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Review This Story || Author: Panther

Running Late

Part 1

Running Late

Running Late


                This was Michael’s big chance and it looked like he was going to blow it.  Why his boss picked him to make the trip to New York City was beyond him, and for him to give this major presentation that could possibly open up the whole east coast market…well it was just plain crazy.  It was known through the industry that the CEO of Playtime Toys was notorious for chewing up and spitting out salesmen, and now he stood, sample case in hand, without a clue as to where he was, and with only thirty minutes to get to the meeting.  He was so dead.

The morning started out fine as he left his hotel to snag a bite from a local eatery, the food was good and the waitress was cute, and he had fun flirting with her, but it was upon leaving the diner that things began to go south.  He had been about to hail a cab when he realized his wallet was missing, and with a panicked heart he raced back inside to look for it.  He scoured the booth but to no avail, even the cute waitress helped look, and yet they could turn up nothing.  Now without funds he would have to hoof it across town to the meeting, and he had to be there by 9:00 and it was already 8:30.

 With heavy sample case clutched in hand Michael began to jog down the busy streets of the Big Apple, and it was only after traveling several blocks that it finally came to him that in his panic he had forgotten that he had no idea where he was going.  Buildings towered on all sides closing in on him, his heart raced, and sweat beaded on his forehead.  “Shit, shit, shit!”  He exclaimed, as hordes of blasé New Yorkers passed him by, ignoring his outburst as only true New Yorkers could.

He needed a phone.  Of course he had no change on him so a phone booth was out, and so he would have to rely on the kindness of strangers…he was so screwed.  He was standing outside gym called “Body by Dianne” and he prayed they would let him use the phone.  A bell chimed as he opened the door and stepped into the gym.

“Good morning sir,” a beautiful blonde woman greeted him from behind a large oak receptionist desk.  “And how can we help you?”

“I need to use your phone, it’s an emergency,” he half declared half panted.

“I’m sorry sir, phones are for members only,” she replied with a pleasant smile.

“But this is an emergency,” he exclaimed as veins on his forehead began to pop out.

“Membership is $180 for three months,” the receptionist continued.  “And this includes two hours a week with a personal trainer.”

“But I don’t have any money on me, I’ve lost my bloody wallet and thus the emergency,” he cried.  “Just, for the love a God, let me use the phone and I’ll come back tomorrow and buy a six months membership!”

“I’m sorry sir, phones are for members only,” she repeated with the same pleasant smile.

Frustrated beyond belief Michael threw his sample case to the ground, and started kicking it across the room.  When it bounced off the wall the latch finally gave into the abuse, and all of its contents spilled out.   Jars of anal lube, fisting gloves, handcuffs, and ball gags spread across the floor like a cavalcade of kink, while dildos and vibrators of all shapes and sizes proceeded to roll and bounce their way across the room.

The receptionist looked down at the tide of toys, then back up into Michael’s eyes, and grinned a wolfish grin.  She leaned over and pressed the intercom, “Dianne, can you please come to reception,” she uttered while her grin just got bigger.

The door that presumably led into the gym opened and goddess stepped forth.  She stood easily six feet tall, her raven hair hung to her lower back in a long ponytail, and she was wearing a Lycra body suit that wonderfully showed off her excellent physique.  She was muscular, but not to the extent of being butch, and she moved like a jungle stalking it’s prey.  A certain part of Michael’s anatomy that was not worried about being fired stood to attention.

 “What is it Vicki, I was just…” the goddess began, but her words faded as she spotted the items strewn across the floor.

“Dianne, this man needs to use our phone but he is not a member,” Vicki the receptionist informed her boss.

“Really now, is that a fact?” Dianne asked with a grin that was a carbon copy of the one on the receptionist.  “I think we can come to some sort of arrangement.”  She made her way over to the street door, careful not to step on any of the toys, and locked.  She then closed the blinds, turned to face Michael, and proceeded to strip out of her body suit.  Behind the counter Vicki was quickly doing the same, and in seconds both women were totally nude.

“Um, um, um, um,” was all he could manage to get out as the two women approached him, and with practiced ease the pair divested Michael of his garments until he stood as naked as they did.

“You some kind of salesman?” Dianne asked, pointing at the plethora of playthings that littered the floor.

