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Review This Story || Author: Morgan Hawke

Chastity Debauched - Three: Penitent

Part 2 The Appointment

Part Two: The Appointment

A narrow, plain wooden stair led to the chapel. Tony released her hand as he
opened the heavy oak door, ushering her in before him. Light blinded Chastity
momentarily from the gabled windows that lined the broad expanse directly before

The chapel was huge, taking up the entire attic with a steeply peaked and
heavily beamed, cathedral ceiling. The walls were painted in stark white and the
thick carpet was a deep charcoal gray.

To the right of the door they'd entered, at the far end of the chapel, an altar
of carved marble sat before a huge, circular stained glass window. Long beams in
brilliant array colored the flat marble top. She was too far away to make out
the designs on the glass, but it was very colorful and ornate.

"This must be Chastity," said a deep melodious voice. "And just in time."

Chastity turned left to see a man seated in a small archway on a carved black
throne dressed in floor length robes with a starched black collar. His black
hair was closely cropped to a point over his forehead. His eyes were deep black
under sharply arched and expressive brows. A close trimmed beard and mustache
framed his florid smiling lips and square jaw.

"You must be Father Gregor," Chastity said brightly. "I'm sorry but my father
had an emergency at the office and couldn't make your appointment."

"Come here, my child and kneel at my feet." She walked over and knelt on the
thick carpet. She didn't think twice, she had been taught since childhood to
respect the clergy.

Father Gregor took both of her hands in his warm dry palms. His fingers were
long and delicate, like an artist's. His black robes were full and flowed around
him in deep pleats smelling of incense. He was broad-shouldered but spare. Long
sleeves covered his arms to the wrist but Chastity could feel real strength in
his hands as they held her.

"How nice. Your father is not here. This should make our session go far more
smoothly..." She pulled her hands back in confusion but Father Gregor closed his
fingers tightly around her wrists, holding her in place.

Tony took a step and Father Gregor raised a brow at him. "It seems that you have
found a champion," said the Father. Chastity could see that Tony's face was
white. Tony stepped back and clasped his hands behind him.

 "Tony," Father Gregor smiled, "remain with us. Close the door firmly, if you
please." Tony swallowed hard, then turned and pushed the door closed. There was
an ornate brass lock, but there wasn't a doorknob on the inside of the door,
just plain flat wood.

"I don't understand," Chastity said, still pulling.

"I believe that you have a confession to make, do you not?" Father Gregor smiled
and his dark eyes flared with heat and interest. "I understand that you have
been a very, very naughty girl."

"I wasn't raised Catholic, I don't do confession." Chastity couldn't budge her
wrists from his grip no matter how hard she twisted in his grasp. 'What is with
this weirdo?' she thought. 'What the hell does he know about me? Is he just

"Please, Chastity," Tony said urgently, "just tell him and we can go..."

"I'm not telling him anything," she said between clenched teeth. "It's none of
his business." Chastity pulled back and rose part of the way to her feet.

"Tony, pull the rope by the door and ring the bell, if you please. It seems that
Chastity is not appropriately penitent."

"Chastity..." Tony pleaded.

"Ring the bell Tony, that's an order." Tony turned away and pulled a satin rope.
A bell sounded deeper in the rooms.

"What are you going to do?" Chastity said through clenched teeth. She was
annoyed, but growing more worried by the second. Why didn't Tony do something?

"We are going to make you confess, my child." The Father stepped down from his
throne and stood. He pulled Chastity up onto her toes by her wrists, holding
them well above her head. He was taller than he had appeared, towering a full
head and a half above Tony. Her robe slid open revealing her skimpy bathing
suit. Her flip-flops fell unheeded from her feet.

"Why Chastity, how charming," he remarked. His eyes were hot as he took in her
barely covered full breasts, the narrow span of her trim waist and the flare of
her rounded hips. He transferred both her wrists to one hand. Reaching out, he
cupped, then lifted one breast, his fingers testing its fullness and weight. His
palm slid over the violet satin, then across the softness of her bare skin.
"Very nice," he whispered.

"Don't touch me!" she hissed. "What kind of priest are you?"

"Didn't Tony tell you?" She shook her head. "Of course not, Tony is very
obedient. I suppose an introduction is in order. I'm Magister Gregor of the
Order of the Unholy Trinity, a servant of the Unholy Master."

Chastity suddenly noticed the black enameled, inverted cross swinging from jet
beads around his neck. "You're a Satanist?"

"Very much so," he nodded with a twist to his lips. Reaching under her hair,
behind her neck, he pulled the satin string and her top burst open to fall to
her waist. Her vulnerable breasts swayed as she flinched.

"Let me go..." She turned her head as she felt her nipples harden in unconscious
response to the cool air. "Tony, I want to leave..." She turned her head to
look, but Tony stood frozen by the door. His face was turned away.

"Not just yet, my sweet child, you have a confession to make." His hand slid
down her stomach to cup her sex. She tried to shift away from his hand but she
was held firmly up on her toes, in his powerful grip as though she weighed
nothing. A finger and a thumb slid across the thin satin, exploring the crease
of her vulnerable core.

Chastity blanched. "Let me go or I'll scream the house down," she snapped
angrily. Tears of helplessness filled her eyes.

"Oh, you may scream if you like," said Father Gregor, still smiling. "It's
expected. Remember, the staff knows that you have an appointment with me. No one
will interfere, it will cost them their jobs, isn't that right Tony?"

"You called, Magister?" said a soft feminine voice. Chastity was forcibly turned
bodily around. Before her stood a tall elegant woman, eyes downcast. Her lips
were very red and curved and in a soft smile. Her long, straight black hair was
cut in a slash across her forehead, then fell to her hips in one long unrelieved
fall of black silk. She was completely naked beneath an open, floor-length,
black satin robe. Silver rings pierced her exposed nipples and another gleamed
in the pink folds of her closely trimmed pussy.

"This is Sister Angelique, she will be assisting us today, as will Tony."

"Please," Tony said in protest. He stepped back, and pressed himself against the
door, wide-eyed, shaking his head. "Please don't make me..."

"Why Tony, don't you like your job?" Tony abruptly dropped his head.

"Shall I bring you the prayer bench, Magister?" Sister Angelique asked softly.
She looked Chastity full in the face; her black eyes gleamed with anticipation,
her red lips parted gently and her pink tongue darted out to wet them.

"Yes, my dear, and bring the full set of accoutrements. Chastity is a little
reluctant to share her sins." Chastity felt a hand on the back of her swim
bottoms. With a firm yank, they were pulled down to her knees. Chastity

Review This Story || Author: Morgan Hawke
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