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Review This Story || Author: Allene Blake


Part 1


                      PART ONE

         I finally graduated from high school just in time for
the 90's recession. I was really anxious to get a job because my
mother had remarried a cowboy from eastern Montana and had only
left me enough money to last a couple of months. If I didn't get
a job to support myself in that time I would have to leave
Seattle to live with them. I hated the idea! He had a ranch way
out in the boonies and I knew I would be terrifically bored. I
was a city girl and had no intention of walking in cow shit.
    I was really getting discouraged I had found that I was only
qualified for part-time jobs in fast food restaurants with just
my education and no experience.
    Finally I saw an ad for a secretary-receptionist that I hoped
I qualified for since I had taken typing in school.The ad didn't
ask for experience and the salary was twice that of the jobs I
had found. I sent the resume my teacher had helped me type. In a
few days I received a note giving me a time for an appointment.
    I arrived ahead of time in my best dress and was instantly
discouraged when I saw two older women in the office waiting to
be interviewed. They were talking about all their experience and
bitching about being laid off because of the recession in spite
of all the memos they had received from their bosses
complimenting them on their good work.
    One of them agreed and said her resume took two pages to hold
her qualifications and she had four letters of recommendation.
    That really discouraged me. My resume was only two paragraphs
with a note from my teacher and on re-reading my copy I sounded
desperate for work in saying I would do anything to prove I could
do the job since I had no where to turn.
    I almost walked out but then I decided I might as well get
some experience in handling job interviews that might help me.
    I had to wait about forty minutes and was discouraged even
more by the confident look of the women when they came out.
    After I had read all his diploma's from college and law
school and letters from politicians and large companies
congratulating him on his good work as an attorney he finally
opened his door and waved me in.
    He was very distinguished wearing an expensive suit and just
grey at the temples. He was evidentally athletic since there were
pictures all over his office of him and other people sailing,
hunting, golfing, and skiing. I recognized our governor in one of
the pictures. Needless to say I was very impressed.
    I soon as I sat down he began to tell me about himself and
the job.
    "You will find this job to be pretty easy. My friends refer
to me as a hobby attorney since I don't need the money and have a
very select clientele. You will be answering the phone and typing
letters and contracts. Most of the legal papers are already in
the computer so you will be filling in blanks and making some
revisions. Are you familiar with Word Perfect?"
    I was delighted as this is the program I had used in school.
    "Oh yes! I can do everything with it."
    "Good. You know the starting salary. In addition I have a
heath plan, and you will have an expense account for the times
you will go out of town with me for meetings and to go to court.
Are you interested in the job?"
    "Oh yes sir. It sounds wonderful."
    "Unfortunately you have only two things in your favor in that
you are pretty and you are familiar with the computer. As you
must know other girls have more experience and had letters of
recommendation. Your only letter was from your teacher. I am
going to have to spend a lot of time training you."
    I was happy he thought I was pretty and sat up straight to
show off my breasts which in spite of their size did not need a
bra and my flat stomach.
    "Oh yes I appreciate that and I will work very hard to please
    "Law is very exact. A mistake in a letter or contract can be
very costly and there may be times I am not available to proof
read the things you send out under my signature. My best
secretary who left to marry a client learned quickly with the
help of corporal punishment. I plan to use that method in
training a new one. Do you understand."
    I flashed back to the spankings I had been given by my father
when I had been naughty which had stopped when I reached puberty.
Since he was about the same age it did not seem strange.
    I gulped then replied, "I guess you mean I could be spanked
for making mistakes."
    "Yes or some other form of pain. How else could I punish you.
The only other alternative is docking your pay or firing you
which would cause you financial hardship and force me to start
over with another girl."
    That made sense to me and I thought that must be standard
training because I assumed he had told the other women the same
thing and they had come out smiling and looking confident. If
they had disagreed I thought they would look angry upon leaving.
My teacher had told me that I should refuse any sexual advances
from employers but at the time this did not seem remotely related
to sex.
    "Yes that makes sense I just thought I was too old to be
spanked but that would be much better than getting less money. I
will need every dime to support myself since my folks are gone."
    "Just because they don't spank in high schools anymore does
not mean you are too old. Girls are spanked at the sororities in
college to keep them in line."
