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Review This Story || Author: Cathy

The Adventures of Karen

Part 12 The Reward Continues

The Adventures of Karen - Part 12 - The Reward Continues

Karen half heard the comments.  She was still in spasm after the prolonged
orgasm that she had endured; no, she had to admit, she had enjoyed.  She decided
that in fact it was not so bad after all.  She listened carefully and tried to
recall what her Mistress had said. Yes, that was it!

'...Slave Ken, you know what to do may proceed with the training!'

Was that it?  Now there was more, oh god, ohmigod!  She recalled her Mistress
again '...slut Karen has much to learn.'  What was in store for her now, what
pleasures, what pains?  She looked up at the suspended Lisa, who gave her a
consoling look but didn't speak.  There was no one she could turn to, she could
see Andys shaved legs and heel clad feet and she could guess what he was doing
but she had no idea what to expect herself.

As her mind wandered, searched, for comfort, Ken moved across and behind her
head and knelt down.  His erection was still proud and full and Karen could see
that it still glistened with her juices.  She was certain that he had not cum
inside her, had not cum at all, and she wondered how long this man could last
before he released his hot, sweet juices deep inside her, or over her.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt her wrists being grasped and pulled
over her head. She felt first one, then the other being strapped and pulled
until her arms were stretched wide and high above her head. Lisa, of course,
knew exactly what was happening, she had been on the futon before and she knew
that the wooden frame was well equipped with hooks, loops, chains, straps and
the like to hold the occupant in any position imaginable.

Karen suddenly felt quite helpless, as Ken got up and walked around to her
stiletto clad feet.  He grasped each ankle, feeling the thin leather thong
around each one, feeling a small thrill as he touched the warm leather.  Then he
lifted Karen's legs high and pushed them towards her shoulders.  He stepped over
her and reached down, to find more cuffs, more straps.  In a few short moments
he had managed to strap and pull Karen's legs over her head and almost as wide
as her arms.  She was bent almost double, no obstruction over her still
sensitive breasts and nipples and her labia, her swollen labia, and even her
puckered hole, totally visible and available to anyone who wanted to make use of

Lisa, in her elevated position, had a clear view and she could see that,
although the position was not particularly comfortable for Karen, it was one
which she could tolerate, and even, she thought to herself, one she might come
to enjoy.

Andy also had a clear view of his bound and exposed lover, a view that he had
rarely had, even in their most active times.  It was a view that excited him and
he felt that his measured stroking of his cock was not enough, he had to
increase his tempo, even if it meant cumming against his Masters wishes.
Switching his stare from Lisa's swollen, glistening, labia to Karen's equally
swollen, redder and puffier lips he felt he was reaching a point of no return.

Suddenly, unable to help himself and stimulated intensely by the erotic sights
before him, his swollen cock erupted, spurting out long jets of cum, repeatedly
spurting, more than he had ever thought possible.  And, even more surprising to
Andy was the distance he ejaculated.  He was still standing between Lisa's
spread legs, level with her bare feet, and still the eruptions reached up to
Lisa's bare thighs and even directly onto her smooth shaven labia.  Lisa felt
the warmth, the sticky warmth, as it struck her and slowly began to seep down
her swollen flesh, down the small gap between her lips, until it slowly began to
drip on to the floor.

Karl had been watching Andy carefully, he fully expected his new toy to fail his
test, it had only been a matter of time before he could hold his orgasm back no
more, and he was pleased to see that even without further training and practice,
Andy had the potential to rival his fellow slave for the copious amounts of cum
he could eject.  'Good', he thought, ' we have the makings of a fine pair of
slaves here, ones who will please my guests in every way'.

But these thoughts were not shared with Andy. 'You miserable fool', he exploded,
'you have failed me, you have disobeyed me!'

Andy looked across at his Master and abjectly apologised.

'Sorry Master, I am so sorry, please forgive me.'

Karl loved to hear his slaves begging, pleading for his forgiveness.  It would
make no difference this time, but, then perhaps another time he would grant
mercy.  However, Andy would have to learn some harsh lessons first.

'You will be punished', Karl continued, 'get on your knees and use your tongue
to clean your mess from my slave.  Use your tongue only, and when you have
finished, you may clean the floor too!'

Andy shuffled and got on his knees, thinking that this was the kind of
punishment he would enjoy, licking and caressing such sweet wet shaven lips. His
thoughts were disturbed as Karl continued.

'We will punish you properly later, I need a willing new maid to serve us at
dinner tonight and you shall perform that duty to perfection.'

He looked at his wife and they smiled at each other.