“Uh, k-k-kind of,” he stammered.  “I’m in town to show our new line of products to one of the biggest retail chains in America.  The meeting is at nine, but I ran into some problems, and so I wanted to phone them to tell them I had been delayed.”

“Give us a nice demo and you can use our phone, and I’ll drive you to the meeting myself,” Dianne offered.

Michael realized this is the part where a person would pinch themselves to see if they were dreaming, but if this was a dream he certainly didn’t want to woken out of it, so instead he jumped right in, “What can I interest you ladies in first?”

Dianne reached down and picked up a bright red ball gag, “Open up Vicki.”  The receptionist giggled once and then open her mouth wide so her boss could wedge the gag firmly in, and then tied it on tight.  She than turned to Michael, “Could you be a dear and hand me those handcuffs?”

“Right-o,” he answered and scurried over to where a pair of stainless steel cuffs had fallen, “By the way my name is Michael.”

“Please to meet you, Michael,” She said and gave him a radiant smile.  “Now cuff sweet Vicki’s hands behind her.”  He quickly did as he was asked, and then Dianne bent the young woman over the reception desk giving Michael a great view of the woman’s shaven pussy.  “Now the lube, and let’s not be stingy.”

Michael picked up a jar of anal lube and preceded to liberally apply it to Vicki’s anal opening, she gasped as he forced two fingers up her ass, and then sighed with pleasure as he forced them deeper.  Once all lubed he pulled his finger out, much to Vicki’s dismay, and turn to see what was next on Dianne’s agenda.  The mistress of the gym was slipping on a pair of fisting gloves and was looking ready for action.

“This may hurt a bit,” she said with twinkle in her eye, “Michael you best hold her still.”  He sprung in to action, ran around to the other side of the desk, and gripped the soon to be ravaged girls shoulders.  Dianne then picked up a rather large and nastily studded dildo, and rammed it up Vicki’s pussy.  The girl groaned at the intrusion, but even though that hole had not been lubed her own juices had been flowing long enough to make it ready for anything.  The thirteen-inch monster slowly made its way deep into the girl until only the end nub stuck out, and that’s when Dianne shoved her hand into her ass.  Vicki screamed around her gag as four fingers and a thumb were brutally shoved insider her tight ass.  Michael actually had to work had to hold the girl still as Dianne’s hand worked its way deeper and deeper into the now struggling girl.  Once the anal ring had closed around her wrist Dianne then formed a fist and pushed further in.  Pens, memos, and desk calendar went flying as the Vicki thrashed at the end of Dianne’s arm; it was all Michael could do to keep the girl from rolling off the desk.  Tears streamed down the girl’s face as part of Dianne’s forearm disappeared inside her.

“I can’t believe this,” Michael said as he watched Dianne piston her arm in and out of her employee’s ass.  Then as suddenly as it started it stopped as Dianne yanked her fist out of the girl.  No gag in the world was up to the task of suppressing the howl that escaped from poor pillaged girl.  Dianne then slid the now dripping wet dildo out, tossed it on the desk, and then systemically and coldly she removed the very stained fisting gloves.

Not being able to hold out any longer Michael took off Vicki’s gag, but before she could even catch a breath he rammed is cock straight down her throat.  While he was throat fucking her Dianne was rummaging around looking for a new toy, and came up with a nice cat-a-nine tails.  Michael would never have guessed how much added pleasure there was added to a blowjob when the giver is screaming around your meat, but he could barely contain himself when Dianne laid into Vicki’s soft ass cheeks with the whip, and soon himself ready to explode so he pulled out in time to shoot his load over that gorgeous face.

“Ah, crap!” Michael cried out as he looked up at the wall clock, it was five minutes to nine.  “I’ll never make it in time!”

“You worry too much,” Dianne said with a smile as she expertly un-cuffed Vicki.  “I’m sure we can find something that would make them think the wait was worth it.”

Michael looked down at the cum stained and smiling face of the receptionist who was using her now freed hands to help stuff his cum into her mouth.  “Well then let’s pack this shit up and get going,” Michael said with a leer as he hastily got back into his clothes.  “I  bet Mister Peterson will just love meeting you two.”

Review This Story || Author: Panther
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