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Review This Story || Author: TJ Ryder

Octoroon Odyssey

Part 1

                               Octoroon Odyssey

                                   Chapter 1

                                  TJ Ryder


    Ashley Wilkison, young prince of Goldenrod Plantation,

dearly loved his second cousin who lived in Tana House,

an equally large plantation in Georgia, and eagerly rode his arabian

stallion over there despite his father's concerns; for he and his father's

older brother had some mysterious but deep friction in the past.

Passed the black fieldhands picking cotton, past the stables where the

black boy grinned at him, knowing he wouldn't be putting his stallion

there, preferring to keep it out of sight of the main house, the big white

columned, stone mansion where the Mister, Lycus Ohara,  sometimes sat in

the shade drinking a tall gin and tonic, overseeing his 1200 acres of prime

cotton land.


   "Click!"   Hearing the pebble on the glass, the maid rolled her

big eyes as she was bending down and adjusting her beautiful, young

mistress's corset.

   "Oh my, now what could that be?"  Scarlett said.

   "Ah wouldn't know ma'am!"  Beulah replied innocently.

   "And you won't dare tell anyone either!"

   "No ma'am, but if the Mister hears...!"

   "Well he just won't, will he?  And that will be all!"

   "Yes ma'am" the huge, fat but also muscular, jet-black

woman left.  Scarlett slipped on her skirt

and looked out the window, smiling down at the slim, young

Ashley hiding in the bushes.

   Leaning out on the balcony, she looked around to see if

anyone was looking,  and went down the stairs, out the servant's

entrance, and almost bumped into Rufus.  The jet black,

huge and muscular, freed slave was an annoyance to the gorgeous

arrogant young woman since forever as she frowned.

  "Oh hello Rufus," she felt it awkward to even have to be

polite to a black man, even if he was a freeman now and

for some crazy reason her father's valued employee.

   "Why hello, young missy, yo lookin so fahn today!" he grinned

as he absently touched his huge bulge pushing his thin worn pants.

   "Rufus, excuse me...!"

   "Not so fast, young missy," he stood in the doorway, keeping

his voice low so nobody would hear, "ah don think yo father be

lahkin yo bein in de bushes with a certain white boy!"

She gasped at his impudence.

   "That's none of your business, Rufus, now please..."

   "An you know what else, sweet, young missy; ah think his

father be lahkin it even less!  Yo nevah wonder why dat is!"

She opened her mouth in shock.

   "Rufus, I know your father's favorite slave catcher but I will not

tolerate this impudence!"

   "Awyeahh," he smiled, licking his full lips, "not just

slavecatcher, ah his slavefinder!  Haw haw, yo gotta find em

to catch em.  And y'know, yo find niggas in de strangest places

pretendin  to be someone else, did you know that?"

   "Will you let me by at once!"

   He made a big show out of moving sideways and giving a little

bow,  "Why ah ain't stoppin yo none, missy, even so ah sho be

wishin yo was an escaped slave since yo grew so pretty!  Ah catch

yo for nothin!  Course if you was a runaway ah wouldn't be allowed

to keep you long, yo way too pretty fo dat, haw haw! Naw ah'd have

to sell you fo sho, ain't dat de way.  We poor niggas even if we

find somethin good we can't keep it long!"

   "What are you talking about you dumb...!"  Never mind!"

   She flounced off and he chuckled, loving the color that rose

in her cheeks when she got mad.  Awmannn, he thought, arranging the

thick cock in his sheer cotton pants. 'One day, honey,' ah might not

keep yo long but yo won't nevah forget ol Rufus, nosuh!"


   "What's the trouble, darling?"  Ashley whispered as they

sat on a double swing in the garden!

   "Oh, that awful, house-nigger Rufus is so uppity sometimes.

He talks to me as if we were in the same social class, 

if you can believe it!"

   Ashley's jaw tightened, "maybe I should give him a thrashing!"