    "Oh yes. An older girl friend told me she was spanked two or
three times a week at her sorority." I remembered that I thought
it could not have been too bad since she giggled as she told us
about it. Then I remembered another detail that had made me
    "She said she had to raise her skirt to be spanked on her
panties to add embarrassment. Would you do that?"
    "Yes. You wouldn't even feel it over that thick skirt."
    I blushed but said, "Yes I know. I had to lift my skirt for
my Dad."
    This seemed to encourage him as he said, "Fine. I have to
know you agree completely." He pushed back his chair and went on,
"Lay over my lap for your first spanking."
    "But I haven't done anything wrong."
    "I know that. I have to make sure you won't change your mind
later on. If you want the job say please give me twenty spanks."
    "Oh God. That seems bad. My Dad never hit me over ten times.
Will you use a strap like him?"
    "No. This will be just a simple hand spanking. I don't plan
to hurt you much. I just want you to prove you are willing to
submit to help you learn."
    I could see his point so I went over next to him and said,
"Please give me twenty spanks so you will know I am sincere."
    I started to lay over his lap but he stopped me and I
realized I would be embarrassed as well as hurt when he pulled my
skirt up to my waist before he had me lie across his lap. I was
extra embarrassed because I was wearing bikini panties which I
knew had a tendency to crawl between the cheeks of my butt after
walking awhile which would leave most of my butt nude. It turned
out to be fully nude since the first thing he did was pull my
panties into the crack of my butt to expose everything.
    "Oh please! Do I have to be spanked on the bare bottom? I am
    "Of course, the embarrassment is part of the punishment. You
can count. When you say 'One' I will commence."
    Being bare would bring it much closer to the area my teacher
had warned me about but I knew that if the spanking was to be
painful my bottom would have to be bare or else he would have to
hit much harder or use a thick strap like Dad had used that would
bruise me. A sting to my bare bottom would be better than that.
    This made it seem worse because I would be asking for them. I
was even more embarrassed as he rubbed the cheeks of my butt
until I braced myself and said,"One."
    I heard a "Splat!" and felt a sting and burn to the top of my
left cheek. At "Two" he hit the right cheek and then at each
count went a little lower till at ten he was hitting at the
junction of my thighs and the tips of his fingers was hitting my
pussy! I began counting faster hoping he would start back up but
the last ten all hit on my tender upper thighs with his fingers
hitting my pussy every other one. To my surprise the spanking was
creating more excitement than pain. By the time he had finished I
was actually panting with excitement.
    When I had reached twenty he helped me up and led me over to
a mirror. He pulled my skirt up saying, "Look at your bottom. You
weren't hurt. It is just a little red."
    Even that did not seem sexy because my skirt hid my pussy and
it seemed natural for him to show me I was not bruised or
    I had to agree while I rubbed my cheeks which were still
tingling and my caresses seemed to make the tingles go to my
pussy. I was embarrassed again when I pulled my panties back into
place and realized the crotch was wet. I knew the spanking had
excited me but I didn't know that much. I hoped he had not
    My butt was still tingling when he had me sit down and gave
me a paper saying, "As a lawyer I want everything perfectly
legal. Read this and if you agree print your name in the top
blank and sign it at the bottom. Then you will be able to go to
work tomorrow morning.
    The paper said,
                     TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN
         I________________ agree that it is in my best
         interest to receive painful punishments to aid me
         in my training to become a good secretary for this
         or any future job. I want my employer to punish me
         for my mistakes so I can be a better person and an      
         employee completely obedient to him.


    It looked very legal and I realized signing it gave me only
two options. Accept any punishment or resign. This worried me a
little so I said, "Sir this doesn't seem to limit my punishment
to hand spankings."
    "No. I found my other secretary began to enjoy the spanking
so I had to use other punishments. You may be the same. I noticed
you did not cry out or try to escape and seem to be in no
discomfort now."
    I blushed as I realized he was right. My butt didn't hurt at
all now and the pain I felt at the time did not seem bad. Since
it excited me I could understand his other secretary learning to
enjoy them. I was still curious.
    "Yes but what other kinds of punishments?"
    "Whatever works. I may have to use a paddle or something of
    I was alarmed and said, "Oh God. That will hurt awful. My Dad
used to give me ten spanks with his big thick belt and it left
terrible bruises. I don't think I could stand twenty of those."
