of carnal excitement began to race between her pussy and her nipples.
She felt her clit becoming unbearably sensitive. Her hands reached up to cup her
breasts. She rubbed her nipples to ease some of the swelling tender ache. She
moaned, then bit her lip to stop. She looked up, helplessly. Tony stood by the
door, his face turned away.

"I believe it is time to begin," said the Magister softly. "We don't want her to
pleasure herself before we've had our fill."

"Come, my sweet," Sister Angelique said, taking one of Chastity's hands. "We
will help to ease your needs." Angelique smiled, then kissed her full on the
mouth. Before Chastity realized what she was doing, her lips had opened and she
was stroking the sister's tongue with hers. "My, my," sighed the Sister, "you
are a needful thing." The sister embraced her and Chastity pressed her swollen
nipples against the soft fullness of Angelique's breasts as they kissed.

'She's so soft...' thought Chastity. The exotic perfume the Sister wore was
mixed with a scent uniquely hers. 'She smells... Good.'

The Magister approached and took her other hand in his warm palm. She looked up
into his narrow black eyes. His full sensual lips were curved in a dangerous
smile. Chastity could smell soap, incense and the potent musk of a heavily
aroused male. He frightened her, and attracted her. The adrenaline rush of fear
magnified and increased her attraction.

"God, he's so creepy,' thought Chastity. 'But he's turning me on too. It has got
to be whatever I drank.'

He leaned forward and touched his lips to hers, his mustache tickling her upper
lip. She closed her eyes and her mouth opened without thought. He cupped her
head in one hand to keep her mouth locked to his. He surged hungrily within, his
tongue taking possession of hers. He pulled her closer, deepening the kiss, then
took her hand and slid her palm into the neck of his robe. She felt the smooth
hair of his chest and the pounding of his heart. He moved her palm over the flat
exposed flesh of his masculine nipple. A ring pierced it. The nipple peaked
beneath her fingers.

Angelique followed his lead and placed Chastity's hand on the softness of her
breast. Chastity felt the soft fullness in her palm and gently explored the ring
piercing Angelique's turgid nipple.

He broke the kiss with a satisfied sigh and a sardonic smile. "She is ready," he
said in his deep exciting voice. Chastity's body shook with dread and ravenous

Taking her by the hands, they led Chastity to the far end of the chapel where
the carved altar sat in a pool of colored light from the round window. Sensual
illustrations of men and women engaged in sex were painted on the brilliant
glass. The altar was as broad as a bed and carved with nude figures in the
throes of ecstasy. A thick mat covered in black leather cushioned the black
marble top. Chastity found it repelling and exciting.

Angelique dropped her robe to the floor, her intimate jewelry gleaming in the
fall of colored light. She helped Chastity up a wooden stair, then atop the
altar. Chastity turned to see the Magister standing to one side. With a shrug,
he dropped his robe to the floor.

Chastity's eyes opened wide. His body was dark with long smooth hair that lay
flat like an animal's dark pelt, completely without curl. His shoulders were
unbelievably broad and well built. Silver rings gleamed from his nipples. His
belly was well defined and his waist slim. His thighs were corded with heavy

'Wow, he must really work out,' thought Chastity.

In complete contrast to the rest of his body he was clean-shaven around his
privates. His thick shaft rose proudly past his navel and was corded with heavy
blue veins. The full pouch of his ball sack hung naked and plump. Chastity found
herself wondering what it would be like to run her tongue all over that
vulnerable hairless flesh, to taste him.

He climbed up on the altar and sat back on his heels, knees wide. "Come to me,
sweet child, I have a use for your mouth," he said, gripping his arrogant shaft
with a dark smile. Chastity faced him and crawled to him on her hands and knees.

She looked into his amused black eyes, then dropped her gaze to the swollen
purple head of his cock. A drop of clear fluid oozed from the tip. She licked
her lips. Bending, she kissed below the base of his shaft, then reached out her
tongue to taste the shaved skin around his cock. He tasted of salt, soap and
rampant, mature male.

She licked and sucked gently on his scrotum, then sucked on one of his hanging
balls, then the other. She ran her tongue up the underside of his shaft, licking
and sucking lightly. She took the flared cap into her mouth and tasted him.
Salty liquid gathered on her tongue. Her tongue swirled across his flesh and she
sucked him deeper into her warm wet mouth.

