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Review This Story || Author: Penelope Street

Professional Help

One Part Only

Professional Help

© 2004 by the author

Claudia hesitated as she read the white painted letters on the door: Dr. Henry Stuart, M.D., Ph.D. , and then the single word beneath that ricocheted throughout her brain: Psychiatrist . She wanted to reach for the handle, but her hand declined to move. For years she had suspected she might need professional help; her closest friends had echoed that opinion on more than one occasion. Now only one hand and one door stood between her and a chance for a normal life. She dropped her brow and her gaze- she did want a normal life, didn't she?

With a firm lip Claudia forced her treasonous fingers to the handle, threw the door wide, and strode into the office beyond. Marching to the receptionist's desk, she glanced at the nameplate before looking to the woman behind the desk. "Hello Jenny," she began, "I'm Claudia Burns. I believe I have an appointment for two o'clock but I'm meant to fill out some paperwork before then."

The receptionist flashed a civil smile. "Yes, ma'am," she replied, reaching for a clipboard and a pen. "If you'll please have a seat on the couch and fill these out. Dr. Stuart's one o'clock rescheduled, so he can see you as soon as you are finished."

Claudia nodded and accepted the clipboard. Muttering a token, "Thank you," she examined the paperwork on the way to the sofa. She gave a cursory look to the fine wood and upholstered furnishings as she took her seat, then began the monotonous task of filling out the short stack of forms.

A quarter-hour later, the patient returned to the receptionist.

"Finished?" Jenny inquired.

"Yes," Claudia acknowledged with a shallow nod, extending the hand bearing the clipboard.

"Ok, then," Jenny replied as she accepted the paperwork. "I'll give these to Dr. Stuart. Please have a seat."

Claudia returned to the sofa. Another fifteen minutes passed before the receptionist summoned her, "Mrs. Burns?"

Claudia rose. "It's Miss Burns."

Jenny flashed an innocent smile. "Oh, I beg your pardon Miss Burns. Dr. Stuart will see you now. Right through that door."

Claudia's confidence wavered again as she turned to face the mahogany panel that stood between her and the doctor. Am I really going to see a shrink? Am I really crazy? Only one way to find out , she concluded as she barged through the portal.

Henry Stuart eyed his incoming patient with some surprise. She was hardly the downtrodden, overweight, nearly middle-aged woman he had come to anticipate from reading her file. Indeed, she appeared to be in her mid-twenties, with a pleasant, almost innocent, face surrounded by full mane of dark, wavy hair. Her figure, though sporting a hint of softness, was still firm enough to do her trimly tailored business suit justice.

Claudia eyed the doctor with equal curiosity. He certainly did not look like a psychiatrist to her. The man was younger than she had expected; and tall and rather gangly as well, with a curly mop of dirty blonde hair. His coat didn't match his trousers and neither fit better than the other. He looked much more like Bob Dylan than Bob Newhart.

Henry stood and issued a civil smile. "Good afternoon, Miss Burns."

"Good afternoon, Doctor," she replied with a polite bob of her head.

"You prefer the chair, or the couch," Dr. Stuart inquired, motioning to both seats.

Claudia briefly examined the black leather sofa and the matching chair. "Isn't the couch the traditional place for the patient?"

"Yes, Miss Burns, but I believe in doing things because they work, not because everyone else does them. Perhaps that's one of the reasons I have been successful in curing every one of my patients."

"Every one?"

Henry flashed a lips-closed grin before affirming, "One hundred percent."

The woman smiled as she nodded. "I'll take the chair then. And do call me Claudia."

Henry did his best to imitate her grin as he picked up the clipboard. He strolled to his sofa and lay down, as if he was the patient. At once, Claudia felt somehow more secure and less intimidated- exactly the reaction the doctor had sought.

"Now," Henry began, "As I understand it, you've a history of being abused by your spouses. Correct?"

"Not exactly," Claudia replied. "You see, I am attracted to men who abuse me, that much is true. But I actually enjoy being abused." She shook her head in a slow, wobbly motion. "I don't know what's wrong with me."

"But you do want the pattern of abuse to stop?" the doctor pressed.

"Yes," Claudia replied. "I want to quit enjoying it."

