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Review This Story || Author: Allene Blake

Slave girl

Part 4

                             Slave girl 4

 School was now out for the sunner and I hadn't seen Tommy since our slave game
so I went to his house to find he had gone to camp for two weeks. I was pissed
off that he would rather go to camp than be with me but I later found out his
folks had paid in advance and forced him to go.

I found I couldn't get great orgasms anymore just from masturbation. I thought
about whipping myself but our house is about as far from soundproofed as
possible. I could hear our grandfather clock ticking downstairs and I knew they
would hear the slaps.

For a whole week I could only get tiny orgasms and was desperate.

I was in our kitchen looking at the black woman's picture and sipping a coke
when Daddy came ibto the kitchen and started rummaging around in the fridge. He
pulled out his head and said, "Dammit. I know I had a bottle of beer in here.
Did you drink it?"

I knew that even a Dadddy spanking might help and quickly admitted, "Yes Daddy.
I wanted to know if it would make me feel funny. I know I was bad I deserve a

"You sure as Hell do. go get over the table."

"No Daddy I was badder than that. I deserve the willow switch."

I saw a bulge grow in his pants as he said, "You mean like last time on your

"No I was badder than that. I should be naked and hung by my wrists like this
lady. See. She probably wasn't as bad as me."

I showed him the picture and watched the bulge in his pants get bigger as he
looked at me. I had lost the shyness of my boobs and was wearing a cutoff
T-shirt that showed bumps at the nipples and my flat tummie.

He must have seen me looking at his crotch because he suddenly sat at the table
to hide it. He said thoughtfully, "You are really grown up for thirteen. Maybe
you are too old for childish butt spankings."

"Oh I am grown up Daddy. Mom even got me birth control pills just in case I was
raped or something."

"Really. She never told me. Why did she do that."

"She saw me naked in the tub and said, "You are was too sexy looking for your
age and a pedophile might grab you. It would be bad enough to be raped but worse
if you got pregnant."

"Does the idea of getting raped scare you?"

"No. Mom said if it happened just to cooperate because if I fight I may get hurt
or killed."

"Are you really that grown up?"

"Sure Daddy. Look."

I stood up and pulled the T-shirt up to my chin to show him my boobs that were
bigger than my gym teachers although that wasn't saying much.

He dropped his hand into his lap and looked real embarrassed then said, "I'll
have to think about your spanking."

I saw him fussing with his pants. He stood up and I saw he hadn't hidden
anything. He had just moved his dick so I saw a bulge from his crotch to the top
of the pocket of his jeans.

He left saying, "Don't tell Mom you showed me your boobies."

"Oh no Daddy. I can keep a secret. I didn't tell her about my switching."

He gulped and said,"Good." then left.

I knew from Tommy that whipping me would really excite him and I daydreamed
about his dick that looked twice as big as Tommy's. It would fill every inch of
my pussy.

That night I got a lot bigger orgasm from imagining him driving that monster
into my little pussy.

I was not about to let him forget. I got one of my cutoff jeans and cut them
even shorter until you could see the bottom of my butt cheeks and even more when
I bent over. Then I cut the neck out of one of my t-shirts so it was just held
up by my shoulders finally cutting off more of my waist so when I lifted my arms
the bottom of my boobs showed.

"when Mom saw me she said, "Jesus Allene. That outfit is way too sexy for you."

"Aw Mom. It is really hot outside. I won't wear it where strangers may see me."

She said doubtfully, Well maybe it will be alright just around the ranch but try
to remember not to bend over."

"Oh no Mom I am a lady. See."

At that I bent my knees to squat with my shoulders back so my butt cheeks or
cleavage didn't show to touch the floor.

"Good. Remember if you have to pick something up from the ground do it that

 I went out and followed Dad around all day while he fixed fences. I took every
opportunity to bend over in front of him to show my buttcheeks or to let the
shirt fall open so he could see my boobs clear to the nipples but even  when I
faked the need to stretch revealing the undersides of both boobs he showed
restraint. I knew I was getting to him from the bulge in his pants but he didn't
say anything.

Then out of the blue he said, "Do you masturbate Allene? Don't be embarrassed by
it. Most kids your age do."

"Oh you mean like when I rub my finger on my little nubbin and even stick
fingers inside."

"Yeah. That explains the spot of blood Mom found on your sheet a year or two
ago. You must have broken your hymen."

"What is that."

