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Review This Story || Author: Allene Blake


Part 4


                       BECKY PART 4

    He picked me up and sat me down straddling it. I gasped as
what felt like hundreds of pins stuck into my inner thighs and
crotch. He tied my knees together to make my thighs grip the log.
Then he pulled me slowly forward by my arms so the stickers
slowly punctured my stomach on the way to my breasts. Finally my
breasts were pressed into the log and with the angle of the log I
had to grip the log with my thighs to keep from sliding forward
on them. He tied my wrists together then went around me pressing
my thighs, crotch and breasts into the stickers while he talked.
    "This is where the bravery comes in. You will have to grip
the log very tightly driving the stickers in. If you fight or
squirm you will be ripping the stickers off with your skin.
Joanie asked for fifty swats on her butt. Do you think you can
stand that many?"
    By that time the punctures near my clit and on my nipples had
me very excited. I found I was slowly rocking my body from side
to side to increase the area of punctures. I said, "If Joanie
took fifty give me sixty!"
    Oh God that paddle stung and it made my body jerk forward at
each spank. Eventually I gloried in it and pulled myself forward
at each spank to pick up more splinters. I began to have orgasms
at about the thirtieth spank. By the time he quit I just couldn't
cum anymore as I became totally exhausted. My body felt like it
was on fire.
    When he helped me off the log the whole front of my body was
bloody. He said, "Goddamnit I told you to stay still. Now look at
    "I know. Don't feel bad it is my fault."
    "No I should have known this would happen the way you are
excited by pain. I'll help you to the house and fix you up."
    I was so weak he ended up carrying me. He put me into a cool
bath to rinse off the blood then took me to his bed to pull out
stickers with tweezers. The bed had a mirror in the ceiling and I
saw why he was so concerned. I had abraded the top layer of skin
off my body especially my tits and crotch and there were hundreds
of stickers poking out of me. It must have taken him an hour to
pull them all. The worst were the ones in my nipples and clit.
They hurt me much more coming out than they had going in. When he
had them all he sprayed me with disinfectant. It burned so much I
began to bawl but he just kept spraying saying that we had to
make sure I did not get infected. I was so sore I couldn't stand
having covers on me.  I woke up at daybreak shivering from the
cool breeze coming through the window. I looked up at the ceiling
to see my whole front was scabbed over. It looked ugly and I
pulled a satin comforter over me. It took quite awhile to get
back to sleep because I was afraid I would be scarred.
    The next morning while he gently put salve on me he said,
"You really tore yourself up. Maybe I should let you devise your
own punishments. You are harder on yourself than I am." 
    I didn't think that was fair since he was the one that put me
on the log and he knew how I could lose control but I let it go
when he made me feel so courageous by going on.
    "I can't tell you how proud I am of you. You are
fantastically brave. Do you realize you didn't scream once even
though I was hitting you very hard and you were squirming on the
stickers like crazy."
    I admitted that I was not all that brave and it was just that
the situation got me so excited I needed the pain. He still
insisted no other girl could do it. I was glad he was proud of me
and was sure he would never want anyone else but me.
    He had me stay at his place for three days with instructions
to put on some salve every couple of hours.  He was very nice to
me and even taught me how to sail his boat. Naturally I did it
naked since clothes would pull at my scabs. Finally the scabs
started flaking off and I was very happy to see the skin was
normal under the scabs. There was even a benefit. The skin under
the scabs seemed to be softer and much more sensitive. I was
finally able to masturbate and to get off on it. It was a good
thing because he decided not to fuck me till I was completely
well. Naturally I felt he should not be deprived so I sucked his
cock at least once a day while he spanked my uninjured ass.
    When all the scabs came off I went back to work. I found that
my show had started a precedent. Every time a client who had been
at the party came to the office I had to dance naked for him and
then ask him to whip or spank me.
    "Mr. Dumas changed his mind about sex. He decided it was
alright for me to give them blow-jobs as long as they wore a
rubber. I didn't mind. The rubber made it seem like I was not
really sucking a dick and they couldn't cum on my face. Best of
all if the whipping was severe enough Mr. Dumas would fuck me
doggie style while I sucked his client.
    One day Mr Stokes came and after dancing for him he said, "I
have a couple of presents for you. If I can use the first on you
I will give you the second present."
    I opened the box he gave me and saw the pussy whip from my
movie. I held it up and decided to appear innocent forgetting Mr.
Dumas had seen my movie.
    "This doesn't look like it would hurt much."
    Mr Stokes became red in the face as he explained.
    "That is a pussy whip. You hold your outer lips open so the
tender pink parts can be whipped. Can I do it?"
    I pretended to be frightened but I could feel my pussy
getting wet. "I  guess it will be alright but Mr. Dumas will have
to agree and whip me too if he thinks it will be alright."