    "You are much too pretty to bruise. I would rather give you a
whipping with many light lashes than few hard ones."
    I was relieved because I now realized my bottom was very
durable as there was no pain now. I printed my name at the top
and signed at the bottom.
    He notarized my signature to make it even more legal then
said, "My clients are quite wealthy and will expect my secretary
to be well dressed. You can use my credit card to buy some
dresses and pay me back at fifty dollars a month."
    He gave me a card for an exclusive women's store and told me
he preferred short dresses with low cut necklines to show off my
"Perfect" body. I had no objection to this since I was very proud
of my breasts and legs.
    I went to the store and told the sales girl proudly that I
had just got a great job with Mr. Dumas and that he would finance
my clothes.
    She congratulated me saying his prior secretaries had gone on
to even better jobs or had married rich men. She told me she knew
the type of clothes he liked. Everything she showed me was very
sexy with low-cut necklines and very short skirts but everything
was in the fashion magazines so they had to be okay.
    I ended up shopping in the store till it was almost closing
time. None of the dresses had price tags but that didn't bother
me since as far as I was concerned it was just fifty dollars per
month which would be a snap on my salary. I was shocked to find I
had charged eighteen hundred dollars but again just thought I
could pay the fifty dollars a month forever because I had never
owned such beautiful clothes.
    The next morning I told him what I had spent but it didn't
seem to bother him. He just said, "Don't worry about it. I won't
get the bill for a month and your payments won't start till then.
Incidentally since nudity seems to bother you I don't want you to
wear panties in the office from now on. That should give you an
extra incentive to avoid a spanking."
    I went to the bathroom and took off the panties. When I came
back he felt my bottom to make sure they were off and told me it
made the dress look better without panty lines.
    The job was really easy. He only dictated three or four
letters per day so I had plenty of time to check and double check
them before I took them in for his signature. Only three clients
came in and he made me proud by introducing me as the most
beautiful secretary in the state when I brought them coffee.
    By Friday morning I was very proud of the way I was handling
the job. I had easily been able to avoid the humiliation of being
spanked and knew I should never get one if I was careful. I
decided that if I did get a spanking I would certainly deserve
it. I was delighted when I took in his coffee and he told me I
had made such a good impression on his clients and doing the job
so well that he was going to raise my salary.
    I guess the excitement made me careless because that
afternoon I brought him a contract in which I had left out a zero
making his fee twenty-five hundred rather than the twenty-five
thousand it should have been.
    He called me into his office. I brought coffee since I
assumed that was the reason he called but he sat at his desk
glowering at me while I put down the cup. then he said,
    "Look at this! Are you so stupid you would think I would do
this work for a stinking twenty-five hundred? That is chump
    I looked at the contract and felt very guilty to make such a
stupid mistake. If I had proof-read it I would have seen it.
    "I am so sorry Sir. I have no excuse. Should I lie on your
lap for my spanking?"
    "No. Lock the front door then come into the conference room."
    I was really scared going to the room and the fright
increased when I saw him standing there idly swinging the belt he
had taken from his pants. I stood in front of him sniffling till
he said, "Take off your dress."
    I was shocked! "Oh please Sir don't make me do that. I am not
wearing panties or bra. I have never been naked in front of a
    "Good. The embarrassment will add to your punishment. Just do
    I began to sob while I slipped the dress over my head. I had
these terribly mixed feelings. It was true that being naked would
be embarrassing but I had to admit the idea also excited me.
    He added to my embarrassment but also excitement by turning
me slowly in front of him while commenting on my body as he
fondled me.
    "You have a nice round firm ass, and good tight abdominal
muscles. You have really firm tits we may have to spank them some
    "Oh that would hurt awful. They are real sensitive. I won't
do anything to deserve having them hit."
    "But if you did something bad enough you wouldn't object to a
breast spanking would you?"
    I sniffed and said, "I guess not if I did something to
deserve it."
    He said, "Good girl." and smiled making me realize a breast
spanking was inevitable but rather than being frightened I
wondered what that would feel like. If it excited me to have my
butt spanked it might be even more exciting to have my tummy and
breasts punished.
    He led me over to the corner of the conference table and had
me bend over it with my breasts flattened against it and my arms
stretched out in front of my head. Then he spread my legs
slightly to press my pussy tight against the carved, rounded
corner of the table.