"It is just a thin piece of skin that covers the hole in your vagina which
proves you are a virgin."

"Oh that is why it hurt for a second when I jammed in three fingers. But the
pain went away real fast."

"What do you think about when you masturbate?

"A man sticking his penis deep in me like they talked about in Sex ED. I know it
is naughty to do that before marriage so I always imagine I am spanked or
whipped along with it so I won't feel guilty."

"So you don't feel guilty if you are spanked afterward."

"No. you know you guys always forgive me for whatever I have done after
spanking. If I want to kiss his penis like the highschool girls talk about I
imagine I am whipped first."

"Oh God. I don't think we should talk about this anymore. Let's go back to the

That stopped my teasing with Mom there and he seemed relieved."

I decided he needed a bigger push and so the next day. I cut strips out of a
deerhide Dad used to patch saddles and braided them into a whip as close as I
could get to the one in the picture. It was soft though and not as thick as the
one in the picture but I was sure it would work.

I put it in a sack and carried it out to the field where Dad was fixing a gate.

I went up to him and said, "I made something for you Daddy."

"Really? What?"

I pulled out the whip and said, "This. It is for the whippig I owe for drinking
beer. I know you have to be twenty-one to drink. Feel how soft it is. You could
even hit my front with it. My boobies are more sensitive than my butt."

That did it. He felt the whip and his dick got so hard I thought it might burst
from his jeans.

He gulped and said, "Do you really think you deserve this."

"Oh yes. At least twenty maybe thirty. There is a rope hanging down in the barn
like in the picture and I poked new holes in some horse hobbles to hold my
wrists. It won't hurt long if you rub me with the horse balm after. That would
make me feel so grateful I would kiss your penis. Highschool girls say guys love

"Oh Jesus. Mom is going to run a church auction Sunday. We will do it then. We
will have all day. The hobbles are a great idea the sheep wool won't let your
wrists get chafed."

I said, "Oh yes. I can hang as long as you want."

"Oh Jesus. Let me see what I will be whipping."

I pulled off my T-shirt and shorts. I wasn't wearing panties cause I liked the
feel of the crotch seam on my slit. Then I stretched my arms up as high as I
could. I had practised in front of my mirror and knew that made my tummy shrink
so much my ribs showed and my boobs lifted.

He came over to run his hand over my tight tummy and firm boobs then he said,
"Oh God. Go back to the house. I am out of will power."

Later I saw him go into the barn. I snuck up and peeked through a crack in the
wall. He was staring at the rope and rubbing his dick which was just as big as I
had hoped. I realized this was a private moment and snuck away.

It was Saturday. I only had that night to wait. Thinking of what was to come
gave me a really good orgasm and I went to sleep knowing that would make the
time go fast.

I woke early and put on my t-shirt and shorts and went down to the kitchen. I
was too excited to eat so just sipped coffee Waiting impatiently for Mom to
leave. Dad was outside checking the oil in her car. She made me crazy fussing
around While I was dying.

Finally she settled on just the right dress, shoes and gloves and walked out the
door I heard her say. "I won't be home until about eight so you will have to
reheat the leftovers in the fridge for supper. There is sandwich meat for

Dad was impatient too and said, "Don't worry we will be fine. You had better go
before you are late."

"Oh if I leave now I will be there early but I guess I should to help with the

"Dad held open her door saying,"Definitely."

She made us both crazy by pausing to say, "My. How gentlemanly. You haven't held
my door for years. You would think you are anxious to get rid of me."

"Don't be silly. Call if you will be late."

She started out the driveway. Dad and I watched until she was out of sight then
I came out.

He said,"God I didn't think she would ever leave."

I said, Me either. I'll go get the hobbles."

He had second thoughts, "Are you sure about this? You really don't mind a
whipping on your back and even your front? You know you will end up real red."

"That's okay. If I am still red when Mom comes home I will wear my flannel

He knew the one I meant. It covered me from neck to ankles.

I ran to the barn and got my hobbles to hand to him and held out my wrists for
him to put them on knowing I needed to be as helpful as possible to keep him
from losing his nerve.

He said, "Wait. Shouldn't you take off the shirt first the hobbles will be in
the way."

"It is an old shirt. You can rip it off me when I am hung up like the woman
except you pull down my shorts too."

I saw his dick jump then he put on the hobbles and hooked them to the rope. He
pulled down on the rope to lift my arms but stopped when I was still flat
footed. "I gasped., "Higher. Just my toes should touch the floor."