    Mr. Dumas seemed to get much more excited than he had from
the other clients whipping me.
    "Yeah! I think it will be great. That should give us all
orgasms. To take your mind off it you can suck me while he whips
you. Lay on your back on the desk and let your head hang off the
    I crawled up on the desk practically dripping and lifted my
knees and spread my legs. Then I pulled my lips apart with my
thumbs as I let my head fall back. Mr. Dumas said loudly, "Wait!
I want her hands free so she can finger my ass-hole while she
sucks me."
    He rushed to the closet then began threading fish-line
through alligator clips. They clamped my lips with three clips on
each lip then tied them tightly to my thigh to hold them open.
Again I had the feeling that rats were biting me. They had me
open my legs till my knees were nearly touching the desk-top. I
could feel the coolness as the moisture of my pussy evaporated
under the ceiling fan.
    Mr Stokes waited till Mr. Dumas's dick was in my throat then
brought the whip down directly on my exposed clit. The pain was
worse than I expected and it was all I could do to keep from
biting Mr. Dumas's dick. He kept hitting me till Mr. Dumas came
then they switched positions. I was in orgasm and was grateful
they hurried. By the time Mr. Stokes came I was so out of it I
did not notice he was not wearing a rubber until he nastily
pulled out his dick to shoot cum over my eyes and nose. He
humiliated me even more by scraping the cum off my face with his
finger and put his finger in my mouth to clean it off.
    He fell back in a chair while I just laid there gasping for
breath while the fan dried my sweat and cooled my burning pussy.
    I finally calmed down enough to say, "Will you take off the
clips please? They are really hurting."
    "In a minute. I want to see what that looks like when you
walk. Walk backwards to the bar and get us some drinks."
    It was wild! every step jerked my lips open. They loved the
look. When I came back they had me run in place lifting my knees
as high as I could and then do high kicks that caused a couple of
clips to rip out causing excruciating pain to make me scream.
That made them take pity on me and took out the rest of the
clips. Mr. Dumas went down on me while Mr. Stokes nibbled my
nipples till I slid into a gentle orgasm  unlike the crushing
ones from the whipping and high-kicks.
    "When I calmed down again and we were on our second drink Mr.
Stokes brought out a black velvet box saying, "Here Becky, you
sure as hell earned it."
    I opened the box to see gold hoop earrings with three little
diamonds set in them. I took out my earring and opened the catch
to put it in but it was too big to go through the hole.
    "They don't fit. I have never seen a catch this big, Usually
it is just a little wire."
    Mr Stokes laughed, "That is because they are not for your
ears. They go in your nipples. The catch has to be big so they
aren't pulled loose by your clothes. Look under the velvet."
    I lifted the velvet the rings had been attached to and found
a thick gold needle. I pulled it out and said softly, " This is
really going to hurt. Isn't it?"
    "Probably. Don't you want them."
    "Oh yes. They are beautiful but could you whip my nipples
first with the pussy whip to make them numb?"
    They were happy to oblige but the whip was not big enough to
numb them. They just became super sensitive which brought me
nearly to orgasm. When my nipple was pulled out and the needle
pushed through I came and came again when they did the other one.
They put in the rings and I bled a little so Mr. Dumas dabbed at
them with rubbing alcohol. That set them afire and I came again.
    Out of gratefulness I gave Mr.Stokes another blow-job and
enjoyed it because Mr. Dumas fucked my ass while they both stuck
fingers in my pussy.
    Mr. Dumas found a lot of uses for the rings. He would tie me
with them for whipping and when we went out to dinner he strung a
gold chain through them and around my neck to lift my breasts and
give me cleavage. Needless to say it kept me so excited during
the meal and the walk to the car I could hardly wait to be
    There was no longer any pretense that I was being punished
for doing anything wrong. He just whipped or spanked me whenever
he felt like it or I asked him to do it. He began to take off his
clothes too when he was ready to whip me so I knew I would be
fucked afterward. Knowing this made me want the pain so he would
get excited since just having me naked and kissing him did not
excite him anymore.
    One day I bought him a riding crop and asked him to spank me
with it. He agreed but did not hit very hard and when he stopped
and I rolled over for my fuck I saw that his dick was not hard. I
was puzzled since this had never happened before.
    "What is wrong? You are not hard."
    "It just isn't exciting anymore to spank you. You just want
it for foreplay. I feel you are just using me to get yourself
excited. When it used to hurt you I felt proud you loved me
enough to be willing to suffer for me and it made me feel real
manly and excited. Now that is gone."
    "But I thought you loved me and didn't want to hurt me badly.
Remember how sorry you were when I was hurt when you spanked me
on the log and I bled?"
    "Yes I do feel remorse afterwards but while it was happening
I got fantastically excited."
