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Review This Story || Author: Eric Stephenson

The Next Level

Chapter Three The Pain We Feel

Chapter Three:  The Pain We Feel

Cindy awoke to a strange sound.  After listening a bit, she finally realized
that it was the sound of a hair dryer.  Someone was in the bathroom, drying her
hair.  For some reason, she was fairly certain it was a woman drying her hair. 
But, when her brain finally kicked in, she realized that it was probably either
Maggie or Karyn, the dancers she shared the waterfront cottage and sometimes
beds with. 

Cindy also realized that she was lying face-down on the carpet with a dildo in
her ass.  Reaching down behind her, Cindy slowly pulled the inactive vibrator
from her rectum.  She assumed that the batteries had died some time during the
night while in her ass.  She rolled on to her back and sat up on the carpeted
floor, wincing and groaning as she did.

She ached all over.  Her boobs ached, her pussy ached, and her ass ached.  With
the inert dildo in her left hand, she used her right hand to rub her sore tits
while she acclimated herself to her surroundings.  "Getting the lay of the
land," one of her clients, Wrangler Dan, a successful horse trainer and avid
outdoorsman, often told her.  Another one of Dan's sayings was, "feeling 'rode
hard and put up wet.'"

For a long time, Cindy didn't know what the hell Wrangler Dan meant, but she
certainly knew now.  It meant that she was feeling mightily used and abused. 
Judging from the bottles of Tequila, Vodka, and Rum scattered throughout the
bedroom, she concluded that much of it was self-abuse. 

As she sat there on the floor, trying the remember the night before, there came
a knock on her door.  Before, she could answer, the door opened, and Maggie, a
tall and busty blonde, stood in the doorway.

"Good mornin', sleepy head," Maggie said cheerfully with a deep Southern drawl. 
No matter how much abuse Maggie endured, she almost always sounded cheerful. 
"How're you feelin' this mornin'?"

Maggie was wearing a lowrider jeans and a white cami over a white bra.  She had
a gym bag slung over her left shoulder.  It looked a lot like what Cindy wore
last night.  But, Maggie put curves to the outfit that Cindy never could, and
Cindy never needed a bra.

Did she wear that outfit last night or the night before? Cindy couldn't
remember.  Suddenly, last night's revelry caught up with Cindy, and she felt
sick to her stomach.  Cindy immediately dropped the dildo on the carpet and
bolted to her feet.

She raced past Maggie and out the door.  Then, she was down the hall, through a
partially opened bathroom door, and past Karyn, who was busily brushing her
teeth.  She ended up dropping to her knees before the toilet, lifting the seat,
and emptying her belly into the ceramic basin.

Karyn glanced briefly at Cindy bent over the commode but then finished brushing
her teeth.  She was a pretty African-American with shoulder-length dark brown
hair, a moderate bust, and of average height.  Karyn wore nothing save for the
towel around her waist.

"Well," Maggie said as she stood beside of Karyn and sympathetically watched
Cindy with her head in the toilet, "I guess that answers my question."  Then,
she turned back to Karyn and said, "don't forget:  we've got rehearsals today at
2 o'clock."

"Yeah, well," Karyn said, turning to face Maggie, "the Boss Lady and I are
meeting with the Yacht Club today at 1 o'clock.  They want us to host some
charity golf tournament they want to do.  So, we might be late for practice."

"Okay," Maggie told the shorter woman.  Then, the tall white woman leaned over
and lightly kissed the shorter black woman on the lips.  She said, "then, give
Cindy a kiss for me, and I'll see you in a couple of hours - more or less."

"Okay," said Karyn and returned Maggie's kiss.  Then, Maggie walked on down the
hall as Cindy flushed the toilet.  Karyn turned back to Cindy and found the
smaller woman sitting on the commode.  Karyn grabbed a washcloth off a shelf. 
She wet the washcloth and handed it to Cindy.

"Don't worry about it," Karyn said after Cindy mumbled her thanks.  "You're just
the latest to get sick this morning.  For some reason, we all woke up feeling
sick as dogs.  I only hope that it was too much partying and not morning
sickness.  You have been using protection, lately, haven't you, Cindy?"

"Yeah, always," Cindy said glumly as she washed her face.  She'd been taking her
birth control pills.  And though she couldn't quite recollect all of last night,
she did remember her client (Dr. Clint/Clit?) putting on a condom.  In fact, she
seems to remember him "double-bagging" it.  Suddenly, she felt a cramp and her
belly emptied through the other end.

"Me, too," Karyn said, wincing as Cindy's bowels opened up, "and Maggie as well. 
Still, I think I'll make a doctor's appointment for all three of us." 

