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Review This Story || Author: Lawrence

Fun At the Beach

Part 2

Fun at the Beach, (Part II)


"Hello, Lawrence." A woman's voice interrupted the idyllic moment. I 

felt Master raise his head from mine as his hands pressed down on me to 

indicate I should keep my position.


"Felicity! How are you?" Did I detect a note of pleasure in his voice? 

Who the hell is Felicity? Already my feelings for her were becoming less felicitous.


I felt Master stand up, leaving me stretched out on the blanket on my 

stomach. I carefully peeked around and saw him move closer to her and 

hold out his arms for a hug. It was the woman at the top of the cliff, 

the one with the male slave. Pretty with a thin tight body and the 

skimpiest bikini I could imagine. I turned my head away before they 



The pleasantries between them like old dear friends - or former lovers - 

exchange were hardly heard by me as my green monster roared out of its 

cage. I felt my thighs pressing together and my ass cheeks clenching as 

I forced myself to stay in position.


" ... my slave, lani. She's been mine for almost five years now."


"She's lovely, Lawrence. I saw her briefly at the top of the cliff. Why 

don't you have her turn around so I can get a better look at her."


Shit. I hoped I didn't have to go through my display positions in front 

of this bitch.


"In a moment, Fel. Who do you have on the end of your leash?"


"Who? What you mean." I could feel her evil smile. "This is my pet, 

teddie. I picked him up a few months ago. He had been pretty well 

trained but still has a few things to learn, right pet?" I glanced 

furtively over my other shoulder at her "pet". It was the man in thongs, 

this time naked, squatting in the sand, his cock, half erect, dangling 

between his thighs pointing in my direction, his eyes staring intently 

at my ass.




Had Master arranged this? It seemed too much of a coincidence. Maybe 

there were more doggie slaves at the beach today. He rarely tells me 

what to expect when we go out. Says he likes to keep me on my toes. On 

my knees would be more accurate.


And this started out as such a great day.


"Nice, Fel. You always had such good taste in slaves." I heard her light 



"Lani. Display. Position one."


Shit. Double shit. He was going to do it. Without thinking my body 

started moving as it was taught. I turned around and got to my knees, 

hands behind head, back straight, shoulders back so my breasts were 

nicely displayed, head submissively bowed, knees wide apart, thrusting 

my bare sex out in case someone wanted to touch it.


"She's really cute, Lawrence." Her hand patted my head. "I see you still 

like small breasted slaves." Small? My breasts weren't small. They were 

just right for my body. I felt my face starting to burn. Then I felt 

Master's hand at the back of my head over my hands caressing me, calming 

me, telling me it would be okay. It always amazes me how quickly that 

calms me down.


I could see Teddie still squatting a few feet in front of me, his cock 

now fully erect, a big grin on his face. Damn. He was big. I couldn't 

help wondering what it would feel like to have him inside me. I glanced 

at his face. Sort of cute if you like that European model look.


Damn. I do. He was staring at me. Shit. I could feel my body starting to 

react. Damned body. I no longer have any control over it. What will 

Master think if he sees me getting aroused by this man? Then I realized 

I was staring at him, too. I looked down at his cock. It was bobbing up 

and down. Why? Oh God! Is Master going to mate me with him like a bitch 

in heat? The thought scared the hell out of me and at the same time 

started a flood between my legs. Sometimes I had long strings of what 

Master called my love juice dangling from my pussy. Was it showing? I 

bent forward a little to look.


"Position two, pet."


No! But my body was well trained. It immediately started into position, 

face in the sand, back arched down to present my ass and cunt, knees 

still wide apart, arms stretched forward with wrists crossed to receive 



"Nice, Lawrence. So well trained."


"Yes." I could feel the tone of pride in my Master's voice.


"See how nicely she's trained, Teddie?"




I heard soft crunching in the sand as she walked around behind me. 

Master knelt beside me, again his hand gently massaging the back of my 

neck, helping me to get through this.


"May I touch her, Lawrence?" No. Please say no.


I waited as the hand continued to stroke my neck.


"Sure. No penetration, please."


I felt a soft hand touch the small of my back then a single finger 

tracing my backbone down to my ass. I shuddered.


"Lovely skin. Where is she from?"


"She's from Mexico. Her father was Japanese."


'That explains the exquisite shape of her eyes."


Now both hands were on my hips, her thumbs almost touching. She slowly 

spread my ass cheeks apart as I frantically tried to keep them closed.


"She doesn't like this, Lawrence. Don't you use her here?" The hand 

stopped stroking my neck for a moment.


"She's not had much experience with a woman, Fel." Then to me, "Relax. 

Don't fight it." His hand started stroking me again. I forced my self to 

relax my ass cheeks.


"She responds so well to you. She must love you deeply." Her hands once 

again opened me up.


"What a cute little anal button. I bet she's really tight back here. Oh 

look. She's already dripping wet."