    I laid there trembling as I waited for what I thought would
be terrible pain. When the first lash hit both cheeks of my ass I
was surprised to discover it was no worse than his hand but
different. there was a sharp sting followed by tingling that was
allowed to spread as he paused between lashes to caress the stung
spot. As lash after lash slowly fell my body would flinch causing
the lips of my pussy and my clit to rub on the corner creating
excitement that over-rode the pain even when he began on my inner
thighs. At the end the end of his belt was hitting the lips of my
pussy. Incredibly I was sorry when he stopped because I was on
the verge of a tremendous orgasm. He didn't seem to notice, he
just told me to put on my dress, gave me a check for my first
week and told me to go home to recover and reflect on my mistake.
    This was my first paycheck and I discovered there was a lot
of difference between gross pay and the check after the taxes and
health insurance was taken out. I was so excited I could barely
get dressed and had to sit in my car for awhile before becoming
calm enough to drive home. I sat there squirming in my seat to
maintain the tingling feeling as I reflected on my reaction to
"Punishment." It was nothing like I had anticipated. I had been
very careful to avoid mistakes thinking it would be terribly
humiliating to have to bare my butt and yet being naked which
should have been even more humiliating had simply excited me.
Even stranger the pain I had been afraid of had also excited me
to the point I admitted that I was wishing he would hit harder
toward the end.
    When I got home I took off the dress to look at my butt in
the mirror. I was pink from the top of my butt to mid-thigh but
it didn't hurt anymore and there were only a few red welts.
Looking at it made me excited again so I played with my clitoris
till I came and fell into my bed and to sleep.
    The next morning I woke up very early and since I was
disgusted with myself for getting excited by the spanking and
masturbating I decided to drive up to the mountains. All of a
sudden there was a loud noise from the motor and smoke started
rolling out of the exhaust pipe. I managed to nurse it to the
next exit and pulled into an auto repair and wrecking yard. The
man at the shop said I had blown a piston what ever that meant
and would need a new motor which would cost $1200.00. That was
more than I had paid for the car so I sold him my car for $35.00
and walked down the street to a used car lot. I found a cute
little car that I could buy for $300.00 down  and $300.00 per
month for four years. I decided to finish my drive and really
enjoyed myself till I got home and found the down payment had
left me almost broke. Then I added my rent, electricity, and car
payment together to discover I would have very little left of my
salary at the end of the month. My consolation was the fact that
I now had great clothes and a cute car also there was the
possibility of another raise if I kept my boss, Mr. Dumas happy
    When I went back to work Mr. Dumas seemed to be in a good
mood. He had me hold up my dress to see if I had any marks from
the spanking and seemed delighted when I complied with no
argument showing I had left off my panties and that every mark
had faded.
    It didn't embarrass me to show him since he had already seen
me completely nude and his gentle caresses to the few small
bruises felt very nice.
    "That's wonderful! You heal beautifully. Since you took your
punishment bravely I have another reward for you. I have made an
appointment for you at a beauty salon to have your hair done,
facial,massage, etcetera. I will pay the bill. I am taking the
day off for golf with clients so you can close the office to go
to the salon. Incidentally I have received the bill for your
dresses and have prepared your installment contract to pay for
    He took a paper out of his desk and handed it to me.

         I freely admit I have taken eighteen hundred dollars,
         $1800.00, from my employer Mr. Dumas.

         I agree to repay this sum at the rate of fifty dollars
         $50.00 per month at no interest till it is repaid. 


    I thought it was very generous of him not charging interest
and did not think it was strange to sign it in two places. 
    It was a beautiful salon. I had never been so pampered. I had
the full treatment. A new hairdo, mud packs, full body massage
with warm scented oils, manicure, pedicure, and finally hot
waxing my legs and bikini waxing. The last thing was the only
thing that bothered me. I had expected them just to trim my
crotch hair around the edges as I had done so no hair would show
around my bikini but they took off every bit of hair. My crotch
looked like a baby's and it made me feel incredibly naked. When I
got home I felt my legs and crotch and had to admit they were
much better than I had been able to do with shaving.
    I had stopped wearing panties even out of the office but now
that my pussy was so naked I could feel cool breezes on it to
keep me constantly aware of it I began wearing them again. I was
still wearing them when I went back to work.