He groaned with satisfaction, then fisted his hand in her strawberry blond
ponytail. With a grunt, he pushed his cock up into her throat and shoved her
further down on him, her nose pressed to his groin, blocking her airflow. Her
throat closed in a vise around his shaft. Chastity panicked, making a small,
frightened sound. He pulled her back and she noisily took a deep breath.

"You must learn to take all of me," he growled. He shoved her down again lifting
himself into her mouth, and, then let her up to take a breath., then again. And

"Angelique," he said, grunting as he fucked Chastity's mouth. "Go and fetch your
toy." He panted. "Hurry, before I pour myself down her throat." He pulled
Chastity from him and she gasped. He had her lay full length on her back. He
turned and rose over her, facing the same way, straddling her ribs on his knees,
his legs locking her arms against her sides. He presented her with his saliva
dripping cock. The head was an angry, engorged purple as it swayed, wet and
glistening, over her breasts. Her eyes were wide and dilated with fear and
sexual need.

"Take it between your breasts and squeeze," he commanded. She brought her palms
up and enclosed his shaft in her plump flesh. He dropped to his elbows over her
and shoved forward, his back arching and his haunches flexing. His slippery
shaft slid through her breasts, slowly fucking her tits.

Her nose filled with the scent of aroused and sweating male. The cock-head slid
to her lips. Without thought, she sucked, adding saliva. He groaned harshly and
withdrew,, then slid back up into her mouth. He withdrew, then slid back up.

Chastity felt someone climbing onto the mat. "Now, Magister?" said Angelique

"Now," he growled, rising up on his knees and holding the head of his cock in
Chastity's mouth. She sucked and licked at the flared edge and the weeping slit.

Chastity felt hands on her ankles, lifting her, positioning her. Warm smooth
thighs slid between hers. She felt hands on her hips lifting her, then something
cool, smooth and blunt pushed at the wet entrance to her body.

'What the hell?' she had time to think,, then felt her hungry pussy flutter open
wide with carnal appetite. Her body swallowed the broad blunt head, and a shaft
drove slowly into her cunt, deeper, then deeper. Rapacious need made Chastity
raise her hips to take it all. The shaft withdrew, then thrust again. Withdrew
and thrust. Again. And again.

"Good, so good..." Angelique moaned.

'I'm being fucked by a girl!' thought Chastity, but her body didn't care who was
fucking her. It was hungry for climax and didn't care how it achieved it.

The Magister withdrew his swollen cock from her lips, groaned and began pumping
into her breasts and mouth in earnest, his tempo increasing as he fucked.
Angelique's thrusts increased in power, shoving Chastity forward. Pleasure built
swiftly. Chastity moaned around the cock sliding in her breasts and filling her
mouth, her hips writhed around the shaft fucking her cunt. Sweat poured off the
Magister and dripped onto her, mixing with her own.

 "I'm gon'na cum," Angelique said in quick panicked whimpers. "I'm almost

"Do it now," grunted the Magister. "She's almost ready to cum and I'm about to
spill... Ah..." he moaned loudly and pulled back. Thick, white froth exploded
from the head of his cock. Chastity closed her eyes as the viscous sticky cum
spattered her cheek, lips and breasts. Angelique shouted, driving deep into
Chastity, then moaned as she also came.

Chastity whimpered in loss. She had been so close.

The Magister sat back and surveyed Chastity's cum spattered body. "I'll tell you
when you may cum," he smiled viciously. "This is punishment, remember?" Chastity
couldn't stop her glare of frustration.

"Tony," he called. "Damp towels and drink." The Magister dismounted and sat to
one side. Angelique sat at her feet, panting with a soft flush pinking her skin.
Her black mane stuck to her sweaty body. A huge black dildo, gleaming and wet,
curved from where one end was buried in her dripping cunt. The smell of sex was
thick in the air.

'Oh, God, I had that huge thing inside me!' Chastity thought in horror. 'I was
fucked by a girl,' she thought in amazement. 'And it felt... Good.'

Review This Story || Author: Morgan Hawke
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