"Why do you want to quit enjoying it?"

"Well," Claudia's brow fell as she paused. "I'm not supposed to like it, right? I mean there is something wrong with me; isn't there?"

"Ordinarily, one would think so," said Henry, "but wrong is often such a vague term. Perhaps we should look into why you enjoy the abuse and then perhaps we can discover how you might change your outlook."

Claudia issued another shallow nod. "Ok."

"Tell me about your parents," Dr. Stuart instructed. "Were they overly strict?"

Claudia quickly shook her head. "No. Quite the opposite. I can't remember either of them ever even yelling at me, much less laying a hand upon me. They spoiled me and doted on me in every way."

"You were well-off then?"

"Very much so," Claudia replied. "And they still help me out. Without them, I couldn't afford to be here."

"Were your parents overprotective?"


"And how did you respond to that?" the doctor inquired. "Especially during the teenage years."

"Oh, I was a rather bad teenager." Claudia paused to release a large sigh. "I tried smoking and drinking, and even took a drag on a marijuana cig once. And I had sex with three different men before I was twenty."

Henry tried, and failed, to suppress a grin. "Three partners before marriage might have qualified as promiscuous a generation ago during the Eisenhower administration, but it's hardly unusual today and a little ordinary teenage experimentation certainly doesn't make anyone a bad person. To hear you tell it, I would think you a fairly normal youngster."

"You wouldn't have thought so to listen to my parents," Claudia replied.

The doctor raised his brow. "Your parents yelled at you then?"

"No! But they scolded me just the same."

Henry set the clipboard on his chest and clasped his hands across his abdomen. "I see. Go on. Tell me more about how your parents reacted to your normal teenage rebellion and experimentation. Every detail you can recall."


"Yes. If your brain recorded it, it did so for a reason."

Claudia issued a thoughtful nod. She then continued to relate the history of her adolescence until the hands on her watch told her that the hour was at an end. "Do you think we got anywhere, Doctor?" she inquired as she was gathering her things. "I don't feel any different."

Henry stood and straightened his suit. "We shouldn't expect to make any real progress for several sessions. It takes at least that long to establish a rapport and begin to understand what makes you tick."

"Oh," Claudia smiled. "I know what makes me tick. That's the problem."

Dr. Stuart returned the smile. "Ok. We'll maybe focus a little more on that next time. Do make an appointment with the receptionist for next week."

"That long?" Claudia queried.

Henry nodded. "A week is typically a good amount of time between sessions. Allows us both to absorb and consider things, but isn't long enough for us to forget much."

"I see." Claudia replied softly. "Well, thank you, Doctor. See you next week."


Dr. Stuart passed the following week in a completely forgettable fashion. He entered the next meeting with Miss Burns as he had exited the previous one, confident that a simple self-esteem issue was the source of the dilemma. He figured he had but to make the lovely lady aware of her own worth and she would soon solve her own problems.

"Do you still prefer the chair?" Henry asked as his patient entered the office.

"Yes," said Claudia. "If you don't mind."

"Not at all," replied Dr. Stuart, reclining once again on the sofa. "I believe last time we discussed your relationship with your parents."

"That's correct."

"This time," Dr. Stuart began, "I'd like to focus on your first marriage. There have been two, correct?"

"Yes," replied Claudia. "Two."

"Tell me about the first one."

"Daniel was in the army," Claudia related. "He was quite a jerk, really. Treated me very respectably in public, but at home he was always slapping me and telling me how useless I was. And when he was drinking, which was often, well, then he was really mean."

"What attracted you to Daniel in the first place?"

"I don't know," Claudia admitted. "He was really nice to me at first. I can't really say why I was attracted to him. He didn't show his nasty streak until after we were married."

Dr. Stuart twitched his lips as he tried to digest what the young lady had really just said. "How long were you together?"

"Four years."

"Who terminated the relationship?"

"I did."

"Because he mistreated you when he was intoxicated?"

"No!" Claudia snapped. "Because he was always apologizing afterwards. He could never seem to get it through his head that I wasn't mad at him for what he did when he was drunk, or when he was sober- for that matter. And the sex was pretty lame."

"Why was the sex unsatisfactory?"