    Mr. Dumas made me feel proud when he raved about how good I
looked but then he had me stand next to him so he could feel my
legs to see how well they had removed my hair. He started at my
knees and proceeded upwards stroking and fondling every inch. I
had never thought my thighs were very sensitive but I found the
stroking was getting me excited. Eventually his hand came into
contact with my panties.
    "What the hell is this! I told you not to wear panties in the
office. You are not only wearing panties but big cotton ones that
cover you completely. Have you forgotten you agreed to be
obedient in your employee contract?"
    "Yes but the salon removed all the hair from my crotch. I am
just too naked to go without panties. I won't wear them when my
hair grows back."
    "That was the whole idea behind removing the hair. You will
never let it grow back. It is to make you concentrate harder to
avoid punishment. Now of course you must be punished for
    He had me lock the door then I joined him in the conference
room. I hoped he would be easy on me if I was very cooperative so
I took off my dress and positioned myself lying at the corner of
the table so my pussy was again pressed into the lump on the
corner that had brought me excitement. I was still wearing my
panties and was relieved that he did not tell me to take them
    "No. I think we will do this with you standing this time. I
noticed you used the table to take your mind off the spanking."
    I was embarrassed that he had noticed. I had hoped he thought
my pressing against the corner was a result of the lashes. I was
wondering if I could hold onto something to keep me from dancing
around when he went over to a closet and brought back some padded
wrist-cuffs and some rope.
    He threaded the rope through a chain link on the chandelier
then tied the ropes to my cuffs and pulled my arms over my head.
I noticed a large mirror in front of me and thought this might be
good since I could push forward when I saw the belt coming to
lessen the impact. This was not to be. He tied ropes to other
cuffs at my ankles and pulled my legs apart so I was stretched so
tight I could barely move. I was glad he had let me wear the
panties because I was sure I would look obscene with my legs
pulled so far apart.
    He left me hanging there for a few moments while he went back
to his office. When he returned he was carrying a felt pen marker
and some scissors.
    He said, "I think it is appropriate to punish only the area
you tried to hide."
    After saying that he proceeded to draw a line just above the
waist of my panties and then around the leg openings. I was
puzzled since he could just use the panties for a target. My
puzzlement ended when he used the scissors to cut off my panties.
I blushed when I looked in the mirror. I had never been this
naked even in private. My legs were spread so wide my outer lips
were open to the point you could see the pink flesh inside.
    He went back to the closet and brought back a rubber ball
with straps on it which he forced into my mouth. Then he went
back again and brought back a leather strap wider and thicker
than the belt he had used before.
    "This place is soundproof but I am tired of giving you little
punishments that don't seem to bother you and this might make you
scream loud enough to bother the neighbors."
    I would have if I could. I watched in the mirror while he
brought the strap behind him and then forward so fast it was a
blur. Both cheeks of my ass exploded in pain. This wasn't just a
sting like his hand or his belt it burned and after the first
three my whole butt was throbbing and seemed to swell along with
the burn. Just when the nerves in my butt began to deaden from
overload I saw the strap come up between my legs to twist and
burn the lips of my pussy. He hit twice more while I nearly
dislocated my shoulders trying to get away then he stepped to my
side and began bringing the strap down at an angle to burn my
pussy while the tip ripped into my asshole. Finally he quit and I
let my head fall forward to cover my breasts with my tears.
    Through a fog I heard him talking to me, "Are you in a lot of
pain, dear?"
    "Did you hear me? Just nod your head if you are."
    It was a ridiculous question, it was obvious I was. I nodded
my head weakly.
    "In that case I will give you a break. I am curious about how
your tits will react to this strap. If you agree by nodding your
head I will just give you five to them and quit rather than
continuing on the panty area."
    I was very proud of my firm tits and was afraid he would ruin
them besides my nerves in my butt had deadened so I shook my head
    "All right that is your decision."
    He brought the strap up from the floor right to the crack of
my pussy. I saw it sink in out of sight just as the most terrible
pain travelled through my entire body. He gave me four more then
quit just as I was about to pass out. 
    He grabbed my hair to pull my head up to face him then said,
"Just relax a minute. I have worked up a thirst. I'll be back in
a minute"
    It seemed like an hour. My hip and shoulder joints were
aching and my pussy and ass was on fire and throbbing. He held up
my head again and said softly while sliding the strap between my
legs against my pussy, "Would you like me to give you five on
your breasts?"