    I didn't know what to say. The fact that I would have to
suffer more and more to keep him excited frightened me but I
couldn't stand the idea of him losing interest. He broke my train
of thought by saying, "We will have some time to think about it.
Mr. Garrett has asked me to go to Bangkok with him for two weeks.
The government is picking up the tab. Your paycheck is in my
drawer. I am going home to pack. Feel free to use the sailboat.
The key to my house is in the drawer by your check."
    He gave me a quick kiss and went out the door. I was so
surprised I forgot to say goodbye."
    I spent the day thinking of things that might excite him
without causing me permanent harm. The phone never rang so I set
the answering machine and deposited my check then started going
to sex shops to look for things that might excite him. We already
had most of the things. I ended up buying a g-string made of
chain that would be pulled into my pussy to rub on my clit and
anus. I thought even if he didn't like it I could still use it at
home to get me excited. I also found a wood paddle with holes
drilled in it. The clerk said it would cause polka dots on my
ass. At another shop I found a chain bra that had little nails
welded to the chain to press on my nipples. I bought it to match
my g-string. 
    When I got home I put on the G-string and bra. Just walking
around was exciting. Each step caused the chain to rub on my clit
and the nails to poke and scrape my nipples. I put on a rock tape
and went out on the deck to do bump and grinds. The combination
of pain, friction, and the thought people below me could see me
if they had binoculars brought me to a climax in a short time.
    Now that I had relieved my tension I decided to reconcile my
checkbook and pay some bills with the money I had deposited. I
knew I had spent quite a bit of money on more videotapes, erotic
things and clothes but I was shocked to find my check had been
deposited just in time to avoid having the last few checks
bounce. I had made extra money entertaining his clients but I
realized I had spent it as fast as it came in. My car payment and
insurance was past due and I couldn't pay them because Mr. Dumas
had begun deducting my rent and clothes payment from my check,
"To save me the trouble of writing a check." I worried about it
all night. The next morning I bought a paper to see if there was
a amateur contest I might enter. Even if I didn't win I could
make some money couch dancing. There weren't any advertized in
the paper so I called every club in town except the one that had
gotten me whipped. I finally found one that was having a contest
in two days. After I had opened the mail and checked the
answering service I decided to practice. I got discouraged
because although I was smoother now I still was not athletic. I
decided third place was the best I could hope for. I would have
to do a lot of couch dances to get the money I needed.
    Then the phone rang. I was ready to impress the caller by
telling them Mr. Dumas was with Senator Garrett but the caller
said "Is this Becky Blake?"  
    I thought I recognized the voice and said, "Yes. May I help
    "God I hope so. This is Bob Adams remember me? You were in
our amateur contest and I had to give you a spanking."
    "How could I forget. You hurt me something awful and I am not
coming back!"
    "Wait a minute. You didn't seem to mind that spanking that
much. After all you asked for it. I am in a bind. One of my
customers bought a colonial style house and wants to throw a
plantation party. I have girls to be slaves but he wants to have
one whipped at midnight. It won't be bad. Just other girls will
do the whipping. I'll tell them to just hit hard enough to turn
the skin red. You can make five hundred bucks in a few minutes."
    The idea of being whipped in front of a lot of people made me
excited but I was cautious. "I don't think so. You hurt me a lot!
I was sore for days."
    "Come on loosen up. This is just a show. You won't be hurt
bad. These are prominent people they don't want to see someone
really get hurt
    "Do I need a costume?"
    That encouraged him. " I am providing slave outfits for all
the girls. The deal is You will serve drinks and just before
midnight you will spill a drink on the host then you will be
stripped, tied to a tree, and whipped a little for your
clumsiness. I saw you work. You love being naked in front of a
crowd. This will be a turn-on for you."
    "Well I do need the money. When and where is it?"
    "It's tonight. The girl that was going to do it got strung
out on drugs."
    "God, I wanted to think about it for a few days but I guess I
will do it if you promise not to whip me."
    He agreed and gave me the address. He told me to get there
about ten so the customers would have a chance to see me up close
before the whipping. 
    I was on pins and needles all day and when I got home I was
so excited I couldn't eat. The time dragged so I had a few drinks
then put in a videotape I bought that had a slave theme. This
girl was black and they used a long leather whip with a tassel on
the end that wrapped around her legs then butt then back to leave
a faint red line where it had hit. When the big white guy got to
her tits she was obviously excited and begged, "Fuck me Master.
Please fuck me."
    I had been playing with myself all through the hour long tape
so I had to take another shower to wash my sweaty body.
    He had said it would take about an hour to get there so I
left about nine to find the place in the woods behind Lake City.