Karyn was a den mother, always protecting her cubs.  Maggie was a cheerleader,
Karyn was a den mother, and Cindy was a...whore.  That's all she felt like at
the moment: just a shitty little whore.

"Well, I need to get dressed, and you need to...freshen up.  So, I'll see you in
a few minutes."  Then, Karyn exited the bathroom and pulled the door closed
behind her.

Well over thirty minutes later, Cindy plodded into the "parlor" - what the girls
called the living room.  Karyn was sitting on the loveseat, watching television.
Cindy was wearing her pajamas: a white, oversized, man's dress shirt and white
panties.  Karyn was wearing a navy-blue skirted business suit.  Cindy plopped
down on the loveseat next to Karyn.

"How are you feeling, sweetie," Karyn said as she turned her attention away from
the television to Cindy.  On the television was the "TV1 12 o'Clock Report."

"Better," Cindy said with a weak smile.  She was feeling better about herself. 
She was starting to feel less like a slut and more like a trollop.

"Hey, it's like I said, we all went through it this morning.  Whatever it was,
it only lasts about an hour, and then you're back to your old self," Karyn said. 
"Anyway, Ms. Jacqui said that our client, Mr. Clint, was very pleased with our

Karyn handed Cindy an envelope.  Inside the envelope was a $100 bill and three
pictures taken with an instant camera.  "That's yours," she explained.  "It's a
bonus, we each got one." 

Though grateful for the added cash, Cindy was more interested in the photos. 
All three pictures showed some man - Mr. Clint? - fucking Cindy and her two
housemates here on some boat.  No, it was a ship.  That's right, the guy had a
yacht, Cindy remembered.

The first showed the guy's hairy ass as he stuffed his condom-covered cock in
Maggie's ass while Cindy frigged Maggie's cunt and Karyn reamed the guy's ass. 
The second showed Karyn and Maggie kissing while Karyn sat on the dude's face,
Maggie sat on his lap, and Cindy sucked on Maggie's massive boobs.  The third
picture showed Cindy squatting over the man's dick while Karyn stuck a vibrator
up Cindy's ass, and Maggie squatted over his face.

"I thought his name was Dr. Clint?"  Cindy asked as she studied the pictures. 
What Cindy finally noticed was that the pictures did not show the guys face, at
least not clearly.  Also, if the four of them were all in the pictures, then who
the hell took it?

"Yeah, well, I thought he said his name was 'Mister' Black," Karyn said,
studying what Cindy was wearing.  "Anyway, I don't know if you heard, but Ms.
Jacqui and I have a meeting with the Chamber of Commerce today in about half an
hour.  Then, we've got dance rehearsals an hour later."

"Today?  I thought that the next rehearsals weren't scheduled until Friday,"
Cindy said.

"Today is Friday," Karyn said gently but firmly.

"Bullshit!  What happened to Tuesday?"  Cindy asked angrily.

"I wish I knew," Karyn said wistfully.  "All I know for certain is that you
called us up Wednesday night and begged us to join you and Mr./Dr. Whoever on
his boat.  Then, we partied and screwed until we somehow ended up here.  At
least, that's the way I remember it.  However, my mind is still rather fuzzy."

"Shit!"  Cindy said, in shock.  "I remember meeting the dude Monday night and
getting diddled by him.  And, I'm starting to remember doing some of the things
in these pictures.  But, between Monday night and this morning it's all.... 

"I understand," Karyn said sympathetically. 

"Anyway, I was trying to find out how hot it's supposed to be today," Karyn
said, returning her attention to the television screen.  On the screen, two
handsome people sat behind the "TV1 News Desk."  There was an impeccably dressed
white guy with meticulously groomed blond hair, and a stylishly coiffed and
fashionably dressed black chick.  Each one had a wide smile plastered to their

Chuck, the white dude was saying, "and in local news, the President has asked
former state senator, Erin Walsh, to join his Violence Against Women task
force." As Chuck spoke, the image of a sharply dressed middle-aged white woman
appeared over his right shoulder.

Cindy took one look at the image and muttered, "Irish Waltz."  Suddenly, she
felt sick to her stomach again.  She leapt up from the coach and ran back to the

"Hey!"  Karyn called after her.  "Don't worry about rehearsals!.  If I don't see
you there, I'll just tell them you're still hung-over!"

"Many political observers, Chuck," Marcia, the black chick said,  "think that
the task force might be just the next level in Senator Walsh's quest for
national office."

"I don't give a dawn about that bitch!" Karyn said angrily and flipped the
channel.  "I want to find out about the weather!"

Review This Story || Author: Eric Stephenson
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