"Because he didn't excite me much when he was sober and he was never interested- or good- when he was drunk."

"I see," said Dr. Stuart. "And how did you feel about yourself."

"I felt fine," Claudia professed. "He was the messed up one. He needs two women, a pretty one for in public, and a spineless one for at home."

"And which of those women were you unwilling to be?"

Claudia paused. "Neither, I suppose. I could have been both and been very happy."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," Claudia explained, "that I'd have been perfectly content pretending to be a proper wife in public if he'd have only given me what I wanted in private."

"Sounds like he did just that; treated you nice in public and not so nice in private," Dr. Stuart noted. "So what didn't work for you about that situation?"

Claudia considered the question for the better part of a minute. "I guess it was that he didn't respect me for who I was."

"How did he not respect you?"

"By not understanding what I wanted," Claudia said. "And giving it to me freely. He just gave me what I wanted by coincidence; because he was an asshole. He didn't do it because he loved me."

Dr. Stuart raised his brow and blinked a couple times in succession, trying to fathom if his patient could possibly be as twisted as she seemed. "I see," he said at last, though it was something of a fib. "So then what? How long before you married again?"

"One hundred and sixteen days."

"One hundred and sixteen days?"


"I see," the doctor lied again, more confused than ever. "Ok. Tell me about your second husband."

"Oh, George was the perfect gentleman. He always treated me like a lady."

"And what attracted you to George?"

"Nothing," Claudia declared. "My friends all said he was such a good catch and I believed them. He probably would have been, for anyone else. In fact, he is; for someone else."

"So why did you leave George?"

"I didn't," said Claudia. "He left me for his cute little secretary."

"Were you angry about this betrayal?"

"No." Claudia sighed. "She was nice too, perfectly right for him. And very cute."

"So you didn't hate either one of them?"

"No," said Claudia. "I'm happy George found someone that could make him happy; and someone he could make happy."

"Did George cheat on you with the secretary?"

"Yes," Claudia replied. "And no."

"What do you mean?"

"He fucked her, yes," Claudia related. "But he told me about it first."

"So he asked your permission?"

"No," Claudia said. "He confessed he was attracted to her. I suggested he see if she felt the same way. And when she did, I told him I wanted him to have sex with her."

"You did?"



"I told myself that it was for their happiness," Claudia explained.

"Was it?"

"I'm not sure."

"What do you mean?"

"Well," Claudia sighed. "I had some silly fantasies about having sex with both of them."



"What did you hope would happen?"

"In my wildest fantasies," Claudia recalled, "I would serve both of them. I often masturbated while imagining I was licking her pussy while he fucked her. Or maybe her ass."

The woman paused a moment to adjust herself in the chair before continuing, "Yes, I would picture how she'd put her knees on the sofa, resting her arms on the back, you know, facing away from me. Then I'd kneel behind her and lick all of her. And she'd never even look back. She mustn't look back."

Henry squirmed. "I meant in the big scheme of things; what did you hope would happen? Did you expect that George having sex with this girl would somehow improve your relationship with him?"

"I don't know," Claudia admitted. "But she was cute, and I'd never been used by a girl." Her face followed her eyes fell to the floor. "Still haven't."

"Did you share your desires with George?"

Claudia smirked as she looked back to the doctor. "I always shared my desires with George. He was never interested in doing anything I wanted- and he was certain she wouldn't be either."

"How did this make you feel?"


"So, you suggested George and the secretary get together and they did?"


"So then what?"

"I gave him a quick divorce so he could be with her," Claudia declared. "You think he could have thanked me by giving me my fantasy for one night, wouldn't you?"

"That's not a very traditional way to say 'Thank you', is it?"

"I thought you weren't into tradition," Claudia noted.

"Not for it's own sake, no."

"What would you have done then, if you were in George's shoes?"

"This session is really about you," Dr. Stuart reminded his patient.

"Hey," Claudia started, "I'm the customer and the customer is always right. What would you have done if you were my husband?"

Henry released a long sigh through puckered lips. "I suppose, I wouldn't have married you in the first place if I wanted some prudish type instead."

"You're dodging the question," Claudia noted. "If you were my husband, what would you have done?"

