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Review This Story || Author: nightporter

Domination in a Travelodge

Part 1

This week rather than write another story of make believe people in a make believe world, I would beg your indulgence and relate to you MY story. Or at least the story of one afternoon a few summers ago in a Travelodge on the west bound side of the M4.

Every word I write here tonight will be the truth. It all happened. I hope that in reading it, those of you who face life alone will be encouraged to believe that there IS someone out there who shares your fascination for the outer edges of sexual bliss and that it is only a matter of time before the two of you collide.

I was at the time in my late fourties and trapped, like so many of us in a stale and damaged marriage. I started to use a site called Face Party (just one of a plethora of sites that introduce people) and eventually found myself chatting on a regular basis with a woman from the South East. She was a little older than me at 51, but the photos she sent me showed her to be like most women her age. Although the years had left a soft shadow of their passing on her still pretty face, her body was that of a woman who had spent many an hour keeping trim and fit. Her name was Celia and she too was the victim of a bad choice of partners in life and was dreadfully unhappy in her situation, just as I was.

Time passed and we ended up talking over the wires and using web-cams too. But it wasnt until one late night session of phone texts that she admitted to me that she felt as though she would rather take a more subservient role in our friendship than she had done up to that point. I for my part had never been offered the chance to exercise my desires to experiment in S&M so the possibility of it actually becoming a reality appealed to me no end.

We exchanged a few letters and texts to establish the situation on a more realistic basis and I formulated a few rules that she would have to obey and even sent her a tiny silver dog tag on a chain for her to wear around her ankle to show her ownership to me and then arranged for our first meeting in this new context.

As I said before it was to be one sunny afternoon in late summer in the sterile and anonymous surroundings of a Travelodge hotel on the M4 westbound.

As I parked the car in the enormous open car park of the services, I looked around to see if she had arrived before me. I noticed her little MG and called her on the mobile.

“Room 45”. Was all she said and I found my way to the side door of the building, propped open to allow the breeze to circulate through the building. I carried with me a bag of various things I had put together to ensure the afternoon was fully enjoyed by the both of us. It was impossible for me to afford any genuine equipment, let alone hide it anywhere in the family home, so I used my imagination and created my own versions of the sort of things that I hoped to be able to use on her submissive body. During the descriptions of the afternoons events, I shall give you brief instructions of how I made these tools so if you are in the same boat as I was then, you too can improvise with things that are readily available to anyone. At this point I would like to remind you that all this actually happened.

My first rule that Celia was not allowed to speak. So when she opened the door to the room, she simply stepped aside and allowed me to enter. I walked past her and turned to look into the bathroom. There were wet towels on the floor and the shower curtain was dripping. She had taken a shower as I instructed and now smelled of the expensive flowery perfume she liked to wear. She was wearing a long dark coloured silky dress with obviously no bra underneath as the tips of her already aroused nipples were forming tiny points through the thin material. Her hair was dry, long, thick and loose. The greying areas only added to her look of experience and sexual wisdom.

I told her to sit on the bed while I took a shower myself and prepared myself for the playtime that was about to happen. I re-entered the room wearing only a pair of stretchy black boxer shorts with a fly down the front. I had been thinking about this meeting for weeks before hand and I was already excited enough to be sporting a full and pulsating erection so I used the opportunity to establish my superiority over her. I pushed her to her knees and after slipping my cock through the gap in the front of my shorts I stuffed it into her face. There was that wonderful moment or two just before my cock found her mouth, when she paniced and wasnt sure if I was about to choke her not. I held her head firmly and fucked her face for a few strokes before pulling out and lifting her to her feet again.

Then I took four silk scarves out of my bag and tied her wrists behind her back. I tied them as tight as I could knowing that although she would not be able to pull her hands through, they would always have enough give in them not to hurt her arms. I had bought a plastic childrens mask from a shop in town earlier with a face of a woman on it. The idea is that they can paint it to look as they choose. It only cost £1 but by the time I had finished with it, it had the image of a passive and pretty woman with sorrowful eyes. I also painted a small tear dripping down its cheek. I put this on her and led her across the room to a chair I had positioned near the door. She wasnt keen on bending over the back of it since her tied hands meant she couldnt stop herself if she fell forward. But I guided her over it and she settled with her arse up and her face almost in the foam of the seat.

I lifted her long wispy dress and inhaled the soft musky perfume of the heat of her body as it was raised up and over her back. Her exposed legs and arse were a sight to be seen. The muscles of the back of her thighs tightened with her leaning over and a pair of tiny red panties covered her well shaped and firm arse cheeks. I stroked her thighs and allowed my hands to run over the mounds of her buttocks as I wanked myself slowly. Then she whimpered as I hooked my hand into the waistband of her knickers and simply ripped them off her body, almost tugging her off the chair back in the process.A thin red line appeared around her waist where the pressure of the elastic being pulled so hard against her skin had left its mark.I parted her arse and stuffed my face between her cheeks, targeting her arse hole with my tongue. Then came the camera. I took one or two shots of her strewn over the chair before I made my next move.

CRACK! She screamed out loud as my hand landed like a car crash on the soft cushion of her bum. I was going to leave my mark on her and that was that. I wanted her to be scared to go home and be aware that she was going to carry evidence of another mans hand on her body. It amused me that she was going to have be so careful about not letting her husband see her arse for a while at least.

A perfect detailed print of my right hand almost instantly appeared.