He lifted me on up and tied the rope to the stall.  I said, My ankles sould be
tied to the stakes so I won't twist. He looked down to see the stakes with short
ropes I had prepared the night before making sure the ropes were short enough to
open my legs.

I spread my legs clear to the stakes to be helpful and he tied them there with
my feet about three feet apart.

Even then he needed to justify what he was doing.

He said shakily, "You know you deserve this. Beer drinking is not only naughty
it is against the law."

I said, "Yes Daddy. I would much rather you whipped me than have to go to jail."

That must have been the perfect thing to say because he immediately came to me
and ripped off the shirt and unbuttoned the shorts to jerk them down and off my

He took off his shirt to show the farm work had given him a broad chest and
ridged tummy. He looked like a greek god.

He stepped back and swung the whip across my buttcheeks it stung a little but
not much and the second was no worse.

"I said, "Those don't count. They didn't hurt."

"Are you sure? They made you red."

"Anything makes me red I have really white skin but it is tough."

"Okay thirty it is. Fifteen back. Fifteen front. Do you want to count?"

"No Daddy I trust you."

I actually hoped if it excited me as much as I imagined that he may give me even

Now he began hitting harder to make a real sting. I kept my reaction to just
little gasps to keep from scaring him.

He hit my butt four times and I hoped they would not all land there but then I
made a louder gasp as the  thongs went to the back of my thigh to sting the
tender inside."

To the surprise of both of us I moaned, "Oh yes."

That emboldened him. He hit the other thigh with the tip of the whip grazing my
pussy then the other side a little lower. His aim got better, now more barely
grazed my pussy lips then two in a row at the top of my butt with the tips
coming around to sting my pubic bone and lower tummy.  that must have been
fifteen. because he moved to my other side to bring it across my belly button
then one lower to sting my pubic bone. He began going up as I watched the red
climbing through my cleavage. Then I saw my boobs jump as a deep sting enveloped
them just below my nipples. Another above my nipples, another below and my
excitement was near peak. Then He hit across both nipples for the strongest
sting of all. I squealed not so much from the pain as from the orgasm it gave

He stopped and said, "Are you okay?"

I moaned, "Yes. I only have one white place left. Hit it."

He looked at me increduously and at my only white place. My pussy below the
pubic bone.

He hit down diagonally to cover both lips and again. Then as I hung there
panting, sweating and quivering from powerful orgasms he moved to the other side
to hit diagonally there then went behind me and brought the tips up between my
legs to go into my slit and cause a powerful sting to my clit. I exploded in

It was too much for him. He dropped his pants and buried his dick in my sopping
pussy then grabbed my stinging butt cheeks to jerk me back and forth hitting his
thighs as it went deeper than I thought possible. I came twice more before he
grunted and pulled me to him as hard as he could. I Felt his dick jump inside me
while he flooded my pussy with his cum.

I was so out of it I hardly noticed his untying me until I fell into his arms.
He had done some preparation too. The old mattress that had been in the attic
was on the floor of the tack room. He carried me to it then begn putting the
horse balm all over me. I almost regretted the sting fading away.

I soon recovered and when he was caressing my pussy I said, "Thank you Daddy.
That feels wonderful."

"Are you angry because I hit your little puss."

"Oh no. I deserved to be hit on my most sensitive places. If I am naughty again
my most sensitive places are my inner thighs close to my pussy, my pussy, and my

He grinned and said, "You shouldn't have said that. Maybe next time I will just
hit those places."

"Oh Daddy. Thank you. I was afraid there may not be a next time."

"Oh yes. Many more times. Now did you mean it about being grateful."

I knew what he meant and rather than answer I  slid down and began kissing and
licking his dick finally taking the head in my mouth and bobbing back and forth
from the tip of his dick to the back of my mouth to gag.

In a few moments he came and I swallowed every precious drop.

We played until seven oclock when we went into the house to make sure Mom
wouldn't catch us but even in there I sat on his lap holding my flannel nightie
up to my neck while he kissed and bit on my nipples to pull them out while his
fingers probed deeply into my pussy. I ran up to my room when I heard the crunch
of Mom's car tires on the driveway.

I was near orgasm again so I finished myself off.  Then thought. Fuck Tommy who
needs him. I have Daddy.

End part four.

Review This Story || Author: Allene Blake
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