"I'd have given you what you wanted," Dr. Stuart declared.

"Really?" Claudia queried. "Even if it was weird ?"

"That's what spouses are for, aren't they? Now tell me what happened after you and George split."

Claudia continued to discuss this and other relationships for the remainder of the session. The more she talked the more the good doctor was convinced the lady's troubles were deeper than he had ever imagined. Still, he found himself enthralled by her recollections of her rather seedy exploits. Soon he found himself using the clipboard to cover his groin lest his patient notice his growing excitement.

"I think our time is up," Miss Burns declared suddenly.

Dr. Stuart glanced at his watch. "Indeed it is," he noted as he stirred.

Claudia began to gather her things. "I still don't see as how we're getting anywhere."

"It always seems that way at first," the doctor related. "Don't despair."

"I was just hoping to see some little bit of progress," Claudia said.

"If you want to make a tangible change, perhaps you might consider wearing less makeup for our next session."


"Heavy makeup is sometimes a sign of self-doubt," Henry explained. "I think it might help if you feel comfortable about yourself the way you are."

Claudia tilted her head to one side, "But Doctor, I thought we were here to change the way I am?"

"Well," Henry began, "I was referring to your appearance."

"I don't have any problem with my appearance, Doctor."

"No," Henry replied quickly. "I didn't mean to imply that."

"If anything, I'm too pretty."


"Guys always want to put me on a pedestal and treat me like a goddess," Claudia related. "But that's never what I want."

"I see."

"Do you think I'm pretty?"

Dr. Stuart paused, unsure how best to answer the question in a professional manner. "Not particularly," he at last responded, knowing it was easily one of the three biggest lies he had ever told.

Much to Henry's surprise, Claudia smiled rather than frowned. "Thank you, Doctor. I'll wear less makeup for the next session. I don't see how it will help, but I don't expect it can hurt either."

"And make an appointment with the receptionist, please."

Claudia smiled. "I know the routine. And do lose the please , will you? It's so trite."

* * *

The next couple of sessions were indeed routine, as the good doctor continued to try and understand how someone apparently comfortable and happy with herself could so enjoy being mistreated. The more he heard, the more he began to wonder Miss Burns's case was beyond his capabilities. Henry had encountered such situations in the past, but this was different. Before he had been worried about professional image, his perfect record; this time he was concerned about his patient. Then, with some reluctance, he began to accept his feelings went beyond concern.

By the end of the first month, Claudia had reached a similar conclusion regarding their progress. "It still doesn't seem like we're really getting anywhere," she declared as their fifth session began.

"You may be right," Dr. Stuart admitted. "Rather than focusing on what may have triggered your desire to be dominated, perhaps we should simply explore the desire itself."

Claudia smiled through pressed lips as she nodded. "Ok."

"Why don't you tell me about your most exciting encounter," Dr. Stuart suggested. "Maybe if we can understand what it is you truly enjoy, then maybe we will learn why."

Claudia's smile broadened. She leaned forward in her chair, rubbing her palms against one another. "The most exciting encounter ever was just a few months ago. "I met this guy at a singles bar. We talked a while and I had maybe a little more to drink than I should and I told him what I liked.

"He was interested immediately. And so was I; he was very handsome. He offered to take me home and fulfill my every fantasy, and I gladly accepted.

"As soon as we got to his place, he began to call me all sorts of nasty names, you know: Bitch, Whore, Slut . It was like I was in heaven. Then he ripped my clothes off, not seeming to care that he ruined them. This thrilled me so much; I almost wet myself on the spot! He threw me to the ground by my hair and told me how worthless I was, but that he was going to teach me to be useful in spite of myself.

"He made me suck his cock until it was good and hard, and wet! Then he plowed it into my ass. I had been sodomized before, but never so cruelly. I mean, I always enjoyed it, but everyone else always went so slow, and they were always so careful. This time, I felt like I had truly been skewered. I thought he had really injured me. I cried out and he didn't even seem to care. It was so wonderful!

"Then he pulled out suddenly. He grabbed me by the hair and yanked me around, to where I was on my knees in front of him, bringing my face to his cock. Then he said, 'Look what a mess you've made of my cock! Lick it clean, you worthless whore!'