He said I couldn't miss because the house number would be lit. I
almost missed it because there was no house at the number. I
pulled into the driveway and almost hit a big iron gate. There
was a speaker box at my window. A deep voice came out of it
asking who I was. When I identified myself the gate swung slowly
open, It was very impressive.
    I drove about a quarter of a mile into dense fir tees Then
saw a big white house with columns in front. The man with the
deep voice led me to a bedroom that was being used as a dressing
room. I could see why he was willing to provide costumes. The
cheap bastard just gave me a piece of rope to go around my waist
and a rag to hang over it to hide my cunt.
    He gave me a silver tray and told me to find out what they
wanted to drink. I soon felt like a slave nearly naked while
everyone was dressed elegantly in period costumes. The women wore
ball gowns with gobs of expensive jewelry. Everybody treated me
like dirt calling me a bitch. Unlike the club everybody would
grab me or stick fingers in me. Even the women would pinch my
nipples or butt. I was glad I had taken out the gold rings, they
would have loved to jerk on them. As the night went on they got
even bolder some of the "slaves" were pulled over laps for hand
spankings. One of the men pulled a girls arms around his neck and
held her while his wife spanked her butt with an umbrella. The
man must have been deafened by her screams in his ear.
    If any girl protested at all about having a finger jammed
into her or a slap or pinch to her tits or pussy she was spanked.
    I had no problem with that. I was sinking into the role
calling them Master Or Madam and thanking them for each poke or
pinch abjectly. Time flew as someone was paying attention to me
constantly. A lot of men said I was beautiful only the women were
really nasty. One of them lifted my breast by the nipple as if it
was dirty and told her friend I had huge gross breasts that would
be hanging to my navel by the time I was forty. I was hurt. I was
very proud of my breasts.
    At my next trip to the bar the boss told me I was waiting on
the host and to spill his drink on him. I reflected on the fact I
was about to ask to be whipped.
    As soon as I spilled it he jumped up and yelled, "You clumsy
bitch, you will be whipped for that!"
    Two men grabbed me and lifted me off the ground by my armpits
to carry me between two trees with chains and cuffs hanging off
the limbs above me. They pulled up my arms till I was on my toes
then pulled my legs apart with ropes from the trunks.
    Just as they were cutting off my tiny costume I saw a woman
walking toward me that looked evil. She was wearing all black.
Mid-thigh black boots, black leather g-string, leather bra with
nails coming out of the nipple area and a black leather hood
covering her head. She must have been a body builder, she had
muscles visible everywhere and was about six feet tall. Most
frightening was the whip she carried. It was also black leather,
a single braided thong about six feet long.
    She waited till the crowd gathered around us then stood at my
side and hit the back of my thigh. The tip whirred around to
leave a dark red line on the front. She was talented with it. She
slowly worked up leaving red lines evenly spaced up each thigh
then around my butt to have the tip cause a red blossom at the
end of the red line on my front. 
    I was screaming but also getting very excited. When she had
worked high enough to have the tip hit my nipple I screamed very
loud and then came. She came over to me and with me hung up my
breasts were level with hers. She put her arms around me and
drove the nails at the tip of her bra into my nipples! She began
to squeeze my tits at the sides to push the nails deeper in my
nipples while saying softly in my ear, "Act like you are passing
out you stupid bitch. I was told to whip you till you passed
    I didn't want her to stop! I felt a mind crushing orgasm
coming and whimpered, "I can't. I am too excited!"
    She said, "Alright. You asked for it and stepped back.
    I hung there trembling from the excitement as sensations from
my tortured nipples coursed thorough my body. She moved to my
side so the audience could see everything and began whipping my
front even harder than my back starting at my breasts and slowly
working down. When the tip of the whip dug into the crack of my
pussy The pain was so intense I let my head fall to my chest.
    They took my convulsing body over to lie on the grass at the
edge of the crowd where they gathered around to feel my weals.
    It turned out I was the opening act. A man dressed in black
leather pants and jacket yelled, "You don't know shit about
whipping. String her up!"
    She fought them but they soon had her stripped and hung up. I
found out in spite of the pain I felt and the throbbing of the
welts that I was lucky.
    He was really good with the whip. He was able to place the
tip on both her nipples, in her pussy and into the crack of her
ass. She screamed till she was hoarse while blood dripped from
the areas the tip hit. I was wondering why she didn't follow her
own advice and pass out. Just before she did she was so out of it
her body no longer jumped when the tip hit.
    I thought that had to be the finale. I was standing there
wide eyed watching them release her limp body hardly noticing the
people pinching my welts.
    Just as they had her down the host on the other side of her
grabbed his wife or girl friends arm and yelled, "Take this
bitch! I caught her with a nigger!"
    She began to cry instantly so must have known what was
coming. They began to pull the clothes off her struggling body.