   "No!" her hand on his arm as he was about to stand up restrained

him. The thought of this slim boy raising a hand

to that  huge scarred ugly black man brought a slight

smile to her pretty face that she quickly hid.

   "No, no, dear, for some reason my father just dotes on him

and he a slavecatcher after all.  He's bigger and stronger than any

field hand; and he has to be because he can't use a gun.

Slavecatchers don't get paid until the owner gets his valuable property

back in one piece!"

But still the idea of this  slim, blonde, pampered boy  thrashing Rufus

made her restrain a giggle.

   "I know, but if he dares raise a hand to me while I crop him,


   "And he's a freeman!  Father freed him himself over 20 years ago.

So, please, I shouldn't have mentioned it!"

   "Scarlett, " he paused, "maybe it's time for me to talk to

your father, about us!"

   "Oh, I don't think so, dear, all this talk about a war

after the last election is upsetting him!"

   "But how will we get together?  We could run away, go west to


   "Oooh, but dearest, I just couldn't leave Father.  It would hurt

him so much!"

   "Darling, if war comes I'll have to serve and it might be years

before... or, maybe I won't even be coming back.  People say it will

be very nasty!"

   Scarlett shivered at the thought, not only thinking of Ashley

but the dozen other suitors and would be lovers.

   "I don't want to discuss that awful business!"

   "Then at least let me talk to your father about courting you

properly!  I can't be hiding in your garden forever!"

   She laughed, agreeing, making him smile despite his earnestness.

"I promise, dearest.  This weekend there are the races, and

father is sure his horse will win and he will be in such a good

mood!  That will be the time!"


   Saturday night, so much has happened!  Lycus Ohara, father of

only child Scarlett, dead of a heart attack the moment his arabian

won the Peaches Cup! The plantation was in shock as Ashley trying to

comfort the distraught Scarlett.  His never having gotten her father's

permission to call on his daughter weighed upon Scarlett's

conscience, sometimes holding herself responsible, and then

less than three weeks into the mourning period, war breaks out

at Fort Sumter!  Ashley tells her the previous night he would

joining up soon as Scarlett struggled to manage the huge plantation,

trying to grasp with the help of a town accountant the strange

ways of business she had never been exposed to before.

   At Goldenrod, Ashley was discussing the war with friends

from his college class, knowing they would soon be joining units under

uniform when his father sent the butler in to fetch him.

He knocked on his father's study!

   "Yes father?"

   "Um," the tall, grey- haired gentleman sat behind his

desk with a worried expression and a reluctance to say what he

was going to say.

   "Son, I would prefer it you didn't go over the O'hara place

for a while!  Until things are sorted out over there!"

   "Well, father, I have to tell Scarlett I'm going to be joining

my regiment! Plus, well, I thought we were both going over

there to discuss helping her manage the plantation!"

   "Um, son, that's another thing. A large, Raleigh syndicate has

made a claim on Tana and has gotten a court order to take posession!

Tana House is not any of our family's business any more, and

I want you to accept that!"

   Ashley's mouth dropped open!

   "B-but, um, what about Scarlett?  She was the rightful heir, the sole

heir in fact!   But even so, your'e Lycus' only living relative, you

would have an interest wouldn't you?"

   "Ah, you know my brother and I fell out long ago, and as for Scarlett,

hmmpfff, it would be better if you did not get involved any further, for

the family reputation. You will recall I have consistently urged

you to keep your distance; and now, please son, I must insist on this!"

   Ashley stood numb, as he walked out, knowing he would be really

disobeying his father for the first time in his life.

   Arriving in the dark at Tana, seeing the black drapes on the

majestic columns, and the strange carriages in the circular

driveway, he was stopped by a magistrage's deputy at the

doorway, a big, thick- looking brute, white trash from the nearby

town of Black Creek.

   "Sorry sah!  Private matters!"

   "I must go in, I'm, I'm a member of the family!"

   The brute smiled at him then.  "Well, (haw) you don't look it, but

then, (haw, haw), neither does she!"