It was outlined in deep red and raised like a burn. Her arse must have been on fire. My hand was too. She wriggled and whimpered in case a second blow was about to land. But I had finished her spanking, as brief as it was.

I used the camera to take a couple of pics of my finger as it sank into her arsehole and then led her to the bed. Her dress fell back into place as she stood up once more and when she was lying down she looked fully clothed again. I undid her wrists as they were now underneath her and looked awkward and re-tied them in front of her. Then I slipped the straps of her dress over her shoulders and scooped her full and firm breasts free. She was about a D cup so they were a healthy size with good well rounded dark brown nipples. Her shoulders narrowed as she tried to bring her arms together to stop me from rolling them between my thumb and index fingers, but this actually only made her tits stick out even more. I slapped them hard and watched as they wobbled and shook with the impact of the blows. I did this until they reddened and looked sore. Then I took a pair of pegs from my bag that I had worked on. They were plastic with no metal spring in them. So I used a tiny elastic band I had made cutting a larger one and using super glue to bind it. I then slipped these onto the peg, thus increasing the clamping power. I tugged her left nipple into the air pulling it up until it was double its original length. Then I slowly allowed the first peg to close over it. I could not see her expression under the mask, but I could hear her sucking in her breath through clenched teeth. After I had applied the second peg to her right nipple, I took a couple more photos of her lying there.

After a quick wank (without allowing myself to cum) I lifted her knees to her chest and tied her wrists to her ankles. Gravity meant that she could not hold her thighs together for too long and her legs fell open allowing her dress to fall back to her waist and expose her naked shaved cunt to my letcherous eyes. Because of the way she was tied, her arse was raised off the bed, so I stuffed a pillow under her lower back and raised it even more. She had one of those little flowery anuss that I found fascinating.This position gave me a great shot of her little arsehole and I took a few more shots of her in this humiliating pose. Kneeling on the bed next to her, I eased my finger into arse again. This time I sank it in all the way. Her cunny lips parted almost in sympathy as I rammed my digit into her body as far as I could, wanking all the time. Then I took a butt plug from my bag that I had modelled myself in a clay called Fimo. It was a conical shape with narrow waist about 5 inches down its length. The cone was about 2 inches at its widest part.I put the tip against her little entrance. She froze.

I found the fear generated by her imaginings of the various discomforts and pains she was about to experience, to be a huge turn on for me. She had no idea wether I was about to gently ease the plastic tool into her arse….or simply ram it home like a Victorian steam piston, in one almighty push. I played with her fears and gently twisted and turned it against her helpless body for a minute or two. Then just as I thought she might be relaxing, I plunged the whole fucking object deep into her bowel. Again she screamed through the mask and tried to wriggle free of the sudden pain. Because of the shape of the plug,with its waisted section, she was totally unable to push it out. Her anus was called upon to stretch from closed to about 2 inches open with the space of a second. Its no wonder she screamed so loud. I saw her tummy quiver and shake as she sobbed to herself.

But she had not uttered the safe word we had agreed yet, so I continued with my tools.

As she lay with the plug jammed up her arse and her legs wide apart I took the implement I was most proud of making out from my bag. It was a pair of stainless steel kitchen tongs. The sort you would use to grasp hot food from a pan or wok. One side was spoon shaped but the other had sharp points on it, so I had to bend these around and hammer them flat. Then I used the fingers from a single vinyl glove and covered the ends of the tongs. This would render them safe for the purpose for which I had designed then. I squeezed the two prongs together and eased them deep into her cunt. Then as I released them slowly she felt the shock of the cool air rushing into her now gaping vagina. She pushed her head back into the pillow and allowed this weird sensation to wash over her. I peered down into her dilated genitals and smiled smugly at my success. There, deep down inside her cunt was her cervix now clearly visible as a plump fleshy pink do-nut. I took several photos of her cunt like this using a small torch to illuminate her depths. I could see the lower wall of her vagina being pressed inwards too by the plug jammed into her rectum.

At this point I could hold my excitement back no longer so I removed both the tongs and the plug and rolled her on her side.

She looked like a sleeping child as I pulled her arse end towards the edge of the bed. I took my solid member in my hand and pushed it hard against her abused arse hole. It took several pushes to get her sphynter to yield to my knob end and with each one she would release a little cry that got louder and louder as my tool threatened to enter time and time again. Then she let out a low. Loud guttural scream as I finally broke through the resistence of her tiny circular muscle and sank deep into her arse. I looked down at her curled up body and smiled at the way she looked as if she was a child trying to sleep in a cold and damp tent. I pressed her hips down hard into the mattress as I slid easily in and out of her rectum. I am ashamed to say that I was so excited by this time, that it took only a dozen or so strokes before I was pumping what seemed like gallons of my hot spunk into her soft warm bowel. The rapid expansion of my substantial cock head as it pulsed with the pleasure of my orgasm, made her whimper with every jet of spunk. Finally I was done, but I kept my cock inside her while I leaned back and took a couple of shots of my shaft disappearing into her. I eventually pulled out and took one more shot of my cum slowly being expelled by the natural actions of her internal muscles.

Then I undid her ties and we cuddled up together on the bed.

We parted a little later with a genuine and caring kiss.

Unfortunatly she moved over seas after that, so I never had the chance to repeat the fun we had that warm and sunny afternoon.

But I dream of being able to one day.

Let me finally remind you all one more time that this whole story is the absolute truth. I hope you enjoyed reading about it.

Review This Story || Author: nightporter
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