It was quite a deal because she was wearing a ton of clothes. The
dress, petticoats, a full slip, a waist cincher, panties, bra,
and white stockings held up with garters. By the time she was
naked she and her strippers were glistening with sweat. 
    It took four of them to hold her while they put cuffs around
her ankles and pulled her up so she was upside down with widely
spread legs. Then they tied a stickery hemp rope around her waist
then brought the end through her legs burying the rope in the
crack of her pussy to tie her hands behind her back to expose the
firm tits she had been hiding with her hands.
    Someone handed the host a whip. I recognized it. It was just
like the whip in the closet with the lead tips. 
    It became obvious the rope in her pussy was the best thing
she could have since it protected her clit and rectum when he
brought the whip down directly on her gash. That whip was really
nasty the lead tips brought blood at almost every lash. He
covered her entire body from her knees to her neck. Front, back,
and sides. Her tits, stomach and pussy were bleeding so much
blood was running down her face. When he finally stopped she had
still not lost consciousness since being hung that way kept blood
in her head although she had become so hoarse she just grunted
when hit and her whole body went limp only moving from the force
of the whip.
    When he quit the whole place erupted into a sex orgy. There
were a lot of extra men so we "Slave girls" were satisfying at
least two at a time with our mouth, pussy, or ass-holes till
everyone was lying on the ground totally satiated. 
    When I looked over at the last girl to be whipped I saw the
host sitting on the ground using her hair to pull her mouth back
and forth on his dick. When he came he began letting her down and
unbuckling her. She just laid there whimpering.
    A little later people began getting up to go to the bar still
naked. About that time the boss gathered the "Slaves" to take us
back to the house. He began to pay everyone. He gave me Eight
hundred dollars and the girl that whipped me fifteen hundred
saying, "You got lucky. The host was happy with you and gave you
a bonus."
    "Wow that is great! How much did the last girl get?"
    He looked at me funny then said, "Nothing. That is his wife.
They both get off on this shit."
    I left off my panties and bra. When I got in my car I bunched
my dress under my armpits so I could play with myself on the way
home. I lost interest in that when my mind began to race. I could
not get the image of the host's wife bleeding body out of my
mind. I began to realize that if I wanted to keep Mr. Dumas happy
I would soon be suffering that much myself. I didn't know how to
feel about that. Up to then I had never suffered so much I
couldn't climax from it. I began to wonder what I would have to
suffer before I reached my limit and if Mr. Dumas would be
satisfied to go no further.
    In the morning my welts had subsided to red lines. The skin
had only been broken in a few places and as I recounted my money
I decided it was well worth it. I went to work but the phone
didn't ring all morning so I decided to spend the rest of the day
at Mr. Dumas's house since I could check the answering machine
from an outside phone. 
    I wandered around the estate and house and pictured myself
living in the luxury. It was not unlikely since he had said he
would marry me rather than lose me as he had Joanie. I checked
the answering machine every half hour until five then went
sailing. It was wonderful. I pictured myself on the TV program
about rich and famous people. I had no doubt that with the
contacts Mr. Dumas was making he would end up in politics. I
pictured us as the President and First lady.
    I had worn my skimpiest thong bikini and sailed close to
other boats and finally alongside the floating bridge to give all
the commuters a look. All the admiration helped convince me I was
pretty enough to be Mr. Dumas's wife.
    When I got back to the house I decided to stay over night to
enjoy the luxury. I got naked and began to explore the house. I
ended up in his office which had a big screen TV and a VCR. I
decided he must have some video tapes so began a search. In the
top drawer I found a tape and played it. It was a tape about a
girls school. It was pretty tame after what I had seen and
experienced since the girls were just spanked with hands or a
ping-pong paddle. I guess what made it exciting for him was the
fact that all the girls were very young. Probably nine or ten
because they only had wispy hair on their pussies and only
budding breasts. I kind of felt sorry for them since they were
obviously frightened since they began crying as they were
stripped of their clothes even before they were hit. 
    I decided to look for something wilder and went back to the
desk. I didn't find any tapes but found an electric push button
at the back of the bottom drawer. Out of curiosity I pushed it
and to my amazement a section of bookshelves started rising into
the ceiling.
    I went over to see a storage space with shelves to hold tapes
and a bigger shelf that held a photo album. I pulled it out and
saw my name on the cover. I opened it up to see the pictures he
had taken of me with the pins in my butt. I looked at all of them
and then found others I had not known he had taken with me being
spanked by his clients and sucking them. 
    I went back to the shelves and picked up a video tape when I
turned the flat face to me I saw it was titled Becky 1 the other
tapes went from Becky 2 through 5.
    When I plugged in Becky 1 I discovered he must have hidden
camcorders in his office. The tapes covered all my punishments or
sex sessions from my very first spanking on. I was also amazed to
see the session where I was paddled on the log proving he planned
to do that to me in advance far enough to install the camera. I
didn't mind. I was just wondering why he hadn't told me so we
could watch them together while he fucked me.