   Walking into the living room, he caught Scarlett's worried

eye, still looking ravishing in a the currently fashionabledress as she came

over to him.

   "Oh, Ashley, I'm so glad you came!"

   "Darling, what is going on here?  My father said...!"

   "Oh, the reading of father's will, the judge will be

doing it very soon!"

   "Who are all these other people?"

   "Business friends of papa's I suppose, or maybe creditors,

although it shouldn't be too much; papa was very strict about debts and

we have tons of money in the bank!  Are you leaving for your regiment?"

   "Yes, ...but dearest, this looks very strange to me!"

   "I'm sure it will be over soon and then I'll have Beulah make

some mint julep and we can disscuss the will!"

   A small, frail, old clerk announced for everyone to be seated.

   Ashley sat besides Scarlett, and a portly man who looked

like a crook sat at Scarlett's father's desk as if he belonged

there, making her back stiffen at the sight.

   "Greetings to all the principals gathered here.  I appreciate

you coming on short notice.  Let me say that the will has been adjured

and there will be no repetition.  It will not take very long!"

He cleared his throat.

   "First, the will specified that the entire estate has been bequeathed

to a Miss Sally Cummings!"

   "WHAT?"  Scarlett stood up!

   "Please, madame,  we will have no interruption until I am finished or

you will be notified of the proceedings by mail!

   Scarlett's mouth opened, never having been talked to like that.

   She whispered to Ashley, also stunned, 'who is Sally Cummings?'

He shook his head.

   "(ahem) Continuing, Miss Sally Cummings being deceased, the court

has adjured that the only  heir left  must be the plantation

she worked on at the time of her death.  That would be the Reynolds

Group from Raleigh, who I believe has a representative present?"

   Two businessmen looking like yankees in expensive clothes

nodded curtly.

   "Gentlemen, are you ready to take possession immediately?"

   "WAIT just a minute, " an exasperated Scarlett said!

   "Wait until wer'e done, young lady, or you will be escorted out!"

   Ashley restrained her with a hand on her slim wrist.

   "Yes, your honour!" one of the businessmen replied!"

   "Then come forward, present your credentials, and sign this paper!"

the fat man said.  Then he looked up at Scarlett.

   "The official proceedings are over! I assume you want to register

an objection, madame?"

   "I-I certainly do!  Who is Sally Cummings, who are these people?

What do I do now?"

   "All right, allow me to answer please.  Sally Cummings is, was,

a slave belonging to a one-time partner of your father's, his brother.

Slaves by law cannot inherit property even if she were alive under Georgia law.

If she had been freed that would be a different matter.  Now her owners

at the time of her death are taking her place!"

   "They get the whole plantation?"

   "That was in the will!"

   "Then what happens to me?"

   "Oh, well, that, as I understand the situation, is up to these

gentlemen!"  He indicated the two middleaged businessmen who

were looking over the papers very carefully, quietly with their

backs to the rest of the people in the room as if they didn't matter


   Scarlett turned to some of her neighbors and friends.

   "Mister Olson, did you hear that?"

   "Yes miss Scarlett. I'm here to collect on my last field plow

and Frank for the bills at the general store from the new owners!"

   "Yes, well, but did you hear what they said, about me?"

   "I'm really very sorry ma'am to hear that!"

   "Um, excuse me, um, gentlemen," Scarlett said, and the

younger one looked at her as an annoyance, turned to the other one

who just nodded.

   "Oh, that's right, Tsk, what was the solution we came to


   "Oh, " he gave a wave of his fingers.  "Short sale I think!"

   "Right, that's quite right!"  The heavier older man half turned

to her while still reading a document.

   "Miss um, Wilkison, you are now the property of the

Reynolds group, please gather up one bag of your things and

be waiting for delivery to your next place of employment

by the servant's entrance!"

   "Whaaaa!"  She felt dizzy, grasping a chair back for support

as Ashley took her elbow.

