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Review This Story || Author: Morgan Hawke

Chastity Debauched - Three: Penitent

Part 3 The Confession

Part Three: The Confession

 "Hold her still, Tony or you will be strapped down right next to her," snarled
the priest. Magister Gregor's hands were vises on her wrists as he forced them
behind her back.

"Please, Chastity," Tony whispered in her ear, "Don't make this any harder on
yourself." He held her shoulders and arms in a tight embrace while her wrists
were wrapped in plain leather cuffs and fastened at the small of her back by the

"Why are you letting them do this to me?" she whispered back. Tears slid down
her cheeks. Her breasts were pressed against the front of his white shirt. He
still smelled clean and wonderful. Her knees were pulled apart and cuffed in

"I have to..." he flinched at the betrayal in her eyes. "It's part of my job,"
he said softly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Technically he had tried to warn her, but...

"He couldn't, sweet child," answered the priest, with a nasty chuckle. "If you
had not appeared for your appointment, he would have served time in your place
and young Tony is well aware that I enjoy both males and females, equally."
Chastity felt Tony shudder as he held her.

'Oh, God,' she thought, 'and he'd tried to get me to leave anyway.' She looked
into Tony's frightened gaze. His lips moved in the motions of: "I'm sorry." She
turned away.

She was made to kneel on the bench facing the Magister's heavy throne. Her knees
were pulled far apart and fastened to the padded kneeler of the ornately carved,
wooden bench. She grunted as she was pushed onto her stomach over the red
leather padding of the higher tier of the bench. Her breasts swayed freely over
the edge.

A padded collar was buckled to her neck and a strap was snapped to a ring from
the collar to another on the underside of the bench she laid over by Sister
Angelique. Chastity could smell the exotic perfume worn by the Sister mixed with
the musky scent of aroused female.

'She's getting off on this!' thought Chastity.

"Shall we begin?" said the priest. His robes swishing as he walked. He moved to
stand in front of Chastity and before his throne. She couldn't lift her head
more than an inch; she could barely move any part of her body at all. She could
see the black silk rope of his belt, the flowing skirts of his robe and the
charcoal gray carpet.

'He's barefoot!' thought Chastity in surprise.

"Sister Angelique, stand behind Chastity and make her feel more, receptive,
shall we?" Magister Gregor seated himself on his throne and smiled.

"With pleasure, Magister." Chastity felt hands on her exposed bottom. Nails
scraped lightly on her crease, warm palms parted the plump globes, then cool
breath blew on her vulnerable privates. "What a pretty pussy, all nice and
trimmed short," breathed the Sister. "Ripe, like a juicy peach and ready for

"Please don't," Chastity whimpered, then bit her lip.

"Oh, but I must, dear girl," Sister Angelique sighed. The sister leaned over
Chastity shoulder and the long black silk of her hair fell across Chastity's
back. "Don't worry, you'll like it," she whispered in her ear. Chastity felt
fingers stroking the short hairs of her pussy, then felt a warm digit delving
into the damp folds. The entrance to her body was tenderly explored. Chastity
wriggled but the straps held her tight to the bench.

"She's wet, Magister."

"As I expected. Continue. I want her to cum at least once before we begin
questioning her."

The sister's finger slid gently into her body and explored its depths. Chastity
moaned with the intimate invasion. Perspiration dotted her lower back.

"Ah," the sister sighed as she found something and stroked. Chastity jolted as a
streak of delight curled within. "There we are, I have your measure now."
Chastity bit her lip and squeezed her eyes closed in denial as the sister
stroked and pressed, bringing jolt after jolt of unwanted excitement.

Chastity fought the rising desire in her body. Her traitorous body fought back,
carnal hunger building relentlessly. Her body wanted, craved and strove to bring
her to orgasm. She strained against the binding leather and her body's rapacious

The sister stopped. "She's fighting it." Chastity let out her breath and

"Of course she is," said the Magister. "She has excellent control; to a point.
Tony, take off your shirt." Chastity turned her head, fighting the collar that
had her neck pinned as she strain to see.

Tony was looked over at the priest in alarm. He swallowed hard, then stripped
off his shirt, dropping it onto the floor. Beautifully sculpted bands of corded,
tanned muscle gleamed in the bright sunlight pouring through the windows. There
didn't seem to be an ounce of fat on him.

"I want you to kiss Chastity." The Magister's voice was low and seductive.
"Stroke her breasts. Make her want. Make her desire. Make her cum for us."