    I decided to see what else was in there. I found a heavy
cardboard box, lifted it out and untied the string around it. It
was full of money! There were banded 100s 50s, and 20s. I counted
it and discovered it contained one hundred and fifty thousand
dollars. The discovery made me angry because it really
demonstrated the difference in our income. He was so rich he
could have all that money just sitting around while I had to go
through a lot of pain and humiliation just to pay my small bills.
Suddenly the eight hundred I earned just looked like small
change. I began to think that if he really loved me he would be
happy to pay my bills.
    I went back and found another box. It was too big to lift out
so I just opened it where it was. When the flaps came apart the
first thing I saw was a large photo album with the name, "Joanie"
on the face. Naturally I opened it.
    The first set of pictures were of a cute little brunette with
a tiny waist and big boobs and round butt. She was posing to show
off a very red bottom. She seemed proud of it! She was grinning
like an idiot as she bent over and looked through her legs at the
    She was not grinning in the next set where she was tied from
the ceiling in the conference room where he took pictures to show
every inch of her body covered with red lines.
    In the next set she was hung horizontally from the ceiling
with her back bent backwards by her weight with gobs of alligator
clips with the four ounce fish weights on her nipples pulling her
tits into cone shapes. A shot from the back showed her cunt lips
being pulled down with clips and weights put on as close together
as possible. The lips were pulled out almost to the bottom of her
    In the next set she was grinning again as she made several
poses showing off gold rings in her nipples and six more in the
lips of her pussy.
    The next several pages showed her sucking dozens of different
cocks. The men's faces were never shown but I was sure I
recognized Mr. Stokes gnarly dick with grey crotch hair.
    The last set showed her tied by her hair to one wall and her
nipple rings tied to the opposite wall. Her hands were tied to a
large hemp rope that ran from her neck to her hands then jammed
between the lips of her pussy and then to the ceiling. It was
obvious her slightest move would cause the rope to saw back and
forth in her pussy. Then there were close-ups of thin red lines
dripping blood on every inch of the top of her grotesquely
stretched tits.
    That was the end of that album. I looked for another and
decided if there was one it must be under the pile of video
tapes. I began to pull them out and arrange them from Joanie 1 to
Joanie 12.
    I put in Joanie 1. 
    The tapes had sound and it was obvious she was being
interviewed for a job. She told him this sad story about her
parents being killed in a car wreck and how she had moved in with
her grand-mother until she died. Now her money had run out and
she was desperate for a job. She looked pathetic in a shabby but
clean shapeless dress that looked as if it may have belonged to
her grand-mother.
    He looked at her and said, "In the ad I said The applicant
should be attractive. How can I tell what you look like in that
dress? Take it off."
    She looked frightened and replied, "Oh no sir. I couldn't do
that. I am too bashful."
    "Alright. Go home. I have other girls to interview."
    "No! I understand, you have a beautiful office and should
have a pretty girl. I'll do it."
    She clumsily took off the dress and when he insisted took off
her slip too revealing herself in cotton bra and panties. I
wondered why she had hesitated, the pants and bra hid more than a
two piece bathing suit. She nervously obeyed his orders to turn
around slowly and assume poses until I could tell she was
beginning to enjoy it as he gave her compliments at each pose.
    Then it was deja vu time. He told her almost exactly what he
had told me before my first spanking. I knew just what she was
feeling as she said, "I guess it would be alright. Mom, Dad, and
grandma spanked me when I was bad. Will you use a belt? They used
a belt and it hurt awful."
    "No. This is just a test spanking. I will just use my hand.
come lay across my lap."
    She laid across his lap and gasped when he twisted the back
of her panties and pulled them into the crack of her butt. He
spanked her lightly at first turning her buns pink then slowly
redder as he worked down to her crotch and began hitting her
pussy with the tips of his fingers. It became obvious she was
getting off on it. She moaned and squirmed while her panties at
her crotch became transparent as they got wet from her pussy
juice. He kept spanking until she began to pump her butt in
orgasm. Then he lifted her up and said, "Give me a kiss so I will
know you aren't mad at me."
    She straddled his legs and jammed her crotch into the lump in
his pants while she gave him a long kiss. 
    Then like me he gave her his credit card and told her to buy
five dresses one for everyday. The dresses you get should reveal
these marks. He took out a felt tip pen and made a short line on
her legs just below her butt and then pulled down her bra a
little and made other marks on her breasts. 
    She protested that if the dress was cut that low her bra
would show. When he told her she would not be wearing a bra she
said, "Yes I noticed a lot of girls don't wear bra's anymore. I
guess I am out of style."