   "Excuse me, sir," Ashley shouted, his face red, "that is not

very amusing!  Miss Scarlett has had a shock already, with her father's

death, and now with this terribly cruel stroke, ...!"

   "Excuse me, sir!" The man called George spoke, "it is hardly

a joke and we are trying to be businesslike as well as humane.

Whenever we assume a plantation or business we have an established

method. All the Tana darkies will be notified of the new owners and

we think because of Scarlett's, um, involvement, it would be a source

of friction to allow her to remain here!"

   "Darkies, what's that got to do with...!"

   The judge sighed and spoke up.  "Sally Cummings was your mother,

child!  The Reynolds group has provided a birth certificate with

witnesses, as well as letters from your father. She was a quadroon

and that makes you, an octoroon.  In Georgia that is still black

enough as they say.  Now in Louisianna that would be slightly

different.  Of course every state is a little...!"

   "Your'e saying I'm a negroe?" she gasped.

   "Um, one eigth negroe to be precise, at least according to the


   "I'm getting out of here right now! I will have no part of

this...!" Two huge black men stood in front of her,

and even her friends and neighbors knew them as hired freemen

and stepped aside.

   "Ain't let you do that missy!"

   "Leroy Bacon, you work here, you know me!" she said.

   "Ah knows mah job, missy, bes you step aside too sir!" he

looked down at Ashley who was trying to step between them.

   "Your'e acting like Scarlett is a, a ...!"

   "Slave! Yup, that's what she is!"  intoned the deep bass of the

biggest man to come into the room yet, Rufus, in his worn pants and

workshirt and a bullwhip around his arm.  Everyone including the

whites backed away from him as he went over and talked politely to

the two yankees.

   "Yassup, ah sign for her raht here!"

   "You say you can get that price for certain?"

   "Oh yassup, ah done business with these gennelmun befo, lotsa


    "Fine, report back here or wire me in Raleigh and I'll have

another job for you!"

    "Yassup, Rufus take care of her proper, haw, haw, yo get

yo money, dat fo sho!  But ah needs her papers.  A big old nigger

with a  pretty white gal needs proof she be a slave!"

   "That's in this document right here.  Everyone knows

our company and it will hold up all over the country;

and that's our telegraph address if you have any difficulty.

You have expense money?"

   "Yassup, thank yo suh!"  Rufus felt he was dismissed as both

men turned to talk of other things.  Scarlett was between

him and Ashley and looked as if she didn't know where to go.

Ashley took a step forward but both big free darkies stood

in front of him.  Scarlett looked pleadingly at all her

white neighbors and friends, but most avoided looking at her.

Somehow she had become a piece of property in a few minutes.

   "Cmere, gal, " Rufus smiled, and to Ashley's shock, he

took out a pair of handcuffs and made her put her hands

in back.  "Dat's not too tight is it?" she blushed

furiously, sputtering.

    He said softly enough for Ashley and the two

darkiest to hear,

"Dont dat make dose nice white titties stick


They both chortled and Ashley's face got red.

He wished he had brought his revolver and thought of

holding up the room at gunpoint, rescuing the princess

and riding for California which was still a free state

and they could start a new life.  But of course

they would be caught, she enslaved anyway, he put in

jail or even hung and his father would shoot himself!

   Ashley watched with disbelief as Rufus did something

else, attached a leather loop from his wrist to around

Scarlett's slim soft neck as a leash.

   "Cmere now honey, we gwine up to your bedroom

an pack!"

   She had to follow his massive form, as he held her

elbow as well. "Ah bet ah'm de first man in yo bedroom

besides yo poor ol daddy ain't dat raht, missy?"

   "Rufus, um, please...!"

   "Well don you worry bout dat none, we ain't got

tahm raht now to settle things between us, haw, dat come


   Standing in the bedroom, she was shocked the way Rufus

idly pocketed a few of her jewels, not all of them, just

a few he didn't think would be noticed.

   "Yeah, we sell dese pretties for travellin money!"

   "I thought he gave you expenses!" 