"I looked at his dick, and it really didn't look messy- but I knew where it had been- and he was about to make me suck it! It was so nasty, so vile, so debasing, so, so wonderful ! I know it sounds really gross now, even to me, but at the time I was very excited."

"I don't exactly see how he was forcing you to do anything?" Dr. Stuart interrupted.

"When a man gives me direction," Claudia explained, "and he sounds like he means it, well, I not only want to obey, I have to obey."


"Oh, yes!" Claudia said. "That's why I just knew I'd finally found the right man for me."

"Ok. What happened next?"

"Well," began Claudia, "I moved my mouth to follow his instructions and I got my first good whiff. It may not have looked messy, but it smelled bad enough. I knew it would taste even worse. I almost wet myself again." The young woman squirmed noticeably in her chair before she continued.

"Then," Claudia paused to sigh mightily. "My body betrayed me. I'm not sure if it was the smell or all the beer I had drank or maybe just the excitement, but I wretched. I puked, first on his cock and then his floor.

"At first I was distressed; but as soon as my heaves stopped I realized what a blessing in disguise this might be. Surely he would punish me for my misdeed! He might make me lick my vomit off his floor and then- well, who knows what. I was more excited than ever!"

Claudia shifted again in her chair. "Then, do you know what he said?"

"Hmmm," Henry mused. "How about 'You worthless excuse for a maggot turd! How dare you insult me like that?' I think that would have been appropriate- given the situation, of course."

Claudia's brows bounced upward as her eyes brightened. "Oh! That would have been good!" Then her shoulders slumped. "But he said. 'I'm sorry.' That's all; just a pathetic apology." She sighed. "And that completely ruined it all, don't you see? He had taken me to such heights and then, on the brink of what I always wanted, he let me come crashing down.

"Anyway, that's when I decided I needed professional help," Claudia concluded. "I'm tired of wanting something I can't have. I'd rather just not want it any more- even if it means being normal."

"Do you really want to be normal?"

"Shouldn't I?"

"That really is your decision."

"Everybody seems to think I should," Claudia noted.

"It's still your decision, not theirs. And everybody is occasionally wrong. You don't seem terribly unhappy with who you are."

"I'm not."

"Then why change at all?" Henry asked. "Have you ever considered simply accepting who you are?"

"Yes!" Claudia exclaimed. "I can accept it- but no one else seems willing to!"

The doctor sat upright on the sofa, his eyes to the floor. "Would you consider completing this session on Sunday?"

"Why Sunday?"

"I have an idea," Henry announced. "But I need to do a bit of research."

Claudia shrugged. "I suppose I can make it."

"Good," Dr. Stuart whispered with a nod. "Noon?"

"Sure," Claudia replied as she stood. "Not like I go to church." She picked up her purse and headed for the door.

Henry smiled. "Me neither." He quickly gathered the paperwork associated with Miss Burns's case and filed them, then picked up the phone and pressed the button for his receptionist. "Jenny?"

"Yes, Doctor."

"I'm ready for Mr. Hayes."

"Very good, sir," Jenny replied. "He's not here yet. Shall I send him in right away when he arrives."

"Yes," replied Henry. "Please do. By the way, do you have any additional appointments scheduled for Miss Burns?"

"No, sir," Jenny responded. "She didn't ask for one when she left. Shall I make one."

"No," said Dr. Stuart. "I think we've resolved her case."

"Very good, sir." Jenny replied.

I hope so , Henry thought as he placed the receiver back on the phone. He cast a glance to the chair where Claudia had recently been. He tilted his head as his eyes found a stain upon the seat.

Dr. Stuart walked to the chair and examined the damp spot. He put his fingers to the fabric and brought them quickly to his nose. At once, his eyes flew wide. He drew the finger away from his face and examined it as if it was a loaded gun. Closing his eyes, he brought the digit back to his nose. With deep deliberate breaths, he began to relish the musky aroma of feminine arousal.

* * *

Over the next several days, Henry Stuart conducted his research like a man possessed. In many ways, he was just that. He studied much harder than he ever had for any exam, for he well knew the test he was about to administer- and take- was far more important than any before.