    It dawned on me that there would be no end to the whipping
until I agreed. I was sure anymore on my pussy would ruin me for
life so I weakly nodded my head.
    To my surprise the lashes to my tits were much lighter. They
stung and compressed them but the pain was nothing next to what I
had suffered to my pussy. He hit them one at a time. The first to
the outside of my right breast to make it slap into my left then
he paused to let the sting and tingle spread before hitting the
outside of my left breast. then he hit at the cleavage to move
them outward. This was more like my first spanking and like it I
felt excitement rising. The only one that really stung was the
last across both nipples but by then I was so excited I relished
the sting.
    Then he began caressing my reddened boobs as he said,  "You
see. It is better to be cooperative."
    When I thought about it much later I realized he was training
me to agree to any of his demands rather than risk a possibly
much worse punishment.
    He loosened the ropes but left me tied to go back to his
office. I stood there panting in excitement staring at my body in
the mirror. My boobs were just a light red but my pussy was much
darker and had swollen to make it look puffy. Along with the
sting was a dull ache and throbbing. I should have hated him for
treating it so cruelly but instead I hated myself. I could have
avoided the extra punishment to it simply by being obedient as I
had promised and asked for the lashes to my breasts. Only the
last lashes to my pussy were terrible and they could have been
avoided. He came back in about a half hour to put some salve on
my butt and pussy. His light caresses felt wonderful and when he
asked if I wanted more I nodded my head frantically. The pain
went away to be replaced by pure excitement. He must have known
how excited I was by the way I was pushing my pussy into his hand
and especially when he hand became wet from my juices but he left
again leaving me frustrated on the edge of orgasm.
At least two clients came into the office and I lived in fear he
might bring them in to admire his handiwork. The salve worked as
far as stopping the pain and he had removed the gag and gave me a
drink. I watched my pussy slowly turn from dark red to a lighter
red no worse than a light sunburn. I was sure my butt looked the
same. I managed to twist in the ropes enough to see that part of
my ass cheeks had large welts.
    Finally he came in and told me my body looked fine. Then he
said, "You would like me to kiss your breasts to make them well
and to put my finger in your pussy to check for damage, wouldn't
    I had learned my lesson. I answered quickly "Yes. Yes please
do it."
    He stuck his middle finger into his mouth then gently stuck
it in my pussy and began stroking my clit while he licked and
sucked on my nipples.
    That brought back the excitement. Soon he had three fingers
in my pussy and I was near climax then he said, "You are very
wet. Would you like me to fuck you?"
    I agreed immediately but not out of fear if I said "No" but
just because I needed my orgasm desperately.
    I ended up with more than one because it took him some time
to cum standing up. I hardly noticed when he tore through my
    I was exhausted when he untied me and then took me into his
private bathroom which had a large shower where he gently
lathered my whole body then rinsed me and began kissing me all
over, even my butt and pussy.
    After he had dried me by dabbing me with large soft towels he
said, "Becky, remember that you will only get small punishments
for mistakes. The bad punishments like today will only come from
    I hugged and kissed him saying, "I deserved the bad
punishment. I will never disobey you again."
    I hoped he would want to fuck me again but his dick stayed
soft and he just said, "Good girl," with a smile and slipped on
my dress. Then said, "You have had a big day. Go home."
    I was amazed when I got in my car and looked at the clock. It
was only one o'clock. The strapping and hanging had seemed to
last much longer. I expected the time to be after five.
    I was exhausted and fell in to bed and slept till midnight.
When I woke up I inspected my body in my mirror. Almost all the
redness had gone with only a few black and blue places where the
end of the strap had hit. I began to think my mind had
exaggerated the damage I had seen in his mirror.
    I was up most of the night wondering what I should do. I was
sure no other secretaries  were treated that way and was ashamed
that it had made me excited to let him fuck me. That was
definitely against my teachers advice to avoid sexual advances.
but I loved my little car and my apartment and knew I would lose
both if I quit. I began to rationalize. I decided I must have
exaggerated the pain. If it had been as bad as I thought I would
have fainted. Then I thought that I had asked for the punishment.