I was losing it. I could feel myself slowly sinking down, down, down. I 

started blocking her out, concentrating on Master's touch, knowing he 

wouldn't allow anything bad to happen to me. As always, it worked. My 

mind removed itself from my body and just observed. I pictured Feli-

shitty looking at my ass and started smiling at the notion of my body 

farting. I could feel a giggle building up which I had to work hard at 

suppressing. Her voice became tiny, something far off.


"Here Teddie." I heard him crunching in the sand as he moved around 

behind me. "God, look at his cock. He's ready to fuck her." I felt a 

light touch and then several short sniffs. "Does she smell good?"


"Woof." Then strong hands on my hips pulling me back.


"No Teddie. Bad doggie", followed by the sound of a whip against skin. I 

pulled away and rolled over on my side, doubling my knees up against my 

chest. Felicity had him on a short leash with a choke collar. She was 

pulling on him and lashing at his back at the same time. He went to his 

knees and put his head on the ground in front of her, whining. I cringed 

as she let him have several hard welt raising strokes across his back.


"Jeez, Fel, where did you get this one? I hope he is just playing the 



"I'm sure he is. He's a big teddy bear, aren't you sweetie?"


Teddie whined and woofed sullenly or perhaps with disappointment. I was 

never good at translating barks.


"God, he really wants to fuck her Lawrence. Don't you snookums."




I stole a quick look at Master who was rolling his eyes. I didn't know 

if I should get back in position or not so I just laid there quietly not 

at all happy with the way the conversation was going nor with the way my 

body was reacting. Could I actually allow myself to be fucked by some 

stud like a bitch in heat? I was repulsed on one level and attracted on 

another. I couldn't help wonder if anyone had brought a condom.


"I brought a condom." Damn her. Was she reading my mind.


Master clipped a leash on my collar and pointed to his side. I quickly 

rose to my knees and crawled over next to him. "We'll see. Let's take a 

walk along the beach, show off our pets."


"I've done that already." She had such a whiny pouty tone. It must be 

awful to have her as an owner.


"Well I haven't.", he snapped and turned quickly, yanking irritably on 

my leash. "I'm not sure this doggie game is such a good idea." Then to 

me, "Stand up, turn around." He snapped my wrist cuffs together behind 

my back. I stared down at the blanket but could see teddie just out of 

the corner of my eyes. He was lying on his side facing me, a hand 

stroking his cock. I tried not to look but found my eyes wandering back 

again and again to his cock and the impudent look in his eyes as he 

stared openly at my cunt.


"Teddie! You naughty dog." She giggled and swatted at him lightly with 

her whip. He yelped and rolled over close to her to start licking her 

feet. "Honestly, Lawrence, I don't think I can control him much longer.


Master was rummaging around in our bag. "If I have to control him, Fel, 

he's not likely to want to fuck for some time." He pulled out the strict 

posture collar and stood up. I don't think Master was as large as teddie 

but the look on his face spelled a determination that made me feel safe.


I waited quietly as Master tightened the collar and slipped the padlock 

through it. As always my body produced a wave of goose flesh as I heard 

the click of the lock. I slipped down, down, down, to that space again, 

aware only of Master and his words, ready to do whatever he asked of me.


"You may walk upright." He gave a tug and we headed off down the beach. 

I heard him muttering under his breath, "She can be such a bitch at 

times..." I knew he wasn't speaking of me.


The walk along the beach was pleasant. I kept my head up, not that the 

collar would allow me to lower it, but with pride. My eyes were down 

almost closed. I watched Master's bare feet and rolled up pants as he 

walked along, sometimes into the water sometimes onto the hot dry sand. 

Some people along the beach stared at us but no one said anything. I was 

glad this was an adults only beach.


Then I saw a young woman come out of the ocean in front of us and glance 

our way. She did a double take and stopped right in front of us to 

stare, her mouth open, eyes big. Master stopped suddenly. "Yes?"


"I'm sorry." And she quickly darted up the beach to her towel. I smiled 

inwardly. I knew what she felt, the yearning to be taken like I was. She 

was young and pretty. I glanced over at her sitting down on a blanket 

with three other girls her age. They were giggling and staring. She was 

just staring, her mouth still not closed.


Soon after Master stopped and hugged me tightly. "You okay?" he 

whispered in my ear.


"I'm fine, Master, very fine", the words out before I remembered I 

wasn't allowed to speak when in this collar.


He hugged me for a while, ignoring the break in protocol. "Just 

remember, honey, I love you very much."


I knew it was okay to answer. We connect on such a deep empathetic 

level. "It's okay, Master. I'll be fine." I also knew then I was to be 

fucked that day by teddie.


He kissed me long and hard. I could feel some wetness on my cheek and 

knew he was weeping a little. He sighed. "Let's go." He unclicked my 

collar and wrist cuffs and we walked back along the beach hand in hand 

like the lovers we were.


As we passed the four girls the one so entranced was sitting alone on 

her blanket. I looked at her and smiled. Some day, if you are lucky, you 

too will meet your real Master, one who owns your soul as well as your 



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