* * *

"Hello?" Claudia called as she entered the dimly lit reception area at midday on Sunday.

"In here," a voice responded from the office beyond. Dr. Stuart appeared in the threshold a few seconds after his words had passed through it.

"I thought for a minute no one was here," Claudia said.

Henry walked to the exterior door and turned the key. The deadbolt lever swung into place with a substantial click. "No one else is," he announced as he turned to his patient. "Let's get started, shall we."

Dr. Stuart walked into his office and waited for Claudia to move for the chair. "No," he said as she started to sit. "You'll not be using the chair today."


"That's right," Henry declared. "Today you'll be on the carpet where you belong."


"Remove your clothes," Dr. Stuart ordered calmly.

Claudia tilted her head. "What?"

With an abrupt upward motion Henry brought an open palm to his patient's face, snapping her head sideways. "You will obey my commands the first time."

Claudia blinked her eyes in rapid succession as the tingling pain warmed her cheeks. As if by instinct, she fell to her knees, her fingers finding the buttons of her blouse even as she dropped. "Yes, Doctor."

Henry looked down upon the woman with a relieved gleam in his eye, knowing he had already passed the test. He continued to ogle as she disrobed, slowly revealing every inch of her succulent form. He felt his pulse race and his cock soon began to stiffen. "That's a good Cunt," he noted. "Do you like your new name, Cunt ?"

"I love my new name, Doctor." Claudia avowed as she squirmed out of the last of her clothing, dutifully placing the last garment on the floor beside her. Then she simply sat awaiting further instruction. But none came. She maintained her upward gaze as the doctor leered down upon her. After several seconds, the awkward silence got the better of her. "What do..."

At once, Henry brought his hand again to her cheek, a bit harder than the first time. "Stupid Cunt!" he barked harshly. "Who said you could speak?"

Claudia sighed with satisfaction as she once again felt the sting in her cheek. "No one, Doctor," she replied in a detached whisper.

"That's right," Henry affirmed. "Your mouth isn't for talking, is it?"

"No, Doctor."

"What is it for then?"

"Pleasing you, Doctor?"

"Right again," Henry noted. "Even an ugly little whore like you might look good with a dick sticking out of her mouth. Now get my cock out and start pleasing it."

"Yes, Doctor," Claudia replied, her hands already reaching for his zipper. With deliberate purposefulness, she opened the trousers as if she was unwrapping a gift. Pulling the loosened flaps aside, she brazenly reached into his boxers and freed his already rampant manhood.

Claudia released a long, satisfied sigh as she beheld his glistening rod. She smiled even more broadly as she saw it already leaking, oozing just for her. She nuzzled the length of the shaft once with her nose before retracing the same path with her tongue.

"Suck on my balls a bit first," Henry ordered.

"Yes, Doctor."

"Quit replying," Henry instructed. "Unless I ask you a question, you don't need to say anything. When I issue a command, you just do it."

Claudia moved her mouth down to the doctor's scrotum and accepted one of his testes between her lips. She rolled the precious orb within her mouth, nurturing and caressing, releasing whimpers of satisfaction as she beheld his warmth upon her tongue.

"There's nothing wrong with you, Cunt," Henry declared. "Nothing that a good master won't cure, anyway. Now that you've tasted my balls on the outside, are you ready to taste what's inside them?"

"Oh, yes, Master," Claudia begged in a haughty whisper.

"Not that it matters what you want, Cunt," Henry snorted. "Start sucking."

Claudia brought her tongue up her new master's cock along the underside of the shaft, then slipped her lips over the crown. Henry grunted as he felt her mouth envelope the end of his rod. She then began to nurture the head of his cock, cradling it between her tongue and the roof of her mouth.

Henry felt his balls already tingling in response to her efforts, but he didn't want the moment to end so quickly. "Stop!" he demanded.

Claudia froze, her eyes wide, her master's cock motionless between her lips.

"You call that sucking?" Henry roared. "That's pathetic. I'll die of old age before I cum if that's the best you can do. I guess if you want a job done right, you still have to do it yourself." With that, he doctor grasped the rear of Claudia's head with both hands and shoved his cock beyond her mouth and into her throat, triggering her gag reflex in a most audible fashion.