   "Haw, expenses nevah for expenses, pretty, you live

offa de land as much as you can in mah business!"  Then he

took a pearl necklace from around her slim neck.

   "Now, that yo biggest bag theah?"

   "Yes!"  she swallowed her pride and tried to use reason

despite her rage building inside. "Rufus, this isn't going to work.

Listen, I can borrow money from Ashley, I know I can.

You can let me go!"

   "Den ah be runnin from de law, no suh, not fo dis


   "Talk to the yankees, please!  Ashley will get his papa to

pay more for me than anyone else!"

   "Haw, y'know ah ain't as dumb as ah look cuz ah even

thought of that, but ah guess his papa don't want no octoroon

lookin lahk you around his house with his only boy sniffin around,

nosuh! Haw haw, neighbors would talk an all!  Iffen yo was some ol

black nursemaid or crippled fieldhand, dat be no problem!"

   She was shocked, but then she realized it might be

true, hoping it wasn't!

   "Rufus I'm going to need more clothes than that!"

   "Nope, an you just gwine need some pretties an

unmentionables for the trip, and a nice, big cloak

for people to see on de outside.  Haw, yo don't have to be

wearin nothin underneath actually!  Ah done that befo,

women shy from havin to run off naked.

   She gasped, but the submissiveness of being tied and

leashed and his thick log moving in his pants as he

leered at her got her nipples hard.  Licking her full

lips, she wondered what was going on!

  "Where are we going?"

   "Now, finally a smart question.  We takin a long trip

and it not easy bein a big nigga travellin in the south

let alone with a white-lookin pretty woman. So yo best help me

all you can cuz if ah go down, ah cain't even describe

what some of dose crackers or niggas be doin with you!"

   She groaned in fear.

   "Click!" he unlocked her cuffs and took off the leash

   "Now if you try an run off," he said, putting the fearful

bullwhip on the bed,  "Ah might just stip yo naked

an tie you to a branch an you feel what mah blacksnake

do to that soft, white skin and nobody gwine stop me!"

   She shivered, she had heard and seen what whippings

were like!

   "Everytime I tell you to do something, you do it!


   "Yes!" she half choked.

   "Now take off dat dress, keep yo little underthings,

no little petticoats, not for yo no more!" For seconds

while he watched she trembled and tears formed, but then

she began to unbutton her blouse.  After several minutes

he was satisfied, and had to arrange his cock in his pants,

wishing he had more time but there would be plenty later.

   "Awraht, this be yo travellin cloak, slip it on!  Nope,

don't put yo arms in, leave em out.  "CLICK!"  He cuffed

her hands behind her back but nobody would notice under

the cloak!

   "Now, go on downstairs and wait fo me by de back door!"

   "By myself?"

   "Yup, ah got some more business, ah be along when ah

get there!"

    "B-but all my slave...slaves, my people will be there?"

    "Yup, best not talk to em much, but yo got to learn to

get along with em now, so get started!"


   Scarlett stood there on the landing, watching the downstairs

guests leave along with the new owners, seeing Ashley arguing

until a deputy told him to move along, it was private property!

Private Property!

   And she was private property! Temporarily in the custody of

a huge black man who had a thick lump in his pants and a

bullwhip on his arm!  Finally, fighting back tears, she

walked downstairs a little awkwardly with her wrists cuffed

in back in her cloak, and all the servants stared at her

Two of whom grinned, some were obviously worried about

the new owners.  Sissy was the only who came over, an ignorant

pickaninny who hadn't grasped what was going on.

   "Why missy Scarlett, what yo wearin dat big cloak?

What we gwine do, Missy Scarlett?  What happened to us


   "Sissy, leave dat lady alone now!"

   "Beulah, she Missy Scarlett!"

   "Nevah yo mind, now, come over here!"

   Even Beulah avoided eye contact as she waited there

by the door, her hands still cuffed behind her!


End of chaper 1.  Complete Illustrated story coming out in 2011

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