Tony knelt before Chastity and took her face in his heated palms. His eyes were
stricken with guilt, but his snug shorts strained with the telltale signs of
full erection. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips lightly to hers, his
tongue swept her lips, seeking entrance. Chastity couldn't help herself; she
closed her eyes, opened her lips and took his tongue into her mouth. She kissed
him back, stroking his tongue with hers. She could smell soap, sunlight and warm
excited male.

Chastity felt the fingers of his hands on her throat, making her shiver, then
briefly touching the collar. They slid down. His hands closed on her breasts,
lifting, testing the weight and firmness, closing around the plump flesh gently.
Fingers caressed her nipples, teasing them, bringing them sharply to peaks.
Chastity moaned.

"Sister Angelique, you may continue," the priest said softly. "Something
perhaps, a little more intimate," he suggested. Chastity felt warm palms on her
ass, opening her wide, then something warm and wet stroked the outer plump lips
of her labia, then dove into the tender folds, with long deep swipes.

'That's her tongue,' thought Chastity. 'She's licking me! A girl is licking me!'
She shuddered. It felt so good... So very good...

Tony slanted his mouth across hers for better access. His kiss grew aggressive.
He nipped at her lips and sucked at her tongue. His hands took both of her
breasts and played with her nipples, tugging and pulling. Abruptly, he pulled
his lips from hers and took one nipple into his wet mouth and sucked, hard. She
whimpered, her chin falling on his bowed spine as carnal heat flushed her body.

Chastity became confused, the sensations overwhelming her body with pleasure.
Tony concentrated on her lips and breasts, his scent filling her nose and his
light grunts crowding her ears as Angelique tormented her most intimate self
into submission. Fingers brushed her clit. Angelique pressed, then rubbed the
small pleasure point quickly but lightly, jolting her with bolts of increasing

Chastity felt her body release warm honeyed liquid against the tongue that was
worming its way deeper into her body. She shuddered as a finger delved where the
tongue worked, then pressed deep within. Lightning flashes of intense excitement
began to cascade in increasing power. She fought the straps as against her will;
her body greedily sought more.

Two fingers plunged into her, fucking and fucking her dripping cunt. Lips took
her clit, sucking, and, then a tongue mercilessly speared and flicked her
excited bud in time with the plunging fingers. Chastity panted, moaning softly
as pleasure came to a roaring peak.

Chastity felt a wet finger playing with the tight rose of her anus, circling,
and pressing as the other fingers fucked her. The circling finger slid past the
tight ring of her anus, into her, and gently probed deeper.

She froze as her climax peaked. Her back arched as far as the straps would allow
and she screamed in ecstasy as sudden sharp orgasm crashed and ripped through
her. She collapsed, spent. Tears dripped onto Tony's shoulder.

"It is done," said the sister. The invading fingers left her body. Tony laid a
gentle kiss on her forehead and stepped away. Panting with exhaustion, Chastity
watched, head limp, as Sister Angelique stepped up to stand beside the
Magister's throne, sucking noisily on her fingers.

'Sadistic bitch,' thought Chastity.

"Time to confess, sweet Chastity," said the priest. "I want to hear every
single, sexual thing that you have done, beginning with the loss of your
virginity. In detail."

'God, I just want this over,' Chastity thought. She was tired and her body ached
from straining against the straps on the bench. "It began about a month ago..."

"Stop," said the Magister, raising his hand. "All confessions begin with:
'Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.' Again."

'What a fucking asshole,' she thought with a flash of anger.

"Just do it Chastity," Tony said urgently from the door. "Trust me, it can get a
lot worse."

"Forgive me Father, for I have sinned," she said, annoyed and blushing hard with
mortification. "About a month ago I went to a party in the park and met Rob..."


The 'confession' took a lot of time. Both the Magister and Sister Angelique had
her go into embarrassing detail from the loss of her virginity in the park
woods, to the class in fellatio she'd been forced to take after school.

"And that is all?" asked the Magister.

"That's everything," said Chastity. "Everything," she insisted.

"You did nothing with Tony?" 

'Shit,' thought Chastity. She could see Tony stiffen by the door. 'Thank God all
I did was kiss him before we got here...' She shook her head. "Nothing beyond
kissing him," confirmed Chastity. She watched Tony sag with relief.

"Which you did here, before us," said the priest softly. "Then  I have only to
announce your penance, your punishment, and you may go."

"Punishment!" said Chastity in alarm. "Haven't you done enough?"

"My dear girl," the Magister shouted with laughter. "There is always penance to
pay after a confession. We have only begun!"

Review This Story || Author: Morgan Hawke
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