"That's right, Cunt!" Henry sneered. "If you can't suck a cock properly, you can at least choke on one properly." He paused for a moment, mesmerized by the sounds her throat involuntarily issued at the unfamiliar intrusion.

The doctor felt a surge of pity swell within him as he saw the discomfort registered in the woman's features. Reminding himself how she abhorred tenderness, he squelched his compassionate streak. "Hey Cunt!" he scolded. "I don't feel your tongue. If you want to serve me, you'll have to do much better than this!"

Claudia's eyes watered, but remained wide and bright as she began rubbing her tongue along the underside of the doctor's shaft. She continued to gaze longingly upward even as he continued to fuck her face. After less than a minute however Dr. Stuart felt his culmination once again begin to build. He released the grip on his patient's head.

"Now, Cunt," Henry instructed. "See if you can suck it right. You have two minutes to make me cum." He already knew it would take far less time than that.

Claudia resumed her efforts, once again caressing the crown of Henry's cock with her mouth, focusing on pleasing this most sensitive area. Her cheeks puffed, then shrank, in rapid succession as she drew upon her master's shaft.

"Yeah," Henry moaned. "Suck it good and hard, just like that. I'm about to give you a nice snack, but don't you dare eat it until I give you permission."

Claudia somehow managed a smile as her master's cock began to throb between her lips. Her eyelids fluttered and she emitted a low, "Mmmm," as the rhythmic streams of semen began to fill her mouth.

Henry looked down at the woman as she continued to suck, emitting sharp moans with each spurt, as if she was climaxing as well. "That's a good slut," he noted. "Oh, God, you are good. Keep it up, just like that."

Claudia did so, never releasing her master's cock or slowing her efforts. She allowed his slowly shrinking cock to slip from her lips only when he withdrew it. She continued to cast a yearning gaze up to her master, her cheeks puffed wide with the bounty they contained.

"Open wide," Henry demanded. "Show it to me."

Claudia threw her head back, laying it upon the doctor's black leather sofa. Her face pointed skyward, she proudly opened her mouth, exposing the creamy white substance that filled most of the interior.

"Swish it around with your tongue," Henry ordered. He smiled as he watched the woman comply. "Even you look good with a mouthful of sperm," he sneered. "But I think it's time for you to swallow. Do it. Eat my cum like a good little cunt."

Claudia closed her mouth and gulped. Her features were awash in contentment as the slimy substance began to slide down her throat, leaving but a sticky residue for her to savor. Henry looked into his patient's already wide eyes as they brightened still further at the exact moment her neck expanded, passing in one pulse what his cock had delivered in many. She then threw her mouth wide for his inspection, never breaking eye contact as she did so.

Henry turned away at once, fastening his trousers as he walked to his desk. "Get dressed and get out," he commanded without looking back. "Call me tomorrow evening at five-thirty. I must consider if you are worthy enough to ever serve me again."

Dr. Stuart stood stoically at his desk as Claudia dressed behind him. Not once did he even give her so much as a glance.

"Thank you, Doctor," she offered in a soft tone as she headed for the door.

Henry did not respond. Although he wanted desperately to turn around and say something or watch her sleek form depart, he knew well what a price a caring glance or a kind word might carry.

Only when he heard the click of the outer door unlocking did Henry dare to relax. Releasing a long breath, he returned to the couch, intent on lying down for a few moments before the drive home.

Henry had taken but two steps before he stopped, his gaze directed at the carpet where the young woman had knelt only minutes before. He walked to a dark spot almost the diameter of a basketball. He knew instantly what the stain must be.

Dr. Stuart dropped to his hands and knees. Putting his face to the floor, he breathed deeply, imagining the not-so-distant future when he would sample her flavor firsthand.

It was not the first time in her life that Claudia believed she had found the right man, but it was the first time she was correct. Dr. Stuart never did discover exactly why his wife enjoyed the things she did. After that Sunday though, he really never cared to know the reason.

Claudia Stuart never again let anyone tell her there was anything wrong with her; except Henry, of course. He derided her often, though always in private, yet no matter how caustic his words or harsh his tone, all she ever heard was, "I love you." Appropriately so, since that was exactly what he meant to say.

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