    There was a little static on the screen when it was turned
off then cleared up to show her in a cute black dress holding a
large sack with the stores name on it. He had her turn around
while she pirouetted giggling pointing out the fact all the marks
he put on her showed. Then he told her the panty lines showed. He
had her come over to him and he reached under her skirt to pull
them off. She blushed but didn't protest.
    She did hesitate when he told her to model her other dresses
but her blushes eventually turned to a look of excitement and she
began to change while facing him a few feet away. At the last
dress she began gushing thanks and saying she did not know how to
repay him.
    He said, "You can earn them. I will give you a dollar for
each spank."
    "She looked puzzled. "I thought I would just be spanked when
I was bad."
    "You have been bad. You just blew enough money on dresses to
take care of a homeless family for months."
    She seemed happy for the excuse. She came over to him and
lifted her dress to her waist then laid across his lap saying she
was ready to make the first payment. While he was spanking her
the little slut worked her dress down and began squeezing her
breasts then began to squeal when she began to climax.
    From then on she was spanked again and again a little harder
and longer each time. I got bored with it and began to run the
tape at double speed. I stopped and backed it up when I saw her
kneeling in front of him looking up at him adoringly.
    She was saying, "Don't you think I am attractive? You see me
naked all the time and make me awfully excited but you never try
to make love to me. I read about sex in my romance novels. It
sounds wonderful and I would like you to be my first lover."
    "Don't you think it is a little slutty to ask your boss to
fuck you?"
 "Oh do you think so? Maybe I should be punished for it."
    He just laughed. "Yeah right! Don't you think I know having
your cute butt spanked just excites you?"
    Maybe she didn't because she blushed but then said, "No I
mean really punished. In one of my novels the heroine was hung up
and whipped to try to get her to tell them where her lover was so
they could kill him. She suffered terribly as they hit her all
over even her breasts but didn't tell them. I wonder if I could
be that brave. You have extra neckties in the closet you could
use to tie me to the chandelier."
    That obviously excited him. His penis made a tent out of his
pants as he said, "I see. If you ask me to stop that will be when
you betray your lover."
    "Yes, but I won't betray him."
    He got up to go to the closet while she slid off her dress.
She was obviously excited because she couldn't resist caressing
her nipples and pussy while his back was turned.
    That brought on her first whipping with his belt while strung
up in the conference room. He started at her back but when that
only brought little gasps he hit her tummy. That brought a low
moan and he went higher to cover her breasts. He hit hard making
her tits jump but she still only made little squeals as he
started back down. He seemed surprised then pleased when one
across her pubic brought a squeal and then she opened her legs to
expose her pussy. From then on he alternated lashes back and
forth to her tits and pussy while she panted and her skin began
to glow from her perspiration. Finally he became so excited he
dropped the belt and slid down his pants to fuck her while she
was still tied.
    When he turned her loose she hugged and kissed him as if he
had given her the world.
    That is where I found out where all the whips and things in
the closet had come from.
    At almost every tape from then on she was giving him a new
strap, paddle, or other thing to use on her.
    Unlike me when he used the electric dildo on her she screamed
and came when the electric spikes dug into the pink part of her
pussy exposed by the alligator clips tied to her thighs.
    I began to realize that I was sure to have all these things
used on me eventually.
    On the next tape she gave him the lead tipped cat of nine
tails while saying she knew he would not hurt her badly with it.
    She was wrong! He hit so hard every lash caused blood to
appear at each tip. She didn't get off on that! She screamed and
begged him to stop but he kept it up till she fainted then fucked
her unconscious body while he spread her blood around on her
    She woke up while he was washing off the blood. She begged
groggily to be let down but he told her that the cuts needed to
be disinfected. He mixed a whole bag of epsom salts in a mop
bucket and then used a towel to soak her body with it. It must
have burned terribly and it was unnecessarily cruel. He could
have put it on her while she was unconscious. She screamed until
she passed out again. He took her down and when the bleeding
stopped he slipped her dress on her. When she was fully conscious
he kissed her and told her to go home.
    On the next tape it seemed he had gone too far. She took off
her dress showing large scabs and said, "I have to get away from
you. Look at me. I am going to be scarred. I thought you loved
me. How could you hurt me so bad?"
    "Remember that you brought me that whip. You know you love
being whipped. Just admit it."
    "That is what frightens me. I am afraid I might even get to
like that terrible whip. I had no idea you would hit so hard. I
just have to quit and meet someone who will be nice to me."
    "Get real! A nice guy will bore the shit out of you."
    "I know he will if I don't get away from you now. Goodbye. It
is your fault you were so cruel."
    She started to walk to the door while slipping on her dress
but he stopped her.
    "Wait a minute. I want you to listen to this. He went to his
safe and came back with a paper he read from aloud.