Little did Andy realise just what that would mean, a maid serving to perfection,
as he continued his oral duty on Lisa, the words only half heard. Lisa heard
them only too clearly and she suddenly shuddered thinking of how in a few short
hours Andy would find himself transformed into Andrea.  Oh yes, he had much to

Karen had laid there, helpless and spread wide while Andy had released his pent
up urges and she had almost become unaware that Ken was standing over her, his
erection still thick and proud.  Slowly he sank to his knees and aimed the
mushroom head at her still tender swollen labial lips.  She felt the head begin
to part her labia, to rub against her clitoris which, it seemed was more
sensitive than she had ever thought possible.

Greta leaned forward in her chair, her face flushed and her voice thick with

'Now, slave Ken, now, start to fuck her properly, work on her cunt until it
becomes the center of her world!'

Ken was waiting for the command before he again thrust his thick long cock deep
into the waiting cunt, the swollen wet and aroused cunt, that lay exposed below
him.  Karen could do nothing to avoid his pistoning strokes as it ploughed the
full length of her sensitive channel.  Suddenly he withdrew his cock, and with
it still wet, dripping, with her sweet juice, he moved around and knelt over
Karen's face and rubbed the swollen head over her lips, forcing it into her
mouth until she almost gagged.  Despite herself, despite her discomfort in her
spread position she could not resist sucking and teasing this thick cock, as Ken
slowly eased more and more of it into her mouth.

'Careful', Greta warned, 'don't choke her, she will soon become willing to
service you whenever I command, just a few more days training!'

Ken slowed down his assault, he knew full well that Greta intended to allow him
to train Karen to perform any service that may be demanded, either here for
private entertainment, or at one of the many regular little 'parties' that his
owners loved to present.

'Enough, go back and fuck her until she is worn out!'

The order rang out cross the room and Ken stood up and moved around the naked
form to position himself for another long session of thrusting deep into Karen's
wet and, despite herself, willing body.  As he continued to pound into her,
long, full strokes, she felt herself begin to reach another climax, another cum
and as the tension rose she could not help herself.  She had to have him in her,
now and as deep as possible.

'Ohmigod, fuck me, fuck me fuck me', Karen screamed out, winning approving
smiles from her Mistress, and even a quick look from Andy who was still engaged
in his task of cleaning and tonguing a very wet Lisa.

'Oh, no please, please please stop!', Karen cried at last as the relentless
penetration continued, 'please give me a rest, please. Mistress, please tell him
to stop'.  At this Karen turned her head as far as possible to try to look
beseechingly at her Mistress.

'Enough, give her a little rest, slave Ken!', Karl intervened, 'We must remember
that she is yet to be fully trained for our requirements.'

Karen was relieved to hear the command but even so she was worried, what did he
mean by 'fully trained', what else was in store for her?

Greta nodded her head in agreement.

'Yes my dear, let us have a change of pace. You, slave Andy, will stop what you
are doing, I think my little slut has had too much stimulation at the moment.'

Lisa and Andy both looked a little disappointed as both of them had been quite
oblivious to much of the proceedings, both of them being lost in their own
pleasure, the action of Andy's tongue had brought Lisa several times to the
brink of an orgasm.

'You will move around and take those weights off her poor nipples, and then I
think you should spend some time working on them. I'm sure slave Lisa will enjoy

Greta had decided to give Lisa a rest from her torment, and she knew full well
that the removal of the clips after a prolonged period would bring its own sweet
rewards of pleasure and pain to Lisa, who would be more than willing for a soft
warm tongue to soothe her distended teats.

'You', she addressed Ken next, 'will loosen slave Karen's legs, she is not yet
used to too much time in a position of total submission.'

Ken withdrew from his position at Karen's opening and, with his cock still fully
erect, to Karen's amazement, walked around her and loosened the bonds around
each ankle, and then unstrapped her spread eagled wrists.. Karen felt the
freedom to stretch her legs, move her arms, to ease the tensions and thought
that at last she would be permitted to rest. But no, there was yet more in store
for her.

'You know what to do now, strap her ankles to her wrists.'

Ken went across to the bench and picked up a selection of broad leather straps
and a wooden spreader bar, some three feet in length.  Karen watched him with
growing apprehension, as did Andy who was about to remove the clips from Karen.

'You, slave Andy, wait until I give you the command to unclip her,' Karl
intervened, 'and then you shall perform your duties on her tits.'

Andy stopped and concentrated on what was to happen to his former lover.  Ken
had got back to Karen's naked form and bent over, cock waving proudly, while he
strapped each wrist to the corresponding ankle, before finally fixing the
spreader bar.  Karen was given no choice but to lie on her back, ankles and
wrists strapped to the bar, leaving her, perhaps more comfortable than she had
been for the last few minutes, hours; time had lost its meaning through her
almost continuous and relentless orgasms.  But, while she was perhaps more
comfortable, she was still completely exposed and available for Ken to continue
his assault on her, for how much longer she did not, could not, know.