I knew he would be mad at me for wearing panties. Then I thought
I had asked for those last five lashes to my pussy. If I had
agreed to having my tits spanked it wouldn't have been so bad. It
would have thrilled me more than it hurt. I also thought that
there would be no reason to be disobedient now. He had already
seen me totally naked, whipped me, and had fucked me. What else
could he ask for? Then I blushed when I remembered I had asked,
no begged, him to fuck me and had orgasms twice as powerful as
any I had managed by masturbation. I ended up blaming myself. It
was my fault I had been so greedy on the dresses and I should
have bought a cheaper car to lessen my debts to make it possible
to quit. I had agreed to be punished and had earned them. I
finally decided I would watch the want ads to see if there was a
better job but I really didn't expect to find one.
    On Monday I was at the office before him. When he came in he
waved me into his office and locked his door. He complimented me
on my dress then said, "You look lovely but how do you feel?"
    "I am okay I guess. I do have a few bruised places."
    "No. I meant how do you feel mentally? You had the week-end
to think about it. Do you realize that you had the punishment
coming to you and did you resolve to be more obedient?"
    "Yes but are other employees punished? I talked to a high
school friend and she didn't mention punishment at her job at a
    "Did you tell her you were spanked?"
    "No. I guess I was ashamed I needed to be punished. Also I
guess I was more interested in letting her know my salary and
that I had a new car since she said she was just getting minimum
wage and had to ride the bus to work."
    "If she had been punished she would not tell you either but
in those kinds of jobs there is so little training and employees
are so easily replaced no-one would bother to train them
properly. Once you are trained you will be able to get a high
paying job anywhere while her experience will do nothing for
    That made sense to me. One of the reasons I had avoided those
jobs was because they seemed like a dead-end. I could see that he
would want me to work hard to learn since my job was so critical.
    "You are right. She said they treat the girls as if they were
    "I am glad you agree but you said you were bruised. Let me
see them."
    I turned my back and lifted the hem of my skirt to show my
    "Just take off the dress. I want to check your breasts too."
    I hesitated briefly then slid off the dress. He told me to
come closer so I backed up to him. He massaged my butt and pushed
at the bruises asking on each push if it hurt. When I told him it
didn't hurt he turned me around to face him and began doing the
same to my pussy except he spread the lips to look inside. I was
blushing and trembling when he got to my breasts which seemed to
swell as he massaged them and pulled on my nipples.
    "You are trembling. What is wrong?"
    "I am embarrassed to be so naked in front of you and I guess
it reminds me of being punished and scares me."
    Actually the trembling was because his action was getting me
excited in spite of my embarrassment.
    "That is unfortunate. I don't want you to feel you will be
punished every time you are nude. I want you to get over your
modesty. After all you will want to marry and your husband will
hate your modesty. Come over and sit on the edge of my desk in
front of me."
    When I had complied he had me put my feet on the arms of his
chair and lie back. Then he did the most incredible thing! He
leaned over and began to lick my clitoris. I had never heard of
such a thing. I had been a virgin till I met him but even my girl
friends who had made it with their boy-friends had never
mentioned this. It felt wonderful, twice as good as masturbation
and in no time my stomach was pulsating while I squeezed my
breasts and nipples, moaned and went into a fantastic orgasm. He
leaned back and I sat up to say, "Oh Sir. That was fantastic!
What do you call that?"
    He seemed surprised I didn't know as he answered, "It is
called cunnilingus. Have you ever performed fellatio?
    "No. What is it?"
    "It is much the same as I did for you in that you lick my
penis but also put it in your mouth and suck while moving your
tongue on it. Would you like to try it?"
    That seemed fair. After all he had given me fantastic orgasms
and I should repay him but it seemed slutty to offer to do it.
    "That sounds gross but I will do it if you tell me to."
    "No that is something a woman should offer to do just as I
did. It will be no good for me if I think I forced you to do it."
    It seemed the least I could do after all the pleasure he had
given me so I said softly, "I want to do fellatio on you."
    I don't think you are serious. You said it would be gross. I
will be convinced you want to if you say, 'I am willing to have
you give me five lashes with your belt on my breasts if I can
perform fellatio."
    I remembered that even the thick strap had not hurt too
badly. The belt might add to the excitement. with the slightest
hesitation, I said, "Yes please lash my breasts five times so I
can do fellatio. I really want to do it."