    "I Joanie Becks admit I took fifteen hundred dollars from my
employer Mr. Dumas. Signed Joanie Becks. Do you know what this
    "Yes that is for the money I borrowed from you to buy my car.
You let me pay it off at one dollar for spanks and two dollars
for lashes. It is all paid off."
    "No. What this amounts to is a confession that you have
stolen money from me. If I give this to the police you will go to
jail for ten years. Those butch dykes in prison will love you.
You will be sucking pussies and ass-holes every night."
    "But it was a loan! It says underneath how I would pay it
    "I can fix that." He took the paper to a paper cutter and cut
off the bottom part, wadded it up and burned it in an ashtray."
    Jesus, that made me bolt upright as I realized I had signed
that same paper for even more money. I had no receipts or
anything to show I was paying it back.
    He went on, "Well what is it going to be. Are you going to be
a good girl and stay with me or go to jail until one of the butch
dykes kill you. I'll give you a break and not use that whip
unless you piss me off."
    She hung her head and moaned, "I'll stay with you. I saw a
movie about women's prisons. That would be even worse."
    "Good from now on you will beg me for whipping. Get off that
dress and go get the thronged whip.
    She walked to the closet whimpering. When she came back he
had her lie back on his desk with her legs spread and told her to
rub the thongs along her slit till they were wet. 
    I could understand her getting excited I became wet just
watching and began rubbing my clit.
    Then he made her beg him to whip her tits while she pushed
them up with her hands squeezing the sides till her cleavage was
a tight crack. After that he made her hold her pussy lips apart
while he whipped her clit. She got off on it! When he quit she
begged him to fuck her but he said she didn't deserve it. She
seemed grateful he let her suck his cock while she dug at her
    From that point on he must have moved her into his house
because there were no more tapes shot in the office. I wondered
if this is when I was hired.
    From that point on her tortures become worse and worse. Every
whipping caused blood because he whipped her with clothes hanger
wire, rose branches, and even barbed wire with her often
straddling the log I had been on. She must have tried to run away
because she began to wear a manacle on her ankle with a long
chain. He asked her to beg him to burn her nipples! When she
refused he tied her and whipped her nipples till they were raw
then put out cigarettes by pushing them in her nipples.
    On another tape he tied her upside down and stuck a long
candle in her pussy then jerked off while she screamed as the hot
wax burned her until it burned so low her pussy lips closed over
the flame and put it out.
    It was just terrible! He never let her completely heal and
her body began to look awful as it was covered with scars and
scabs. He had burned off her pussy hair and her pussy was just
one big scar. She became almost like a zombie. She didn't bother
to beg for mercy anymore for anything he wanted to do. Until the
last tape.
    When it came on she was hanging from the ceiling upside down
with a long big iron pipe with manacles on the ends holding her
legs open widely. Her body was stretched by bar bell weights tied
to her wrists. She was moaning. She had lost a lot of weight,
every rib was showing. He threw a bucket of ice water on her and
    "Wake up bitch! I have a present for you. Take a look."
    He took a whip out of a box that was unreal. It looked like a
soft ball bat with a chain about two feet long that had nails
welded to every link.
    She began screaming as soon as she saw it. He just laughed
and hit her ass. It was awful! Every time the chain came back
pieces of her skin came with it. He kept it up until you could no
longer see skin for the blood. Then he began on her front ripping
pieces of skin from her breasts.until blood was running down her
neck. When he hit her pussy pulling the nails toward him she let
out a blood curdling scream and stopped moving. Her eyes were
open and I realized she was dead when blood no longer gushed out
of her wounds. I was sick and threw up on the carpet.
    I had watched the tapes all night but I was not the slightest
bit tired. I knew what I had to do. I loaded the money into my
car and then came back and got my tapes and photo album. At the
last minute I loaded up Joanie's album and tapes and after I had
packed my clothes and closed my checking account I dropped off
the tapes and album at UPS to ship to the police department.
    I still had nine days to get away so I drove to Reno then
caught a plane to Florida where I got a passport to go on to
    I love it here. I found out it was a cheap place to live if
you stay in small towns. I bought a little house on the beach to
have a constant vacation. I met a man who is an investment
counselor. We are living together and the interest on the money
will easily support me the rest of my life. Best of all he loves
the way I submit and when I had a birthday and told him he should
give me a birthday spanking he loved it. He is more than happy
just with spankings or light whipping with a little thong whip I
made for him. We both get fantastic climaxes. 
    He has asked me to marry him and down deep I have to admit I
owe Mr. Dumas a lot for my introduction to S&M and my financial
security. I didn't follow the stateside papers so I don't know
what happened to Mr. Dumas I realize he had a mental problem and
hope they gave him a chance to be cured.

                             The End

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