By now both Karl and Greta were satisfied and the two male slaves were waiting
their commands.

'Slave Andy, remove those clips and perform your duties!'

Andy was eager to obey, those nipples looked so inviting, but Lisa was only too
aware that, for a short time at least, the removal of the clips would produce
exquisitely painful sensations in each teat.  Andy was aware of her feelings, he
recalled the many times he and Karen had played similar games with her well
developed nipples, so he was gentle as he removed each one.  Even so Lisa could
not hold back a low moan as the blood flowed and her nerve endings regained some
sensation in them.  As soon as both clips were off Andy knelt below the
suspended Lisa and began to suckle each teat in turn, soothing Lisa and slowly
beginning to arouse her yet again.

Once the two slaves were coupled, lips to nipple, Greta gave her order to Ken to
continue servicing Karen.  Yet again, Karen could see from her position and
looking between her strapped and spread legs, Ken was still mightily erect as he
bent to his task.

'Fuck her properly this time slave Ken, and you may cum this time!'

Ken was pleased for the permission to cum at last, but disappointed because he
would not be able to torment Karen much longer. 'On balance', Ken thought, 'I
like the fucking even more than the cumming'. Karen, on her part was relieved to
hear the command, at last she would be given the satisfaction of feeling Ken
spurting his cum deep into her, at last she could orgasm and know that then she
could rest in a well deserved post-orgasmic glow.

Ken started yet again, this time on his final assault, using the spreader bar to
steady himself as he began furiously pumping in and out of Karen's wet, red,
sore flesh.  Karen was soon reduced to giving loud and eager vent to her
feelings until, she felt the almost imperceptible difference as Ken's cock began
to throb, to twitch, deep inside her.

'Cum now, please , please!', she begged Ken who kept up his pounding, until,
suddenly, Karen felt him jetting deep inside her.  She felt the jets of thick
creamy cum filling her, seeping down the side of Kens cock, still retaining much
of its stiffness as finally he began to slow down.  Gasping with pleasure as
much as relief, she felt Ken finally slip out of her much used cunt and, as he
did, there was the unmistakable feeling, so familiar after a prolonged period of
penetration, a relaxation, a warm glow, added to by the slow seeping of the hot
warm juices so recently ejaculated into her.

Andy was still working on Lisa's teats, even though he was aware that the couple
behind him had finally cum to exhaustion; he was afraid to stop until he was

At last Karl and Greta seemed satisfied.


Andy reluctantly pulled away from Lisa's teats, still swollen from his efforts,
and extremely sensitive to the cool air swirling around them.

'You, slave Ken, will release your slut from her sweet bonds, and you, slave
Andy will release your slut and help her to stand up again.'

As they were commanded, the two male slaves started on their tasks.

Karen was more easily unstrapped and she stood at last, shakily, but
nevertheless upright, naked and sweating, with cum running liberally down her
thighs, awaiting her next command.

Andy found the controls to Lisa's suspension harness and gently lowered her to
the hard floor so that he could unstrap her and help her to stand quivering and
naked beside Karen.

'Yes, I do believe you two sluts have learned a valuable lesson her.  Slave
Lisa, you will take Karen to her cell and explain to her our little rules about
our requirements, and then show her the shower, she needs a thorough cleaning I
do believe.'  Greta  smirked, knowing that soon, Karen would see just how well
equipped her new home would be.  After all, she thought, they have cells next
door to each other, they are warm, clean and have every possible convenience.
True indeed, as Karen would find out.

The dominant pair were perhaps hard and demanding in their pleasures but at
least they took very great care of their possessions, as indeed Karen and Lisa
were soon to find out.

The girls, Lisa in front, padding in bare feet, and Karen teetering on her high
spike heels went towards their cells, towards Karen's new home.

As the girls went from view, Karl issued his command to the two males, both of
whom stood with heads bowed and erections rapidly diminishing.

'Show slave Andy his new chamber', he smiled to himself as he addressed Ken,
'and, once he is properly clean, you will prepare him for his punishment.
Mistress and I wish to have a comely maid to serve us a table tonight.'

Ken smiled happily at his Master.

'Yes, Master, I will prepare him to your tastes, I know you will be pleased!'

Andy realised from this interchange that whilst Ken might be a slave, he was
till a favorite slave and he was clearly in charge of both himself and the two

Ken led his charge towards the cells as Andy groaned to himself.

'Have I got two Masters now? What is going to happen to me now, what more can
they do to humiliate me?'

End of part 12

(c) 2002 Cathy P

If you enjoyed this story then feel free to make, and keep, a copy.  If you
didn't enjoy it I'd love to know why, and how I could improve it.  If you wish
to post it elsewhere, then of course you can, (and will!), but remember to
credit me as the author.

Any suggestions for future stories involving Karen would be welcomed.

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