    He had me kneel in front of his chair with my hands on my
head while he took out his belt and wrapped it around his hand so
a little over a foot was hanging out. Then I felt a sharp sting
to the outside of my left breast and then to my right. Tears
sprang to my eyes but also excitement. Then he told me to take
hold of my nipples and pull my breasts apart so he could get to
the inner sides. He kept saying "Wider. Wider" till my nipples
had stretched as far as they would go then I felt the sharp
stings again as I panted with excitement. He had me turn sideways
again with my hands on my head. He aimed carefully then brought
it sharply against both nipples. This hurt a lot more but my mind
was taken off of it when he stood up to drop his pants and shorts
then sat back down on the edge of his chair. I had not really
paid that much attention to his penis when he had fucked me. It
seemed huge! The head reached above his navel and it was as thick
as my wrist.
    I gave it a tentative lick then led it into my mouth with my
hands. He must have kept it very clean because it did not taste
bad and I found the only bad part was when he pulled my head
forward till it hit the back of my throat and made me gag.I
followed his direction on using my tongue and keeping my teeth
away. I looked up at his face and I knew I was doing it right
from the smile on his face but then he began making faces until
he got this look of great pain suddenly his dick began to jump in
my mouth and I felt his cum going into my mouth and throat. It
was a little gross kind of like snot but it didn't taste bad so I
swallowed it. He kind of sighed after he came then smiled again.
I was pleased I had given him pleasure but at the same time I
kind of felt sorry for him since he had only one orgasm while I
had several. He seemed pleased, he kissed me and said we had
better get to work.
    I started to put on my dress but he said, "No! I want you to
get over your silly modesty. Leave it off and lock the outer
door. If someone comes you can hide in the conference room while
I answer it.
    I was amazed I could get any work done being nude. It was
hard to resist fondling myself. I went into his office several
times to have him sign letters or pick up more work. I found I
was not just getting used to being nude I gloried in it. I looked
at myself in mirrors at every opportunity.
    Later that afternoon I found I was typing with my right hand
while I fondled my pussy with my left. For some reason this
brought on a terrible feeling of guilt. I remembered that even
though I was alone in my apartment I never played with myself
until I was under covers in my bed and was only nude long enough
to shower. Then I remembered why I was modest. When I was about
nine a neighbor boy had wanted to play "Doctor." My mom had
caught us with me lying on a table naked for my "Examination."
She had called me a slut and gave me a terrible spanking with her
hairbrush that had left bruises for several days. If she thought
"Doctor" was so bad she would have killed me for what I had done
today. I put on my dress and went crying into his office.
    "Mr. Dumas I can't work for you anymore. I am turning into a
terrible pervert. I got excited by having my breasts spanked and
I am beginning to love being naked. I love this job but I am
afraid of what I am becoming, a slut and a pervert."
    "Now just a minute. I have anticipated this. It is obvious
you have been repressed by some trauma in your childhood. I have
already arranged to have a psychiatrist talk to you tomorrow
afternoon while I play golf. You may wear your dress till after
you have seen her and if you still want to quit you can. Now go
on home and get a good nights sleep."
    I had a lot of time to think and began to believe that I was
abnormally modest. I had always worn thick one-piece bathing
suits while my girl friends were in spandex bikinis. I also
remembered the girls spent a lot of time in the shower after phys
ed giggling and slapping each other's butts while I wore a robe
right to the shower door and took a very quick one or skipped the
shower altogether. Then I remembered that when the girls had
begun to talk about sex I had left and agreed with my mother to
not take sex education. I still felt guilty and wore flannel
pajamas to bed and made sure my hands stayed on top of the
    The next day Mr. Dumas made no comment about my dress
although straps were visible at my shoulders to indicate I was
wearing a bra and a slip. He was very business like and left at
eleven reminding me to get back from lunch by one as that was
when the psychiatrist would arrive.
    I got back about 12:30 which gave me some time to think. The
more I had thought about it the more convinced I became that my
actions prior to meeting Mr. Dumas were not normal. I began to
remember a lot of little incidents like the time I had a date to
a drive-in movie and huddled against the door while my girl-
friend in the back seat was kissing and everyone in the cars
around us were holding each other. then I knew why I remained
virgin. After a few dates where I avoided contact boys stopped
asking me out. that reminded me of something else. My girl-
friends parents often held each other and kissed goodbye. My
folks never showed any affection right up to the time Dad moved

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